CHAPTER TWENTY, romeo and juliet

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After school was over, Shawn and Gwen went to the auditorium. Gwen managed to sneak Shawn inside and just like she said, Mr. Russell wasn't paying any attention to them. The stage was set up to look like a scene from Romeo and Juliet, a classic play that is famous around the world. Shawn sat in the back of the auditorium where no one could see him, but he had a good view. Gwen left her backpack with him and went backstage to get ready. Shawn looked around the auditorium curiously, noticing Gwen talking with some of the other members in the drama club. He knew Gwen was excited to be apart of the play, but he had no idea just how much until now. He could tell by the way her eyes lit up and how happy she looked.

He then noticed Kamden went over to talk with them which made him confused. Then he remembered he was in the play too, causing his jaw to clench. He almost forgot that Kamden was in the play. He couldn't help the small frown that made its way to his lips as he watched their interaction. He hated that he felt jealous with seeing Kamden around Gwen. It was stupid and ridiculous, he knew that, but he couldn't help it.

"Hello, fellow thespians. It's so nice to meet you all." A young woman in her twenties spoke as she walks onto the stage. "My name is Mrs. Keller, but you can call me Meredith. I'm the assistant director."

"And I'm Mr. Russell." A man with graying hair and glasses stepped onto the stage, waving at everyone. "I would like to get through the rehearsal today without any problems. We've only got two weeks until the big day. So please pay attention and try not to mess up."

"You're so encouraging, Mr. R." One of the members remarked sarcastically, earning a few chuckles from some of the others students.

Mr. Russell rolls his eyes. "Alright, let's take it from the top."

Everyone got into place and got ready to start rehearsing. Shawn had to admit it was pretty boring, he almost fell asleep a few times, but when Gwen was on stage he made sure to be wide awake. He was right about her being a great actress. She was so talented and passionate. He was proud of her for doing something like this because Gwen a year ago would've never done this. She had really grown and changed since they were kids.

Shawn hated the parts with Gwen and Kamden in the play, especially when they had to act like a couple. He knew he would have to watch those parts, he just hated it. But he still couldn't help but feel proud and happy for her. And honestly Kamden was really good at acting too. He hated the chemistry he had with Gwen though, it just annoyed him.

So far the rehearsal was going well and they weren't having any problems. That was until suddenly one of the fake trees fell. Gwen had been standing in front of it and she would've gotten hit with it. Shawn forced himself to stay where he was sitting, knowing he would most likely get in trouble if he revealed he had been there the whole time. He watched with clenched jaw as Kamden suddenly pulled Gwen out of the way, making sure she wouldn't get hit.

Shawn was grateful for that, he was. But he still wished it was him who saved Gwen, not Kamden. He was sure he would have done the same thing Kamden did, he just would've been faster. He would've made sure the prop wouldn't fall somehow. He was sure of it.

"Thank you." Gwen smiled gratefully at Kamden, breathing a bit heavily after the sudden accident, her hands on his arms that were around her waist.

"Of course." Kamden smiles back softly, reluctantly pulling away from her. "You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay." She reassures him. "Just a bit shaken up." She admitted after taking a deep breath.

"Everyone alright?" Mr. Russell called out, looking concerned.

"Yeah, yeah." Gwen answered.

Mr. Russell smiles and nods. "Alright, good. Stage crew, what happened?" He called out.

"We're not really sure, sir. But we'll make sure the props are safe and won't fall next time. Sorry, Gwen." One of the stage crew members apologized.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." Gwen said, reassuring them.

"Let's take five everyone." Mr. Russell told them.

Gwen turned back around and started to walk away, but Kamden stopped her. "Are you sure you're okay, Gwen?"

"Yeah, I am. Really." She nods, giving him a small smile. "Just had my life flash before my eyes but I'm fine." She chuckled, giving him a small smile.

Kamden smiles back. "Good. I'm glad. And you were really good. You're amazing."

Gwen blushes a little, smiling shyly. "Thanks, Kam, so were you. I didn't know you were so good at acting."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He smiled softly at her, looking at her with a fond expression. Gwen couldn't help the smile that made its way to her lips and the way her heart skipped a beat at the look he gave her.

Shawn was growing more jealous with their interaction. He wished Gwen would look at him like that. But of course Kamden had to show up and steal her away. If Kamden just stayed in Texas and Shawn got the courage to confess his feelings to Gwen much sooner everything would be much better. He wouldn't have to worry about losing Gwen and watching her fall for some other guy.

He watched as the two continued to talk and noticed how close they were standing to each other. It was driving him crazy. He felt like his heart was breaking in his chest. But he forced himself to stay and watch.

"So I was wondering, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime after play practice is over?" Kamden asked hopefully with a nervous smile.

Gwen grimaces, sending him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I really am, but I already have plans with Shawn."

Shawn perks up at hearing that. He watches the conversation more closely, a small smirk making its way to his lips.

"Oh." Kamden said, his smile faltering and he looked a bit disappointed.

"Maybe some other time." Gwen says kindly. "Like...Um, what about tomorrow after practice?" She offered with a small smile.

Kamden's smile returns, his eyes lighting up. "That sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Gwen agreed as she nodded in response, smiling at him. 

Shawn watched as Kamden walked away and he couldn't help but feel smug, the grin still on his face. He couldn't wait until practice was over. As Shawn watched the exchange between Gwen and Kamden, a mix of emotions surged within him. He couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that twisted in his gut when Kamden was around Gwen. Yet, at the same time, there was a glimmer of hope as Gwen mentioned their plans together. It seemed that despite Kamden's presence, Gwen still valued her time with Shawn.

As Gwen approached him, her smile bright and her eyes filled with excitement, his smile matched her own, trying to push away the jealousy that had been consuming him moments before. "Hey," Gwen greets him, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Did you see that? That was crazy with the tree falling and all!"

"Yeah, I saw," Shawn replies, trying to sound nonchalant. "Glad you're okay though." He said softly and he really was relieved. He would've been so worried and more concerned if she gotten hurt. 

Gwen nods, her smile softening. "Thanks. It was a close call, but Kamden was quick to react."

Shawn's smile falters slightly at the mention of Kamden, but he quickly regains his composure. "Yeah, he was. Good thing he was there."

Gwen looks at him curiously, noticing the hint of something in his tone. "Is everything okay, Shawn?"

Shawn hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just glad you're safe."

Gwen smiles at him gratefully, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "Thanks, Shawn. You're the best."

Shawn's heart skipped a beat at her touch, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at her words. Maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for them after all. "Ready to hang out, Neve?"

Gwen's smile widens, and she nods eagerly. "Definitely! Let's get out of here."

As they leave the auditorium together, Shawn feels a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the momentary jealousy and insecurity, he knows that his bond with Gwen is strong. And as they spend time together outside of rehearsal, he's determined to cherish every moment and show her just how much she means to him. They walk out into the warm afternoon sun, the chatter of other students fading into the background as they make their way to their favorite spot by the lake. It's a secluded spot, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of school life, where they can truly be themselves.

As they settle down on the grass, Shawn can't help but steal glances at Gwen, admiring the way the sunlight dances in her hair and the genuine joy that lights up her face. Despite the lingering unease from seeing her with Kamden, he knows that this moment with her is what truly matters.

"So, how are you feeling about the play?" Shawn questioned in a curious, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

Gwen's eyes light up with excitement as she began to talk about her role and the upcoming performance. Shawn listened intently, hanging on her every word. He can't help but feel a swell of pride in her passion and dedication. As they chat, Shawn feels the tension in his chest ease away. Being with Gwen has a way of grounding him, reminding him of what truly matters. Despite the challenges they may face, he knows that their friendship – and maybe something more – is worth fighting for.


Later that night when Gwen got home, she immediately knew something was off. Something just felt wrong. There was a heaviness in the air, a tension that she couldn't quite explain. She took a deep breath, steeling herself as she walked further into the house. She froze when she saw her mom passed out on the couch. She could smell the alcohol from across the room. Her heart sank and her stomach twisted into knots. She hadn't seen her mom in a long time and suddenly here she was.

She carefully moved around her mom, not wanting to wake her. She quietly went upstairs and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She leaned back against the door, trying to calm her racing heart. She ran her hand through her hair, closing her eyes. She felt like her world was crashing down around her. Why did her mom have to come back before her play was supposed to happen?

She opened her eyes, jumping and letting out a gasp of surprise when she saw Shawn suddenly climbing into her bedroom from the window. She quickly wipes her eyes that had gotten teary, hoping he didn't notice. "Shawnie, uh, what-what are you doing here?" She asked, clearing her throat.

"You left your script when you were showing me your lines, remember?" He held up her script. He looks at her closely, frowning slightly. "What's wrong? What happened?" He questioned, setting the script on her desk by the window before walking over to her.

Gwen forces a smile, trying to brush off the worry evident in Shawn's expression. "Oh, it's nothing, really. Just a long day at rehearsal, you know?" She sniffles and walks over to her closet where she kicked her shoes off. "Thanks for bringing my script back, Shawn. I'm just gonna head to bed now, okay? We can talk tomorrow."

Shawn frowns, not buying her excuse. He grabs her arm, gently stopping her. "Gwen, what's wrong? Talk to me." He said softly, his expression filled with concern. "Don't lie to me, please."

Gwen sighs, her shoulders slumping. She knew she couldn't hide the truth from him. She sat down on the edge of her bed, Shawn sitting down next to her. She wrung her hands together nervously, not meeting his gaze. "My mom's back." She revealed quietly.

Shawn's eyes widened, his mouth dropping open slightly. "She-she is? Are you serious?" He questioned in shock. He hadn't seen Gwen's mom since they were young. He didn't think she would randomly show up although she did do that here and there. 

"Unfortunately." Gwen scoffs, shaking her head. "She was passed out on the couch downstairs." She felt a lump form in her throat, tears blurring her vision. "I hate her, Shawn. I really do. She ruins everything. She-she just shows up out of the blue and with the play coming up, it's-it's not a good time. It's just not. I can't deal with this right now. I can't." She rambled, her voice trembling. She buried her face in her hands, the weight of her emotions threatening to consume her.

Shawn's heart clenched in his chest at the sight. He moves closer to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay, Gwen. You'll get through this, just like you've gotten through everything else." He said softly, rubbing her back comfortingly. He felt her trembling against him, her shoulders shaking. He swallowed hard, his own emotions getting the best of him. He hated seeing her like this, hated that there wasn't anything he could do to make things better. "You're the strongest person I know. I'm here for you, always."

Gwen clung to him, burying her face in his chest as sobs wracked her body. She knew he meant every word, knew he would be there for her no matter what. And in that moment, she was grateful for his friendship and his presence. In his arms, she felt safe and loved. Shawn held him, his chin resting on top of her head. He closed his eyes, the pain in his chest growing. He felt his own tears threaten to fall, but he blinked them away, refusing to let himself break down. Gwen needed him, and he was determined to be there for her, no matter what.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of them wanting to let go. Eventually, Gwen's sobs quieted, and she pulled away from him, wiping her eyes. She gave him a weak smile, sniffling. "Thank you, Shawnie. I don't know what I'd do without you." She said softly, her voice thick with emotion.

Shawn returns the smile, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You can count on me."

Gwen nods, a small spark of gratitude flickering in her eyes. "I know, Shawnie. Same goes to you. And I appreciate it more than you know."

Shawn nods, his smile fading slightly. "If-if you need to talk, about anything, you know you can always come to me, right? I'm here for you. Always."

Gwen smiles softly, giving him a small nod. "I know, and I'm here for you too, Shawnie. Thank you."

Shawn smiles a bit, his heart fluttering in his chest. "Of course, Gwen. Now, uh, do you need anything?"

Gwen shakes her head, sniffling again. "No, I'm okay. I'm just going to get some sleep, I think." She pauses before adding, "Can you stay, please?"

"Yeah, of course." He replied without hesitation.

Gwen is relieved, she didn't want to be alone. "You still have some clothes you left here before." She explained as she got up. "I'm gonna go change real quick." She mumbled, walking to her dresser to grab her pjs and then went out to the bathroom.

Shawn nodded and got off the bed, heading over to the dresser where some clothes he left before were in the bottom drawer. He changes into the sweatpants and shirt he left here. He lays down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing. He couldn't stop thinking about Gwen and her mom. He couldn't believe her mom just showed up like that and the timing couldn't be worse. He was worried about her. She was dealing with so much and he didn't know how he could help. But he knew he'd be there for her, no matter what. That's what best friends did.

When Gwen comes back in the room, she has a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt on. Her hair was a little wet from her face being washed and her eyes were a bit red and puffy. He thought she still looked beautiful, even when she was upset. She climbed into the bed next to Shawn and snuggled up close to him, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

Shawn wraps his arms around her, holding her close. He rests his chin on top of her head, trying to soothe her. "No need to thank me, Neve." He murmured, kissing the top of her head.

The two laid in silence for a few minutes. Both lost in their own thoughts. Gwen was grateful Shawn was there, he always seemed to know how to comfort her. And Shawn was grateful he was able to be there for Gwen, to provide her with some sense of comfort. They were best friends, and in that moment, they were all the other needed. Shawn's mind raced with questions and thoughts, his heart aching in his chest. He wanted to do more for Gwen, to make her life easier, but he didn't know how. He'd do anything for her, but he was afraid of screwing up, of losing her. He took a deep breath, trying to push those thoughts aside. Right now, all that mattered was being there for her. He knew that no matter what, he'd always be there for her, no matter what. He'd do anything for her because he loved her.

"Goodnight, Shawnie." Gwen mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Night, Neve." Shawn replied softly, holding her a little tighter.

As they both drift off to sleep, their thoughts and feelings for one another swirling in their minds, they know that their bond is strong and unbreakable. They're best friends, and no matter what life throws at them, they'll always have each other.

A/N things getting complicated with gwen's mom suddenly showing but shawn & gwen are a dynamic duo and i love them sm.

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