Where's Percy At?

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     Annabeth's POV

     I woke up in the middle of the night trembling in fear. My sheets were drenched in sweat, as well as me. I sat up in bed, still trembling.

Cursed Nightmares

     I got out of bed as quietly as possible, tiptoeing to the door. I shivered at the cold floor on my sensitive feet, opening the door. I cool breeze blew through my hair, making it even messier than before. It didn't matter.

     I stepped outside, pushing the door shut slowly until I heard a soft click. I let go of the knob. A harpy saw where I was going and left me alone. I don't know how Nico got over his nightmares.

     He probably doesn't sleep.

     I shivered as dew on the grass wet the bottoms of my feet, soaking my sweatpants. I ignored it and pushed on until I got to cabin three. I pushed the door open slightly, peeking inside. I couldn't see anything so I opened it a bit wider, letting the moon illuminate the room. I could see, but there was another problem. Percy was gone. I tried not to panic and searched his cabin.

     Where are you Percy?

     I knocked softly on the bathroom door. I heard no rely and pushed it open, reaching my hand in a switching on the lights. They flickered for a second, and I could have sworn I saw glowing eyes.

     Just your imagination.

     I stepped inside and looked around, slightly panicked. I shut the light off and ran out of the cabin. My feet hurt from cutting my feet on the rocks on the forest floor as I headed to the beach. I felt my blood pounding in my head.

     Where are you?

     I ran onto the beach, looking around for the silhouette of Percy against the sky. I listened for the slashing of water. Nothing. I ran onto the dock my feet pounding on the wood. I felt splinters fill my feet but I didn't care. I looked over the edge of the dock into the water.

     This isn't funny Percy.

     My breathing got rigid as I looked around again, only a sliver of hope to find him. Seeing nothing, the hope floated away like a helium balloon released by a five year old, crying at their lost balloon.

     I was that five year old as I dropped to my knees. "Percy!" I screamed desperately, and cabin lights flickered on seconds after.

     I looked over into the water as footsteps pounded towards me. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder gently. I looked up and saw Piper as well as the rest of the seven, Nico, Thalia and the Stolls.

     "What happened Annabeth?" Piper asked in a gentle yet urgent tone. I felt a tear run down my face.

     "He's gone." I whispered. There expressions turned grim.

     "I had a nightmare and I went to go him, because he lets me sleep with him." I sniffled a little bit before continuing. "And he wasn't there. I looked everywhere. He's gone." Piper pulled me into a hug as she barked orders the rest of the group.

     "Search every inch of this place, top and bottom!" She ordered. They nodded and ran off still in pajama's, while I sobbed into her shoulder as she rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

Percy's gone. Again.

     "You should go to your cabin. Malcom can sooth you while I look along with the others, alright?" She asked, holding my out at arms length.

     I nodded once and she smiled kindly before running off. I shakily got to my feet, shuffling to my cabin. I opened the door and saw the Athena kids sitting up in their bunks. "Oh dear gods Annabeth what happened!" Malcom exclaimed. He gently lead me to his bunk and sat me down, rubbing my back trying to calm me.

     "Percy's missing. Again." I whispered. He hugged me closer, gasping slightly.

     "Don't worry. We'll find him. I promise." He muttered into my ear.

      I nodded slowly into my step brother's chest. "Alright. Good girl. Lay down and try to get some rest. I'll fix up your feet." He told me. I nodded and laid down with my head at the foot of his head, my feet propped up slightly on his legs as he got out a pair of tweezers, cotton balls, and alcohol from a first aid kid pulled from under his bed.

     As I fell asleep I heard him mutter "What did you do this time Percy?" while dipping a cotton ball in alcohol.

     Please come back.

     Percy's POV

     I woke up, groaning and sat up, looking at my unfamiliar  surroundings. I was in a iron bar cage suspended from the ceiling. This isn't my bed. I doubted from the scent of blood and rotting flesh that I was in camp half blood. The room around the cage was filled with machinery and test tubes with a rainbow of chemicals flowing through wires or just sitting around.

     I heard a creak and spun around in my cage, where a strange man in a lab coat had just emerged from a door. He studied my with interest, before nodded and smiling sadistically.

     "Perseus Jackson. Finally awake eh?" He asked in a deep bristly voice.

     "Who are you, where am I, and why am I here?" I asked in a demanding voice.

     "My name is Alexander. You are in my lab, and you are here because I captured you to use as my lab rat. Any more questions?" He asked cheerfully.

     "Why me?" I asked.

     "Because you, being the toughest of all the demigods, have a higher chance of surviving. No more questions." He replied in the same cheery voice.

     I scowled at him and he snapped his fingers. Metal sustraints popped out of the cage, forcing me against the cold iron bars. I struggled against them but it was no use. He approached me with a needle in his hand. He smiled demonically. "Now. Let's try this." He said, walking around side the cage and stabbing it into my neck.

     I screamed in pain as it seemed to dissolve every piece of me. It spread across my body hitting my lungs. I tried to make noise but it seemed to have affected my ability to talk. I silently screamed, thrashing around. He tutted. "That was not what I was hoping for, but it will do."

     The pain slowly subsided after what seemed like eternity of torture. I tried to talk but I could barely breath, much less get enough air to talk. He stepped back in front of the cage and frowned deeply.

     "This is not what I expected." He said, grabbing a mirror and pointing it at me. My eyes widened in horror. I was hideous. I nearly threw up  just looking at myself. He shrugged. "My bad."

     Annabeth's POV

     I slumped in my seat at the Athena table after I received the news. "No sign of him. I'm so sorry." Hazel apologized with tears in her eyes. Everyone else had tears in their eyes as well.

     I nodded as the others shook there head no. "We can try an iris message." Thalia offered.

     "If he was kidnapped again I doubt we can, but I'll try." I went over to the prism they put in the center of camp and threw in a drachma, and they followed, as well as Chiron.

     "Oh Iris, please, please PLEASE show me Percy Jackson." I asked, begging her.

     The rainbow shimmered and a black screen appeared. "Well Perseus. I guess since you are already a wreck I can mess you up further, correct? Maybe inject a few more chemicals in you, maybe I can turn you into something." A voice said curiously.

     "If you don't respond I'm taking it as a yes! Oh wait, you can't talk. Your lungs are broken. Oh well! Test time!" I heard something like iron chains clanging together.

     "Oh stop moving! I need to inject this right in your eye..." There was a loud bang and the man laughed.

     "Oops! I guess that was an acid. Oh well. You're only down one eye, you still have the other!" The iris message cut itself of, leaving us trembling. I saw Leo had recorded it in his monster proof phone.

     "We need to bring this to the gods..." Thalia whispered in a trembling voice. Tears were running down all of our faces.

     Everyone looked at Nico and he nodded, shadow traveling us all to Olympus. Luckily the gods were all arguing, meaning they were there.

     "Shut up!" I yelled. They silenced and turned towards me. "Listen to this iris message. We managed to get through to Percy, cut it was only audio. Leo recorded it." I told them.

     Leo fiddled with his phone then held it up.

     "Well Perseus. I guess since you are already a wreck I can mess you up further, correct? Maybe inject a few more chemicals in you, maybe I can turn you into something. If you don't respond I'm taking it as a yes! Oh wait, you can't talk. Your lungs are broken. Oh well! Test time!" Cue the chains.

     "Oh stop moving! I need to inject this right in your eye..." There was a loud bang and the man laughed.

     "Oops! I guess that was an acid. Oh well. You're only down one eye, you still have the other!" the video stopped playing and I looked up. All of the gods were deathly pale.

     "I.. I know who that was.." Zeus whispered.

     "Who!?" Everyone yelled at once.

     "His name is Alexander. He is an evil son of Hecate. He was banished a long while ago. I don't know how he's still alive, but he was banished for making evil chemical mixes that tortured the victim." Zeus told us. "And we have a tracker on him. It's implanted in bone, so he can't get it out. He doesn't even know it's there."

     "Then what are we waiting for?!" I yelled.

     "We can't send demigods out on a quest without an official quest." Athena told me sadly.

     I growled in frustration and grumbled under my breath the rest of the day.

     For the next three months no quest was issued, and Annabeth is starting to go insane. Thalia left with Artemis and Jason, Hazel and Frank are at camp Jupiter.

     Thalia's POV

     I was scouting through the area when I heard a whimpering from behind a rock from a few feet away. I listened and sure enough it came again.. But it sounded kind of like an automaton. I stood where I was but leaned over to look around it, where I saw a black snout peeking out from behind it. It whimpered again, sounding like it was in pain. From the looks of it is probably a lone wolf who got hurt trying to hunt.

     He whimpered again and I took a step forward, but the snout disappeared and it whined like it was scared.

     "Don't worry little guy, I'm not going to hurt you." I soothed.

     It stuck it's nose out again, smelling the air. Suddenly it perked up and peeked it's head around the corner, and I realized why it had sounded robotic. It's right eye was replaced with a sheet of golden metal, it's jaw traced with wires and more golden metal. It looked like it was a project gone wrong. It took another cautious step out and I gasped. Right in the center of his chest was a series of gears, looking like the inside of a clock. It ticked to the pace of a heartbeat. He whimpered again and a small fan that cools down the inside of a computer whirred, I could hear it from here. It's left ear was made of metal, and it's front left paw was metal, and his back right leg was entirely metal. Every place there was metal there were wires and gears and other mechanical parts fixed inside to make it work like a real part.

     It was fully revealed, staring at me with green eyes. His fur was jet black with grey on the top of the ear he had left. He whimpered again, as if asking for permission. I patted the back of my thigh and he walked over cautiously, until he was right in front of me. He looked up at me with sad green eyes. I slowly reached forward, trying to pet him, but he put his tail between his legs ad shrunk back a little. I  held me hand still and he stopped trembling, rubbing his snout in my hand, then he rubbed against my leg. I chuckled and walked back to the camp. I can't wait to show Artemis.

     I looked back to make sure he was still with me, and sure enough he was trotting happily behind me, panting with a normal tongue sticking out, thank goodness. I saw from the side that he had many holes patched with metal work and each time he breathed it sounded like you were blowing into a moving fan blade.

     I stopped at the edge of camp and turned to him. "You need to behave, okay? there are a lot of people, can you handle that?" I could have imagined it but I swear he nodded.

     I saw Artemis in her tent and quickly slipped inside. No one saw him. "Lady Artemis?" I asked. She looked over.

     "Yes?" She asked.

     "I found something... strange." I looked behind me and saw he was cowering behind me. I nudged him and he stepped forward, revealing himself.

     Artemis gasped. "That poor thing! He didn't attack you?" She asked.

      I shook my head no and apparently seeing that Artemis didn't want to hurt him he trotted over and sat in front of her, looking up. Artemis smiled at him, slowly reaching out. He flinched but stayed still as Artemis ran her fingers through his fur.

     "You should bring him to camp half blood, see what they can make of him. Take Zoe and Bianca too." She told me. I nodded, smiling.

     I remembered how the gods let the hunters stay alive and how happy Nico was when he saw Bianca. "Follow me boy." I called. He stood, his leg creaking a bit, but his tail wagging happily.

     I walked out, him following behind. People whispered as I walked by with him, but no one bothered us. "Zoe! Bianca!" I called. Two people emerged from the crowd.

     "You are coming to camp half blood to take this guy there." I told them.

     He trotted up to them then started jumping up and down in front of them. He rubbed against there legs and they laughed at he pranced around happily.

     "Well. He seems to like you! Lets head out. It's only a few hour walk." I told them. They nodded, petting the wolf.

     "We need a name. Do you have one?" I asked, bending down to a crouch.

     He nodded. So I wasn't imagining. "So you do have a brain. Fascinating. We can figure a name when we get to camp, okay? Then maybe they can help." I told him. He jumped once and started to trot in the direction of camp.

     "How'd he do that?" Zoe asked.

     "I have no idea." I admitted as we jogged to catch up to him.

      We made it to camp without any hassle. People were at activities so we went to the big house without a problem. "Chiron!" I called, stepping inside.

     "Oh Hello Thalia. Zoe. Bianca. Why are you- What!?" He stopped mid sentence and gaped at the wolf.

     The wolf trotted up to him and sat at his feet, looking up. "Where did you find him?" Chiron asked.

     "Out in the woods. He was hiding and super nervous, but I brought him to Artemis and she told me to bring him here." I told him. He nodded, examining the half metal wolf.

     The doors burst open and the cabin leaders came in. "Perfect timing. Demigods, Thalia found this in the woods. Any clue on what it is?" Chiron asked.

     The wolf jumped up and started prancing around happily, then sat in front of Annabeth. She got on her knees, eyes wide with disbelief.

     "How is this even possible? What are you?" She marveled.

     He seemed to shrink a little at her reaction. He looked up at us all with pleading looks. When we looked back at him confused he whimpered and lay down on the floor. "Did... did he want us to do something?" Nico asked.

     The wolf jumped up and sat at Nico's feet. "Uh, hey." 

      The wolf cocked his head to the side slightly. "Is he a monster?" Nico asked.

     The wolf seemed to frown at him. He huffed and laid back down on the floor. "Nope. He made it past camp barriers, wait. Nothing except demigods are allowed through the barrier without permission, not even animals." Bianca said thoughtfully.

     The wolf jumped up and jumped in front of Bianca, excitement in his eyes. "His mechanics might have messed the barrier up." She suggested.

     The wolf whimpered and laid back down. "We should test how smart he is, and try to find out why he is this interactive" Annabeth said.

     "Good idea Annabeth. Are you sure you can keep up with your work? You haven't been yourself since Percy disappeared again." Hazel told her. Annabeth got a sad look in her eyes.

      "They have a tracker on him! They just wont let us go without a quest!" Annabeth exclaimed, tears brimming her eyes.

      The wolf went over and butted his head gently on her leg, looking up. Annabeth smiled slightly, crouching down and scratching the top of his head. He looked like he was enjoying himself, and much to his disappointment, Annabeth stood up.

     "I'm going to set up a test for him, a simple thing, just to see if he can understand English or if he's just... malfunctioning. For all we know his brain might be metal and gotten destroyed, causing him to act funny. I don't know, but I'll be right back." Annabeth said, running out the door.

     "So. We need a name for you there buddy." I said.

     "Right! A name! How about..." Piper trailed off, thinking.

     "Do you already have a name?" I asked. He nodded.

     "How is he so... smart?" Jason asked.

     "I have no idea. But what should we call him? We can't just call him wolf all the time." I told him.

     "Wolfy! We can call him Wolfy!" Leo yelled.

     "Wolfy? Really?" I asked.

     "What? It's cute!" Leo exclaimed.

     "It is kind of cute..." Hazel agreed.

     "I was thinking something that would fit him more. You don't call an epic looking wolf Wolfy." I tried to reason.

     "Fine. How about we do something that has to deal with mechanics, because he's made partially with metal" Leo offered.

      "We could call him Metallo. It means metal in Italian." Nico offered.

      "Metallo. I like it." Leo said.

      I sighed. "It will do. Do you like your temporary name bud?" I asked, turning to him. I could have sworn he rolled his eyes at me.

      "Did anyone else just see that?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

      "So. You've got an attitude huh? I like you better already." I chuckled as he perked up.

      Then the doors burst open and Annabeth came in. "Update, the wolf is now called Metallo and he can roll his eyes." Leo updated Annabeth.

      "Metallo? Okay I guess. Doesn't seem to fit him but anyway, I have tests for him." She said, smiling proudly.

      Metallo, however, whimpered. "So you know what a test is. Man you are really smart for a wolf." Annabeth commented

      He shook his head, looking at the floor in irritation. Annabeth started to talk but there was something freaky going on.

     I could here someone talking inside of my head. "Oh boy. More Annabeth tests. Yippee. I've already took them! I wonder if they are a lower level since I'm a wolf now..." I looked over to Metallo with wide eyes.

      "Metallo..." I said.

       He looked up and cocked his head in confusion. "Why does she looked so scared?"

     "Metallo, I look scared because I can hear your voice in my head..." I whispered. His eyes widened and he began to jump around.

      "Thals! Oh My Word! Yes! This is Awesome! It's Percy! I'm Percy! That evil guy blew me up, replaced my missing parts with metal and turned me into a wolf! I escaped!"

       "Thalia? Is... is that true?" Annabeth asked. But I didn't answer. This wolf. Was PERCY.

       "Annabeth." I gulped. "This is Percy." I whispered.

       "No, your fibbing." Annabeth gasped.

       "No, I'm not. I promise you." I whispered, staring at Percy, who was still jumping around in joy.

      "Percy." Leo said. He stopped jumped and trotted over to Leo, sitting in front of him.

      "Holy Hera!" Leo exclaimed, stumbling back a step.

      "So, it's... It's really you..." Annabeth whispered.

       Percy turned to face her and whimpered, trotting over. He gently butted her leg with his head, whimpering again. "Oh my word Perce! You... you're alive... you are torn to shreds though, and a wolf..." Annabeth muttered.

     "Annabeth, we need to go to the gods now." Just then Chiron trotted back into the room.

     "Did you guys find anything out?" He asked.

      "Yeah." I took a shaky breath. "Yeah. We did. This wolf? It's Percy."

      "What!? Oh dear, we need to take him to Olympus..." He muttered.

      "My poor student..." He said. Percy trotted over and looked up at him, whimpering quietly.

      "Nico, take up to Olympus." Chiron said. He nodded and everyone linked hands except for Percy. I knelt down and put a hand on his back and Nico shadow traveled us to Olympus.

      No one was there except Hestia. "Lady Hestia, no disrespect, we need a meeting. Now." Chiron said.

      She nodded and all the gods appeared in there thrones. "Wha- Why are we here?" Zeus asked.

      "Chiron and the demigods have a matter to discuss with us." Hestia announced.

      "Well? What is it then?" Zeus asked. I felt Percy hide behind me. He's probably nervous.

      "C'mon." Said, urging him out from behind me. He cautiously stepped forward and everyone gasped.

      "That poor thing!" Athena gasped.

      Before we got to talk more all of the gods rushed for us, crowding Percy. "What happened? Where did you get him?" Athena asked. Percy was stooped down low whimpering slightly.

     "I found him in the woods patrolling the border to Artemis' camp, when I found him. We just found out scary news about him." I took a shaky breath and the gods looked at me expectantly. "This wolf? Is Percy. And before you yell about me lying, I'm not. I can for some reason her him in my head, and this is what he said. 'That evil guy blew me up, replaced my missing parts with metal and turned me into a wolf. I escaped.'"

     Everyone gaped at the wolf, now recognized as Percy Jackson. "P-Percy? We need to fix this! How do we turn him human again!?" Poseidon yelled frantically.

      "We... We can't turn him human." Athena said. "More than he already is, anyway."

      "What does than mean, more that he already is?" Poseidon asked.

      "Due to the way he was transformed, a mix of chemicals creating him, he became a werewolf. He can only turn human at the time he turned, so he would only be human for an hour before being a wolf again." Athena explained with a sad expression on her face.

      Percy whimpered and lowered his head. "He... He can't live like this!" Annabeth yelled. "There must be a way! Any way at all!" She yelled, tears running down her face.

       "I... I'm sorry. There... there is no way." Athena whispered.

       "My... my son!" Poseidon yelled.

       Annabeth was crying now, rambling on about how she was going to murder Alexander. Percy looked over to her and trotted over slowly. He nudged her limp hand, laying at her side with his nose.

     Annabeth looked down at him, then sat down on the floor. She pulled him onto her, hugging him close. Percy laid on top of her, whimpering sadly. "Thalia, can you hear me?"

    I nodded. "I know it isn't the same coming from someone else, but can you tell her I love her?"    

     I nodded again. "Annabeth?" I whispered. She looked up.

     "Percy says he loves you." I said gently.

      She smiled lightly and burrowed her face in his fur. "I love you to.." She muttered, though it was muffled from his fur.

      "Wait!" Athena yelled, gasping.

      "What!?" Poseidon yelped.

      "We can turn him into a normal werewolf! Wolf a night, human by day! I just need to add a pollen, the pollen of a night bloomer, a water version of it, to his bloodstream and he will be normal! I'll be right back!" She yelled, flashing away. Percy jumped out of Annabeth's lap, jumping around happily.

     Everyone laughed, in relief and at Percy. Athena came back with a needle filled with a purple liquid. "C'mon Percy. I need to inject this into your side, okay?" She asked. Percy stopped jumping and trotted over to her.

     He winced slightly as the needle went in, but other than that it went well. Everyne waited a few moments and Percy's form began to shift, growing larger and slimmer. Finally Percy stood in it's place, examining his hands.

     A smile grew on his face and he crushed Athena in a hug. "Thank you so, so much Lady Athena." He whispered, pulling away. Athena looked surprised but smiled at him.

     He turned to Annabeth and picker up, spinning her around. Annabeth laughed as Percy set her down. "I have never been so happy to see you... In human form." Annabeth said. "The only problem, you're still half metal."

     "Better than being a wolf and metal. Plus, it's kind of cool." He said, looking at his left metal hand and his right metal leg. "I sound like a robot though. That's just... weird." He said, frowning.

     "I don't care what you sound like, I'm just glad your back." Annabeth said, smiling.

     "Well, I think we have to announce the arrival of Percy and his.. err... change..." Leo said.

     "Very true. Thank you so much Lady Athena." Percy said, bowing to her.

     "Eh, you'll call me mother some day." Athena said, winking. Then we were flashed down to Camp half blood, leaving Percy and Annabeth bright red.

     "I.. I have a stupid question.." Percy said, grabbed Annabeth's hands.

     "You always do. Go ahead?" Annabeth teased.

     "Right... do you really want to stay with me, even after... this.." He said, looking down slightly.

     "Percy, that is the stupidest question I have ever heard you ask. Of course I'm going to stay with you!" Annabeth exclaimed.

     He smiled at her. "You are the best girlfriend I could ask for." He said.

     "Soon to be wife, right?" I teased, and they both turned red.

     "Whatever! Just... assemble a meeting at the arena. I'm going to teleport into the booth where no one can see me and come out when you call me, kay? Kay." Percy mist traveled away, leaving us standing at me tree.

     We then ran around camp screaming "MEET AT THE ARENA! MEET AT THE ARENA!" At the top of our lungs. We looked around to make sure no one was still around and went to the arena where everyone was sitting in the stands.

     "Alright, as you know, Percy has been missing for quite some time, but we are glad to announce that he is back!" I yelled.

     Cheers erupted through the crowds, making everyone deaf. "But! There is a slight-major change in his appearance!" I yelled.

     "Percy was blown to bits and put back together with metal, so he looks kind of freaky, like a golden tin man! And, one other thing. He was injected with chemicals that when mixed... Turned him into a werewolf."

     "I don't care! I'm just glad he's back!" Clarrise yelled, and cheers of agreement rang in after it.

    Everyone in the center smiled brightly. "So, I'm assuming you want to see him?" I asked.

    Cheers rang through the crowd AGAIN. "Percy, that's your cue!" I yelled. He walked out of the booth shyly, standing next to Annabeth. Everything was loud as cheers and whoops filled the arena and Percy smiled.

     "And another thing, he sounds like a robot to. So don't be freaked out my golden tin man over here!" I yelled.

     "That's my new nick name, isn't it?" Percy asked with a sigh.

     "It sure is Metallo!" Leo yelled. Percy groaned but did so with a smile.

     "And as you know, I was turned into a werewolf, so if you see a black wolf wandering the grounds at night, it's me. I'm not one of those giant mutant werewolf things, thankfully, I just turn into a wolf at night." Percy said.

     Clarrise jumped down from the stand and ran at him, tackling in a hug. "Man your worried me punk!" Clarrise yelled.

     "Sorry to scare you, oh! And also! Thalia, don't electrocute me! You might short circuit my electric stuff and I wouldn't be able to move. Luckily it's water proof though."

      "Fine, I wont electrocute you. Only because I want to be able to punch someone who can move." I sighed.

     "And because you don't want to hurt him, RIGHT?" Annabeth asked me in a tone that meant I had to say yes.

     "Oh yeah because I love Golden tin man so much!" I yelled.

     "Good enough. Anyway, it's starting to get dark. We should-" Annabeth started.

     "I'm pretty sure they want to see Percy's werewolf form Annie." I told her.

     "Right. You okay with that Percy?" Annabeth asked.

     "Well it gets dark right around when dinner is about to end so they are gonna see me anyway, and I'm hungry. I was just pretty much starved. I want to eat!" Percy yelled.

      "Oh you're eating then. Everyone to the dining pavilion!" I yelled and everyone ran for the dining pavilion.

     We all got out food and I saw Percy scrape some food into Athena's thing. He ate as quickly as possible before it was time. Which was now. His form shifted and everyone watched as he became a wolf.

     "He's so cute!" Everyone yelled. Percy's eyes widened as the Aphrodite girls got up. He spun around and booked it.

     "You think he'll be alright?" Annabeth asked as the Aphrodite cabin ran out. They made a table for the seven Nico and I to sit at so Percy didn't have to sit alone.

     "Eh. He'll be fine." I said, biting into an apple.

     5140 words

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