Beggin' On Your Knees

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Piper POV

I sighed as I continued to look around for Jason. I had already checked the arena, dining pavilion, stables, his cabin, bunker 9, even the big house (Where I accidentally woke up Mr D). I finally decided to check the beach after checking the infirmary (There I accidentally walked in on Nico and Will). When I got there I saw Percy and Annabeth far out off the shore, I waved but they didn't noticed me. I sighed as I continued on. 

I ended up going to the seven's place (A little cave out of sight from the main beach). When I got there I could hear soft moans coming from inside. I frowned, No one should be in there only the seven and Nico knows about this place, Hazel and Frank are in New Rome, Nico and Will should still be in the infirmary and there's no way they could have gotten here that fast and Percy and Annabeth are under the water, the only person that's not accounted for is Jason and there's no way he'd be in there with another girl, right?  

My suspicions were corrected when I heard a soft female moan saying my boyfriend's name and worst of all I recognized the voice. I took a deep breath and walked into the cave. There they were on the ground, Jason with no shirt on and Reyna's bra was almost off.

"You cheating little scumbag, I can't believe you! I thought you loved me!" I screamed. I  never seen to people move that fast.

"Piper I-" Jason started

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Grace! And you! Ramírez-Arellano I thought we could be friends but I guess not!" I screamed, tears filling vision.

"Piper, please just," Jason tried again.

"Hold up, you said you broke up with Piper!" Reyna shouted turning on Jason.

"He said that! Well guess what Jason your wish is granted! We are no longer together," I told him, glaring at him. "I'm guessing you've been doing this for ages, screwing Reyna while you're at Camp Jupiter and me while you're here? Well I guess it's my fault not listening to the warnings I got about sons of Jupiter! Goodbye Jason," I turned and left the place, I could hear Reyna giving him a piece of her mind but I was already gone.


I ended up getting dragged to camp fire by Mitchel and Lacey, so I stayed slumped on a seat next to Lacey.

"Next up for Karaoke is Piper!" I heard Will shout. I sat up so fast Lacey almost fell off her seat. Soon everyone was cheering my name to sing. I groaned as I stood up and slowly walked over to Will, who handed me the Mic.

"I heard what happened with Jason and Nico and I came up with a plan for your revenge, your singing Beggin' On Your Knees, all good?" Will whispered to me.

"I have no choice do I?" I sigh, Will laughed and shook his head as the music started to play.

"Beggin' On Your Knees"

(with Victorious Cast)

You had it all the day you told me (told me) you want me
I had it all but let you fool me (fool me) completely
Yeah I was so stupid to give you all my attention
'Cause the way you played me exposed your true intentions

And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede
You mess with me and mess with her
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve
Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me

So watch your back 'cause you don't know when or where I can get you
I've set the trap and when I'm done then you'll know what I've been through
So oh, Mister Player, do you feel like the man now?
And I bet you're nervous 'cause this song makes you freak out

And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede
You mess with me (yeah) and mess with her (yeah)
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve (yeah)

Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me

I know I'm being bitter but I'mma drag you under
'Cause you just don't, don't deserve "Happy ever after"
For what you did to me after you told me you never felt that way
It was only just a game

(you had it all)

(And one day)
And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me (beggin' on your knees for me)
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede (crawlin' like a centipede)
You mess with me (yeah) and mess with her (yeah)
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve (yeah)
Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me

I handed the microphone back to Will and sat back down next to Lacey, I noticed Jason had left but after that I really don't care what happens to him and I'm really glad Reyna wasn't in on the whole cheating thing because I still want her as a friend.

The End

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