Spiderman // Countdown (Pt.2)

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Days passed longer than they had ever done before. Her previous days were spent in anticipation for that day but now each day was like waiting for something to happen even though you know it's not coming. He's not coming and she had to accept that.

Her mother took the news better than (Y/N) had expected. She was in denial about the whole thing though she would never say that to her daughter; there was no way someone would abandon their soulmate like that. Of course, (Y/N) left out the small detail that her soulmate was Spiderman but that didn't change the story much. He still left and that's still what hurt.

Today was like no other day; (Y/N) woke up, got ready, went to school, walked home, ate and then went to bed, similar to her former schedule though with a lot less energy. School was a bore, especially with Flash's taunting when somehow word got out that her soulmate didn't want her. That made school more unbearable and made crawling into her bed that night feel like heaven. That's how she found herself buried under piles of blankets and pillows with her phone playing the most recent episode of her favorite show in hopes to cheer her up.

It was late at night when a sudden noise broke her from her sleepy state. The sound had never happened before and her already unstable emotions right now only heightened the worry inside her. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the sound again but directly outside her window.

Steps were taken very slow as she made her way to the window, scared as to what was on the other side. She didn't know if she should be relieved or upset when she saw the infamous Spiderman sitting on her fire escape.

(Y/N) could see the mask shift around where his mouth should be and she wondered if he was trying to smile under there. That guess made her decision and she opened the window.

Spiderman was quick to enter her room and close the window behind him, complaining to himself about how cold it was outside. For the second time, (Y/N) heard his voice and though her heart held some hostility towards him, it fluttered at the sound.

"I um, I'm sorry," Spiderman spoke directly to her.

She stared at him with wide eyes. "What?"

Spiderman scratched the back of his neck and the girl assumed it was an anxious action. "I'm sorry for everything. Coming here unannounced, leaving you that night, making you feel like your soulmate abandoned you. I'm just so sorry."

(Y/N) went back to sit on her bed, figuring there was a lot that the two had to talk about and sitting down would be the more comfortable option. She pulled the blankets to cover her legs before patting at the end by her feet to allow him to sit down. He did silently and crossed his legs underneath him.

"Why did you leave?" Her sudden voice surprised the hero who looked over at her incredulously. "That night; you said you had to go. Why?"

Spiderman scoffed, scratching his neck again. "Um I don't know if you would believe me."

Her lip curled in a small smile. "Try me."

"Alright. Well my powers you know are all... spider related so I can sense when danger is nearby or is about to happen. My spider sense went off and had to go stop it. Turns out, it was just a small oven fire that the staff had under control before I even got there." Spiderman looked up her, or at least in her direction since the eyes were fairly large. "And when I went back to find you, you were gone."

It was (Y/N)'s turn to look down. She had concluded that night that her soulmate didn't want her when he was, in fact, going off to be the hero that he was known for being. Had she just stayed and waited, this last week wouldn't have felt so awful.

"It's okay! It's okay, really." He had seen her guilt written on her face and went to try and calm her down. It was partially his fault; he could have at least told her he'd see her again. "We found each other now so that's all that matters."

Spiderman wanted to get to know her. She was such a beautiful girl and because she hadn't yelled at him, he was sure she was nice too! But if he wanted to know her, she'd have to know him and doing that meant removing the mask.

His hands came up to the back of his neck where the suit and the mask met. (Y/N) noticed what he was doing and tried to stop him out of fear that he was pushing himself too far since they still were just strangers. He didn't listen and pulled the mask completely off with a tug.

Peter had a shy grin on his face, thankful for her cool room to help his sweaty face. It wasn't anything different but he was happy to see her with his own eyes rather than through his goggles.

"Hi, my name's Peter Parker." Peter held his hand out for her to shake and she took it a second later, confessing her name as well.

Peter and (Y/N) were soulmates, two kids destined to be together by the decision of the universe. They would learn every little detail about one another, love that detail, and then would learn something else that they would love as well. They had a little bumpy start but that didn't mean their love wouldn't be any stronger had Peter actually kissed her that night like he wanted to. 

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