7 | Losing Hope

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You did not even remember when did you pass out in George's arms, but when you opened your eyes, you were lying in bed at the hospital wing. You squinted your eyes as you looked around, noticing that George and Fred were there, along with the headmaster, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey who were busy talking to each other. A part of you was glad to see that Snape was not there, but another part of you was sad to realise his absence.

"Y/N, you're awake!"

Fred's voice surprised everyone, and you smiled as your best friends came to you, worry was clear in their eyes.

"I'm fine, guys. Don't worry about me."

"You're fine? Y/N, we saw flower petals came out of your system. How are we supposed not to worry?"

Fred scolded you, his eyebrows knitted together as you chuckled under your breath.

"This is not funny, Y/N. You were sobbing and whimpering in pain. I was so scared when you fainted."

George added, and your expression softened at the twins who were genuinely concerned about your well-being. You sat up in bed when the professors approached you, wearing the same worry expression on their faces, if not more.

"Miss L/N, how are you feeling?"

At Madam Pomfrey's question, you were stunned. You were not sure how you felt at the moment. As much as you wanted to act as if you were alright, you knew you were far from it. You dropped your gaze on your lap, fiddling with your fingers as you tried to avoid her question.

"We have discovered what's going on with you. And we are sure that you know about it too."

McGonagall said, and you nodded weakly, unable to hide it from them anymore. You had to admit that it eased you a bit when they knew about the disease, so you did not have to face it alone.

"Hanahaki Disease. You coughs up flower petals because you suffer from one-sided love. This disease is killing you."

Madam Pomfrey stated, sympathy was swimming in her eyes as she looked at you. You could see how flabbergasted your friends were, they must had been never heard of it before. The disease was common among Muggles, and considering that you were a Muggleborn, you knew it was possible for you to get the disease when your love was unrequited.

"We never had a student with this disease before, Miss L/N. But we will try our best to find the cure and help you to recover."

You knew the headmaster was trying to make you feel better, but it was hopeless. Shaking your head, you let a few tears escaped your eyes as now there was other people who knew that you were dying. The white flower petals phase had gone, and now you were getting worse with red flower petals in your chest. Somehow you could tell it would not stop there. It would become worse.

"There is no cure, Professor. It's either for him to love me back, or for me to die."

You chuckled bitterly, wiping your tears away, knowing that it was impossible for the one that you loved to return your feelings. It was something that you had always dreamed of, but now as you were slowly facing your death, you lost your hopes that he would ever love you.

Everyone was shocked with your words, but you knew they were determined to help you with all of their might.

"Do you want us to notify your parents?"

"No, please don't!"

You almost begged, not wanting your parents to worry over you while they were far from you, unable to help. They nodded in understatement, knowing your intentions. Your parents would be so worried if they knew what was happening to you.

Albus looked at you, and by the look in his eyes, it seemed like the old wizard knew what was happening in your head. Perhaps he really did, because his next words was unexpected, taking you by surprise because you were clueless on how to answer him.

"Does he know, Miss L/N?"

"No, he doesn't."

You responded curtly, avoiding the headmaster's knowing gaze as he nodded weakly at your words.

"You have to tell the guy, Y/N. Who knows if he loves you back?"

George said in a rush, it was obvious that he was scared for your life. He was still shocked with how agonising you cry was, and when you fainted, he thought he was losing his best friend.

"It's hopeless, George. He had his love."

You whispered, breaking your heart into two as the reality hit you hard. It was true, the one that you love had his love, and you were nothing compared to her. It was such a dream to be loved by him, but it was not possible. Albus seemed to understand something as you looked at him, and for a moment, his eyes grew wide and a sigh escaped his lips.

"Albus, I think we should tell Severus. He would be so angry if we do not tell him that Miss L/N is dying. They're so close with each other." 

You shook your head vigorously at the Professor McGonagall's words, not wanting Snape to come and see you in this condition, and you knew you had to distance yourself from him to make the feeling disappear.

"Please don't tell Professor Snape. I don't want him to be worried."

You bit your lip as Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey sighed at your request, and you dared to look at the headmaster who was smiling sadly at you. His sad smile was knowing, and at the moment, you realised there was nothing to hide anymore. Dumbledore knew, but he would never mention it unless you were ready to tell him.

"I promise I will find a cure for you. I'll ask anyone that I know, alright? Just stay strong."

Madam Pomfrey said, giving you a smile and you nodded at her promise. The headmaster came towards you and put a hand on your shoulder, comforting you as he hoped you would change your mind to confess to the one you loved.

"You should tell him. You know him more than he knows himself, Y/N."

He said, almost in a whisper that nobody could hear him but you. You thanked him and watched as they left the room, perhaps going to solve your problem and to find the cure to the killer disease.

"Don't die, Y/N. We need you."

Fred said, trying to give you a smile but you could see the tears in his eyes as he gazed at you. They both wanted to help you, but they could not do it if you would not tell who was the guy in your heart.

"You cannot die because of love. I won't let you."

George added, his voice was shaky as he held back his tears. He wanted to confront the guy and force him to love you back, but that would be imprudent and you would never wanted it to happen. You smiled sadly at his words, shaking your head.

"That's pathetic, isn't it?"

"You're not pathetic, Y/N. You're our best friend."

You could not help but cried at their words, and they both quickly hugged you, comforted you as you cried silently. There was no exchange of words, but they understood how scared you were, and you knew how worried they were. It all happened too quickly, and you were not sure if you were ready to sacrifice yourself for love that was so fragile, and yet it was unrequited.

Only time would tell everything.

forgive me for the lack of severus in this chapter but i have to write this filler chapter.

thank you for reading! <3

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