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Why I Hate the Gym.

"This is stupid."

"What do you mean? Dodgeball is awesome!" Sam laughed, seeing another ball thrown at Peters face.

"I hate the shorts. Why are they shorter on girls? The guys shorts are longer," I pointed out, hating my pale legs just out there.

"Have you seen your suit? Hello! Legs galore!" Sam commented.

"I like my suit, but out there, people see me as a hero. In here-"

"Nice legs, Rach! Looking good!" I flipped off Flash Thompson, who once again just took my attitude for 'fiesty'.

Next thing I knew, Flash was hit straight in the nose and knocked to the floor.

And who was this savior? Danny Rand.

"Looks like I've found my knight in shining armor," I smiled up at him.

"Just a friendly game of dodgeball," I saw a tease of mischief in his eyes.

"Damon Rand, you get back here right now!"

"Only if you catch me, mommy!"

I suddenly got light headed and stumbled, but luckily, Danny grabbed me.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, just. . .did you hear something?" I asked, but he nodded no.

"Probably just not enough water today. I'll sit the rest of this out," He led me to the bleachers before going off to explain to our sub, Mr. Jeager, and he just nodded before shooing Danny off.

That had to have been a premonition.

That's one the few things that can drain me like that.

But, who's Damon Rand?

Does Danny have a brother?

As everyone did the obstacle course, I noticed Mr. Jeager analyzing each and every step of their movements. Any normal gym teacher would just watch and give them a grade, not watch like they're about to pull a gun on them.

Or like a secret pedophile.

"Rand, Osborn, and Thompson, be here Saturday, nine o'clock. Don't be late," Danny came back to me.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, it was just a premonition."

"A premonition? Was it bad?"

"No, just confusing. Do you know anyone named Damon, by any chance?" I asked.

"No, I don't think I've ever met anyone named Damon-"

"Hello lovebirds!" Luke put his arms around us.

"Lovebirds?" Danny inquired.

"Come on. You guys don't see it?" We both glanced at eachother before nodding no.

"Danny, you literally walk her to her classes and carry her books."

"Flash is disrespectful and I do not wish to see her uncomfortable. Plus, those are heavy and I was raised a gentleman," Danny justified.

"Rav, you rush to Danny anytime he's got an injury in battle and do that weird silent sitting for hours. With just him."

"Danny makes calculated attacks that work, but get him majorly hurt. I don't want my friend walking around with a concussion. And have you tried meditating with Sam? He can't stay silent for two minutes," I crossed my arms.

"Mhm, okay. And what about you staring at Danny when his suit was torn off?" Luke smirked, and that image flashing in my mind caused my cheeks to heat up pink.

"I told you, I wasn't staring!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

"Ugh, I'm going to change," I walked past them, feeling Dannys gaze on me as I marched to the girls locker room.


"That was actually fun."

"See! I told you, a girls night is needed with all a team full of guys," Ava smiled, sipping on her coke.

We decided to go to the mall after school and hit up the food court afterwards. We had some great bonding time, and are currently walking until we get close enough to the helicarrier.

"Hey, can I tell you something? And can we keep it between us?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Robin didn't really become unavailable willingly. Due to his heritage, he was constantly dragged away from our team and soon wasn't even apart of it anymore. I saw him maybe once a month, if I was lucky. But he was doing what he was born to do, running his grandfathers business and doing the best he could, so I felt like a burden each time I would visit him or even call him.

When I left the team, left everyone behind, I left a letter for him in my room basically telling him that he deserved someone who could actually be in his world. Who couldn't risk hurting him. I felt like such an asshole," Ava put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you did what you felt was right. Being in a relationship where you hardly even see the person isn't fair, to neither of you. But, why did you feel like you would hurt him?" It felt nice that she actually paid attention to me when I was venting.

"You know the part of me that's not exactly human?" She nodded.

"I get that from my dad. He's such an awful thing, he threatened to kill Robin once he got the chance. I couldn't risk it," I expressed.

"Can I. . .can I know who he is? I promise the boys won't know, not until you're ready to tell them," I trusted Ava, she was a good friend and I know she won't break her promise.

"He's a conquerer of worlds. He doesn't even do it to rule them, just to cause chaos and destruction and death. On any world, he takes a bride and has a child with them, whether the bride is willing or not. I know I have siblings in other galaxies, in other realms, but they side with him. I was the one child who saw what he did and felt pain for others. The one who didn't side with him. . .his name is Trigon," I could feel Ava sympathizing for me. I had a father who conquered worlds, hurt women and killed just for the fun of it.

"He's nowhere in the SHIELD database, atleast places where we have access to. You're not your father, I can tell that by how you fight and how you care about people."

I know that.

But my siblings were turned.

What makes us so sure that I can stay good?

Once we got back to the helicarrier, I made my way to my room and got ready for bed.

This'll be different, but it's the best way to keep an eye on you.

I placed the red gem on my forehead, my skin latching onto it and making it apart of myself.

It didn't work before, but it will now.

I'm stronger.

The gem glowed, the smallest of movements barely shown to the naked eye.

Hello, father.

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