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Snow Day.

"Pranking Spidey? Have we really sunk that low?"

"Hey, it's not sinking low!" Sam defended as Peter dug himself out of the snow.

"Mature. The maturist. Shouldn't you be at school? Or dead?" Peter grumbled.

"No school, Spidey. Snow day," Luke grinned.

"Snow day? Did you get up extra early just to torture me?"

"That was a fringe benefit. We're actually here to pick you up," Ava showed him the video of Colson giving us an extra training day instead of a free day.


"So, we get the day off 'cause of snow, but now we have to work out in even more snow?"

"It's a mandatory team building exercise," Ava shrugged.

"Mandatory, White Tiger? I have a better idea."

"None of your ideas are better," I crossed my arms, already hating the mischievous look in his eyes.


"Come on! You look great!"

"Let me go, Ava-! Ah!" I squeaked as she pulled me out of one of the rooms on the jet we took, exposing me in my black two piece.

"Ava! Raven! We're only waiting on you two!" Sam called out as we both made it to the back and started down the jet stairs.

And I felt eyes all over me.

"See? You look great. Right boys?" I looked up with pink dusted on my cheeks to see Sam just gawking, Luke giving me a thumbs up, and Danny staring with a blush across his face.

"U-Uhm, apologies for staring Raven. I was taught better than that," Danny turned away with a cough.

"Whatever, let's just go."

We all sat down, and luckily Ava brought an extra lounge chair and I brought sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes.

"Paradise! How'd you guys even find this place?" Luke asked.

"Ask Sam, he's the one who found it in SHIELDs database."

"Yeah, filed under "Classy"."


"I'll just tell Colson I entered the wrong coordinates, no biggie," Sam shrugged.

"Wait, Rav, are those tattoos?" Luke took notice of the black tattoos on my skin.


"Didn't they hurt?" Sam asked.

"Not really, I actually want to get more. I hide them at school with my powers," I admit.

"Is it true that cold showers help with healing?" Sam inquired.

"Yup, they-Sam, what are you doing?! Put me down!" I yelled as he threw me over his shoulder and tossed me into the freezing cold water.

That little-!

All I heard was a yelp from Sam before a body landed in the water a few feet away from me, and I moved my hair to see Danny smiling.

"Has my knight come to my rescue once again?" I teased.



"Has the body been disposed of?"

"Of course," Lady Shiva bowed.

"Damian, if I may, there have been rumors about Lady Raven," My ears perked up at this.

"What kind of rumors?"

"They paint Lady Raven in a bad way."


"Some of your assassins say she left because you could not please her as a man should, but most say that she is a whore and does not deserve the throne if she were to ever return," All I saw was red.

"Summon my legion and we will torture these traitors. Show them that mouthing off is not a sign of a good warrior, and we will cut their lips off while they scream in agony."

And that's exactly what I did.

It was nine of my assassins that I carved infront of them that day. Each died of fire, and each time their blood fell into the flames, it gave me satisfaction.

Raven left on her own accords.

To better herself and her powers.

It's my fault that I couldn't help her with that.

"Lady Shiva," I spoke up, not looking away from the burning bodies.


"How soon can I go to New York?"

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