13 | Undeserving

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She should've known questioning Malfoy like that would be essentially like throwing down a gauntlet. Hermione saw the brief flicker of an unamused smirk fly across his features.

"Well then let me clarify things for you a bit," he said smoothly.

Right before he pulled her up to seal his lips over hers.

Warmth. That was the initial thought resonating through Hermione's mind. Draco Malfoy was radiating heat like a furnace. Some part of her always expected him to be cool the touch, much like his carefully crafted persona. Yet he was warm, and entirely alive, demanding her attention in a way she'd never expected.

His lips were warm against hers, persistent, yet gentle and patient. Hermione's hands fluttered uncertainly before slipping into his hair. Gaining more confidence, she stepped closer, seeking out his warmth. His patience shattered the moment her body pressed against his, and his arms snaked around her waist, securing her to him. He deepened the kiss, coaxing her mouth open until she was gasping against him.

"Draco," she pulled away breathlessly.

"Granger, for once in your life... please stop thinking."

She looked up at him and was slightly relieved to see his eyes were still their normal grey; the same grey he inherited from the Blacks in his family. But he still looked at her like he hungered for her, like he was barely holding himself in check.

She brushed her nose along his, softly touching her lips to his. His eyes flashed silver for a split second before it was gone. His eyes begged her to make a choice; he would not force this on her. When Draco waited for her to take the reins, she finally rose up on her toes, kissing him the way she'd been dreaming for the past few months.

He groaned at the contact, spinning her quickly and walking her backwards until her spine came into contact with the cool wood panel of her office door. He pressed her into the door, his fingers tangling into her hair to tilt her head up, opening her up to him more. She loved it. The sensation of his hands running through her locks was more soothing than she could've expected, making her body melt into his as she sighed in contentment. Taking advantage, Draco swept his tongue along the entrance of hers, ever so politely asking for permission once again. She welcomed him closer, using the opportunity to suckle his lower lip.

It proved to be pushing his limits since a low rumble erupted from him at her curious move. His hands clenched tightly on her hips, pulling her instinctively closer. Her stomach flipped at the feel of the hard plane of his body, and she couldn't help but whimper slightly. When he began grinding against her, her hands flew to his head to steady herself, her nails raking through his scalp. Draco tore his mouth away from hers as a deep groan escaped his lips. His soft lips found an easy trail down her neck, stopping to nibble at her pulse. He was ecstatic when he found a particularly sensitive spot just behind her ear that made her quiver.

Knock knock knock.

They both froze.

"Hermione, everything's settled," Harry called out from the other side of the door. "We should really get you to the next safe house now."

Draco's breath fell harshly across Hermione's collarbone as he kept his head bent at her neck. When he didn't make any move to let her go, Hermione grew antsy. Even despite not liking the interruption, she'd rather not have Harry walk in on her snogging his partner.

"Hermione?" Harry knocked again.

She felt the briefest tremor from Draco before his hand came up sharply on the far side of her head, creating a loud thud against the door. Harry jumped back from the other side of the door, looking at the wood panel in confusion. What was that thump?

"Draco," she whispered, half in shock and half in indignation at his childishly petulant reaction.

Did he really just hit the door back after Harry's knock interrupted them?

"Hermione?" Harry asked again urgently.

"We'll be right out, Harry," Hermione called out impatiently.

Harry smirked at the still-closed door. Now that he knew they weren't dead behind there, there were only so many explanations at what could've kept them so occupied.

"We need to go," she whispered softly, giving his arm a small squeeze.

Draco finally withdrew from the circle of her arms, visibly collecting himself.

"Yes, of course," he said professionally.

When he reached over to pull open the door, Hermione couldn't help but be confused all over again by his formal behavior. Was that just a momentary loss of control? Or did he mean it? Or both? Did he want to mean it?

Yet Hermione found it impossible to discern because he kept steadily avoiding her gaze the rest of the night. Harry filled her in and led her back to Potter Cottage through side-along. Draco was an ever present guard through it all; he was practically her shadow. Yet he kept that small distance. She wished she knew whether it was out of politeness or regret.

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Ginny was beyond ecstatic to have the pair stay with them. Despite being a "cottage," their home was far from humble and had ridiculously spacious accommodations.

The following days, Draco could hardly get that moment in Hermione's office out of his head. She could never know how close he was to picking her up against that door and rutting into her like the animal inside him so badly wanted. He didn't know what disgusted him more- that such a crude part of him existed or that the human in him didn't seem to mind that particular preference of the wolf.

He'd been trying to prove a point by kissing her. That he was done with fighting his growing feelings for her. But Hermione Granger deserved flowers, dates, and the utmost gentleman. Not a heated werewolf barely in control who could have and would have easily taken her right against her office door. She deserved that much, at the very least, even if she had to deal with him. He just didn't know whether the wolf was fully in his control, or whether the beast was just lulling the human into the false perception that he was in control.

That was how the Marauders found him: sitting alone in the tea room staring pensively at his untouched cup of tea.

"It's about time we saw the lover boy again," James said cheekily.

"Oh leave him be," Sirius goaded. "Can't you see he's stewing?"

"Go on," Draco looked up with a tired smile. "Have your laugh, you nosy lot."

"See... I thought you'd gotten the charms from our side of the family, but then we find you here alone instead of with the witch you're literally trapped in this house with." Sirius smirked down from his portrait.

"I'm biding my time," Draco said carefully.

"For what?" Tonks snorted. "For her to realize she's tired of waiting and move on?"

Draco looked up sharply in concern. "Would she do that?"

"Unlikely," Remus smiled. "Hermione's far too headstrong to let this go without a fight, even if it's your foolhardy stubbornness she has to confront."

"I'm not being stubborn," Draco insisted. "I'm being careful."

"Careful of what?" Lily asked curiously.

"That I don't scare her off," he huffed, standing up in frustration.

"Why would you do that?" Remus asked, although he had a good idea he already knew why.

"The wolf's urges are too strong. She doesn't deserve to put up with all that."

"Have you ever considered that your wolf's reaction might be natural? That this isn't something you shouldn't fight?" Tonks smiled, her eyes flickering to her husband.

"There's no way this is natural," Draco insisted. "It's like he's obsessed with her."

"Like he'll rip out of your skin before you can help it and go right at her," Remus nodded understandingly.

"Exactly," Draco narrowed his eyes at the former werewolf.

Tonks smirked. "What makes you think she wouldn't want exactly that?"

"Dora," Lily scolded from the other end of the room. "They're children."

"Please, Lils," Sirius drawled. "They're grown wizards."

"Well they're my son's age," Lily sniffed. "Still children in my eyes."

"There's no way that's right," Draco said again, studying Remus closely. "You wouldn't have unleashed that on your wife."

"She didn't give me much of a choice," Remus laughed loudly, making Tonks flush in embarrassment.


"How much do you know about werewolf mates, Draco?" Remus asked patiently.

"Only that they're incredibly rare."

"Yes, well you see wolves don't go forming attachments to humans. It's why werewolves usually don't have a problem maintaining their human lives outside the influence of the full moon. The wolf normally won't care enough about the humans in its life to act up."

"Try telling that to mine," he grumbled under his breath. "He doesn't seem to understand the rules of coexisting with a human."

"You dense boy," Sirius shook his head. "You're worse than Moony. At least he knew, but then was in denial. You're just plain thick."

Draco stared in confusion before realization settled in his gaze.

"No... no way."

"Ten points to Slytherin." James clapped. "Ugh no, I think my body just turned in its grave for actually saying that."

"That's not possible," Draco insisted more strongly, looking back to Remus in a panic. "It's so rare. I'm not even a full werewolf! I don't transform!"

"That's probably why you're always butting heads with your wolf. The transformations usually appease the wolf a bit, but your wolf never gets that chance," Tonks reminded him.

"I won't do this to her, especially not when I don't even transform."

"You might need it even more than a full werewolf," Tonks pointed out. "Your wolf doesn't have any other outlet since you don't transform, and denying it its mate might have consequences."

"But she's Granger, if she thinks she's my mate, she'll accept me out of pure pity if nothing else," Draco said, the sinking realization finally becoming clear.

"You're mixing up your mates," Remus shook his head. "Werewolf mates aren't prematurely bound like Veelas; it's not a life or death situation. Hermione could walk away with no guilt whatsoever."

"Werewolf mates are a gift," Tonks nodded enthusiastically. "Its magic leads you to your soulmate- it tells you who's meant for you. But it doesn't punish you like other bonds if you get rejected."

Draco's eyes flew between the portraits. It couldn't be. He'd always been fascinated by the headstrong witch, but soulmates? He could never in his wildest dreams have anticipated this.

"Don't be a fool and keep wasting time," Sirius said sternly. "The only thing you gain from wasted time is a lifetime of regrets."

Looking at his cousin, Draco's shoulders sagged at the haunted look in his eyes. Sirius Black was a man of many regrets who had much of his life wasted in a bleak prison. If anyone knew anything about wasted time it was him.

"It won't hurt her?" He asked Remus.

The former professor shook his head. "Wolves are social creatures, your wolf is probably just restless that you're keeping away from Hermione. He won't hurt her."

"So what do I do now?" Draco looked dazed.

The marauders smirked at each other from across their portraits.

"Go get the girl."

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He found her in the garden, entranced in a book.

"Looks like some things never change," he observed, almost affectionately.

Hermione looked up in surprise, studying him for a brief moment before returning to her book. "So you're talking to me again."

"I was never avoiding you."

"Yes," she looked up sternly, daring him to deny it again. "You were."

Draco stood in awkwardly for a moment, unsure of how to continue. He never meant to confuse her about his feelings, but perhaps he had been a bit abrupt about putting some space between them. In his mind he knew it was because he didn't trust his wolf to take things out of his hands. But it finally dawned on him that Hermione had no way of knowing that.

"You know what, Draco," she closed her book suddenly. "I can't keep dancing around like this with you. We're adults! For Merlin's sake!"

"I don't know, I rather enjoy our dances," Draco smirked.

"You know what I mean," she pleaded seriously. "I... I understand if what happened back in my office was because the wolf is pushing you towards me. I wouldn't blame you for that. But you need to tell me what's going on because I can't keep getting my hopes up that you're actually interested in me."

"Granger," he began gruffly, his voice coated with emotion. "For the smartest witch of her age, you're awfully slow about this."

"Draco, you need to stop speaking in circles. Just tell me what you mean!"

"What more do you want to know?" He asked. Had it not been enough that he'd practically declared himself at her mercy?

"What did you mean your wolf wouldn't let you stay away anymore?"

Draco sighed, striding over to her. He hesitantly gathered her hands within his larger ones, staring at their intertwined fingers. "Just that exactly. I'm tired of fighting my feelings for you, and the wolf has clearly had enough of it too. Just- even forcing myself to steer clear of you when I know you're within my reach just drives me crazy."

"And why would you try to fight those feelings?" Hermione asked cautiously. "Because your human side doesn't want to be forced to like me?"

"Merlin, no!" Draco clenched her hands tightly, his eyes flaring with anger. "Where the blazes did you get an idea like that?"

"Well, you've never been particularly warm to me all these years you've been close to Harry..."

"Because I didn't want to burden you with my presence!"

Hermione froze. "What?"

"After the war, I knew I had to apologize to you. But I knew I never deserved to hope for forgiveness- some of the things I did..." Draco's eyes grew blank in a distantly haunted look. "Not all of them can be forgiven, nor should they be. Especially by you. So I figured the less you saw of me, the better."

"Draco," Hermione whispered, pulling one of her hands out of his grasp to cup his jaw, her heart-melting a little when he immediately leaned into her touch. "I forgave you for a lot those things long before you ever even got around to apologizing."

Draco's eyes widened in shock.

"I never truly blamed you for what happened during that final year- you were a prisoner to your role as much as we were to ours. And compared to everything that year, our childhood issues seemed trivial by comparison... Besides, it was obvious that you'd truly changed by the end of the war and that's the highest atonement anyone can hope to achieve."

"I don't deserve it," he told her seriously.

"And the fact that you still believe that even after everything you've done for the wizarding world these past few years in precisely why you do deserve it." Hermione maintained stubbornly.

Hope started to bloom within Draco's largely dim soul. Despite the joy he found in his life with the Potters and with his family, he'd long given up hope on finding meaningful connections in his romantic life. Especially when the witch he'd wanted for years was always seemingly off-limits.

"But," Hermione continued averting her eyes regretfully. "I don't think I can keep doing this with you. Not if this is just some influence from a wolf or the moons or something."

"Hermione," he interrupted her, catching her eyes purposefully. "I've known I liked you for years- long before I ever got a wolfy side. And he's known I've liked you ever since I got bit. This hasn't been about me lying to myself about my feelings, it's been me trying to let you find something better."

"And why would you ever do something so stupid?" Hermione suddenly said angrily. "Why not let me decide if I could be happy with you?"

"How could you ever look at me and not see that same git who bullied you? Who just stood by and watched you be tortured?" Draco winced slightly as he finished verbalizing his fears. The wolf still lashed out at his humans for the mistakes of his past, making the guilt an even heavier burden.

"Oh Draco," Hermione whispered sadly. If only she'd realized earlier how much guilt he still carried. "You are not defined by your mistakes, especially not those. You had very little choice by that point."

"I still had a choice," he argued.

"To act out and get yourself and your whole family killed?" Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Draco, I think you'll find everyone who matters has long forgiven you for your choices all those years ago. It's time for you to finally forgive yourself."

Draco released a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed, his thick, dark blonde lashes hooding those beautiful eyes. His hand clasped hers gratefully, keeping it trapped against his cheek.

"So how long have you liked me exactly?" Hermione asked curiously.

Draco barked a short laugh, his eyes opening in amusement. "I remember the first time I admitted it to myself was after I saw you defending me in front of all those old croons from Wizengamot during my trial. You were brilliant, I think you had half those men shaking in their robes."

"Well they deserve to be brought down a notch every now and then," Hermione defended semi-sheepishly.

"But if I'm being honest, I'd been intrigued by you since third year," he admitted quietly.

Hermione's eyes quirked up in question.

"You were always so strong, despite all the foul things I said. Every year, I would watch and expect you to finally break, whether under my pressure or everyone else's. But you never did."

Hermione's eyes softened at his unexpected confession. She rose up on her toes slowly, gently kissing him. His large hands immediately spooled into her hair, tilting her head up to open her to him even more. He took over the kiss, coaxing her lips open enticingly. She stepped closer, her hands seeking out the warmth of the hard planes of his body. When she slipped her hands under his shirt, she felt him stiffen immediately. With a frustrated groan, he pulled himself away from her, gently extracting her hands.

"It's too close to the full moon, and I'm not used to your proximity when it nears that time. I wouldn't start something you're not prepared to finish."

"I still affect you near the full moon?" She asked curiously.

"You always affect me," his eyes darkened on her.

"Who says I'm not prepared to finish it?" She smirked mischievously, reaching for him again.

"Hermione," he caught her arms yet again, halting her advances. He hesitated with his words, the frustration rolling off him. "I can't- I don't think we should jump into anything quite yet."

"You don't want to explore?" She asked in confusion. "I thought you wanted..."

"I do," he insisted adamantly. "Merlin do I ever. I just- I-"

"Draco..." Hermione asked warningly.

"Our situation might be a little more complicated than just two normal people getting to know each other."

"Because you're a werewolf? You know I don't care, Draco. You don't even transform."

"I know, but I still have a wolf inside me," he sighed. "One that apparently has a mate."

Hermione froze. Was he telling her they wouldn't be anything serious because she couldn't be his mate?

"I do want to explore this with you," he told her. "I want to snog you for hours, I want to find all the sweet spots that make you gasp, and I want to feel your nails digging into me when you like something I do to you. I want to hold you in my arms while you read, and I want to hold you as you drift to sleep. But my logical human mind and the part influenced by the wolf are going to interpret that two very different ways."

Hermione stood as still as a statue, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"So I really need you to consider this. Us. If this is what you want- if I'm what you want. Because as much as I want to give you what you want, I don't think I can."

"Doesn't it seem a bit pointless then?" She asked sadly, a cold feeling spreading through her body.

Draco froze, looking at her in alarm. "What?"

"We might as well cut this short now, before it gets harder."

"You don't even want to try?" He asked hoarsely. Had he just misread everything she'd been telling him?

"If you have a mate, it won't matter how much we try, I'll never be enough?"

Draco frowned in confusion. She'll never be enough if he already has a mate? When he finally connected the dots, his eyes rolled in exasperation.

"You daft witch," he grinned.

"I- what?" Hermione looked up at him shocked.

"For the smartest witch of her age, you're surprisingly slow," he teased once again. He could see the fire behind her eyes begin to build as her impatience grew. Before she could chew him out, he charged on. "It never occurred to you that you might be my mate?"

Hermione stopped short once again, her mouth opening and closing blankly. "But you just told me you couldn't give me what you want," she exclaimed.

"I meant I couldn't give you the casual exploration you want. One where we figure out what we are with the option to walk away from each other at the end if you decide we're not suitable," he explained softly. "My wolf is already too attached already. I'm too attached. I can't give you casual anymore. Not when I already know what I want."

"Don't assume what I-"

"Hermione," he interrupted gently. "Can you honestly say with absolute certainty that this is something you want? I mean for Merlin's sake, you were dating McLaggen a few days ago. We hadn't even seen each other for months- it's a lot to take in."

Hermione paused, unable to answer him. He was right.

"I just want you to decide carefully. If you still decide it's me you want, you have me. All of me."

Hermione studied him scrutinizingly for a moment. "Harry was right," she pouted. "You pick absolutely the worst moments to be noble."

Draco's looked stunned for a moment before barking in laughter. "What can I say? It comes with the company- I had to pick up the nauseating selflessness from you lot eventually."

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Honestly, I'm not entirely happy with how open and vulnerable Draco was in this chapter because it's not entirely in character for him- even though he is a good guy in this. But I have too much going on to try and rewrite it.

It's my first Dramione fic, so I guess this is one of those things I'll learn for the next time around. Let me know what you guys thought of it; I know I personally thought Draco was a bit too soft to be in character.

~Mischief Managed 

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