The Battle

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3rd Person POV


     It's the middle of the battle against Gaea. The Romans have combined forces with the Greeks and are fighting side by side, annihilating everything. "Hazel!" Percy yelled. He deflected a dagger directed at Hazels face with Riptide. She barely managed a thanks before he continued to fight.

     Percy fought like a demon, slicing and stabbing with precision at amazing speeds that even impressed the gods. But that wasn't enough for what was about to come. He fought by Annabeth's side for a while, helping to thin out the hordes of monsters that surged in endlessly until he was satisfied with his work. Then he moved on to Gaea.

     He walked calmly through the battlefield, killing anything that dared to come near him instantly, until he found Gaea watching him. He charged and went to stab her in the stomach, but found his blade blocked. It flew off course, then found its way back to attempt to slice her arm. He managed to get a small nick, but it just healed over. "She's on the ground Seaweed Brain!" He heard Annabeth yell over the battlefield. He mentally cursed himself and started to surround them both in a bubble of water. Gaea's dirt form turned to mud and her attacks grew sluggish, but she was still quick. He focused on lifted the water off the ground, taking both him and Gaea above the battlefield.

     Down bellow, the battle was going horribly. If you were on Gaea's side, that is. The demigods were annihilating anything that got near them, and no one has gotten any fatal injuries. Percy turned his attention back to Gaea when she swung her stone sword. He blocked with Riptide and their blades formed an X, each fighting for dominance. While Percy was strong from all of his training and near-death experiences, Gaea was still stronger. She shoved her blade down and while Percy didn't let go, it twisted his wrist. He shook it off and realized the battle bellow had mostly ended, and most were either watching them or healing minor injuries on campers.

      Gaea swung at his neck, but he blocked and twisted her sword with the disarming maneuver. However, she somehow avoided it and disarmed Percy instead. Unarmed, Percy had no ideas. They were suspended forty feet in the air and he was weaponless. Gaea kept swinging wildly at him while he dodged, unable to grab his weapon. He glanced down and saw everyone's horrified and frightened expressions. He only had one option left, and it was risky for sure. He took a shaky breath and smirked at Gaea. "You ready to die, Dirt Face?" He taunted. Without her knowing, he had slowly been raising the water orb feet at a time. She simply sneered at him.

        "You have no way of killing me, boy. I will destroy you all! Wreck hav-" She didn't get to finish before thy plummeted. Percy had gotten them above the camp borders, meaning they were almost a hundred feet in the air.

       They quickly gained speed and Gaea's screams were barely audible over the terrified screams of the campers bellow. Percy ignored it and willed the orb to go faster and faster, until they were twenty feet from the ground. He smiled sadly at the campers before the orb plummeted into the ground, and Percy's world went black.

Annabeth's POV

     I screamed, as well as almost everyone at camp as the orb crashed into the ground. It hit the ground with suck force, it's landed resembled that of a comet. There was a large boom and an the ground shook, a wall of air pushing them back a few steps. Then everything was silent, and no one moved. She wanted Percy to pop up and yell 'I'm not dead!' Or something stupid like that, like he always did. But she knew he wasn't going too. If that blow killed a primordial, Percy had no chance.

     Then the seven, Nico, Thalia and Will bolted for the crater created simultaneously. We jumped into the crater and immediately saw Percy, laying limply on the dirt. I ran over ahead of the others and dropped to my knees, checking for a pulse. There was one, but it was faint. "Wise-" He started to talk but he started to cough violently.

        "C'mon Seaweed Brain, don't die on me!" I pleaded, though I know it wasn't his or my choice. He was covered in dirt, mud and blood, and many cuts littered his body. His clothes were in shreds, his eyes dim.

         "Wisegirl..." He croaked. "All of you... Don't grieve over me, okay?" He coughed again and I felt tears streaming down my face.

     "Don't talk like that! You're-" My voice cracked, my throat sore. "You're gonna make it!"

     "Don't be like that Annie." He told me softly. "We both know I'm not. Just.. I love you, okay? Don't go mourning about me all your life, we'll meet in Elysium." His breath was started to become even quieter, more sluggish.

         I grabbed his hand and held it to my face, crying silently. I eventually nodded and he smiled weakly. Then his eyes seemed to unfocused and his head fell limp, his hand falling into my lap.

End of Flashback

     I remember crying and screaming into his chest, and being dragged away by Jason and Piper. That was two years ago. We all have partial immortality, and we've all kept our promises. We all live in a mansion in Camp Jupiter and some go to college. Leo's going for engineering (Go figure), Hazel's going for a masters degree so she can be a teacher, Piper's going for a in fashion (Her mother insisted), and I'm going for a degree in architecture and math, because why not? Piper, Jason and Frank are teaching campers how to fight, Thalia's still in the hunt, and Nico's just living with us not really doing anything. When Percy... Left, Nico and I took the hardest hit.

     We all just got home and were in the living room, except for Nico, who was in his room as always, and Thalia, who was off with Artemis. We were watching a movie, but the topic somehow strayed off to Leo being stronger than Jason or whatever. They were about to arm wrestle but the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Hazel offered, jumping up from her seat on the couch. "Don't start without me!" She ran to the font door and there was an awkward silence for a while.

     "So... Who do you think's gonna win?" Frank asked, gesturing towards Leo and Jason.

     "Jason." Everyone chorused. Everyone laughed but Leo, who huffed.

     "Oh, do any of you know Leo's full name?" Piper asked.

      "Leo isn't his real name?! Why did you tell me!?" Jason yelled, looking at Leo, who was pale.

      "Piper!" He yelped.

       "What?" She asked innocently. Just then Hazel walked in the room carrying a... Baby? And a note?

      "Uh, these were at the doorstep..." He said nervously. Piper jumped up and ran over immediately, plucking the baby from Hazel's arms and cradling it in her arms while making weird noises.

       Hazel raised an eyebrow but opened the letter none the less and pulled out a note. "Dear demigods. We have found a loophole in bringing people back from the dead. This here is... Percy?!" Hazel read aloud. I leaped over the back of the couch and grabbed the note from Hazel's hands and continued to read.

      "He will not remember anything about his past life until he is eighteen. He will look and act the same, only without finding out he's a demigod..." I looked up at the others with wide eyes, who also had wide eyes.

      "Wait, you're telling me that this guy here-" Piper motioned to the bundle in her arms. "-Is THE Perseus Jackson?" I nodded meekly. Everyone was silent for a second, then the others jumped up at the same time and ran towards him to get a look.

     "Oh my word he's soooo cute!" Leo squealed, which got weird looks from everyone. He simply shrugged.

     After a few minutes Piper spoke up. "Hold up guys, don't you think Annabeth should get a look?" It was true, I hadn't seen him yet and I was getting slightly impatient. They laughed sheepishly and Piper handed him over to me.

       He looked exactly like Percy, no joke. Same jet black hair, even his baby smile was mischievous. His eyes were extremely large and bright green, much brighter than they were the day he left. I knew I had a large smile on my face, yet felt a single tear fall down my face. I hefted him in one arm and read the rest of the note. "P.S, He's not a normal kid, so you don't have to change or train him, props to Hera for that one. P.P.S, we got all your reactions on camera!" I laughed out loud and the baby Percy let out a little baby babble. I laughed again, and this time so did everyone else.

     "So... We need stuff. Oh! We need to tell Nico! We should prank him with it!" Hazel squealed, jumping up and down.

       "Oh, I'm totally down how though?" I asked.

        "Hm... We could just hand him to him and run off." Frank offered. I snapped and pointing to him.

     "Bingo! Let's go!" I looked down at Percy who was still babbling quietly and smiled, then we ran up the stairs as quiet as possible to Nico's room.

       I knocked on the door softly and motioned for Hazel to go in. She nodded and grabbed Percy, holding her so she was hidden from view. "Nico? Can I come in?" She called.

      "Whatever." I heard him call through the door. I made sure I could see but was hidden from view, as well as the others.

     She went in and he didn't notice him. "Hey, what's up?" He asked. Hazel smiled innocently.

     "I just thought you could use some cheering up, you know." She said casually, slowly drawing nearer until she got a foot in front of him.

     "Uh.. What?" We all stifled laughter from the doorway.

      "And you know-" Hazel continued, ignoring his question. She then yelled "Babies make you happy!" She thrusted baby Percy at Nico and ran out of the door, slamming it. We all burst out laughing, rolling on the ground with cramping sides until it was opened by Nico, who was holding Percy in one arm while raising an eyebrow at us.

     "Where in hell did you get a baby?" He asked.

     "We didn't get him from hell, he's a gift from the gods." I said between giggles. Man this was so unlike me.

       "Anyone care to emphasize!?" He asked loudly.

        "So the gods just found a loophole in the system, right? And this-" I motioned towards Percy. "Is Percy. We have to raise him until he's eighteen, then all his memories will come back!"

     Nico looked at me, then Percy. Then me. "This... Thing, is Percy? Percy Jackson? The guy who died two years ago?" He asked.

     "Yep." Hazel confirmed. Nico groaned.

      "So we have to take care of a CHILD PERCY who probably had MORE ENERGY then NORMAL Percy all while keeping him from knowing about Demigods until he's EIGHTEEN!?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

       "Correct! Then he'll get his memories back! I mean, it can't be too hard right? Look at him! He's so adorable!" Piper cooed.

     "Watch it Piper, Annabeth's gonna get jealous." Leo joked.

     "Shut up!" We yelled simultaneously and hit Leo in the head. He simply laughed.

      "So you're not joking?" Nico asked, looking at the child again.

      "I wouldn't joke on a matter over Percy Nico, and you know that." I told him. He just stepped inside his room and shut the door. I looked at the others, who shrugged.

      We went back downstairs and continued our movie, the Hunger Games Catching Fire (You know who suggested that) until it ended, then went back up to check on Nico. I opened the door slowly and saw what I did not expect to see.

      Nico was sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall, staring down at Percy while he cradled him in his arms. "Whatchu doin?" I asked. He jumped up, wide eyes.

       "N-Nothing!" He stammered, hiding something behind his back. I raised an eyebrow at him but he just smiled nervously.

       "Can I?" I asked, slowly walking towards him. He nodded and handed me Percy, still hiding whatever it was behind his back. There was a flash and we all covered out eyes, me covering Percy's.

    "Alright!" I heard a perky voice say. "I got a delivery for the Camp Jupiter mansion!" I opened my eyes and saw Hermes holding a notepad and pen, his Caduceus in the crook of his arm.

     "Uh... What?" Piper asked.

     "Baby stuff, for your little Percy here." Hermes said, gesturing in Percy's direction.

     "Are you sure this isn't a prank?" I asked warily.

      "Listen kid, none of us wanted the kid to die, so when Athena discovered the loophole we immediately jumped into play. We wouldn't kid around with this kind of thing." He assured me. I nodded weakly, stunned the gods actually cared for one of their half mortal relatives.

     "I- Thanks Hermes." I told him. He smiled at me and snapped his fingers. He disappeared, but in him place was a bunch of blue baby stuff, even blue baby food!

     I picked up a jar, smiling. I think this was going to be a fun eighteen years. Stressful? Heck yes. Worth it? HELL yes.

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