Ch258-Held Captive

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A/N: I have never made a chapter about an issue like this. If you get offended in any way I am very sorry but I feel I need to reach out and talk about how I feel about this situation. In this chapter I support Aphmau's argument and I agree with Aphmau. Please no arguing in the comments :)


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to the birds chirping and the fun shining. Everything seems so perfect. You know that feeling when you are really anxious and it suddenly goes away and you can stop stressing? Yeah that's what I feel right now. It's absolutely amazing.

I take a deep breath in and head to the bathroom. I take a shower and use my lemon pie body wash, I get dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a red off-the shoulder top and a pair of purple ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I braid it down my back. I apply mascara, eyeliner and orange pie lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray in some perfume. I head down stairs to the kitchen and I have some breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shaddow and then turn on the T.V..

Through the reflection on the T.V. I see someone sneaking up on me. I pretend I don't notice Beaudesert I want to have the element of surprise if I'm going to fight someone. I hear a small click and I immediately know what's going on. Mother of Irene they have a gun.

I stay frozen and I feel the person moving closer.

"So you're Aohmau, that told me about you" a male voice says

"What?" I say confused

"You're the one who's parents were killed and they gave you a necklace" the guy says

"Yeah?" I ask

What does that have to do as to why HE IS HOLDING A GUN AT ME?!

"That necklace is a very rare item, were is it?" He asks

"You're the one who stole my necklace" I say shocked

I turn around and face him. Mother of Irene he looks so young. No more that 20 definitely.

"So you're going to shoot me?" I say

"Y-yes" he says

I notice the nervousness in his voice, no way in nether he actually really wants to do this. I just need him to crack and then I'll be free to go.

"Ok" I say calmly

"I will do it!" He yells, his voice really shaky

"Sure, so like, do you want some tea or something?" I ask

"No" he says with a straight face

"Can I go make some tea?" I ask

"Fine but be quick" he says and he lets me go to the kitchen. The second I'm out of his sight I send a quick message to Aaron. I texted him last night so he was on ten top of my recents. I just really hope he checks his phone.

I quickly make tea, I couldn't spend to long so I had to drink cold milk tea. Have you ever tried it? It is absolutely disgusting. You know what else is gross, home made sherbet. It's made out of icing sugar, citric acid and bicarbonate soda. You mix it all together and eat it. If you put in to much bicarbonate soda it tastes disgusting.

There is a knock at the door and the guy tells me not to answer it.

"If I don't answer it they will come in, it's probably one of my friends and they know I'm home today" I say calmly

He sighs and let's me answer it. Luckily it's Aaron and I smile at him. He comes inside and sees the gun guy. He pretends to be shocked and he is told to stay quiet.

"But we have gun laws, how did you even get that?" Aaron says looking at him shocked

"Gun laws don't matter, having guns is good, it is a way to protect yourself" the guy replies

"Umm no, actually guns are the main leading cause of death in places without gun laws" I cut in "We have gun laws to protect everyone. If no one has a gun then why would we meet to protect ourselves? Guns are dangerous and people shouldn't be allowed to just have guns, nor should there be things like gun licences for normal people. Look at all the mass shooting and all the things we hear about in the news"

I will stand by what I just said. Growing up in Scaleswind really taught me a lot about gun dangers. They don't have any gun laws and people were always killed.

The guy sits down and lowers his gun a bit. I'm still shaking and Aaron holds my arm. There is more knocking at the door and I don't want him to answer it. No one else needs to be involved.

He answers the door and it is Cadenza and Lucinda. He pulls them in and they sit down with us. We tell them what's going in and Lucinda gives me a look like "just use your magiks in him".

I would but I'm still very weak and I can't use them right now. We end up talking with the guy and he reveals his name to be Blade. We end up getting his life story. We don't want to hear it but it's better than what happens if we don't listen so we can deal with it.

Eventually Lucinda manages to call the police when Blade is looking the other way and they arrive outside of my house. Garroth, Zane, Vylad, Sky, Ross, Dylan, Jin, Barney and Max must have heard the sirens because they come outside of my house to.

Blade looks at us and thanks us for showing him that violence isn't the answer. He walks our of my house with his hands hell up high and he is handcuffed. It's kind of a shame, Blade was very interesting, it wasn't a fun situation at all but I'm happy it had a good ending.

Aaron and I hug each other and we are asked a lot of questions from our friends, the police and reposters. Of course we don't tell the reporters anything. It's none of their business. But I tell my friends and the police. I trust them with this information.

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