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"A school dance? Nu-uh, not going," Ava already dismissed the idea of going to homecoming the second the team brought it up.

"Come on, it'll be fun! Spiked punch, sneaking some saucy dancing while the chaperons aren't looking? Eh?" Sam suggested, poking Ava in the ribs right before she smacked him over the head.

"It's one of the few high school experiences we'll get. We should go," Luke joined in.

"I think it will be enjoyable for all of us."

Not you too, Danny.

"I'm only going if Raven goes," Everyone then turned to me and everywhere I looked, all I saw was puppy eyes and pouting.

Except for Danny, who was making my knees weak just by looking at me with his even better puppy eyes and pleading smile.

"Ugh, fine."

"Yes! Woohoo!"

"Raven, seriously? Ugh, can I atleast add to it?" I nodded.

"Then we need dates. Sorry but going with just a bunch of guys and two lonely girls doesn't sound like fun."


"Who would ask you on a date?" Sam snorted at Ava.

"A sensible man."

"Then I doubt we'll even go. The only guy I know who would even ask me is Flash, and I am not going with him," I shuddered.

"We're going to that dance. Now, ladies, how would you like to be asked?" Luke questioned.


"Let's just say that I know some fellas who would love to take you, but they need to know what'd you like."

Someone who likes me?

Or is even willing to take me?


"Definitely something small. I don't like those big signs. Like, a flower with a cute note or something," I shrugged, acting like this wasn't a big deal to me but I am curious.

Who would be daft enough to even look at me?

"I'll like it if he makes an effort," Ava shrugged, and I could feel that she wanted to go just as much as the boys did.

She just didn't want to show it.

"Luke-" My phone suddenly rang, and the second I looked at the ID, I answered.


"Raven, hey. Got a minute?"


"Listen 'ere, Raven. Damian isn't Robin anymore, he's fully taken over the role of the leader of the League of Assassins."

"Okay, and? Why are you telling me?" I asked, glaring at my teammates who tried listening in.

"You know damn well why."

"He's an adult now, and last I checked, I'm not responsible for him. Not anymore."

"The kids lost without you, Raven! He's buried himself in this life-"

"He knew what he was getting into the second Lady Shiva joined and offered her help. He's fine and always will be fine without me."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because everyone seems to think that he's my fucking responsibility! I'm not responsible for shit! Damian knows the life, he grew up in it, and he can handle himself. Bruce is just pissed that he can't control him anymore, so everyone seems to think that I'm the one with the only hold left on him! I left him, and I'm not looking back," I hung up with a sigh, slumping in my chair and keeping my hood up.

"So. . .guessing Damian is. . .Robin?" Sam guessed.

"Don't say shit," I glared.

"We won't. But, you want to tell us what that's about?" Ava asked.

"We have our secret IDs, they have theirs too. But, Damian has another life outside of being a hero, a legacy to his name and he's abandoned the hero life to take up the mantle to his legacy. And they seem to think that I can get him back."

Peter put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, "If they're putting pressure on you like this, especially after you chose to leave, then they're not your real friends."

"Yeah, real friends respect your privacy," Sam said.


"Hey," I spoke up.

"Do you think I could get a new suit?"


"Where is Phoenix?!"

"Yeah! We're getting our butts kicked out here!"

"Perhaps she is caught up," I gave Raven the benefit of the doubt.

"In wha-?! Holy shit," When Sam stopped himself, I looked to where he was looking and saw Raven. . .but. . .different.

A good different.

"Wizard, I think that's enough for today," She spoke in a daring tone, the ground covered in her powers and latching onto Wizard, refusing to let him go no matter how much he thrashed around.

"Cops should be here soon."

"Whoa, Rave-I mean, Phoenix, you look. . .wow," Sam was in awe of her new suit, and to be honest, so was I.

"Yeah, I'll be going be Phoenix from now on. New me, you know," She shrugged, and I don't really know what happened to me next.

I took her hood down and her violet eyes shone with a new brightness and curiousity that was hidden before.

"You look beautiful."

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