Chapter Four (Finally, Sorry!!!!!)

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Annabeth's POV (Okay, the time's going to skip around a lot, okay? So brace yourselves for Percy's age XD)

       I couldn't believe it. Percy was already ten. At he same time, it went by agonizingly slow. I wanted my Seaweed Brain back. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to see Sally and knew nothing about her being his mom. It also went slow because of how Percy acted. He wasn't a bad kid, not by a longshot. I helped him with his schoolwork, and some of the teachers were demigods, so he got decent grades. He was passing at least. But he was almost... Depressed all the time.

       He comes home, says hi to us all, and goes up in his room and doesn't come down until dinner is ready, then he goes back up. If he's told to socialize he's really quiet and uses headphones while the "adults" talk. Today was a little different. He walked in the door and I smiled at him. 

       "Hey Percy, how was school?" I asked.

       "Terrible." He muttered, tossing his bag onto the counter. I frowned. He usually said good.

        "How so?" I asked. He plopped down into a seat next to me and fiddled with his hands, which were resting on the table.

       "Today we had to write something about our parents." He eventually started. "Who the heck are my parents?" He looked over at me. "All of you guys... You're not my parents. I know that."

       I frowned. "You haven't met your mom yet." I explained slowly. "She's very busy."

       He stood, scowling slightly. "Just as I thought." He muttered.

       "Just as you thought what?" I asked, standing up after him and following behind him. I didn't want him to pick up Nico's traits.

       He didn't answer, but I continued to follow him until he got outside of his room. "Thought what Percy?" I asked again. He simply stood in his bedroom and glared at me, which startled me.

       "You know." Then, he slammed the door in my face.

       *timeskip, one month later*

       Percy's POV (surprise!)

       I walked into my house after school, and as usual, Annabeth was sitting at the counter. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asked softly. She looked worried, which wasn't like her. At all. 

        "Fine." I grumbled. "I got Algebra for you."

        She chuckled a little bit. "You know, you're a Seaweed Brain sometimes."

        I felt like I was hit with a truck. Memories crammed into my brain, thoughts overlapping and creating odd one over another memories. I stumbled back in surprise and grabbed the sides of my head. "Percy!?" Annabeth exclaimed. "Oh gods, Percy, are you okay!?"

       I let out a low groan and squeezed my eyes shut. Gods. Annabeth. The seven. Ghost King. Sparky. Beauty Queen. Super Sized McShizzle man. Random things popped into my memory, not making sense. Wise Girl, Argo II. Then a last memory popped into my head and everything clicked.


       Hecate swung her hand over my face, my eighteen year old, dead face. Wounds covered my body, my skin was pale and gaunt. "Do all fourteen major gods agree to this ritual?" She asked, looking around. Everyone nodded.

       "Then Perseus Achilles Jackson shall be reborn as an infant. He shall not have any memory of his prior life until he turns eighteen, and the others will not age until the process is complete. If he remembers his past life, the entire thing, including himself may be destroyed, and we shall suffer the consequences of the Fates themselves." Hecate warned.

        When there were no objections, Hecate waved her hand over my limp body. I was bathed in a golden glow, then the scenery changed.I was standing in front of Annabeth, my girlfriend in my past life, who was looking worried.

        "I-I'm fine." I stuttered. "I-I-I'm g-going to my room." I bolted up the stairs and slammed the door to my room shut. A few moments later, I heard a knocking.

         "Hey Perce, it's Nico. You alright?" He asked. 

         "I... I-I yeah." I stammered out. "Um, Nico?"

         "Yeah?" He asked.

        "I can trust you, right?" I asked. "You can't tell anyone else."

        He hesitated. "Yeah, you can trust me."

        "Come in." I sat down on the edge of my bed and Nico walked in.

        I pointed to the door. "Close."

        He closed the door and sat across from me in a wheelie chair. "What's up?" He asked. "I'm warning you though, I'm probably not the best person to-"

         "Confide to?" I asked, finishing his sentence. He nodded and I sighed. "I know."

        He frowned. "Ouch. Agreeing to my social awkwardness. Kind Perce, real kind."

         "I know you aren't but you're in here none the less, aren't you?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow but nodded, leaning forward in his seat a little. 

         "Okay. I'm listening." 

         "So, you sure you won't tell a soul? Because this could cost many lives." I warned. 

         "Erm... Yeah." He said, nodding slightly. 

         "Good." I sighed and leaned against the wall, still sitting on my bed. "Nico, man I remember. Annabeth called me Seaweed brain and... It all just came back."

        Nico choked on air and I frowned at him. "Dude, don't choke."

        He held up an finger and coughed for a little bit. "Holy shit dude." he muttered.

        "I know right? You know how AWKWARD it is to know I've been calling my friends 'Aunt; and 'Uncle' my entire second life?" I asked, and he cracked a smile.

         "Not my idea. It was Leo's idea of a prank, he called himself Uncle Leo once and you kind of applied it to everyone."

        I shook my head. "Young kids minds are weird. Like... Ugh. It's weird. But it's funny, because I've had six years of tutoring in my first life and pretty much my entire life, which is sixteen years of being taught by Annabeth, I know how to do my math homework now!"

        Nico full out laughed. "You can shock her so bad."

        I suddenly groaned. "I still have to call everyone the nickname I gave them or else they'll find ooouuuttt!" I whined.

         Nico tried to stifle a snicker. "Good luck with that. You're probably going to slip up and call Annabeth 'Wise Girl' or Jason 'bro' or something like that."

         "Probably. Or hon, I called Annabeth that a lot too." I said with a groan.

         "Well, I'm glad you confided with me on this." Nico said, nodding to me. 

         I shrugged. "You never really talk, so I trust you. Plus, I think our rocky past is behind us." 

        Nico laughed and stuck out his hand. "Your secret is safe with me."

        "Thanks..." I tried to form the words. "Uncle Neeks." It came out so awkward and tense both of us cracked up and didn't stop for a long time.

Authors Note

       I can't update this story for months but I wrote this chapter in under half an hour? That's how it works with me, I guess. 

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