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✦ ༉‧₊˚⋆˚( ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ )˚⁺✧₊˚.*♡

🍦— 005. pain and concern surround vivi.

MINOTAURS ARE FUCKING SCARY. As Percy jumped into the water do to whatever he was supposed to do, Annabeth got a phone call and Vivi's stomach twisted. What if it was one of her siblings who were hurt? Or one of the unclaimed? Or worse. What if it was granny? Vivi watched as her best friend nodded at whatever the person on the other line was saying and her face morphed to a serious expression.

Behind them, a splash of water was heard and Vivi turned to see that Percy came back, not even wet from being in the water. He grinned proudly at them, "It worked. The rivers are safe."

Annabeth hung up the phone call. "Good," she said. "Because we've got other problems. Michael Yew just called. Another army is marching over the Williamsburg Bridge. The Apollo cabin needs help. And Percy, the monster leading the enemy. . . it's the Minotaur." 

The day couldn't get any worse.

Oh, it could, believe Vivi.

Percy did his best taxicab whistle, three in total, and within a few minutes three dark shapes circled out of the sky. They looked like hawks at first, but as they descended Vivi could make out the long galloping legs of pegasi. She sometimes forgets Percy could just summons flying horses.

"Thanks for coming," Percy told him. "Hey, why do pegasi gallop as they fly, anyway?"

Blackjack whinnied. 

"Really, Percy!" Vivi hissed at him, mounting the white horse that was starting to eat her hair

"Kidding," he grinned at her, "Come on."

They flew over it on the way here, and it don't look good.

They saw the battle before they were close enough to make out individual fighters. It was well after midnight now, but the bridge blazed with light. Cars were burning. Arcs of fire streamed in both directions as flaming arrows and spears sailed through the air. They came in for a low pass, and Vivi saw the Apollo campers retreating. They would hide behind cars and snipe at the approaching army, setting off explosive arrows and dropping caltrops in the road, building fiery barricades wherever they could, dragging sleeping drivers out of their cars to get them out of harm's way.

But the enemy kept advancing. An entire phalanx of dracaenae marched in the lead, their shields locked together, spear tips bristling over the top. An occasional arrow would connect with their snaky trunks, or a neck, or a chink in their armor, and the unlucky snake woman would disintegrate, but most of the Apollo arrows glanced harmlessly off their shield wall.

About a hundred more monsters marched behind them. Hellhounds leaped ahead of the line from time to time. Most were destroyed with arrows, but one got hold of an Apollo camper and dragged him away. Vivi looked away and hugged the pegasus' neck she was saddled on.

"There!" Annabeth called from the back of her pegasus.

Sure enough, in the middle of the invading legion was Minotaur himself.

From the waist down, he wore standard Greek battle gear ─ a kiltlike apron of leather and metal flaps, bronze greaves covering his legs, and tightly wrapped leather sandals. His top was all bull ─ hair and hide and muscle leading to a head so large he should've toppled over just from the weight of his horns. He was at least ten feet tall. A double-bladed axe was strapped to his back, but he was too impatient to use it.

As soon as he saw three demigods circling overhead, the monster bellowed and picked up a white limousine.

"Blackjack, dive!" Percy yelled. 

They were at least a hundred feet up, but the limo came sailing toward us, flipping fender over fender like a two-ton boomerang. Vivi ducked and her pegasus ( whose name was Poki, by the way ) took a sharp turn right. Annabeth and Porkpie swerved madly to the left, while Blackjack tucked in his wings and plunged.

Monsters jeered and shouted, and the Minotaur picked up another car. Poki, Porkpie and Blackjack swooped down behind an overturned school bus, where a couple of campers were hiding. Vivi, Annabeth and Percy leaped off as soon as their pegasi's hooves touched the pavement. Then the pegasi soared into the night sky.

Michael Yew ran up to them. He had a bandaged cut on his arm, face was smeared with soot and his quiver was almost empty, but he was smiling like he was having a great time. "Glad you could join us," he said. "Where are the other reinforcements?"

"For now, we're it," Percy said.

"Then we're dead," he said.

"You still have your flying chariot?" Annabeth asked.

"Nah," Michael said. "Left it at camp. I told Clarisse she could have it. Whatever, you know? Not worth fighting about anymore. But she said it was too late. We'd insulted her honor for the last time or some stupid thing."

"Least you tried," Percy said.

Michael shrugged. "Yeah, well, I called her some names when she said she still wouldn't fight. I doubt that helped. Here come the uglies!"

He drew an arrow and launched it toward the enemy. The arrow made a screaming sound as it flew. When it landed, it unleashed a blast like a power chord on an electric guitar magnified through the world's largest speakers. The nearest cars exploded. Monsters dropped their weapons and clasped their ears in pain. Some ran. Others disintegrated on the spot.

"That was my last sonic arrow," Michael said.

"A gift from your dad?" Percy asked. 

Michael grinned wickedly. "Loud music can be bad for you. Unfortunately, it doesn't always kill." 

Sure enough, most monsters were regrouping, shaking off their confusion.

"We have to fall back," Michael said. "I've got Kayla and Austin setting traps farther down the bridge."

"No," Percy said. "Bring your campers forward to this position and wait for my signal. We're going to drive the enemy back to Brooklyn."

Michael laughed. "How do you plan to do that?"

Percy drew his sword.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Vivi shrilled, which was unexpected of her, "You're not going there alone. Let me come with you."

"Too dangerous," Percy said.

"You're telling me what's dangerous? You mother fuck ─"

"Besides," Percy cut her off, "I need you and Annabeth to help Michael coordinate the defensive line. I'll distract the monsters. You group up here. Move the sleeping mortals out of the way. Then you can start picking off monsters while I keep them focused on me. If anybody can do all that, you can."

Michael snorted. "Thanks a lot."

Percy kept his eyes on Vivi. She bit her lip, but nodded reluctantly. "All right. Get moving." she finally said, "And you better come back alive, Seaweed Brain."

Percy had the most stupid grin on his face, "Yes, ma'am."

And with that, he stepped out from behind the school bus and walked up the bridge in plain sight, straight toward the enemy.

She, Annabeth, Michael and the Apollo Cabin moved all of the mortals off of the bridge, like Percy ordered them to. They created defensive lines and Vivi could feel herself getting much more nervous then she was before. Maybe it was the fact that she watched as Percy battled the Minotaur. Taking off her bracelet, Vivi felt a familiar hilt in her hand; and with one look at Annabeth, they charged at the enemy.

Trust Vivi when she says this. Kronos is scary as fuck. It didn't help that he was in the body of her brother; that just added the creeps.

Even after he was told to retrieve, Percy continued to chase after monsters. With a sigh, she followed after him, with her dagger in her hand and Annabeth close behind. However, she froze once she saw the crowd at the base of the bridge. The monsters who had retreated were now running straight towards their reinforcements. It was a small group of about forty Demigods wearing battle armor that were all mounted on skeletal horses. One held the battle flag of Kronos.

Then the lead horseman trotted forward. Once he took his helm off, Vivi's chocolate brown eyes locked with the golden ones that belonged to Kronos. But she couldn't picture it as it was her brother's body. It felt so wrong. Annabeth and the Apollo Cabin faltered around her, staring own at the scene. The monsters they had just destroyed, had just easily been absorbed into a new army. And even from a quarter mile away, Vivi was able to see Kronos smile.

"Now," Percy began. "We pull back."

The army of the Titan Lord drew their swords and charged. Their skeletal horses' hooves thundered against the pavement. The Apollo Cabin shot a volley of arrows and brought down several enemies, but they kept riding nonetheless.

"Retreat!" Percy ordered. "I'll hold them."

Michael and the Apollo Cabin tried to retreat. Vivi, however, stayed right besides Percy. She was not backing up; and it looked like Annabeth had the same thought. Daughter of Hermes stood on his right side while daughter of Athena stood on his left. Vivi slashed and jabbed with her dagger as much as she could while they backed up the bridge. 

Celestial Bronze was fatal to demigods and no matter on which side they were, she didn't want to hurt them. They all fell under Kronos's spell. She couldn't see faces under their battle helmets, but some of them had probably been campers she saw around the Camp.

Percy slashed the legs off their horses and made the skeletal mounts disintegrate. After the first few demigods took a spill, the rest figured out they'd better dismount and fight them on foot. The three of them stood shoulder to shoulder, facing opposite directions. A dark shape passed over them, and Vivi dared to glance up. Poki, Blackjack and Porkpie were swooping in, kicking the enemies in the helmets and flying away like very large kamikaze pigeons.

They had made it to the middle of the bridge, when, quite suddenly, Vivi felt a shock going through her body ─ but, it didn't hurt. It felt more like a tingle, a warning of some sort. She looked at Percy, like her mind was doing it on her own and, even when she blinked a few times, a red thread connected their bodies. From heart, to a hand, to a place Vivi wasn't sure why it was there ─ a small of Percy's back.

The girl's eyes widened as she saw someone with a knife run up to Percy ─ to stab a knife in the place where the string was. Without stopping to think clearly, Vivi bolted towards the boy, flying though the enemy like a flash and jumped in front of him, allowing the demigod to stab the knife into her shoulder. 

A loud yell escaped her lips and she clutched her arm as she fell. Her dagger clattered onto the ground of the Williamsburg Bridge, sending an echo throughout the army of Camp Half-Blood. Her vision was blurred, not even able to make out figures of her friends.


Percy and Annabeth yelled at the same time.

She'd never felt pain like this before. Sure, she had cut herself many times while training, but this pain was more severe. Her whole body felt like it was on fire while repeatedly being stabbed thousand times. It throbbed and made her body tremble with pain. She blinked a couple of times to try and clear her vision, only to see the concerned face of Annabeth by her. Annabeth took her dagger and flipped it, turning it back into a bracelet and clasping it on Vivi's hand

"Get back!" Percy screamed angrily, while slashing Riptide in wide arc. "No one touches her!"

"Aw," the boy who stabbed Vivi mocked. The girl looked up through her pain to see it was Ethan Nakamura, son of Nemesis, with a mock pout on his face. "Did I hurt Percy's little princess?"

Percy clenched Riptide tightly, "I swear to fucking gods, Nakamura, if you don't want to be permanently blind, I suggest you step away from her."

Ethan took a teasing step forwards. Percy slammed him in the face with Riptide's sword hilt so hard he managed to dent his helm.

"Interesting," Kronos commented.

Vivi took in a sharp breath ( which wasn't a good idea ). Kronos seemed so much higher than her because she was still laying down. He was studying the scene with narrowed eyes.

"Bravely fought, Percy Jackson," Kronos continued. "But it's time to surrender. . . or the girl dies."

"Percy, no." Vivi groaned, clutching onto Annabeth next to her.

"Blackjack!" Percy called.

The Pegasus swooped down and clamped his teeth on the straps of Vivi's armor. The girl could feel herself being flown away, but it really didn't register in her brain. Her vision kept slipping in and out of darkness from the amount of pain her body was experiencing. Finally, Blackjack landed on the terrace of the Plaza Hotel. She felt her head spin and her eyesight was blurry. Just before her vision went black, she heard a loud screams and four figures rushing towards her.

Vivi awoke when a sharp pain traveled though her shoulder. She looked around and noticed they weren't at the battle field anymore, but in some kind of terrace and she was surrounding with people. The girl couldn't see who it was, when another shock of pain erupted from her shoulder. She screamed, wanting to stand up when two strong arms made her lay back down.

"Hey, easy, Bibi, easy," it was Percy. He looked down at her, eyes full with concern and worry, "Just a few more seconds, you can do it."

She didn't know what was happening, but she nodded. Everything was fuzzing. All she remembered was being stabbed, the red thread, Kronos and then blackness. Now she noticed who was around her. Her siblings were sitting around the bed or sofa she was laid on, looking at her concern. Her granny and Annabeth sat a few feet away, both of them having tear stained cheeks. But, Vivi couldn't see Isa and the rest of unclaimed children anywhere.

Someone, and she looked to see it was Will Solace, a son of Apollo, put some silver paste over the wound and hummed words in Ancient Greek ─ a hymn to Apollo. Then he applied fresh bandages and stood up shakily. The healing must've taken a lot of his energy. 

"That should do it," he said. "But we're going to need some mortal supplies."  

"What happened?" Vivi said in daze.



Annabeth and Violeta rushed towards the girl, kneeling down beside her knowing they shouldn't apply any pressure to the wound on her shoulder. Her granny took a hold of her hand, caressing it slowly.

"Don't scare me like that every again!" Annabeth yelled.

"That was reckless of you," Violeta said sternly, but her hard expression softened, "Thanks gods your alright."

"Poisoned knife," Will said, as he grabbed a piece of paper that the hotel provided, "It wasn't so bad. A few more minutes and we would've been in trouble, but the venom didn't get past the shoulder, thankfully." he wrote down a couple of things, and handed it to an Athena kid. "There's a Duane Reade on Fifth. Normally I would never steal ─"

"I would," Travis volunteered, "Especially now." he stood up from his position and took the piece of paper from Will.

Will glared at the son of Hermes. "Leave cash or drachmas to pay, whatever you've got, but this is an emergency. I've got a feeling we're going to have a lot more people to treat."

Travis turned to Vivi, "Don't ever do that again. You made us go crazy."

Vivi managed a small laugh ( she regretted it ), "That's what siblings are for."

"We're serious," Connor said, moving to sit next to Violeta, "We thought you died, you asshole. Do you know how much we panicked? This face doesn't want wrinkles soon." 

"With her, don't count on that." Violeta said.

"Come on, guys," Travis urged. "Let's give Vivi some space. We've got a drugstore to raid. . . I mean, visit."

The demigods shuffled back inside. Her siblings looked back at her and gave her a small smile, one that didn't reach their eyes. Jake Mason grabbed Percy's shoulder as he was leaving. "We'll talk later, but it's under control. I'm using Annabeth's shield to keep an eye on things. The enemy withdrew at sunrise; not sure why. We've got a lookout at each bridge and tunnel."

"Thanks, man," Percy replied.

Jake nodded. "Just take your time."

As he was about to close the terrace doors behind him, a figure ran in, cursed in relief before slamming into Vivi's body. The girl let out a groan and a hiss of pain, but she didn't complain as the younger girl hugged her.

Isa let go of the hug and glared at Vivi, "Don't do that shit ever again! You hear me, eonni, you scared me half dead."

"Welcome to my life."

Silena pressed the cool cloth down on Vivi's forehead, making her feverish skin feel better. "This is all my fault."

"What?" Vivi asked weakly, placing a hand on the girl's wrist. "No. How is this your fault, Silena?"

"I've never been any good at Camp," Silena answered. "Not like you or Annabeth or Percy or Isa even. If I was a better fighter. . ."

Vivi could see her mouth tremble. She had been getting worse and worse ever since Charles Beckendorf died. Silena looked like a piece of glass that was about to shatter.

Violeta put a hand on Silena's shoulder, "You don't have to know to fight to be a good person, sweetheart. You can still help otherwise if you find yourself unworthy. But you are not."

"Violeta is right" Percy said, then he turned to the older woman, "Should I call you ─ "

"Violeta is fine." her granny smiled.

"You're the best Pegasus rider we have." Percy continued after a nod, "And you get along with people. Believe me, anyone who can make friends with Clarisse has talent."

Silena's eyes widened in realization. "That's it! We need the Ares Cabin. I can talk to Clarisse. I know I can convince her to help us."

"Woah, Silena," Percy protested. "Even if you could get off the island, Clarisse is pretty stubborn. Once she gets angry ─ "

"Please. I can take a Pegasus. I know I can make it back to Camp. Let me try."

Percy locked eyes with Vivi. She gave him a slight nod. Silena and Clarisse were friends. And even if she didn't manage to convince Clarisse, it could give her something else to focus on than Beckendorf's.

"All right," Percy agreed. "I can't think of anybody better to try."

Silena threw her arms around Percy tightly before pulling away awkwardly, glancing back at Vivi. Why glance at her? "Um, sorry. Thank you, Percy, Mrs. Wu! I won't let you down!"

She left the terrace. While Annabeth leaned her back against the railing with her arms crossed, Percy knelt down next to Vivi. The girl felt his comforting touch feel her forehead. Even though his hands were usually warm, it felt cool against her skin.

"You're cute when you're worried," Vivi muttered. "Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."

"Bibi. . ." Percy trailed off. "You got hurt because of me."

She saw tears gather in his eyes and she reached up, placing a hand on his cheek. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, bì zuǐ ( so, shut up)."

The boy looked confused and turned to Vivi's grandmother.

"She told you to shut up," Violeta said simply, "I'll go inside and check of the little Isa." she kneeled at kissed Vivi's forehead, "Xiūxí ba, qīn'ài de ( Rest, darling )."

Vivi nodded.

Percy watched with soft eyes the interaction between granddaughter and grandmother. A small smile appeared on his face.

"I owe you a favor now." Percy said and caressed Vivi's cheek, "Why did you take the knife?"

"Because I know you would've done the same for me. At least I hope you would."

Percy immediately nodded. "Of course I would. But how did you know?"

Vivi knit her eyebrows in thought. "Know about what?"

Percy looked at Annabeth. He beckoned her to come over. The blonde walked over and knelt next to him. The boy took a deep breath. Vivi and Annabeth were the two people he trusted the most. If he couldn't trust one of them, then could he trust anyone.

"My Achilles spot. If Vivi hadn't taken that knife, I would've died." Percy admitted quietly.

"Where is the spot?"

"It's at the small of my back," Percy replied.

Vivi eyes slightly widened. She looked down between them, and she then realized that the red thread was not her imagination. There were string between then ─ from hand, to heart, to the small on Percy's back that was connected to Vivi's heart. The girl looked between herself and Annabeth ─ the red string connected them at hands.

"Vivi?" Annabeth called softly, "What is it?"

Vivi shook her head, "Nothing," she said. She then lifted her hand and touched Percy's spine. "Is the spot. . . here?"

Percy reached back and lowered her fingers to the spot that grounded him to his mortal life. Vivi felt him shiver underneath her touch.

"You saved me," Percy said. "Thanks."

Daughter of Hermes removed her hand from his back, but Percy kept gripping it. Butterflies erupted in her stomach.

"So, he owes you now, V," Annabeth stated. "What else is new?"

Vivi cracked a smile. "Pretty much nothing."

They watched the sun come up over the city. The traffic should've been heavy by now, but there were no cars honking, no crowds bustling along the sidewalks. Far away, Vivi could hear a car alarm echo through the streets. A plume of black smoke curled into the sky somewhere over Harlem. The girl wondered how many people had fallen asleep in the middle of cooking dinner, or doing their normal chores. Everyone in New York was in danger ─ and all those lives depended on them.

"Annie," Vivi began gently. "I have a question. . . why was my dad angry at you?"

She stared out at the sun. "Oh, that."

Vivi quickly tried to move to put a hand on her best friend's shoulder, but winced in pain "It's all right. . . fuck. . . forget I asked."

"No, I want to tell you. It's been bothering me for a long time." Annabeth took a deep breath. "Last year, Luke came to see me in San Francisco."

"In person?" Percy asked, his grip of Vivi's hand tightening. "He came to your house?"

"This was before we went into the Labyrinth, before. . ." she faltered, but Vivi knew what she meant: before be turned into Kronos. "He came under a flag of truce. He said he only wanted five minutes to talk. He looked scared. He told me Kronos was going to use him to take over the world. He said he wanted to run away, like the old days. He wanted me to come with him."

"But you didn't trust him."

"Of course not. I thought it was a trick. Plus. . . well, a lot of things had changed since the old days. I told Luke there was no way. He got mad. He said. . . he said I might as well fight him right there, because it was the last chance I'd get."

Vivi saw Annabeth's eyes fill with tears. "It's okay, Annie. You don't have to continue. Maybe go and try to get some sleep."

"You don't understand, V," Annabeth argued. "Your dad was right. Maybe if I'd gone with him, I could've changed his mind. Or – or I had a knife. Luke was unarmed. I could've ─ "

"Killed him?" Percy said. "You know that wouldn't have been right."

Annabeth squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. "Luke said Kronos would use him like a stepping stone. Those were his exact words. Kronos would use Luke, and become even more powerful."

"He did that," Percy agreed. "He possessed Luke's body."

"But what if Luke's body is only a transition? What if Kronos has a plan to become even more powerful? I could've stopped him. The war is my fault."

"No, no," Vivi said, "This war ain't your fault. . . listen to me young lady. . . this wasn't your fault."

The terrace door suddenly slid open. Connor stepped through and looked down at Vivi with a tiny grin.

"Hey, V," he greeted. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better," Vivi  answered. "Thanks, Connor."

He sighed and turned to Percy. "Mrs. O'Leary just came back with Grover. I think you should talk to him."

Percy looked back at Vivi. She nodded her head towards the door, "Go. I'll be fine."

"Yeah, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth commented. "I'll stay with her."

Percy nodded. He and her brother left the terrace, leaving two best friends alone.

"I'm sorry about Luke," Vivi apologized quietly. "I know this is hard, but I'm here for you, Annie. Don't forget that. I may not know him, even if he is my brother, but he chose his own path. You can choose your own."

Annabeth wiped a tear off her cheek. "Thank you, V. Try to get some rest, all right?"

Vivi nodded weakly. She shut her eyes, and from the pain and plain exhaustion, she immediately fell asleep.

niki speaks!

seven more chapters + epilogue
and we're done...
i can't believe we're almost at the end...
i started this out of boredom,
never imagining that may people
will actually like it.
thank you sm 😭

but, it's around 39°C here
and i'm boiling
not to mention tomorrow,
when it will be around 43°C
i have a birthday party...
i'll die from the heat

have a nice day/night!

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