Agh! Percy!

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Authors Note

So I'll probably skip a year/a few years every chapter, sorry!

Annabeth's POV

     Percy was the cutest five year old EVER. The only problem? He asked way to many questions. Like yesterday he asked who his parents were. He called Piper 'Aunty Pipey', Jason 'Uncle Jasey', Hazel 'Aunty Hazy', Frank 'Uncle Franky', which he didn't like to much but he didn't tell him, Leo is, well, uncle Leo. I'm Aunty Annie, and Nico's Uncle Nicky. We haven't been able to contact Thalia for the past five years surprisingly, so when we opened the door and saw her we were surprised.

       "Thalia!" I screamed, crushing her in a hug.

        "Aunty Annie? Who dat?"  heard Percy ask shyly from my leg, clinging to it.

        "A kid?" Thalia asked, kneeling down to his level.

        "Yeah. It's- Actually, it's a long story. Let's go inside, we can catch up! It's been forever!" I led Thalia to the living room, where Nico sat on the couch, reading 'Stephen King's Bazar of Bad Dreams'.

        "Uncle Nicky!" Percy yelled, running over with short legs. "There's a strange person in my house!"

     Nico looked up from his book, frowning teasingly. "Your house?"

     "Yeah! My house! Strange lady!" He pointed at Thalia and Nico looked over his shoulder.

     "Oh hey Thalia. Been a while." He greeted.

     "Been a while Death Breath." Thalia nodded with a smirk on her face.

     "Thalia!" I heard someone squeal in a high pitch voice. I looked over, surprised to see Jason. 

     "Hey Jase, been a-" She didn't finish before she was crushed in another hug.

     "Uncle Jasey? Who's she?" Little Percy asked.

      "SHe's a friends buddy. C'mere." Jason picked up Percy, putting him on his shoulder.

       "Weee!" He giggled, putting his hands up like he was on a roller coaster. I snickered behind my hands. When he got his memory back he was going to be so embarrassed, and I can't wait.

       We plan to take him to Camp Half-Blood when he's ten, because no one knows he's alive except us, obviously. "Seriously, what's up with the kid? Why's he calling everyone Aunty or Uncle?" Thalia asked.

     "Name?" Percy asked, pointing to Thalia.

     "My name is Thalia." She said slowly.

     "Aunty Thals!" Percy yelled. Thalia raised an eyebrow at him.

     "Uh... Hey there."

     "He was naming you. He does it to everyone, don't worry." I told her, waving it off.

     "He's very... Enthusiastic." Thalia noted.

      "And he's going to fall if he doesn't stop moving!" Jason warned the squirming Percy, who suddenly shreiked and wrapped his arms around Jason's face.

     "Nico, can you take him for a while?" Jason asked, holding onto Percy's arms.

     "Oh no, I did that Yesterday. It's Annabeth's day." He said, raising his hands in the air.

     "I can take him. You wanna come with me?" I asked Percy.

     "No! I want Uncle Nicky!" Percy shouted.

     "He want's you Nico!" Jason sang, pulling Percy off his shoulders, walking over to Nico and putting him in his lap.

      "Hi Uncle Nicky!" Percy giggled in Nico's face. Nico closed his eyes and bashed his head into his book, making the three of us giggle.

     "Be nice! He'll probably remember all this, Uncle Nicky"I taunted. He groaned and forced a smile at Percy, who grinned widely and sat in his lap.

     Nico held his arms around Percy with his book to the side a bit so he could read. "Why are the letters floating around?" Percy asked, tilting his head to the side and squinting at the book.

     "Is he a-" I covered her mouth and dragged her upstairs to my room, shutting the door.

     "We've been trying to get ahold of you for the past five years! Where were you!?" I exclaimed.

     "Probably busy. The hunt's been active twenty four/seven for some reason. What's the deal with that kid?" She asked.

     "So the gods found a loophole." I told her in a hushed tone. "That's Percy. When he's eighteen, he gets his memory back." 

     Her eyes widened to the size of plates. Okay, that may be a exaggeration, but they were really wide. "You're not kidding me, right?" She asked. I shook my head no.

     She bolted downstairs, her footsteps thudding down the stairs. By the time I caught up, Thalia was inspecting an unconfortable Percy. "Uh... Aunty Thals? What are you doing?" He asked nervously.

      "Exactly alike..." She muttered.

       "Like who Aunty Thals?" He asked, tilted his head to the side.

       "No one. An old friend, I guess. Is he going to school?" She asked.

        "We're getting a house outside of Camp Jupiter so he can go." I told her. It was really nice, and right Next to Camp Half Blood. And Sally, who had no idea that Percy's alive. Well, in his own way.

     "Does Sally know? Camp Half Blood?" Thalia asked.

      "Nope. When he's ten we're telling Camp Half-Blood, and we're telling Sally the day before he stars school, which is in three days." I  told her. She nodded, smiling at Percy.

        "He's so tiny!" She picked him up and he squealed, letting out a high pitched giggle.

     I heard the door crash open and someone run in. I jumped up, but then saw it was another hunter. "Thalia, what are you doing with that... Male child?" She asked in disgust.

     "Can you keep a secret?" Thalia asked, setting Percy on her shoulders. She nodded tentatively.

     "It's Percy. The gods found a way to keep him alive. When he's eighteen, he's going to get his memory back." I silently cursed myself for letting her say that.

     "Keep me alive? Gods? Memory back? What's that mean Aunty Annie?" He asked, obviously confused.

     "She's playing a game honey. C'mon, let's take you upstairs. I think Piper wanted you today." He shrugged and slid off of Thalia's back and skipped over to me, taking my hand, which was above his head.

     I lead him to Piper and Jason's room. When I opened the door they were laughing and sitting on the edge of their bed. "Hey Annie, what's up?" Piper asked when she noticed me.

    "Percy needs to be watched." I told her, gesturing to the little kid at my side.

     "I do not need to be watched! I'm mach... Mat... Mature!" He shouted, fumbling on how to say 'Mature.' I laughed and knelt down to his level.

     "I know you don't, but it's to make me feel better okay?" I told him.

     "You sick?" He asked, frowning.

      "No Perce, it will assure me, allows me to know you're not going to get hurt." I explained.

       "Sick?" He repeated. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

       "I'm fine, just stay here with Aunty Piper and Uncle Jase okay?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me. I smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Percy's POV (Surprise!)

     Something's up, and I know it. "What is she doing?" I asked, walking over to Jason and looking up. Yeah I knew their names, I just can't SAY them. It's annoying.

       "She's meeting with Thalia, her old friend." He told me, picking me up so I was in his lap.

       "She looked sick. Pale." I told her.

       "C'mon Kelp Head, don't think to much into it." Piper told me. Kelp Head? Why does that feel familiar?

       I looked at her curiously and she blushed. "Sorry. Someone I used to know that looked like you I called that."

       I blinked once, and it's like a veil over my life came off. I furrowed my TINY eyebrows in confusion. I died, I remember that. I crashed into the ground and died. But why am I five?

       I looked at my hands, and sure enough they were small and slightly chubby. "Buddy? You okay?" Jason asked. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

     "How the hell am I five?!" I yelped. To say he looked shocked was an understatement.

     "Uh... What do you mean? You grew up and-" He looked super nervous.

     "Jason. The truth. I died, but now I'm five. Explain." I commanded. He gulped nervously.

     "ANNABETH! THALIA! NICO! HAZEL! FRANK! EMERGENCY MEETING!" he screamed and I covered my ears.

     "What the hell dude?! Couldn't you just walk downstairs!?" I asked, rubbing my ears.

     "Uh..." The door crashed open and they all ran in.

     "WHAT HAPPENED TO PERCY?!" They all yelled in unison. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow.

     "Oh thank goodness!" Annabeth held a hand over her heart, taking a deep breath.

     "There is a problem though." I told her, raising an eyebrow. 

     "What is it?" She asked, clearly confused.

     "WHY. THE. HELL. AM. I. FIVE!?" I screamed. They blinked and did a double take.

     "Because you grew up? And why are you swearing? Nico, what did you do?" Annabeth asked with sigh.

     "No no no, I know I grew up!" I groaned, annoyed. "I mean why am I alive!?"

     "Uh... Your heart, lungs, brain, that stuff?" Thalia asked. "I don't know."

     I face palmed, shaking my head. "Oh my god you guys! You just! Ack!" I didn't realize I had started pacing until I fell on my face onto the floor, falling off Jason's lap.

     "Shoot. That hurt." I groaned, holding my nose as I sat up.

     "Oh my god Percy are you okay!?" Annabeth yelped, running over to me.

     "Annabeth! I'm fine! It was a two foot drop!" I yelled, holding my hands in front of me. She froze on the spot.

     "Oh no no no! You aren't.... No! Shoot! This is not good!" She started pacing herself, while the others still looked confused.

      "GUYS! Earth to Nico, Frank, Hazel and Thalia! I remember dying you idiots!"

      "Percy calling someone an idiot." Jason mused. "Ironic."

      "Shut up!" I snapped. He held his hands up in surrender.

      "Someone's gonna have a tantrum." Nico warned in teasing voice.

       "I'm not! I'm just confused and frustrated! I died! I'm supposed to be dead! Yet I'm somehow alive and FIVE!" I yelled.

        "Not good." Someone agreed from behind me. I jumped and spun around, only to see all fourteen Olympians.


     "Loophole. If they raised you from a child and you got your memory back when you were eighteen, it wasn't considered bring someone back from the dead." My dad told me, looking sad.

      "So... You literally brought me back from the dead, but in a legal way?" I asked, trying to figure this out. "Who thought of that? Who went through with it?"

       "Athena found the loophole. Everyone agreed, so we went through with the plan." Zeus said.

       "So... I've been raised by my friends, only I've been a toddler. I'm a bit freaked out." I told them honestly.

       "And you aren't going to remember this. If we take your memory of this the thing should still go through. Now, bye." Zeus snapped his fingers and the last thing I see is the gods faces hovering over me, then black.

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