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Kiera Kingsley walked into the Green Lady Pub with her head held high. Not to look overly pretentious, but to look through the sea of half-naked and sweat clad people dancing to the ear-blasting music. She had hoped to see what might be her possible match and decide whether or not to proceed or escape. 

Sighing, Kiera walked around the dancing people, making sure not to get midst their energy and sat down on a barstool. He said he would be here. 'Here I am,' she said looking around. The disco light was now a luminescent green. Her velvety hip length sandy blond hair was curled to perfection and it shone in the light. She took a twirl and curled it with her fingers as she looked here and there, sighing then and now.

Easily bored, Kiera took out her webbed phone and cursed herself for not changing the display again. Fleetingly, she plucked her head from mindless scrolling and saw a handsome man with a pompous smirk, advancing toward her. Kiera's heart thumped. She felt nervous all of a sudden and exhaled pensively; 'Oh, Lord, is this a sign?"

He came and sat next to her. "I assume you must be Kiera Kingsley." He leaned forth towards her ears and said huskily. Instead of butterflies and all things nice; she was spooked out. INching backwards, she stared at his day-old stubble peppered upon his sharp jaws and got bored by his endless smile to show extra bright veneers that simply jutted out instead of highlighting his countenance. To top it all off, his musk cologne felt domineering as he was sitting too close to her liking. A flashy red Kiera crossed her hands and waved her red rabbit ears inside her head. She moved back a little and smiled politely.

"I am Keith. Nice to meet you."

'He didn't raise his hands for a handshake,' Kiera looked at his hands in relief. Kieth saw it and instantly said, "Oh, where are my manners, hi." He raised his hands in confidence. Kiera sighed.

Huge, unpleasant banners of her mother's cupid game waltzed in front of her, making it all seems pointless and disappointing even. Kiera sighed as she counted and lost count, of how many times she had to do this, just because her mother was famous and had lots of connections around town and their community. She was sick of her mom playing cupid. 

Kiera was beautiful, charming and a killer blond who was thirty years old. It didn't matter that she was the CEO of her own company but since she was thirty and single, Camila took things into her own hands and never looked back. She didn't look like thirty though. But, Camila always made it seem like she was growing older and soon no one will accept her, etc, etc which was simply emotional blackmailing; which Kiera was aware of. But, since her mom was the only person she was left in this entire world; Kiera felt responsible for her mother's happiness and that happiness only had one picture in mind; Kiera in a big white wedding dress.

Kiera sighed again. The last serious relationship she ever had was when she was in business school. Though, as soon as the exams were over, Sam, her ex, slowly distanced himself from her without even giving an explanation which humiliated her and left her simply heartbroken. "If he had told me, what was the real reason, then I wouldn't have felt this cheated, used and broken." She would then cry for hours but not now. It did hurt every time she thought about him but now, she didn't cry. Sam was a gentleman, and he didn't cheat on Kiera but didn't end the relationship like a gentleman should. He simply left. No words.

"You are staring. Umm, is it not rude to stare?" Keith's voice pulled her back harshly.

"I am sorry. I got carried away, truly sorry. Isn't this place a little too loud?"

"It is the best in town. Cheap but best." Keith said with a smile and flagged a waitress who was collecting dishes from a nearby table. "What will you have?" He asked her, smiling at the red-haired waitress with black smoky eyes and lips.

"Um, iced tea and burger." Kiera was not particularly hungry but wanted something to do while she was at it.

"You know, I love football and have been playing for our local league since..." his monotonous voice bored her until she couldn't pick on her iceberg lettuce anymore. She excused herself by saying the classic restroom break and simply walked out.

The night was not that young, so she booked herself a cab and sauntered through the busiest street and waited in front of Le Meridian. As her cab came around, a young man suddenly walked in as if he had booked the cab.

Kiera was confused but walked forth as if it was her cab. And when he opened the door, she couldn't believe it.

"I am sorry but I think I booked that cab," Kiera spoke.

The gentlemen looked up from the opened door. He genuinely looked puzzled. After asking something about the driver, the man replied, "This is my cab, but if you are in an urgent, don't worry, you may take this." His accent and manners melted her. 'Why didn't I get him for my date?' There was something so nice and different about him.

But, just in time, another cab honked right behind the first one and Kiera realized her mistake, she looked at it and was embarrassed. So, she just smiled and walked towards the car.

Something about the man made her feel desperate and lonely. Suddenly her apartment felt boring and too silent for her liking. Sighing, she went to the kitchen and poured herself some red wine. Contemplating what to do, she decides to have a long hot bath and retire for the night. She didn't have to work tomorrow. Perks of being the boss.

Closing her eyes to the soothing melody, Kiera had unknowingly fallen asleep; when her phone blared through the silent room, did she remember where she was. Waking up in a start, she cursed as cold air nipped her bare skin, making her shiver badly. Adjusting the heat, she opened the shower and warmed herself before walking out to her bedroom.

It was mom. She didn't pick up the call.

"That was refreshing." She felt freshened up.

Without warning, the handsome man crept into her skin and she was dreaming about a happily ever after with him. But, that was not how it worked in real life. Without even bothering to dress up properly, Kiera fell into her bed with the towel on.

Kiera was waking up in the hands of the handsome stranger. His kiss slowly traced all the features on her face until it reached her ears and started making a ringing noise. At first, she giggled but then his voice kind of scared her. 'Stop.' But he didn't. 'I said stop. 'Angrily, Kiera woke up and yelled at him to stop.

And it did stop. But there was no man in the room. Nor was there any ringing sound. Confused, Kiera rubbed her eyes and was preparing to snuggle back in when the sound was back. It was her phone. Smiling at her own foolishness, she picked up the phone and yawned. "Hello," she said groggily.

"I am sorry. What was I thinking with that fool sending your way? He was way too..."

"Wait, mom, how did you? What are you?"

"Did you think I will let you go alone? I wanted to have some fun, so I tailed you."

Kiera sat up horrified. "Mom, stop stalking me. I am not a kid anymore."

"Stop using that tone with me, miss. You are my angel and will continue to be my baby boo until the day I die or you die, whichever comes first."

"Mom..." Kiera rubbed her face.

"Listen..." Her mom wanted to continue but she stopped her.

"No, I know that tone. Not anymore."

"No, seriously this is not a blind hook up thing. Listen, my best friend Laura, do you remember? Of course, you won't, you were way too young when she died. Why did I even ask? Listen, the thing is, her family is back in town and I saw her daughter, Penny. She recognised me from the million pictures of us. Laura was an angel, too bad she left me." Her mom paused.

Kiera could sense the happiness in her voice.

"So, listen, she had asked me to come for dinner. I want you to come with me. Six, sharp. Please!"

She had plans. To sleep off until late and go out for dinner alone. Without any engagements or sidekicks. But with the hope in her plea, Kiera couldn't think of anything to excuse herself from this one.

"It's just her sister and the brother. That's what Penny said."


"I knew you would come, thank you. After all that I put you through, consider this as a nice treat."

"Yea, a treat in the house of few strangers." Kiera yawned again.

"Now don't be groggy with me, you sleepy head. Dress nicely. I found out that their brother is single." She hung up with a laugh.

"This might be her game. A trick. Ugh, what did I get myself into?"

Squandering, six o clock came around quickly than necessary and as an alarm clock, Kiera's mother was on her doorstep. Dressed in an onion pink maxi dress, she felt overly dressed for a casual dinner. But, she felt underdressed standing beside her mom who was extravagant in a white suede knee-length dress with lace sleeves and diamond neckline.

"Mom you look gorgeous."

"So do you, wish you could dress up like this for one of your dates."

"Mom, please. We are going to a family dinner."

"Ready?" her mom smiled excitedly.

Kiera's mind slowly raced back to the handsome man and was getting sick of herself. "Get a grip." Kiera scolded herself.

"Sorry?" apparently, her mother was talking about something and her comment came out at the wrong point.

"No, sorry mom, not to you."

"Here we are."

The driveway was lined with beautiful roses and the quaint little garden was an assortment of colourful flowers. Impressive, she thought. It was a lovely two storey red brick house with French bay windows and a slanted roof. It looked inviting.

The door was opened by a slim, brunette with a wide smile that could make anyone want to sit and have a cup of coffee with her. She must be Penny, Kiera thought. As she saw her mother, the lady came and hugged her warmly. Then she turned to Kiera and said, "Hi I am Laurel, the eldest girl. Penny will be back from the bakery soon. For the life of her, she couldn't bake a cake."

"Oh, you shouldn't have bothered." Mom said, laughingly.

"Oh yes, we should, it was mom's favourite treat to serve every one of her visitors. I hate baking, always sets the alarm off and Penny's actually good but she accidentally burnt the cakes and was upset. She will be back home soon. Oh my, come in, come in."

"About time," Kiera thought. They were standing outside, talking.

"Michael agreed to come, he will be home soon. Oh, Michael is the youngest." Laurel said as she invited them to the living room.

Everything was old fashioned but very warm and homely. Kiera walked around the living and noticed the pictures on one side of the wall, adjacent to the bookshelves.

"My mom loved to fill each inch of the wall with pictures. Said, it was for preserving time everlastingly." Laurel said.

Kiera looked at her mom questioningly. Her mom was not a photo person, but if her best friend was this crazy, she should have hung at least one picture. Her mom never looked at her.

As Kiera was going through the pictures, the front door was opened and two voices travelled in. One, which belonged to a girl came in holding a huge packet and the other trailed behind her. It was a guy. Kiera was alone in the living room, her mom was with Laurel somewhere else; preferably in their mother's bedroom, she thought.

Laura was clearly the sunshine in every picture. Such vibrant energy. Engrossed in the pictures, Kiera never noticed someone next to her.

"She was a party person, sunlight and daisies." The male voice said.

"Yea, I can see that here," Kiera said dreamily.

"Michael, nice to meet you." He said.

Kiera turned around to greet the man when she couldn't believe her eyes and faith. The same handsome man from the dream, from the cab fight, was standing in front of her. He looked visibly stunned and then smiled politely.

"I knew you looked familiar. You look like your mother." He said with a smile.

Kiera stood awkwardly and tucked a few strands of hair behind the ear.

"Come on, drinks at the table." He said and waited for Kiera to catch her senses.

Whether it was butterflies or worms, she wasn't sure. But she knew she was in big trouble.

The dinner was quite pleasant and Kiera actually had fun, if you ignore the glance game between her and Michael which her mom did notice quite a few times. Penny was such a force to reckon with. Even though she didn't know Laura personally; she did think that Penny was a reincarnation.

As it was about time to leave, Penny randomly said, "Mikey, show Kiera our mom's rose garden."

"Don't call me Mikey." He growled.

"Call yourself lucky I didn't call your other name." Penny glared back.

With a wine glass in hand, he grumpily said, "Come on."

Penny yelled behind him, "Be nice and don't bite her."

Waking out, Kiera oddly felt calm to be around Michael who didn't speak much. But, slowly, he started opening up and they didn't feel like going back indoors.

When it was time to leave, Michael gave his number to Kiera.

Mommy dearest burst out once inside the car, "who would have thought, that this night would turn out so perfectly beautiful and magical. It was like I met Laura once again through Penny. She is a delightful child. Just like Laura. I seriously didn't know she had a son and that too as handsome as that one."

"You should feel ashamed of yourself mom. Laura had a million photos of yours and a few of mine. You never showed me any of her's."

"I am sorry. I do have them. But, I couldn't bear to look at it."

Kiera felt bad. "It's about to change now, isn't it?"


Reaching home, the first thing she did was message him. And his instant response made all the difference in the world.

It was simply a perfect match.


Hope you like this one! 

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