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Percy's POV

     Clarisse was about to lunge but I remembered something. "Hold up." I said. I looked up and cursed. I was going to transform soon.

     "What is it this time?" Clarisse groaned. I pointed to the sky, which was getting dark.

     "So? We can fight in the dark- Oh yeah. Ugh. We'll continue this tomorrow Jackson." She said, before walking off.

     "And the fight is moved, sorry folks! Remember if you want to fight Percy you have to do it in the morning!" Travis announced.

     "Sorry guys! Not my fault! Well, it kind of is, but- Never mind!" I called out.

     Annabeth jumped down from the stands, leaving a scared looking Magnus behind. Oh yeah, he wasn't very fond of wolves was he? Huh. She ran towards me, kissing me real quick. "Night Perce." She said.

     "Night. Sorry about this..." I blushed, but it was cut short when I transformed. I looked around then ran towards the stables where Mrs. O' Leary was held. Maybe...

      I got up to them and looked around. I saw Mrs. O'Leary sitting at the end.

     I whimpered and she looked up. "Percy?" She asked in my head.

     "Mrs. O'Leary!" I thought. She jumped up and ran over, trotting around me.

     "Why are you a werewolf?" She asked.

     "Eh. Evil guy. Kidnapped. The usual." I responded.

    "Yay! Now you can understand me!" She yelled, jumping around.

     "Yeah, that's pretty cool!" I responded.

      The conch horn sounded, signaling dinner. Did they move it later? "Bye Mrs. O'Leary!" I said before trotting to the dining pavilion. I gave a questioning look at Chiron, trotting up to his table.

     "Since everyone missed dinner to see you and Clarisse fight we had to move it forward." He explained.

      I trotted away, but I didn't have a way to sit at my table. I frowned and trotted around my table in circles while I slowly got everyone's attention. Now everyone was staring at me, snickering. I huffed in frustration and laid down at the end of the table, head on my paws. "Aww, poor Percy! You want some food?" Annabeth asked.

      I jumped up, looking at her hopefully. She laughed and got up. She came back with a plate of.... I looked up at her with a 'really?' expression. She stifled a laugh as she put my plate down.

      "There you go." She said, walking back to her table. Even Chiron was suppressing a laugh.

     I stared  at the food item on my plate. How the heck am I going to eat this? I tried to tilt my head sideways and pick it up from the side but it just slid out of my mouth. I couldn't bite it from the top, and I didn't have hands to pick it up. How is a wolf supposed to eat an apple?! I growled at it and everyone burst into laughter, even Dionysus and Chiron cracked a smile. I huffed and laid back down. I guess I'm going hungry then. I rolled my eyes as the campers wouldn't stop laughing. I made a wolf pouty face and sat in the shadow's of the dining pavilion. People continued to eat before I got really hungry. I crept around until I got to the Hades cabin where Nico and Hazel were sitting. No one noticed me but Annabeth and Chiron, who didn't say a word.

     I examined there meals. Hazel had a salad and Nico had a steak. I jumped up suddenly, scaring Nico and Hazel. Nico fell backwards of the bench with a yelp and I took his plate in my mouth, booking it. "Hey! Give me my food!" Nico yelled, getting up off the floor and running after me.

     I ran out of the pavilion, easily outrunning him. I smirked as I ran, making it to Thalia's pine tree with ease. I sat down, eating Nico's meal. I heard a yell that jumped me. "Go!"

     Hunters of Artemis jumped out an surrounded me wielding weapons. "How did a werewolf get into camp?" One of them asked, wielding a silver hunting knife.

     "I don't know, but we can't let him bite us or we'll turn too. Keep watch!" A girl yelled. They started closing in on me as I backed into Thalia's tree, unable to go any further.

     I whimpered, sending them pleading glances. Why didn't any of them rec- Oh. They weren't there when I announced I was a werewolf. My eyes widened with fear as they got closer. I made myself as small as possible as they closed in on me.

     I whimpered but they just glared at me. "Why isn't he attacking?" One of them asked.

     "Because he knows he's outnumbered." Another snarled. I whimpered louder, then got an idea. It may be a good idea it may be bad. I howled as loud as I could. Bad idea, it turns out.

     One of them cut my side with a silver knife. I let out a whimper/howl of pain when I heard footsteps. "STOP!" I heard Nico scream.

      "You can't tell us what to do! We're saving your life from this werewolf!" One girl snarled.

      "No! Did you hurt him!?" Nico asked frantically, looking through the crowd of girls. I whimpered, wincing in pain at the pain from the silver knife.

      "No! Don't hu-" It was to late, another girl slashed.

      "Cut it out!" Nico screamed.

     "Go away Male." One of the girls snarled as she cut me. I howled in pain and saw the edges of my vision go black, then normal, then black, my consciousness blinkering.

     Another slash made my legs tremble. I fell to the ground, losing consciousness to the sound of Nico screaming.

     I woke up in the infirmary aching all over. I whimpered and realized I was still in wolf form. I saw Will rush forward, hovering above me. "Oh thank goodness you're awake. Any longer and we were going to assume you were in a coma." He said. I went to move excruciating pain took over and I let out a loud whimper.

      "Don't move Percy, it'll just make it worse." Will warned. "Can you still eat nectar and ambrosia?"

      I managed a weak nod and he went over to some cupboards, taking out a square of ambrosia. He knelt down on the floor and I realized I was laying on the floor with a few layers of blankets beneath me. He put it in front of my mouth on the blanket and I hastily ate it, already feeling better. I stood up, unsteady and wobbly at first, but then I regained my balance. I slowly and slightly painfully walking in circles, trying to regain feeling in my limbs rather than being numb. I don't know why they didn't question my metal parts before anything else. I looked up at Will with pleading eyes.

      He sighed. "Fine, you can go, but if you feel weak lay down alright?" He asked. I nodded and walked out of the infirmary. It was around midnight, so I was out for five hours. Wow. No one was outside so I kind of just trotted around aimlessly. I finally saw two figures on the beach and decided to check it out. I trotted closer silently, but stopped in my tracks when I saw who the people were, and what they were doing.

      One person was a new camper who had just got to camp, Joash I think his name was. The other person was Annabeth. What they were doing? Making out. I nearly whimpered but stopped myself. They kissed passionately, completely ignorant that I was watching. I slowly backed away, tear's brimming my wolf eyes. I felt them run down my face as I ran. I ran with no destination in mind. I ended up at the Hades cabin. Nico. I thought.

      I stood in front of the door and whimpered. I heard Nico groan from inside. I whimpered again and this time I heard footsteps. The door opened revealing a very tired looking Nico. Percy! You're-" Then he noticed my tears and frowned. "What happened?"

     I whimpered at him and his frown deepened. "Do you want to come in?" He asked.

     I nodded and he stepped aside, allowing me in. I trotted inside quietly and saw Hazel sitting on the edge of her bunk, her expression tired and confused. Nico sat on his bed, looking down at me for the first time in his life. I whimpered and nudged his leg then looked at the door, then back at Nico. "You want me to follow you?" He asked. I nodded. He got up, as well as Hazel.

     I left as quietly as I could and stood att he front of the cabin, refusing to the back. He looked at me so I poked my head out at the beach then quickly returned to cowering in my spot. He walked along the side of the cabin as well as Hazel. I moment later I heard a growl of anger.

     "Annabeth! What are you doing!?" Nico growled.

     "Nico! Oh, I, uh, didn't see you there..." Annabeth trailed of.

     "Let me repeat myself. What. Are. You. Doing?" Nico growled.

     "I..." She sighed. "Alright, I'm cheating on Percy. Big deal. I'm sure he's done it a bunch of times anyway with all those Aphrodite girls following him around non stop. I knew if I were as popular as him I would cheat on him twice as much as I already do. I just can't do a relationship with a half robotic werewolf. There. Now you aren't going to tell Percy are you?" She asked in a threatening tone.

      I stiffened. "Are you kidding me? I'm telling everyone! And did you forget Percy's fatal flaw is loyaly? He would kill himself if he did, which he didn't!" Nico yelled in anger.

     "Maybe he should die! He's a useless beast anyway!" Annabeth screamed back. Did... did Annabeth tell me to die?

     I ran from the scene and Annabeth spotted me. Her eyes widened in horror as I fled. "Percy! Come back!" Nico begged, but I wasn't listening.

     I didn't stop running until I was out of the barriers and into the woods, far enough for me to get lost. Which I was. I didn't even care, I just whimpered as tears ran down my face. My girlfriend-Ex girlfriend now- Cheating on me without a care, and multiple times, while I remained faithful to her the entire time. I jumped into hell for her, and this is how she returns the favor? My sadness was replaced by anger, and a lot of it. I huffed in rage as I paced. I felt like attacking something, tearing it to shreds. I clenched my sharp wolf teeth, biting my lip in the process. I felt the warm, metalic liquid fall from my mouth as I growled and huffed, pacing back and forth. The blood fell to the ground, splattering on the dried out leaves.

     I felt angry, no, furious at Annabeth. I couldn't even believe she would do this to me. I growled and started running in a random direction. I pounded my paws into the ground, hitting it with force. I didn't stop, only keeping my eyes open my eyes so that I didn't run into any trees. I was running when I came into a clearing with a bunch tents and girls bustling about. Hunters of Artemis. I didn't even stop running, I just ran by. "Werewolf!" One of them yelled. I didn't stop running, even when Artemis called my name.

     "Percy! Wait!" Artemis yelled. I ignored her and ran back into the woods. Then there was a loud SNAP and my vision went black


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