First Mission

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     Percy's POV

     I had mastered all of my skills in the last six months. Nightmare Travel was really easy and I could use it repeatedly without getting tired, and I still had my powers over water. I headed to Thanatos' 'office.' It was really just a room where he hung out when he had spare time, but he called it his office so he could sound professional.

       We had gotten closer over the six months, as friends. I would never date the god of Death, plus I'm not into him. At all. Nope.

     I opened the door to his 'office' and saw him sitting in a chair with wheels on it. "Hey Perce." He smiled at me and I smiled back, plopping down in a beanbag chair.

     "So, two things." He told me. 

     "Yeeesss?" I asked, hoping it was what I was hoping. I may have mastered all my skills, but to be able to collect souls I have to get his blessing. I mentally crossed every body part I could.

     "One, I know what you are asking for. And yes, today you get your first soul harvest." He told me.

     "Yes!" I yell. I felt bad about it at first, but then Thanatos explained what he thought of it. 'We aren't killing them, they are already dead. We are just bringing there souls to the underworld so they can go through judgment. So we're helping them.'

      "Two, you know that means getting my blessing." He added.

      "Yes Sir." I saluted him and he rolled his eyes.

      "Don't call me sir and get your ass over here." He commanded.

      "Yes Sir!" I yelled, jumping up with a smirk as he rolled his eyes at me again.

      He walked over and placed his hand on my forehead. "I, Thanatos, hereby give my blessing to Perseus Jackson." he muttered with his eyes closed, then muttered something in another language I didn't understand.

     He pulled his hand away. "There you go. Now I'm going with you to make sure you don't screw up." He told me.

      "I will not screw up. All I do is take the soul's hand and nightmare travel them to the Underworld, then leave them." I told him, crossing my arms.

     "Fine. I shall watch through a screen." Thanatos said, siting back down in his chair.

     "Here's the address and name." He said, handing a piece of paper to me. I grabbed it and read it aloud.

     "Camp Half Blood, Julie Kifrue, daughter of Irene. Wait, you want me to go to camp half blood?" I asked.

      "Yes Percy. There has just been a small attack. A larger one is going to happen in a few months." He told me. I couldn't help but feel worried.

      "Alright. I'll go." I nightmare traveled into the shadows of the infirmary where Will was frantically trying to heal her, but she had been stabbed through the stomach with a sword. I can chose to be invisible or slightly transparent. None of them would recognize me, since I'm in my 'Hotter Form.' That's what Thanatos and I call it, then burst into laughter every time.

      I was wearing the same outfit as I did the first day I changed. I walked out, slightly transparent. I walked up the girl, Julie. Will jumped when he saw me. "Who are you!?" He yelped.

      "I'm a helper of Thanatos. He has sent me to retrieve her." I told him.

       "So... she's dead?" Will asked. I nodded. I grabbed her hand, but it went right through her real hand and grabbed her soul's hand. I pulled her up, helping her off the cot. She looked at me with understanding and smiled at Will, who sadly smiled back.

    "Bye Will." She whispered, then I nightmare traveled her to the long line of judgment.

      "Any questions?" I asked her.

     "No, thanks." She smiled at me and I nodded, shadow traveling back to Thanatos.

     "How'd I do?" I asked.

      "Pretty good, actually." He admitted. "You seem to give off a calming aura, unlike me. People usually scream."

     "That's because they know you as the person who takes' peoples lives, when in reality they're already dead." I reminded him.

     "Right." He said with a smile. "I give you an eight out of ten."

     "Aww. Fine. I'll accept the low score." I said with and exaggerated sad voice.

     "You'll be fine, now you'll have more souls to take care of tomorrow. Go do whatever you do." He said, shooing me out of his office, AKA gaming room.

     I went to my room, which was awesome. I had a water bed with black bedding- I like black a lot more now- And a small black nightstand on either side of my bed. I had a TV stand with an Xbox one and an eighty inch TV. I could buy any game I wanted because Thanatos gave me a Lotus Casino card, so I could buy whatever I want, whether it be for gaming or other purposes, like stuff I find on Amazon.

     I turned on my Xbox and TV, sifting through all my games. I decided to play Dying Light. (Authors Note- Best. Game. Of. All. Time. Not including Fallout, Skyrim, Fable, or Diablo three.)

     I played that for a few hours before beating the game. Again. I sighed and turned off the Xbox and TV. I laid down on my water bed, staring at the ceiling. I miss my friends and want to visit them, but I know I probably cant. Or! I could spy on them! Yes! Best idea ever!

       I made sure I was invisible then nightmare traveled to the base of Camp Half Blood. I walked up the hill, watching campers pass by, sometimes right through them. They shuddered after they did so, looking back. But they never saw me. I walked around until I found seven demigods sitting in the grass in front of the big house. Leo, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Frank, Nico and Thalia. They were all chatting and laughing, but they all looked sad. I crept closer and sat a few feet away so I could hear what they were saying.

     "I wonder what Percy's doing in Elysium right now." Thalia said out of nowhere.

     "That was random." Hazel commented. Thalia sighed.

     "I know, but I miss him. He would make this more fun. Now we kind of just sit around awkwardly now knowing what to do. At least even when we were all bored he would do something stupid to make up laugh." Thalia sighed sadly, but had a slight smile on her face.

     "Hold on. I think someone's watching us." Nico muttered so quiet I was lucky I could hear it.

     He looked all around, then looked behind him. His eyes narrowed at me. "Who are you and why are you here?" He asked.

      "Me?" I asked, making my voice even deeper so he wouldn't recognize it. "How can you see me?" I asked. Even Nico isn't supposed to be able to see me.

      "Where is that voice coming from?" Piper asked, following Nico's eyes, but apparently not seeing anything.

      "It's a ghost, I think, but I don't know who he is or why he's spying on us." Nico growled. "Aren't you supposed to be in the underworld?"

      "Nah. I... work for someone, but he gave me the day off and I'm bored." I said with a shrug.

      "Can you show yourself?" Thalia asked.

      "Err.." I looked around and didn't see Will, so I turned visible.

      "Viola. I'm here." I said.

      "Holy gods..." Hazel muttered.

      "What?" I asked, fully knowing why they were surprised.

       "Who do you work for? A modeling agent?" Piper muttered under her breath.

       I chuckled. "Nah. I don't. If you want a model call Thanatos." I said Thanatos a bit louder, calling him. He said he would come if I said his name loud enough.

      He appeared, looking around. "What in the world are you doing? Is this what you do on your days off? Spy on people?" He asked, crossing his arms.

      "No. I beat all the games I have for the millionth time so I came up here." I replied with a shrug.

      "And you called me... why?" He asked.

      "Oh she-" I pointed to Piper "-Asked if I worked for a modeling agency and I said if she wanted a model she could call you." I said with smirk.

       A few weeks ago we had a very awkward yet hilarious argument over who was hotter. He wrinkled his nose. "No, you definitely are hotter." He said, crossing his arms.

     "Nope. Not even close. Are you like the god of hotness or something?" I asked.

     "The real question is are you?" He asked.

     "No, I'm not, which means you are!" I yelled, pointing to him.

     "If it's not me, and It's not you, then its... hmmm... who's the hottest god?" He asked.

     "Hmm.... You!" I yelled.

     "Wha- No! I'm not the god of hotness! I'm the god of death!" He yelled, crossing his arms.

     "But Death is beautiful, your own words." I retorted back with a smirk.

     He sighed. "Fine. I'm hotter. I will get you next time though." He said.

     "No can-do! I win everything!" I said triumphantly.

     "I can win if I-" He leaned over and whispered something in my ear, "If I remove your true identity." He leaned away, smirking.

      "NO NO NO!" I yelled, adjusting so I was on my knees. "No! I'm hotter! Just don't do that!" I begged.

       "Hmm...." He tapped his chin. "How much hotter are you?" He asked.

        "I'm hotter than you by a million Aphrodite's!" I yelped.

        "I'll use that the next war we have, then flashed away. "THANATOS!" I screamed, then sighed.

     "I lost." I muttered miserably. I looked back and saw everyone had wide eyes with dropped jaws, looking like they were going to pass out.

      "T-Thanatos is dating you?" Piper stuttered.

      "Oh no, never. It's an inside joke." I said, waving it off.

      "Uh... Okay... that is the weirdest inside joke I've ever seen..." Thalia muttered, wide eyed.

      "Yeah. We're weird. He's the guy I work for." I told them.

       "Wait, you work for... Are one of us about to die?" Nico asked.

       "I don't know. I can't tell when people are going to die or not like Thanatos. As I said I'm just bored." I told them with a shrug.

     "Oh... kay?" Nico said hesitantly. "Can you... like... leave? Please?"

     "Fine." I huffed and traveled back to my room, but made a one way iris message so they couldn't tell I was watching them.

     "That was weird, in all capitals." Jason muttered.

     "Yeah... I didn't know Thanatos had a 'Cheery' side." Hazel agreed.

     "Me neither." Frank admitted.

     "He seemed... familiar, don't you think?" Nico asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.

     "Huh. I mean, he kind of acted like Percy, but he looked nothing like him, plus he worked for Thanatos and he didn't know us. So either he became a good actor over the last six months or it wasn't him. I'm vouching for the second one." Thalia said.

     "True. Second." Hazel admitted.

     "How about I call his ghost?" Nico asked. "It would be the first time in a while."

     I got the perfect idea. I changed myself into the other Percy and then imagined myself with a towel around my waist. Perfect plan. I felt myself shooting upwards, then landed on the grass. I pretended to yelp in surprise and looked around. I blushed as everyone stared at me. "What are you doing?" Nico asked, his eyes wide. I saw the others trying not to laugh behind him.

     "Trying to get in the shower! What do you think!?" I yelled, holding the towel tighter.

     By now the rest of the demigods burst out laughing. Chiron trotted out of the Big House in confusion then he saw a partly transparent, blushing, half-naked me with other demigods laughing there butts off and sighed.

     The laughter brought other demigods to investigate, only to laugh as well, until almost the entire camp was laughing there heads off. "Can I go now!?" I yelled, blushing bright red.

     Nico paused from his laughed and waved his hand and I zoomed back into the ground. I changed myself back to my uniformed self. I brushed myself off, smirking. Then I shot back up. Shoot.

      "AH-HA!" Nico screamed, pointing at me. I scowled at him.

      "Curse you di Angelo, curse you." I growled.

      "Okay, one, why do you work for Thanatos?" He asked.

      "Classified." I responded.

      "Okay... two, why do you look like that?" He asked.

      "It's apparently what I really look like." I responded honestly.

      "How is that possible?" Piper asked.

      "Also classified." I responded, crossing my arms.

      "Three, what the heck was that argument with Thanatos?!" Nico yelled. I covered my mouth to suppress a laugh.

      "Long story short, a few months ago we had an argument over who was hotter. Now we fight over it whenever we have the chance." I responded, grinning.

       "You look.... what's with that style of clothing? You look like a rebel. Leather jacket, chains, ripped jeans..." Hazel asked.

    "I guess my sense of style was false as well." I answered with a shrug.

     "As well?" Nico asked, an eyebrow raised.

     "Classified." I responded.

     "By who?" Jason asked.

     "Err...." No one told me I couldn't tell them, but I didn't want to. "Me?"

     "That doesn't work Jackson." Nico said, crossing his arms.

     "You need to tell them at some point." A voice from behind me spoke.

     "Shut the hell up Thanatos." I growled.

     "No. Tell them or I will." He responded.

     "No!" I yelled. "No you wont!"

     "Yes you will." Thanatos responded firmly.

     "You need to Percy." Another voice said. Hades. I scowled.

     "I. Don't. Want. To." I growled.

     "You don't always get what you want Percy." The gentler side of Thanatos said.

     I hesitated. "Why does your calm voice always get me to do what you want?" I growled at him.

     "Like when?" He asked.

     "Oh, I don't know, maybe when you told me to- You know what, that was embarrassing. I'm not bringing that up." I grumbled. I shuddered at the memory. It was horrible.

     "And what you're about to tell them is worse? It's a simple change Percy." Thanatos whispered, putting a hand on my shoulder. I realized the entire camp was watching with curiosity.

      "No, it's not." I muttered. "They'll hate me."

      "Did the Olympians hate you? No. They pitied you. Took you in as there own. They're the reason you have these friends." Thanatos told me.

       "Yeah, well, their work of making friends for me is going to fail if I tell them, so what's the point?" I growled.

       "the point? To get the burden off of your chest. I know it's tugging at you Percy, you just wont admit it." Thanatos told me.

        "What are you, a mind reader?" I muttered.

        "Yes, I am." He spun me around so I was looking him in the eyes. "I know what you're thinking Percy. I know everything you fear. Everything you hate and love. Telling them will help you, I promise." I looked down so I was looking at the ground instead of his eyes.


       "No excuses Percy. We're all going to Olympus and you're going to tell everyone who you are, and who you're the REAL son of." He told me. The words sounded harsh but his tone was kind and gentle.

      "Fine." I muttered.

      "Good. Now we'll go to Olympus and get the gods to flash you all there." Thanatos grabbed one of my hands and flashed us to Olympus. Hades flashed in after us, going over and sitting in his throne. We were the only people there, then I noticed Hestia staring at us with curiosity. "Thanatos, why are you here?" She asked.

     "To reveal Percy's real parent." He said, gesturing to me.

     "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, look at him. He looks terrified." Hestia said.

     "I'm right here." I grumbled in slight annoyance.

     She didn't get the chance to respond when the Olympians, demigods, and hunters flashed in. I gulped at the large group of people, all glancing curiously at the front of the throne room where Thanatos and I stood. Zeus cleared his throat and all heads turned towards him. "I do not know why this meeting is in session. Thanatos, other guy, take the lead." He announced. Other guy?

      "Well, as the campers know this is Percy's real appearance." Thanatos announced.

      "Percy!?" Most of the gods yelled in surprise.

      "Hey." I greeted with a small, nervous wave.

      "You look like someone the teachers would immediately label at the trouble maker." Poseidon noted.

       I shrugged. "I like it. I guess my sense of style wasn't real either."

       "Either. What else isn't real, other than your appearance and style of clothing?" Nico asked nervously.

       I felt my heart pounding in my head. My hand squeezed Thanatos' to  point where he winced a bit, but didn't say anything. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. It didn't work to well. All I could imagine was people shunning me, hating me for my dad. I closed my eyes, breathing unevenly and heavily. I felt two arms wrap me in a hug, holding me close to their chest. "Calm down." I heard Thanatos whisper. "It's all alright, just get it over with. You don't have to stay after, you can leave and I'll answer any questions okay?"

     I don't know why but I broke into tears after that. I held my close, but it was clear he didn't know how to calm me down. "Would you like me to tell them?" He asked. I nodded slowly into his chest.

     "Okay." I felt his head turn towards the crowd.

     "Poseidon is not Percy's real father." He announced. Shouts of disbelief and confusion filled the room. "Silence while I am talking. I don't want to keep him here longer than he has to. He was raised with Sally, but his dad... I'll tell you later. He grew up doing odd things. Controlling people, making all the chemicals in the science room explode when he got frustrated or mad, and most importantly, he could occasionally make people go insane."

     Gasps and murmurs filled the room and Thanatos held me closer, then continued. "He was raised by Sally until he was five, when he got the attention of the Olympians. Sally explained the situation and they everything they could to help. They changed his appearance, his style of clothing, and decreased his intelligence, then wiped the memory from him. Poseidon posed as his father and he was sent to camp half blood so demons wouldn't come." More murmurs. I clutched Thanatos like I was going to dissolve if I didn't.

     "Then who's his real father!?" I heard someone shout out from the crowd.

     "See if you can figure it out. Controlling people's blood and poison. Occasionally having a bloodthirsty side come out. What do you think?" Thanatos asked in a gentle voice.

      Whispers and murmurs filled the throne room as I silently cried into Thanatos' chest. Suddenly a gasp filled the room. "I think I know." Someone spoke up. Malcom.

       "Yes Malcom?" Thanatos asked.

       He gulped. "Is he the son of... S-S-Satan?" He stuttered, sounding nervous.

       "Correct." Silence filled the room, disbelief and fear was radiating off every single one of them.

       "Percy?" Thanatos asked.

       "What?" I croaked out.

       "You don't need to cry." He whispered.

       "Why not, everyone hates me now." I growled.

       "Percy, no. No they don't." Thanatos said firmly.

       "How do you know?" I asked.

       "Look up." He told me.

       "I don't want to. I want to go home." I grumbled.

       "What do I have to do to make you look up?" He asked.

       "I'm gonna punch your lights out of you don't let me go home." I growled.

       "No, you wouldn't do that. I know you Percy." Thanatos told me.

       "No you don't." I growled.

      "Oh yeah? The thing you fear most is loosing all of you friends, especially Nico. The thing that haunts you is Annabeth cheating on you. The thing you love... Well,  should I say it out loud or are you going to look up?" He asked. I scowled into his chest.

      I pulled away reluctantly, glaring at him. He smirked at me and a scowl grew on my face. "Gods I hate you." I growled.

      "Or... is it the- Never mind." He said, a knowing glint in his eyes. I glared at him one last time before looking at the kids in front of me.

     The gods were shifting uncomfortably in there thrones, except Hestia who just looked like she was pitying me. The hunters didn't really know me, but fear shone through there eyes. The demigods looked shocked, a little scared, a little bit of pity. But there was one person in front of me. Nico. He had eyes full of tears and a pitying look. I could detect no fear in his expression. Then he charged me.

      I crushed me in a hug, not allowing me to breathe for the second time. He cried softly into my shoulder, shaking slightly. I closed my eyes and held my hand on the back of his head, hugging him almost as strong. "I'll never hate you Percy, no matter how hard I try." He whispered.

       "Well I sure hope you aren't trying to hate me." I muttered back. I could feel him laughing a bit into my shoulder.

      He eventually pulled away. "You need to go beat up Thanatos now right?" He asked.

      I grinned. "Yeah, I do." I turned to where he stood and he gulped.

      "Bye!" He yelped, flashing away.

      "Thanatos! Get your ass back here!" I yelled. He flashed back in looking pale, but he had a mischievous smirk. This isn't gonna be good.

      "If you move I'm going to say out loud what you love." He taunted. I froze.

     I didn't say anything, I barely breathed, not enough for my chest to even move. "Can I move?" I asked in his head through a mind message thing he set up.

     "Nope." He responded out loud, grinning like a madman.

     "I hate you." I mind messaged.

     "Aww I know it's the opposite." He replied out loud with a smirk.

      I glared at him. "You're a dead man Thanatos." I growled. then realized I said it out loud.

      He smirked and opened his mouth, but I had nightmare traveled over already. I clamped a hand over his mouth, one on the back of his head se he couldn't remove it. He crossed his arms, then got an idea from his body language. Then he started to sign in sign language. I took my other hand nd grabbed his hands, then remembered 'I'm a son of Satan. I have cool powers.'

       I removed my hand and waved it immediately after, leaving Thanatos tied to a chair and gagged. "There!" I exclaimed triumphantly.

      Thanatos groaned through the gag and hung his head a bit. "God beaten by a demidemon! Nice job Thanatos!" Ares snickered.

       "You want to be gagged to?" I asked, looking over.

       "I'd just break out of it, no problem." He snorted.

       "Oh really? The ropes had a god power reducing thread in them, like the one you used on Zeus, but this one is much more powerful. The gag is untouchable by anyone but myself, enchanted by magic. So... how are you going to get out of that exactly?" I asked, crossing my arms to stare at him.

       "Uh..." He gulped. "I can do it!" He said, not sounding so confident.

       "Okay." I waved my hand and he was suddenly tied up to his throne with a gag. He squirmed for a while, trying desperately to escape. He eventually groaned through the gag, looking over at me. I waved my hand again and he scowled at me.

       "Stupid power-reducing ropes- Wait, where's Thanatos?" He asked. I spun around and sure enough he was out of the chair.

       "THANATOS!" I yelled.

      "Yes?" He asked, appearing right in front of me.

     "How.. How?" I asked, pointing to the chair.

     "Oh that. Yeah, I have a charm on me. It's impossible for you to harm me with your demonic powers since when you were training you had a sixty-three percent chance to blow up the entire thing, or blow yourself up." He told me.

      "You never told me I had a chance of blowing up!" I yelled.

     "Then you'd be worried and your chances of blowing up would increase." He told me.

     "Okay fine. That's a good reason." I admitted.

     "Good. Now, who want's to know what Percy loves?" He asked.

     "Don't. You. Dare." I growled.

     "Just ignore him. Anyway, Percy is in love with-" He was cut off by me tackling him to the ground so I was sitting on his chest with a hand clamped over his mouth.

     "Don't. You. Dare." I repeated.

     "You enjoying this, Percy?" He mind messaged.

     "What?" I asked out loud. Why would I enjoy this?

     "So you genuinely don't know yourself?" He MM.

     "Know what?" I asked. I was so confused.

     "That you like someone." He told me.

     "No I don't, I thought you were going to say I love- Never mind."

     I could feel his smirk through my hand. "I know who you love but you don't. That's interesting." He mused.

     "My life isn't a game." I MM'd him.

     "Oh I know. But you are my friend, and friends like to tease each other, right?" He smirked.

     "Friends? I thought I was just working for you." I MM'd.

     "Ouch! That hurt Percy! We are more than Co-workers!" He exclaimed through MM.

     "Well I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

     "Good, but not good enough. Do you know what you can do to make it better?" He asked.

     "Uh, no I don't." I responded aloud.

     "You can kiss me." He said. I could feel his smirk grow ever wider.

     "What?!" I yelped, jumping up off of him. I tripped over one of his legs and was about to hit the floor when two arms held me, so I was hovering just above the floor.

      "C'mon, I know you want to!" Thanatos teased, hovering over me.

      "Hell no!" I yelped, trying to scramble away.

      "C'mon Perce! Just do it! Then you'll realize that you do!" He taunted.

     "No!" I yelped, trying to escape his arms, but I hate to say he's stronger than me.

     "Percy!" He pouted.

     "Well sorry to crush your dreams but no!" I yelped.

     "Well, you can't escape... and you do you just don't realize... So I might as well do it." He said with a shrug.

     "No!" I yelled. I elbowed him in the gut and I fell to the ground. I rolled away and then got on my feet, ready to run.

     "Percy!" He pouted. "Come here!"

     "No! You're reading my emotions wrong or something!" I yelped.

     "No I'm not, I've been doing it for millennium!" He exclaimed.

     "Well it's broken!" I yelled back.

     "Really Perce? My powers are broken?" He asked.

     "Yes!" I exclaimed.

     "Percy, powers can't break." Poseidon told me.

     "Yes they can because his are!" I yelped.

     "Why do you think that?" Zeus asked.

     "He's reading my emotions wrong!" I exclaimed, turning to look at Zeus. Big mistake.

     Thanatos lunged and me, grabbing my shoulders. This time I couldn't escape. "Is anyone else confused?" Nico asked.

      "Yep!" A bunch of voices yelled out.

      "Here's the summary of our conversation. Percy doesn't know he likes someone, but since I can read emotions I know he does, and now I'm trying to get him to prove it." Thanatos explained.

    "Well I don't like them so.. bye!" I yelped, trying to escape his grasp. Didn't work.

    "Are you sure?" Thanatos whispered teasingly.

    "I'm positive." I told him.

    "Let's check that." He crashed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. I don't know why, but I found myself kissing back after a second.

     He pulled away, smirking. "So... are you still positive?" He asked.

     "Yes." I responded, crossing my arms.

     "And the truth?" He asked.

     I sighed. "No." I growled.

     "Ah ha!" He yelled. "My powers aren't broken!" I was really angry I punched him the nose.

     "But your nose is." I commented as he held his bloody, broken nose.

     "Percy!" He yelled.

     "Yes?" I asked innocently.

     "You broke my nose!" He yelled.

     "That's for kissing me." I said, crossing my arms again.

     "But you liked it, don't lie." He taunted.

     "I hate you." I growled, scowling.

     "No you don't, you love me!" He teased, taking his hand away from his nose.

     I scowled at him, not offering a response. "Ha!" He yelled, his nose somehow healed.

     "Bye. I'm going to my room." I nightmare traveled to my room, plopping down on my bed with a sigh. Today was incredibly long.

     I put my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling, a slight smile on my face. I guess I do like Thanatos. I sat up, my ADHD killing me, and stood up. I kind of just looked around my room, not really looking for anything in particular.  I grabbed my phone off of my bed stand and went on Amazon just to pass time.

     "Whatcha doing?" A voice asked. I jumped three feet in the air, no joke.

     "Sheesh Thanatos! You nearly killed me, and I'm already dead!" I exclaimed, holding a hand over my chest. He, however, was laughing his head off.

     "Oh sure, laugh at me for jumping when a guy just teleports into your room! Sheesh!" I yelled.

     "I-I'm sorry!" He took a break to laugh again. "I didn't mean to jump you!" He laughed again, rolling around on my floor now.

      I looked over the edge of my bed and frowned. "Are you okay?" I asked. He just continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes and laid back down on my bed, picking my phone back up.

     I scrolled through Amazon and found a cool amulet-MP3 player. You could download songs to it and it was also and locket, shaped like a dragon with a fake jewel inside. "Hey Thanatos?" I asked. "Do you have a forge down here anyway? You know, like a place where you can work on machines?"

       He slowly stopped laughing, taking deep breaths. and climbed into my water bed. "I don't know..." He paused to take a breath. His hair was messed up and his face was slightly purple. "Probably."

     I nodded, thinking. "I kind of want to make stuff like Leo. It's cool how he can take random pieces of stuff and turn it into anything."

     "Eh. Building stuff isn't my thing." Thanatos said, laying down at the foot of my bed.

     "You just want to collect souls and do nothing else?" I asked. "That sounds boring."

     "I mean, I can do other stuff, you, for example. He was close enough so I kicked him in the side of the head. "Ouch! I'm kidding!" He yelped, holding the side of his face.

      I rolled my eyes and went over so I was laying next to him. "I like this locket MP3 player... thing. I want to build it." I told him, showing it to him.

      "Looks too complicated." Thanatos replied, taking my phone and examining it.

      "So if it's complicated you aren't going to do it? That's one way to prove your lazy." I said, rolling my eyes.

     "Well, you're quite complicated..." He trailed off and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

     "You're annoying, you know that right?" I asked, looking over at him.

      "I know." He responded, putting my phone down on the bed beside him.

       I climbed back up so I was sitting in my bed properly and just stared at the ceiling, bored out of my mind. "Bored?" He asked, looking over at me.

       "You're the one who can read emotions." I responded, rolling my eyes. He just stuck his tongue out at me.

       "So childish." I teased.

       "I'm not childish! I'm all grown up!" He pouted, crossing his arms.

     "Suuure. Lets go with that." I said.

     He got up and moved himself so he was laying next to me, staring at the ceiling as well. We just laid there in silence, hands behind our heads. "I'm bored out of my mind." I said, looking over at him.

     "Me too." He groaned, turning to face me.

    We kind of just stared at each other for a while, not saying anything until I broke away, sitting up. "I'm hungry." I said bluntly.

     "When are you not hungry?" He asked, getting up as well.

     "Never, which is why you need to go make me food." I told him, getting up. I shoved him out of my room and shut the door, locking it. "You aren't allowed back in until you get me food!" I yelled through the door.

      "Slave driver!" He called through the door. I chuckled to myself and crawled back onto my bed. Since it was a water bed I always felt better while I was on it, even if it wasn't through direct contact. I sighed, closing my eyes. It has been a long day.

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