Power (Part 2 of Black Magic)

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Piper POV

I woke up to Calypso's slight snoring. I groaned and rolled over to look at the time, the digital clock read 8:40am (A/N I'm going off my schooling times, we start at 8:50 eastern Australian time) and my eyes widened.

"Oh shit! Guys get up we've got ten minutes til school starts!" I shouted, scaring the other three awake. We didn't even look at each other or the clothes we were throwing on, we raced down stairs and ran toward my car.

"Hurry!" Annabeth exclaimed jumping into the passenger side. The other two jumped into the back as I pressed my foot on the gas, speeding off.

"I can't believe Nico didn't wake us!" Hazel exclaimed. I looked into the rear view mirror at her and gasped.

"Hazel! What happened to you?!" I exclaimed.

"What happen to me! What happened to you?!" Hazel shouted. I instantly pulled over and looked at myself in the mirror more closely.

"I think what you guys are trying to say is what happened to all of us?" Calypso asked. I looked at her and I instantly knew what she meant.

"Holy shit!" I cursed.

"Alright! Who's the witch?" Annabeth asked and she wasn't joking. Hazel looked down,

"I am but I only used my powers me not you guys and I didn't expect this as the outcome," Hazel refused to look at us.

"Haz you could have told us, we would do anything rash but did you perhaps stuffed up on whatever you did last night?" Calypso asked, placing her hand on hazel shoulder. Hazel shook her head.

"No, I wouldn't be able without showing a reading and since the house didn't stormed last night, guys I think we all have magic, I think we are all witches," Hazel stated looking at us.

"Well whatever happened last night we are defiantly talking about this later, but hey maybe this the outcome Mr Brunner was hoping for and maybe we can show the barbies what true beauty looks like," Annabeth stated. "Piper start the car we can still make it to the end of first period if we hurry,"

"Right yeah lets go," I stated, starting up the car I headed toward school. I should probably explain what the hell we look like now right? I guess I'll start with Hazel, her once was puffy cinnamon hair was now in tight curls ending at her shoulders in some fancy hairstyle, her already beautiful face seemed to have make up on it but I knew she didn't have an inch on, her golden eyes seemed to stand out more than they already did and finally the spell seemed to effect our clothes as well, she was wearing a denim dress with a brown belt and a pair of dark purple converse, along with diamond earrings, a sliver heart neklace with ared jewel inside and a Gryffindor ring. Annabeth's golden locks were in a waterfall braid, she was no longer wearing her glasses showing her stormy gray eyes and her outfit was a sea green tee with the words 'DO WHAT YOU LOVE' printed on it, a pair of washed out jeans and sea green converse, along with her outfit was her usual owl earring, a sea green heart neaklace and a Ravenclaw ring. Calypso on the other hand seemed to be going on a date not going to school, she could fit right in with the barbies without the make up of course, her honey brown hair was in a half up-half down style, her outfit was a black off the shoulder shirt that showed her belly slightly, it was matched up with a white skirt, along with her outfit was a pair of white ballet flats, heart earrings, a sliver heart necklace and a Hufflepuff ring. Then there was me, I haven't seen my hair to tell you what it looks like but what I was wearing was a tee that said something about being cool that showed my belly slightly but was covered due to the hanging shreds of material from the top, was also wearing a pair of denim shorts, to go along with my unique outfit was a pair of denim converse, earrings (I'm not sure what the are), a necklace that seemed like a heart and a Slytherin ring.

I pulled up into the school's car park and parked, we all quickly grabbed our bags and ran to our first class which luckily was mythology, meaning Mr Brunner's class. As we walked in everyone stared at us, some people's jaws fell the big five were some of them that did.

"So happy that you four decided to grace us with your presents today girls," Mr Brunner stated smiling at them.

"Sorry sir, we slept in," Hazel stated, shooting a glare at her brother.

"Right just don't make it a habit," Mr Brunner stated, turning back to the board. The girls sat in their usual seats but everyone continued to stared at us. Hazel shifted uncomfortably as Nico continued to stare her down.

At the end of class Nico approached the girls but he wasn't alone, behind him were the rest of the big five, the five of them dragged the girls into an empty classroom

"Hazel what do you think you are doing?" Nico demanded, glaring at his sister.

"Hang on a second, don't you dare say anything about Hazel's outfit because you and your little friends and when I say little I mean little everywhere, hang around girls dressed worst then what any of us are wearing," Annabeth came in for the save. I snorted slightly at what she said about them being little. The five boys stared at her as did Calypso and Hazel.

"Look Annabeth I'm glad you finally found your voice and all but this is between Hazel and I," Nico glared at her.

"Well then talk to her in public, not in an empty classroom," I chimed in smirking.

"What Nico? You and your friends embarrassed to be seen talking to us? The Nerds?" Cally asked.

"Is it me or after after your little sing fest last night you all grew some balls?" Nico asked, glaring at the four of them.

"No we've always had them unlike you," Hazel huffed, picking up her things she stormed out of the classroom heading toward her next class.

"Well done Neeks, you ruined another relationship with an another sister," Percy congratulated him mentioning Nico's other sister Bianca who ran away after a fight with Nico and no one has seen or heard from her since.

"Shut up Perseus," Nico stormed out after Hazel.

"Well this is awkward," Leo stated rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I like your rings, Harry Potter right?" Jason asked, trying to make small talk.

"Uh yeah," I smiled awkwardly.

"Uh guys as much as I want to sit in this empty classroom all day, I think we should be heading to class," Annabeth stated as she collected her thing from the floor. The rest of us followed her example and we all left the classroom most likely never to again.

*Time lapse to after school and back at Hazel's house* *Piper POV*

Hazel was fuming when we walked into her house. We found out Nico had recorded us singing and showed it to the whole school thinking Hazel would listen to him then. Hazel froze when we walked into the living room. In the living room were four out of the five big five, they all seemed to have instruments so I assumed it was a band practice.

"Hey girls," Jason smiled at us and waved. I for some reason felt heat rising to my face.

"Where's Nico?" Hazel growled, glaring at the four now very scared boys.

"He left his drumsticks at my place and went to go get them," Percy answered as quickly as possible.

"Hazel if you're angry at him for sending that video to everyone, don't be, he was trying to show you guys what happens if you dress and act like the girls that always hang around us, boys spy on them to take picture of them in their underwear, he's just trying to protect you, he can't lose you?" Frank explained to her. Almost instantly Hazel calmed down.

"I can take care of myself," Hazel huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh we know but Nico doesn't want a repeat of what happened last time you know with Bianca, I mean no one knows what happened between the two," Frank tried to convince Hazel.

"I know what happened between Nico and Bianca but I suggest you don't mention it ever again, if my Dad hears you talkimg about Bianca, he'll go nuts," Hazel sighed as she sat down on the couch next to Frank.

"Okay maybe we should change the subject, you four are great singers, do you think you can sing for us?" Percy asked. We all stared at him, completely shocked. "What?" Percy ask a little confused why we were staring at him.

"Nothing it's just you think we are good singers?" Annabeth asked, she looked like she was about to melt.

"Yeah! Will you guys sing for us, we can play for you guys?" Leo asked smirking at Cally, who basically physically melted.

"Uh sure, you don't have to play back up," I smiled at Jason and pulled out my phone and started playing Little Mix's Power.

[Perrie] [Annabeth]

Hold up, no you didn't bow, bow
I ain't the chick to walk behind you around town
Just cause you're packin', packin', whoop, down south
That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it laying down, baby

[Jesy] [Calypso]

Oh I'm a machine when I do it
I'll be catching fire, gasoline when I do it

[Perrie] [Annabeth]

Just cause you're packin', packin', whoop, down south
That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it laying down


Baby, you're the man
But I got the, I got the, I got the power
You make rain
But I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower
You should know, I'm the one who's in control
I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget

Who got the power?


I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
Hold up!


My turn
I make this look easy
Tick Tick boom like gasoline-y
Yeah they call me Lamborghini
Cause I know just what I'm worth
Z-z-zero to hundred
B-b-body make' em stutter
Start my engine, push the button
Cause I'm gon' be coming first


Yeah, I'm a machine when I do it
I'll be catching fire, gasoline when I do it


Just cause you're packin', packin', whoop, down south
That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it laying down


Baby, you're the man
But I got the, I got the, I got the power
You make rain
But I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower
You should know, I'm the one who's in control
I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget


Who got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the
Who got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the
Who got the power


Don't be fooled, I got you wrapped up
In the arms of an animal


Got you thinking that I'm all innocent
But wait 'till I get you home


If you don't baby you should know
I'm the one who's in control


Motorbike, motorbike, motorbike, motorbike
Bike, bike, bike, bike
Bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, whoop


You're the man
But I got the, I got the, I got the power
You make rain
But I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower
You should know, I'm the one who's in control
I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget
You're the man
But I got the, I got the, I got the power
You make rain
But I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower
You should know, I'm the one who's in control
I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget


I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power


Cause I got, I got, I got the power
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah


I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power
I got the, I got the power


Baby don't forget I got the power, yeah
The power yeah, yeah-eh


Motorbike, motorbike, motorbike, motorbike
Bike, bike, bike, bike
Bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, whoop

"Wow, you guys are amazing," Jason stated staring at the four of us. I instantly blushed.

"I think you mean AMZANG! Grace," Percy laughed, while Frank went red.

"We aren't that good," Annabeth stated.

"Are you kidding me your voices are the best I've ever heard," Leo exclaimed, smiling at us especially Calypso as his eyes haven't left her since we walked into the room.

"Th-Thanks," Calypso stuttered bright red.

"Hey guys I'm back and I've got Will as well, he said he'll record us again," Nico walked into the room and froze as soon as he saw us. "What's going on here?" He asked assessing the the bright red Frank, Calypso and well me.

"The girls were just showing us how crabby our band is with they mermaid voices," Percy stated, Annabeth stared at him completely shocked at what he said.

"Did you just make two ocean puns in one sentence," Annabeth asked.

"I'm glad you sea what I'm doing here," Percy laughed, while the rest of facepalmed.

"Don't give up your day job to become a stand up comedian," Annabeth sighed, picking up her things. " As fun as this is I think I'm going to do my homework, bye,"

"Annabeth wait for us! We need your brain!" I called after her, grabbing my things as I ran after her, The other girls following my example.

Once we got to Hazel room and put music on full blast.

"We still need to talk about last night," I stated, looking over at Hazel.

"Look I've always known I was a witch, my mother was one and my father is one," Hazel explained.

"That would mean Nico is a-" Hazel cut Annabeth off with a nod.

"That's why he was so angry, he knew I used my powers," Hazel sighed, "It's what happened between him and Bianca, she wanted to use her powers to get revenge for our mothers and Nico didn't want her to, Bianca ended up running away to a group of witches to educate her self in the arts but the group ended up getting raided," Hazel explained, she looked close to tears.

"Hazel do you think we are all witches?" Calypso asked looking at Hazel dead in the eye. Hazel nodded slightly.

"There's a test to prove it but I don't know how to do it but Nico does," Hazel explained, she had small smile on her face like she was remembering something funny.

"Should we ask him after their band practice?" Annabeth asked, looking at the rest of us.

"No, we should ask now," Hazel stated smiling widely as she jumped up and ran out the room, we had no choice but to follow. The odd thing was I could only hear our music, what are the boys doing?

To Be Continued

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