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Phoenix wright was busy cleaning out the back of the flower shop when he heard the chimes. Someone had arrived. He dropped what he was doing and went over.

"Welcome to hill aviur's flowershop!" He chirped. He frowned, thinking the lady in front of him was familiar. It then hit him. "Oh, you're that woman from cafe. Mia right?" She nodded smiling a bit. Phoenix noticed this and knew something was wrong. He gently took her hand. "What's wrong?" He asked, feeling worry. At this Mia burst out sobbing. Raw grief visible on her face as she slid down and brought Phoenix down with her.

He sat there and wiped her tears as she explained. "You know my sister Maya right?" He nodded.

"W-well she passed away recently and it has been so hard dealing with her absence"

Phoenix didn't know what to say, but he had to say something and try to comfort her. "I'm so very sorry for your loss" "She was such a bright girl"

"Yeah" Mia said, sniffing. Phoenix got up and flipped the sign to close. He hugged her and didn't let go till she had stopped shaking. He helped her up as she thanked him and offered to make her some tea to help with the headache. Age looked so exhausted and she merely nodded, looking dazed.

Minutes later, he came back with the tea and the two sat in silence as they drank. Phoenix finished his. "If you'd like I can help you pick some flowers fir her grave" "That'd be appreciated" Mia said hugging him again.

The two left and along with Mia, he payed his respects to Maya.

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