Percy gets some time Away

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Percy's POV

     I sighed. It has been a few months since I came back to camp half blood and my mom still doesn't know about me being a werewolf, or the fact that I'm half metal.

     I ran up to the big house after training some kids in swordfighting, meeting Chiron on the porch. "Chiron, can I go to New York to see my mom? I didn't want to tell her about me over iris message, so she doesn't know about... anything. So can I go for a while, maybe a few weeks?" I asked.

     "Though it's always sad to see you go, yes. You deserve the time off. I'll get someone else to teach your class. I'd tell the others before you leave though." Chiron suggested.

     "Thanks Chiron. I'll try to stay save!" I exclaimed as I ran off to find Annabeth. As long as I told her she could tell the others.

     I found her relaxing on the beach, staring out at the water. "Hey Annabeth!" I called.

     She looked back and smiled. "Hey Perce. What's up?" She asked.

    "I'm going back to New York to stay with my mom for a few weeks. Mind telling the others? I'm leaving now, so..." I trailed off.

     "Of course! You haven't tol her yet, have you?" She asked.

     I shook my head no. She got up and kissed me. "See you later. Stay safe or I'm going to kick your butt!" She threatened.

     "Of course. I know the drill." I chuckled and waved.

     "Bye Annabeth. Love you." I tol her before mist traveling in front of my mom's apartment door.

      I took a deep breath. I traced the wires against my jaw, then lowered my hand and knocked on the door lightly.

     "I'll get it Sally!" I heard Paul call. The lock clicked and the door swung open.

     He stared at me, in pure shock. He examined my jaw and eye and every other aspect of me. "Well? Who is it dear?" I heard my mom call.

     "Percy!" He yelled, pulling me into the apartment and closing the door, then pulling me into a hug.

     "Percy? Oh Percy!" She yelled. I pulled away from Paul, revealing me.

     "What... what happened?" She whispered.

     "Eh. Captured by a weirdo. He tried to make me into a robot." I said, my voice sounding as robotic as ever.

     "Oh Percy!" Tears filled her eyes as she pulled me into a hug.

    "Why do you always get into trouble?" She asked, pulling away an grabbing my robotic hand. She put her head against my chest and listened to the gears turn.

     "Oh my word." She said.

     "I'm sorry mum." I whispered.

     "Oh no! No need to apologize! I'm just glad you're alive!" She said, hugging me again.

    "There's... there's one more thing..." I whispered, looking down.

    "Percy honey? What is it?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

    "That man who kidnapped me? He also injected me with a chemical, and the end result was... Well, mum, I'm a werewolf." I told her.

     He held me at arms length, her brow furrowing. "What kind?" She asked.

    "Human by day, normal wolf by night." I said.

    "Well. Everytime you come home something else is new about you, huh?" She asked.

    "You... aren't freaking out?" I asked.

    "Nah. As long as you aren't one of the ones that go on a murder rampage at night... I'm fine." She smiled at me and I returned it.

     "How long are you staying?" She asked. Thats what I love about my mom, you can tell her you're werewolf and not really do anything but feel bad for you. She'll still love you no matter what.

     "A few weeks, if you don't mind." I told her.

     "Of course!" She exclaimed. A timer went off and she gasped. "My timer! Talk to Paul for a bit Percy!" She said, rushing off to the kitchen.

     I turned to Paul, who was a little pale. "You alright Paul?" I asked.

    "Just... shaken up. You? A werewolf?" He shook his head.

    "Yeah... I don't like it much. A bit annoying, and I always have to sleep on the floor now. Beds are just uncomfortable. And I get fur all through my bed." I said, wrinkling my nose.

     Paul laughed. "I have a feeling you are going to stay funny till the day you die Perce. I'm glad you're back." He smiled at me and I returned one, once again.

      "Boys! Dinner's done!" Sally called from the kitchen.

     "Food! Ever since I've been a werewolf I've had more of an apetite. I guess I have to feed me AND the wolf." Paul and I laughed as we walked into the kitchen.

     "Oh my word mom this smells AMAZING!" I exclaimed.

     "It's just alfredo with some veggies! Calm down there!" My mom exclaimed with a chuckle.

     "Well as I just told Paul everything smells like I haven't eaten food in weeks because I have to feed the wolf and myself, which both eat a lot." I said, chuckling.

     "Well I made a lot, so dig in!" My mom said.

     We ate and caught up over dinner, laughing and chatting. I looked at the time. 7:56. "Err, mum, I'm gonna change soon. Four minutes to be exact." I told her.

     "Okay Percy, do you mind if we watch?" My mom asked.

    "Nah I don't care. I wont be able to talk afterwards though, so as a pre thought night, love you, and talk to you tomorrow!" I said.

     She laughed. "I love you too!"

     I saw that it was almost time. Seconds away. I closed my eyes and felt my from shift. I got queasy a bit but opened my eyes to see my mom and Paul staring at me in fascination. I butted my head against my moms leg and she chuckled as rubbed my head.

     "Feel free to go sleep in your room Perce. Night." I nodded and trotted to my room, curling up on the floor and falling asleep.

     I woke up to someone holding a phone in front of them with a grin. "Mom.." I groaned.

     "What? I had to take a picture of you, you were just so cute sprawled out on the floor..." She laughed as I groaned with a smile on my face.

     I streched and got up. "I.. I smell food." I said.

     She laughed. "I think being a werewolf enhanced your senses too. C'mon, let's eat."

     We ate a nice meal of blue eggs, blue bacon, and blue panckakes. I cleaned my plate and set it on the drying rack. "Well, I think I'm going to go roam New York for a bit, go to the park nearby and talk to the fish in the pond." I said with a smile.

     "Alright Perce, be careful." My mom said.

    "Of course. Always am." I said before walking out the door. I prayed for Hecate to cover my mechanic parts to be covered by the mist.

     Natasha's POV

     "So... we need to detain an eighteen year old terrorist?" I asked Fury. He nodded.

    "Exactly. Be warned, he is incredibly dangerous from what the file says. Jarvis has him tracked down, he's the red dot on this marker. Right in town. Go get him and bring him back, preferably alive."

     "How dangerous can this kid be? Let's go get em team!" Tony yelled. We all walked out the door, heading for central park.

     Percy's POV

     I sat down on the small docs to the pond. It was nice, and a bunch of fish were gathering around my feet which were dangling above the water.

     I leaned back, laying down on the docks with my eyes closed. I was enjoying the sun on my face when I felt a shadow appear over me. "Um, I think he's alseep." A male voice said.

     "Asleep? Let me see." I used the tenchnique I used to make people think I was sleeping. I felt another shadow walked around next to me, blocking more sunlight. I frown internally.

     "He's asleep alright. Should we just take him?" The female voice asked.

     "I mean, I don't really think a terrorist would be sleeping as care free on a dock as he is now." A different voice said. I shot up, my eyes fluttering open.

     "Woah woah woah there. I don't know who you're thinking about but I ain't no terrorist!"  exclaimed.

     "Then why were you pretending to sleep?" A girl with fiery red hair asked, frowning.

     "I was hoping you would leave me alone and stop blocking the sunlight. It left nice." I said.

     "What are those fish doing?" The male voice from earlier asked. I looked over the edge and saw the fish sorrounding my feet in perfectly rowed circles.

     "I come here a lot. They know me well." I replied. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the full truth.

     "Ignore the fish Stark. We are here to detain this kid." The red head said.

     "I don't think so. I'm not a terrorist, so can you please leave me to enjoy my day?" I asked.

     "Sorry, no can do kid." The once she called Stark said.

     There were only the two of them in front of me, but I knew the others were on the other side of the pond.

     I saw the arrow coming from a mile away and spun around, snatching it out of mid air. "Alright. Now I'm mad. You come in like you own the place, you bother my day of rest, and then you fire an arrow at me." I snarled, snapping the arrow in my hand.

     I stook up and dropped it beside me, taking riptide out of my pocket. I uncapped at and delfected an arrow. "Returning to sender." I muttered as I ducked a kick the red head tried to sneak on my from behind.

     I punched her in the face, knocking her out instantly. The guy behind her now had a metal suit and was floating in the air. I deflected a beam of energy he shot at me and it fired at himself, powering his suit off.

     I sighed as another arrow was fired and caught it, turning around. "When will you learn you cant hit me with arrows!?" I threw it to the ground and a sheild came flying at me. I caught it and jumped over the pond to their hiding spot in the bushes.

     I saw a guy with a bow and a quiver of arrows, a guy wearing a patriotic suit, and a guy in a science coat.

     They all jumped up to face me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes- err, eye- and knocked the bow guy out with the butt of my sword. I then knocked out the scrawny scientist but somehow failed to notice the patriotic guy come up from behind and bash me in the back of my head with the shield. I dropped to the ground and fell unconscious.

     I woke up in an interogation room strapped to a chair. There was one was glass though I could see through it with my ability to see things using water in the air. I saw all the guys I had knocked out earlier, but out of costume.

     They were all glaring at me except for the red head. So I did the same. They looked surprised as I locked gazes with all of them but the red head. Just then the door opened and a black guy wearing an eye patch walked in. I need one for my eye.

     "Hello Perseus, my name is Fury. I will be interrogating you today, as you are a suspected terrorist." He told me, sitting in the chair behind the table in front of me.

     "Alright, but I'm not a terrorist." I told him. He cringed.

     "What happened to your voice, first off?" He asked.

     "I was kidnapped and they tried to turn me into a robot a few months ago." I replied.

     "Oh..kay? First of all, you plead innocent at the fact that you may be a terrorist, correct?" He asked.

     "Of course." I responded.

     "So what happened at the Saint Luis arch?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

     "I have no idea sir. First thing I know is the arch explodes and I'm falling into the river. I wake up on the shore." I told him.

     I made up a story like this for every time something happens. "So you just appearantley happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time huh? I'm not sure of your honesty, but, I have an offer for you. You were able to take on the avengers single handedly, and without a problem. I wish for you to join the team." He told me.

     "Wait, so first I'm being interogated for being a terrorist, and during the same paragraph you want me to join the team. Did I get that right?? Cause that doesn't sound right..." I said, confused.

     "Just yes or no." He asked,

     "Um, yes?" I respond.

     "Deal. The Avengers will show you to your room. Go." He said. The doors slide open and I easily slip free of the restraints, walking towards the door.

     "You didn't tighten them well enough." I told the Avengers who were gaping at me, except for the red head who didn't really show emotion.

     "Hellooo?" I asked. They shook their heads to snap out of their trance.

     "Oh, right. My names Bruce." He was the sciency guy.

    "Steve" Patriotic guy.

    "Tony." Metal suit guy.

    "Clint." Bow guy.

    "Natasha." Assassin woman.

    "Right, you know who I am. Mind leading the way, since I was knocked unconscious by Steve. Good job by the way. Then again I was enjoying a nice day when I was randomly attacked in the middle of central park, so then again I wasn't really ready." I said with a shrug.

     "Not ready?! YOu freaking caught a moving arrow with your hand!" Tony exclaimed.

     "And knocked out everyone with one blow!" Clint added.

     "I can usually knock out three people with one blow but okay." I shrugged again. "Oh I have a question for you guys."

     "Okay? What is it?" Natasha asked.

     "Are you guys okay with- let me put it this way- are you squeamish at all?" I asked.

     "Nope. None of us are, seeing a bunch of battle." Tony told me.

      I sighed with releif. "Okay, don't freak out." I concentrated and made the mist go away.

     Everyone gaped at me. "You weren't lying when you said they tried to make you a robot." Tony gasped.

     "I have no need to lie. I can leave whenever I wish, approved or not approved by Fury." I said with yet another shrug. "Oh crap, I gotta call my mom! Yes, I know, little teenager has to call his momma, but I tend to get into trouble a lot." I said with a sigh as I pulled out my phone.

     "Um, not to be rude, but phone calls have to be put on speaker if you aren't an avenger, and you aren't yet..." Clint said.

     "Understandable." I said and hit speaker. It rang for a tiny bit before my mom answered.

     "What did you do this time? Kidnapped? Under attack? Camp under attack? Broke something? Hurt yourself? Do I need to send an ambulance again? Was it a monster or human-" She said, sounding bored.

     "I'm fine, though a bit concerned at how bored you sound while talking about me in life or death situations there. Anyway, I was kidnapped, but I'm fine, and joining the... what do you call it? Avengers? Yeah. They thought I was a terrorist but I proved myself innocent so until further notice I'm going to be an Avenger. They went from wanting to kill me from inviting me to their team." I told her.

     "Sound's like they're bipolar as Annabeth. One moment she's loving you to death next thing you know she's throwing you off a cliff. I really hope that doesn't happen again. Well, thanks for letting me know. Bye Perce." The call ended and I put the phone in my pocket.

     "Who's Annabeth, why did she throw you off a cliff and how are you alive?" Tony asked.

    "Annabeth? My soon to be fiance. She threw me off a cliff because I asked a stupid question, and I'm pretty much impossible to kill. So... yeah." I explained.

     "Wait, what time is it?" I asked, checking my phone. 7:47. Crap.

     "Uh, I really should get to bed..." I said.

     "No way. To be an Avenger you have to stay up to at least ten!" Tony told me.

    "Err.. I.. I really need to get to bed by eight... every night..." I said frantically.

     "Why is that?" Clint asked.

     "Because I do. I have my reasons." I said.

     "Stark let him go." Natasha said.

     "Fine. Go to bed." He huffed and I raised an eyebrow.

     "What?" He asked.

     "I don't have a single idea what floor or where I'm sleeping." I said.

     "Oh. Right. Everyone in the elevator." He said.

     We crowded in and he hit floor 63. It went faster than most, but still slow compaired to Olympus. The elevator door slid open and revealed a small living room connected to a small kitchen. There was a hallway with had several doors on either side. I checked the time. 7:53.

     "Which one is mine?" I asked.

     "Last one on the left." Tony told me. I nodded and ran to it, slammed the door shut, locked it, and sighed as I plopped onto my bed.

     I waited impatiently for me to turn, and once I did I found a comfy spot on the floor and fell asleep, but not before making the bedsheets look like I fell out of bed just in case.

     The next morning I woke up at 5:57. Three minutes until I was human. I trotted around the room silently until my body changed form, then walked to the kitchen.

     No one was up. This was a house of hero's, shouldn't they be up early, shouldn't they? I shook my head and sat down at the kitchen table. I was about to go back in my room but the elevator door opened and out came Steve, panting.

     He looked up at me with a confused expression. "Why are you up this early?" He asked.

     "I wake up at six most every morning." I told him.

     "When you turn human again, eh?" He asked.

     "I have no idea what you are talking about." I responded a bit to quickly and cursed.

     "Tony hacked into security footage and spied on you. Everyone knows now lad." Steve told me. I sighed.

     "Thanks for the warning I guess. You want something to eat?" I asked.

     "I could go for some food, but I don't want to trouble y-" His sentence was cut short when I waved my hand and a plate of toast, bacon and fried eggs appeared in front of him.

     His jaw dropped. "You can summon food with the wave of a hand?" He asked.

     "Yeah. Try it." He ate some and practically melted, then devoured the rest of the meal.

     About half an hour later Natasha walks out from the hallway and gives me a suspicsious look then walks around me and opened the cupboard, grabbing a packet of pop tarts. "Uh, Natasha, those are Thor's pop tarts..." Steve said.

     She was about to respond but I interrupted. "Sorry to interrupt but do you mean Thor Odinson?" I asked.

     "Yeah, why?" Natasha asked.

      I smiled. "Will he been here within the next few days?"

     "Yeah, he's coming back tonight, at nine." Natasha said. I growled in frustration.

     Natasha was about to say something but I cut her off. "I know you know, I just hate Tony for spying like that. It isn't his place to spy on a teenager in his sleep." I growled.

     "While I agree, you were acting really weird." Natasha said.

     "Yeah I know, the stupid guy who blew me up and replaced my missing parts with metal, he kidnapped my from my bed to use me as a lab rat an I went missing for another three months. Anyway, he was using me to test his torture chemicals I guess, judging from what I went through, and two of the chemicals mixed or something, I don't know, but a few hours later I'm a wolf and I'm able to slip out of my cage and flee. I spend the rest trying to tell everyone that I was there missing friend-" I was cut of by Tony.

     "Why didn't you wait until day?" He asked.

     "Due to the way I became a werewolf the conditions were odd. I were only to turn human for the hour I was transforming, then I would revert to wolf form. Luckily a scientist, my girlfriends mom actually, was able to insert something to my bloodstream to make me as normal as possible, seeing how she wouldn't be able to remove all the chemical from me." I explained.

     "Why didn't you just tell us?" Bruce asked, walking in the room.

     "Jeesh you people just come out of nowhere! Anyway, first time meeting you, after we ha fought, and I just revealed the fact that I was half metal. I didn't want you to know everything about me in one night." I explained.

     "So that's everything about you?" Tony asked. I snorted.

     "Heck no. I have a backstory full of twist and turns. My life story takes hours upon hours to explain. So I'm going to leave it at that." I said.

     "Oh, an just saying, Thor gets here in an hour. I was going to have him delay so we could see you in wolf form in person, but he'll be here soon." Natasha said, breaking a pop tart in half and taking a bite from the corner.

     "Natasha, you do realize Thor is going to have a fit, right?" I asked.

     "How do you know?" She asked.

     "Thor and I know each other quite well actually." I told her. "Well enough to know that he, for whatever reason, has a huge pouting session when his pop tarts are taken."

     A half an hour later the evidence is cleaned up from the pop tart scene, and the elevator door slides open, revealing Thor and another kid who looks nervous for whatever reason.

     "Avengers, meet- wait a minute. Is that... Percy!?" He yelled, running over and squeezing me in a hug.

     I let out a restrained laugh as he crushes me. "Missed... you... to... buddy.." I gasp as he drops me, getting my air back.

     "Man, you really are impossible to kill if you survived a full on Thor hug." Tony marvels.

     "Oh. Right. I was about to introduce someone here! This is Magnus Chase." Thor said.

      I blinked and stared at him. "As in... Annabeth Chase's cousin? Son of Frey?" I asked.

      "How do you know me?" He asked nervously.

      "Oh! Right. I'm Percy. Nice to meet you. I guess I'm with the Avengers now Thor." I said, turning to face him.

     "What happened to you?" He asked.

     "Long story short got kidnapped again, blown to bits, and replaced with metal. Oh and he also turned me into a werewolf." I replied.

     He shook his head. "When are you not being kidnapped Percy?" Thor asked.

    "Uh, let me think... NEVER." I yelled, plopping into a chair.

    "Oh Thor. Catch." I threw a box of pop tarts I had summoned at him.

    He got starry eyed as he caught the box. "Pop Tarts!" He yelled, then went over and put them in the cupboard.

      "Wait a minute... I'm missing a pack! Who ate them!" Thor yelled.

      "I did. Reason behind the second box." I said, covering for Natasha.

      "Oh, okay. Help yourself!" Thor beamed at me and the others stared at me in shock.

      "Told you I'm friends with Thor." I smirked.

      "Uh, no offense Thor, but why am I here?" Magnus asked.

      "Oh! Well,  I have to watch over you for a bit so you don't die again." Thor said.

      "You have a messed up life too?" I asked, tilted my head backwards so he was upside down when I looked a him.

     "You have no idea." Magnus mumbled.

     "Oh I have an idea alright. Son of a Greek god right here." I said.

     "Ah, so you got a messed up life as mine and Annabeth's." Magnus said.

     "Yep!" I exclaimed. "So you are Annabeth's cousin? Nice job on dying." I told him.

     "Uh, thanks?" Magnus asked. "Sorry Annabeth hasn't told me anything about you, so it's just weird how you know a bunch about me."

     "She didn't say a word about me? Huh. Odd. She was probably absorbed in your story, judging by the detail. I would hate to have to look at my dead self, it would be freaky. Say, where are your little friends? Blitz, Hearth, and uh.." I though for a moment. "Samirah! That's it. Take that Annabeth! I told you I would be able to get her name!" I yelled, freaking everyone out a bit.

     "Eh don't worry about it. I'm kind of insane sometimes." I said with a shrug.

     "Oh.. kay... But I honestly have no idea-" Suddenly the elevator opened and out stepped three figures that I automatically knew were Blitz Hearth and Samirah.

     "What are you doing here!?" Magnus yelped.

     "Well we have to follow you around, don't we?" Hearth signed. Yeah, I can read sign language.

     "So they do follow you around huh?" I asked Magnus.

     "Uh Magnus, who is he?" Blitz asked.

     "He is my friend! Right?" I asked, looking over to him.

     "I have no idea who he is but he knows about everything." Magnus said with a nervous shrug.

     They sent me cautious looks and I raised my hands, then they seemed to notice my metal parts. They all stumbled back a little bit. "What happened to you!?" Blitz shouted.

      I sighed. "As I have said many times now, I was kidnapped, blown to bits, and my missing part replaced with metal, I run and now Percy free." I explained.

     "Oh... kay?" Samirah asked.

     "I got a messed up life to ya know." I told them.

     "Are you a Norse demigod?" Samirah asked.

     "Nope, Greek demigod." I replied.

     "Oh... then how do you know about Magnus?" She asked.

     "I know his cousin, Annabeth, very well. She is a Greek demigod too, obviously." I replied.

     "Okay then. Well, what do we do for now? We have a bunch of kids-" Tony started, but I had him pinned to a wall with a sword across his throat, cutting him off.

      "Once again. Not a kid, Stark. You don't call someone more powerful than you kid." I said, putting away riptide and releasing him from the wall.

      "How are you that fast!?" Hearth signed.

      "I have fought for my life, many, many times." I said simply.

      "He's been to hell!" Thor yelled cheerily.

     "Thor!" I yelled.

     "What!?" The others, including the Avengers. yelled. I just waved them off.

     "You'll here about my life soon enough if you know Annabeth. She just wont shut up sometimes. Especially when I get hurt. By the way Magnus, she has a deadly judo flip." I warned.

     "Oh.. kay? Anyway, aside from-" they were cut off by my phone ringing.

     "Speaker phone." Tony warned.

     I rolled my eyes and put it on speaker.

      "Hello?" I asked.

      "Perseus Jackson! What the heck do you think you are doing!?" I heard Annabeth yell.

     "Uh, what do you mean?" I asked.

     "Joining the Avengers you idiot!" She yelled.

    "Woah there Annie, I'm pretty sure Percy wouldn't go around joining random teams for no reason!" Piper tried to sooth.

     "Thank you Piper, and there is a reason. So story time. I was enjoying a day at central park, laying down on the docks to the pond relaxing, when the Avengers attacked me. I knocked them all out but Steve who crept up from behind and bashed me in the back of the head, effectively knocking me out. I woke up strapped in a chair, what's new, where Fury interrogated me for being a terrorist-"

     Everyone behind the phone burst out laughing. "Percy? A terrorist? Yeah right!" I heard Leo yell.

     "I know, crazy right? So Fury was amazed that I was able to knock everyone out with one punch-" I was cut off again.

     "Were you out of your game Perce? Where you hurt? Usually you could take out an army with the swipe of your hand!" Annabeth exclaimed.

      "I was tired, and I didn't want to destroy central park or my mom would have a fit. Anyway, I'm here with your cousin! Magnus!" I said.

     "Oh gods help us." She muttered.

     "What? Why?" We asked in unison.

     "Percy don't ask to many questions please?" Annabeth begged.

     "I haven't! I only asked one and it was where Blitz Hearth and... err... hold on.... Samirah! I got it! Samirah were. Why didn't you tell him anything about me Annie!?" I pouted.

     "Who would I? And don't call me Annie."

     "I wouldn't unless you want her to throw you off the cliff again." Thalia teased.

     "Yeah yeah, would everyone stop bringing that up!? He said something super stupid and I HAD to throw him off!" Annabeth shouted.

      "Yeah, and it really hurts my dignity." I added.

      "Oh, well in that case-" Leo started.

      "Leo shut up!" Everyone yelled.

      Leo huffed. "Why does everyone pick on me?!" He yelled.

      "Aww poor Leo. Don't worry, you still have your metal dragon!" Piper exclaimed.

      "Festus doesn't know how to hold an interesting conversation. He just talks about his bolts coming loose and his metal being dented." He pouted.

      "Never mind. So Magnus is there?" Annabeth asked.

      "Everyone is. I have to put phone calls on speaker, since I'm a terrorist and all." I said rolling my eyes.

      "Oh yeah, I forgot that Percy is a terrorist." Jason said sarcastically.

      "Only on weekends!" I called cheerily and everyone burst out laughing through the phone.

      "Well Percy, why don't you bring Magnus and the other three over to camp half blood, we can enjoy ourselves for a while?" Annabeth asked.

      "Okay! Avenger's, I'm taking a day off!" I yelled.

      "But you just got here!" Thor whined.

      "Oh hey Thor! How are you?" Annabeth asked.

      "Good! Percy got me pop tarts!" Thor squealed.

      "Aww that's nice. See you in a bit Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said before hanging up.

      "So.... you guys want to go to camp?" I asked.

      "I mean, I have the day off... Magnus said, and every one else nodded.

      "Okay! Hold your stomachs!" I shouted and mist traveled us to Thalia's pine tree.

      "Now to find Annabeth and the others..." I said. "Follow me." They obeyed, looking a bit green.

     I looked around. Everyone was training with weapons, fighting and what not. There was a duel between to new campers going on. They were okay fighters.

     "You guys fight for.. fun?" Samirah asked.

     "Yeah. Having our lives on the line everyday-" I was cut up by Annabeth storming up to me from the big house, the seven and Nico, Will and Thalia following behind.

     "Perseus Jackson! You idiot!" She yelled in my face slapping me.

     "What?!" I exclaimed, holding my face. "You already yelled at me over phone!"

     "How dare you let yourself be kidnapped for the second time in three months!" She exclaimed.

     "It wasn't my fault! I don't find tie myself up and put myself in a cage!" I yelled in protest.

     "Still. When Sally told me you worried me, and when you worry me I need to beat something up, and you just happen to be here!" She yelled, backing up then charging and judo flipping me.

     I groaned, lying on my back. She then helped me up and brushed my back off. "Seaweed Brain if you ever get kidnapped again I'm going to do much worse than throw you off a cliff!" She threatened.

     "What if I get kidnapped?" Leo asked.

     "We will all throw a party celebrating. No, we would mourn and try to find you, like when you died and came back to life." Hazel told him.

      "See!? Hazel cares!" Leo protested.

     "That's because she dated your grandfather." Jason told him, patting his head, seeing how Leo was a good head shorter than all the guys.

      "But Percy, for real, try not to go missing again, you really do worry me." Annabeth begged.

      I wrapped my arms around her waist, smiling. "I'll try wise girl. I'm sorry." We shared a passionate kiss for a while then turned to face the group, who were staring at us.

     The Greeks with huge smiles on there faces and Magnus a confused and shocked one. The other two were laughing at his expression, and Hearth was smirking at Magnus. "You're... what?" He asked. "You threw your boyfriend off a cliff!?" He yelled.

     "Yep." We said in unison.

     "Soon to be husband right?" Thalia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

     "Thalia!" We yelled, turning pink.

     "I can't wait for little babies!!!!" Piper squealed.

     "W-woah t-there P-Piper! C-Calm D-D-Down there!" I stammered. Annabeth and I were fiery red.

     "Pipes, inner Aphrodite, remember?" Jason said.

     "Right. Sorry." Piper took a deep breath.

     "You have to wait for Percy to get some guts before that can happen." Every one burst out laughing but I pouted and crossed my arms.

     "He can take out an entire army single handedly but can't think about kids. Wow." Nico teased, shaking his head.

    "Hey!" I exclaimed. "You're just upset because you can't!"

    "Oh Burn!" Leo yelled as Nico and Will turned pink.

    "Be nice Percy!" Annabeth said, slapping the back of my head.

    "Judging by the loud, obnoxious noise coming from here and the four newbies Prissy's back?" I heard Clarrise ask.

     "Yep!" Annabeth said, shoving me forward.

     "You still owe me a battle Prissy. You gonna do it while you're here? You better or- wait. I can't give you a swirly. Shoot." She cursed under her breath.

      "What would you do Clarrise?" I asked innocently.

      "I'm force you to do archery in front of the entire camp!" She yelled.

      "Okay! What time is the battle!?" I asked hastily.

      She smirked. "Glad to have you onboard. Everyone's already at the Arena. Let's do this." He said.

      "Annabeth?" Nico asked, looking at Magnus.


      "Why is your cousin... dead?" He asked.

      "Wha- how could you tell!?" Magnus shouted.

      "Relax I'm a son of Hades I can detect that type of thing, and you're supposed to be dead." He said.

      "He was given another chance to roam Earth." Annabeth explained.

     "Okay... Weird but okay." Nico said and we all ran off the Arena. I got in my armor and got out riptide, waiting to be called out.

     "First we have Clarisse la Rue, Daughter of Ares, god of War! Arch nemesis of Percy Jackson because he defeated her dad in a duel and she couldn't give him a swirly on the first day he got here!" Cheers rang through the crowd as well as a few laughs.

      "Next we have PERCY JACKSON, SON OF POSEIDON! The histories best sword fighter! Two time savior of the world! Killed just about every monster a million times! Defeating gods in battles! Survived Tartarus! Most powerful demigod in history! He-" I walked out scowling at Travis, the announcer.

       "Shut up Travis!" I yelled.

      "Fine fine! You know the rules! No maiming or killing, blah blah blah, now fight!" He yelled and deafening cheers  rang through the audience. Clarrise and I circled each other, examining. Clarrise had her spear and heavy armor, meaning she wouldn't be very quick.

      She tensed for a slit second then lunged, attempting to make a stab at my chest then I blocked it and realized something. "STOP!" I screamed, and every thing silenced.

     I took a deep breath. "We have to switch weapons to make it fair!" I yelled.

     "Why?" Travis asked.

     "Clarrise has an electric spear. I'm half mechanic. If she had hit me with the spear my circuits would have fried and I wouldn't be able to move, and my heart is pretty much powered by the clock in my chest. I can die from a small electrical shock." I told them.

      "Well then. Clarrise has to switch weapons then!" Travis yelled.

      "I'm switching as well. If only I had my signature weapon the match would be over within five minutes. I'm getting a new sword." I told them.

      "As honorable as ever Percy. Very well, switch weapons!" Travis yelled.

      I ran back to the weapon rack and picked a sword that balanced best for me and headed back out to see Clarrise with a sword in hand. "I only used that spear because of it's enchantment. I'm pretty skilled with a sword as well." She told me with a smirk.

     "Very well then, let's do this." I said and we got into battle stance, not moving.

     I saw her twitch with anticipation as she stared me down, daring one another to attack first.

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