Chapter 1: "Only time would tell."

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"Lieutenant? We're ready to get underway," the voice to my right said. I turned and saw my Navigation Chief standing there.

"Are all preparations complete?" I asked, checking the map in front of me.

"Yes ma'am," he replied, his voice professional and polite.

"Then inform the Captain and prepare to commence underway procedures," I directed him.

"Aye Lieutenant. Understood," he said smartly, giving me a salute before doing an about face and heading out of the quarterdeck.

I stood on the quarterdeck, my eyes on the map in front of me. I was the Navigational Officer on the large naval ship and extremely serious about my position.

COMMENCE UNDERWAY PROCEDURES. ALL HANDS ON DECK. PREPARE TO GET UNDERWAY came across the ship's squawk box. I focused on the map again in front of me, giving directions to the navigation team in front of me. It was my responsibility to guide us safely away from the dock and out of the port we were currently in.

We had been away from home for the last 6 months and were getting to ready to head back. It had been one of the longest deployments I had ever been on. And I didn't mean by time. I was used to being gone from anywhere from 6-12 months, but this time was different. My boyfriend, Oliver, was waiting for me this time and I was eager to get back to his side.

We had been together for the last year and this was the first deployment I had done during the relationship. He was a detective for the local police force so he knew what long hours were like. He was sweet and handsome, caring and kind. The kind of guy I had always dreamed of.

We hadn't been able to talk much over the phone since I deployed, but had kept in touch mainly through emails. The last time I had spoken to him was when we had docked in Spain. We were close enough to cell phone towers to get reception. Unfortunately, my cell phone didn't work too well out in the middle of the ocean, even with international calling enabled. During this last docking period, we had only stopped to refuel so I didn't have the opportunity to call him. Although I was disappointed, I knew it was part of the job.

After we were underway, the mail clerk came in with a box for me. It was addressed to me correctly, but didn't have a return sender label. I thanked the mail clerk, but would have to take a look at it later. I was currently two hours into a twelve-hour watch, ending when my second in command took over. Twelve-hour watches were grueling, but it was only while the ship was actively moving. When moored in port, we had the time free so the trade off was decent. At least from my perspective. I set the box aside, promptly forgetting about it.

As I stood on the quarterdeck, I looked at the open ocean in front of me through the large windows. It was a beautiful sight, the bright blue sky reflecting off the deeper blue of the water. There was a slight breeze and the weather was perfect. I had navigated through some of the worst storms imaginable, but days like this helped me to remember why I loved my job.

I checked our course and determined that the helmsman was still on the correct heading. "Maintain heading for the next 130.35 nautical miles," I relayed to the helmsman.

The helmsman gave me a short nod. "Aye ma'am. Maintain heading for the next 130.35 nautical miles," he repeated, holding the large wooden wheel steady. Since the course would remain the same for the next five hours and we were maintaining a steady pace of 25 knots, I felt comfortable enough stepping out of the office to make myself a cup of coffee. The coffee mess was 15 feet away from the office and a short enough distance that I could return quickly.

I poured the sludge into my cup, adding enough cream and sugar to make it drinkable before heading back to the quarterdeck. I sat down in my chair, blowing on the hot liquid, before taking a sip.

"I don't understand how you can drink that stuff ma'am," my navigational chief, Lee JungMin, said, waving towards my cup. He took a sip from the mug in his hand, the mug I knew held tea.

"You're the only chief I know that doesn't drink coffee," I retorted, sending him a grin. "How can you survive twelve hour watches with me without it?"

JungMin returned my grin with one of his own. "Good question Lieutenant," he replied, earning a chuckle from the helmsman who was used to our silly banter.

I continued sitting there on the quarterdeck with the chief and the helmsman, Oh Sehun for the next few hours, occasionally checking our course, but I knew Sehun was good at his job. He would stay within feet of our position and I trusted him to move the ship along safely.

As we approached the 130 nautical mile mark, I addressed Sehun. "Chief Oh. Adjust the course by 23 degrees toward starboard. Once in that position, maintain for 261 nautical miles," I stated, my voice professional.

"Aye ma'am," Sehun said then repeated the course back to me before making the adjustment.

I leaned back in my chair, knowing we would be heading in this direction for the next 10 ½ hours before making a sharp turn to starboard to head home. There was nothing but open ocean in front of us and we expected decent weather for the next 72 hours before a storm would begin rolling in. Although it would be several days before we reached home, I was more than ready. Ready to be home and definitely ready to see Felix.

Jin POV:

I sat in a chair at the dining table, enjoying my morning cup of coffee when Taehyung and Hoseok came into the room. "Was the book delivered?" I asked as they sat down to pour their own cups of coffee.

"It should be delivered today," Hoseok said, a smile on his face and his changing hair currently a bright happy red.

Taehyung smiled. "I hope he finds her soon," Taehyung said, his eyes sad.

I nodded my head, understanding his feelings about the whole situation. Our youngest brother, Jungkook, had almost fallen in love with Jimin's soulmate. Jimin had wanted to reject her and Jungkook's soul began calling for her, reaching out for her, accepting her as his own. It took a fight and an emotional confession from Jimin before the two could find peace between them again. Jimin had accepted his soulmate whole-heartedly and we had never seen him happier. Although Jungkook had seemed sad at the end of it all, he knew deep down that his soulmate was out there for him somewhere. We just had to find her. And we did. Once the scroll was in her hands, it would call Jungkook to her. Hopefully their first meeting would go well. It could help determine their entire fate.

Jimin had recently moved his soulmate into the house we shared. Although Jimin had mentioned moving in with his soulmate, we convinced Jimin to bring her home to the house we shared. After living together for so many centuries, it was hard to imagine being separated from each other. His soulmate had agreed, even though I'm sure it was shocking meeting the rest of us. Anyone would be nervous living with an incubus, a siren, a witch, a werewolf, a vampire, a dragon, and a demon.

Unfortunately too many horror stories had been told about us over the last couple of centuries, but there was not much to be done about that. Personally I was tired of the movies and books being made about me. Yes I was exceptionally handsome, but I did not sparkle in the sun like a damn sequined stripper. The only thing the sun did was deplete my energy a bit so I could not stay in it very long without being overly tired. Since I preferred the cover of night anyways, the lack of sunlight did not bother me very much.

I had to admit she had adapted well to living with us. I think the most shocking part of Jimin's soulmate meeting us was being introduced to Namjoon. He was the author for the book she had been using for a research paper on the incubus, which had been written in 1643. It would naturally be shocking meeting someone who was believed to be dead for the last 350 years or more.

"Where is Jungkook anyways?" I asked, looking for our youngest brother. Usually his enchanting voice could be heard throughout the house in the morning as he sang while he got ready for class. When we had first learned about Jimin's soulmate, he had volunteered to go to university to help keep her away from her boyfriend. Even after everything worked out, he chose to continue going. I think it was just because he liked hanging out with Jimin's soulmate. I had to admit we all enjoyed spending time with her.

"Jungkook left for school early with my princess," Jimin said, walking into the room, running a hand through his silver locks, a pout on his face. Yoongi followed behind him, a grumpy look on his face, his dark grey hair disheveled.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. "No worries Jimin. She loves you completely. Jungkook and her are friends, only friends," I reassured him.

Jimin sighed. "I know," he said. "Sometimes I just think of how close I was to losing her to that fish and it... it scares me sometimes," he admitted, his face turning pink in embarrassment.

Yoongi slung an arm around Jimin's shoulder. "No worries. She's not going anywhere," he said, his voice gentle but then smirked. "Plus you forget I have the room next to you. With the way she moans your name at night, I don't think she could leave if she wanted to."

Jimin punched him in the arm as his cheeks got even redder. "What are you talking about?" he pouted then looked down at the ground. "She isn't even that loud."

Yoongi pointed to the large furry ears that currently stuck up out of his hair. Although Yoongi was a werewolf and could transform from completely human to completely wolf, he preferred a hybrid form of sorts when at home. It allowed his senses to be stronger and more sensitive. "I can't help but hearing you," he muttered out. "Oh Jimin! Don't stop! Please! Don't stop!" Yoongi mocked, a playful tone to his voice.

Jimin punched his arm again, a smug smile on his face. "I'm an incubus. Sex was the main part of my life for the last few centuries. Of course she is going to moan my name like that. You just wish you could hear your name spilling from her pretty lips like mine does," he said, his voice arrogant. "How did the last heat go anyway?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, his ears and tail twitching in irritation but then grinned at Jimin. "Fine. You win. We've all fantasized about fucking your pretty soulmate. I'm sure she'd make a great heat partner. Happy?" he countered.

Jimin spluttered in anger, his face a bright red. Taehyung and Hoseok were leaning on each other laughing and even I had to hold back a smile. "Calm down now Jimin," I chided before Jimin lost it and attacked the cocky werewolf. "Your soulmate is safe from us all. Even from Yoongi."

"That... that wasn't funny," Jimin insisted in a small voice, his plump lips back into pout, his anxiety at almost losing her flooding over him like a tidal wave.

As I stood up to head to hospital where I was an ER surgeon, I had to admit it was nice to see Jimin so into this girl. He clearly loved her and adored her, which was surprising how much he fought it in the beginning. I could only hope Jungkook and his soulmate would end up just as happy. Only time would tell.

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