Chapter 11: "... two can play your game Bubbles."

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Over the next two days, I spent quite a bit of time texting Jungkook. When we had left the restaurant, he had asked for my number. He had said he was going to be in town for a little while and would like to get to know me. Although part of me felt bad since I was involved with Oliver, a larger part of me said it was fine since Jungkook was merely a friend. And anyways, who said I couldn't have friends?

As we got to know each other, I found out Jungkook and I had so much in common. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought we were soulmates. It was almost as though we were destined to meet each other, become friends. Besides the seafood and loving the sea, we also both enjoyed reading about mythical beings, playing video games, photography and hiking. I hadn't realized how nice it was to have a friend who shared the same interests as me. It gave us so much to talk about and i was surprised at how much time we spent texting each other.

Although Oliver and I got along fairly well, we didn't really like the same things. It made it hard to plan dates since he likes seafood and the theater, while I preferred burgers and being outdoors. I know people say opposites attract, but sometimes it was challenging when our interests were so different. Especially when he tried to convince me to try a new seafood restaurant with him. I told Jungkook about Oliver the first day we had texted. I didn't want him to think I was hiding things from him, so I made sure he knew I had a boyfriend. Jungkook just said that it was okay, that he just wanted to get to know a new friend.

Five days after we met, I was sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for Jungkook. In my bag, I had stuck the old book I had received while on deployment. I had tried showing it to Oliver, but he had no interest in it, but I figured Jungkook would enjoy it. I didn't want to admit that I was excited to meet with him; it would help take my mind off the problems currently happening in my own life.

Oliver had left that morning to follow his lead and said he might be out of contact for the next couple of days. I had asked to come see him off, but he had refused, which was strange. I had an inkling of what was going on, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I knew it was stupid of me, but part of me wanted to keep living the fantasy life and not come to terms with the fact that my boyfriend was most likely cheating on me.

However, it was not something I was going to focus on. I was going to just enjoy having coffee with a polite and handsome man. I had just ordered drinks for the two of us, caramel Frappuccino for Jungkook and chai latte for me, when Jungkook arrived at the coffee shop, big smile on his face. He spotted me immediately and came over, sitting down in front of me.

"Hey Y/N. Good to see you again." Jungkook's voice was happy and his pretty eyes were bright with amusement.

"You look like you're in a good mood." There was no denying that something good had happened to him since we had spoken last. "What's got you so happy?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Nothing really. Just in a good mood today. It's a gorgeous day and I get to spend time with a pretty girl. How could I not be in a good mood?"

Narrowing my eyes, but saying nothing, I let it go. "If you say so, but you almost look like you... Wait! Did you meet someone?" Jungkook had shared with me that he wasn't currently seeing anyone and for some reason it made me happy, but I knew it wouldn't last. He was exceptionally handsome, sweet, adventurous, and so much fun to be around.

Jungkook's cheeks turned pink and his eyes darted down to the table. "Ummm..."

My mouth dropped open in shock, but my heart clenched a little. "You did meet someone! What's she like? Is she pretty?" Although I really didn't want to know about this mystery woman of his, Jungkook was still my friend, so I forced a smile onto my face, trying to push down the tiny flame of envy that had sparked in me when i noticed the happy look on his face, the blush that covered his cheeks at the mention of his mystery girl.

"I didn't say I met anyone," Jungkook denied, but he had the look of someone in love.

Reaching across the table for his hand, I tried to ignore the warm feeling that washed over me at the feel of his hand in mine. "Come on. Tell me about her."

Almost as though he couldn't help it, his smile brightened. "It's not what you think. I've barely talked to her, but... but there's something about her that's telling me she's the one. She's beautiful, caring, and so funny."

Trying to stop tiny flame from building up at his words, I smiled. "She sounds amazing. How did you meet her?"

Jungkook sighed. "Umm... through Jimin and his soulmate. Jimin's soulmate is friends with her. They introduced me."

"That was... was nice of them. I'm glad you found someone." I knew my voice sounded artificial, but I couldn't help it. Even though Jungkook and I had only known each other for a few days and I was already seeing someone, I couldn't help feeling the connection to him. Part of me was already worried that he would stop texting, stop wanting to hang out. I know if I were his girlfriend, I would be a little envious of a handsome guy like him spending time with someone else.

Jungkook waved a hand. "Can... can we change the subject?" He looked uncomfortable and I hated having put him in that position. "I'm not really ready to talk about her yet. It's... it's still too new."

The waitress came with our drinks and I released his hand. "Sure. You can tell me more about her when you're ready." Even though I had asked about her, I wasn't sure I was ready to hear him brag about her, not yet at least so I was grateful for the change in subject.

"One day, I'll have to take you there. We can go hiking and I'll take you to the waterfall." Jungkook promised. "You'll love it." Jungkook had been telling me about a place he had gone hiking, this beautiful trail that led out to a waterfall that collected in a pretty swimming area.

"Ha. You're funny. We barely know each other and you're already planning our first vacation." The idea of a little vacation with Jungkook made my heart flutter, but I ignored the feeling, shoving it down to a dark recess in my heart.

"No. If we were going to go on a vacation, I would take you to a place I know that has a mythical creature exhibit." Jungkook grinned at his words. "I would take you the Museum of Ghosts and Fairytales in the Czech Republic, but it's just not worth the trip."

At his words, I pulled the old book from my bag. "Since you mentioned the mythical creatures, I brought something to show you." I set the book on the table and Jungkook's eyes went wide.

Jungkook POV:

Oh man holy shit! At the sight of the familiar cover with the gold lettering, I felt my heart racing in my chest. Y/N grinned, mistaking my shock for excitement. "Isn't it amazing?" She ran a hand reverently over the cover. "Someone sent it to me while I was on deployment. I have no idea where or who it came from."

Seeing the book again was like seeing an old friend, the old pages, the stunning artwork that I knew was on the inside. "It sure is beautiful."

Y/N gave me a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I knew you would like it. My boyfr... Oliver just doesn't have the same appreciation for these things like I do, like I knew you would. It's... it's not his thing."

I could hear the disappointment in her voice, but chose to leave it be. She had told me about her boyfriend the day after we started talking and I admired her honesty, knowing she was trying to make sure that she didn't lead me on. It definitely made my respect for her grow that much more. "Well I enjoy it. There's so many amazing stories about these types of things that I can't help but be interested in it. I've always loved stories about those that others don't believe exist."

Y/N's smile grew at my words and I knew it had been the right thing to say. "Which one is your favorite?" She leaned forward on the table, her eyes curious.

Her question made me grin in amusement. "Um... I've always been fascinated by sirens, Loch Ness Monster, things like that."

"Me too. Sirens and mermaids were always my favorite. They're always so beautiful with their long flowing hair. Definitely some of the most beautiful women."

Women? What the hell am I? A duck? "Just the women? You don't think the men are beautiful too?" My tone was filled with laughter, but my pride was kind of hurt.

Y/N grinned. "I've never seen a painting or anything of a male siren! Just the women, but I'm sure the men are exceptionally handsome too."

"Hmmm.... You'll have to Google some images of male sirens." I wonder if she thinks I'm handsome? "Think if I was a siren I would be handsome?" I internally smacked myself at the question, knowing it was bolder than it should have been.

"O-of course I think you're handsome." Y/N's cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink and I wanted to cheer at her response.

Knowing I embarrassed her, I quickly changed the subject. "So you have no idea where this book came from?"

Giving me a grateful smile, Y/N leapt at the quick topic change. "No. No idea. It came while I was on my ship. I've talked to my family and friends. Everyone says they have no idea who sent it."

"And you don't think your boyfriend did?" I didn't want to bring him up, but it was the only thing I could think of at the moment.

Y/N rolled her eyes, a gesture I've come to know that showed her irritation. "Yeah right. This is not his thing," she said, gesturing towards the book. "He... he says I'm silly for my fascination with mythical beings."

If I didn't like her boyfriend already, that statement would have just made it so. "Well, if it matters, I don't think you're silly. I've always been fascinated by things like this. I always loved traveling to places where things like this are believed in. Scotland, Italy, Spain. Places like that."

Her eyes lighting up, Y/N's mouth dropped open in surprise. "You've been to Scotland? I always wanted to go see the Loch Ness Museum there."

Grinning at her childlike delight, I nodded my head. "I did. I went specifically for the museum and to visit Loch Ness. It was one of those things that always fascinated me."

Y/N sighed, her eyes taking on a dreamy look. "When... when I was a teenager, it was always my dream that my future husband and I would go on an adventure like that. It's... it's one of the reasons I joined the military. I wanted a chance to see the world and get away from the people that always told me I was being naïve and silly for believing in it." The dreamy look disappeared and her eyes filled with sadness. "Who would have thought I would end up with someone who still calls me silly?"

Reaching across the table, I took her hand, enjoying the warmth that flowed through her fingers, scorching my skin as though it was a trail leading a to a stick of dynamite. "If it's something you enjoy don't let anyone make you feel bad for it. People like all sorts of things and definitely shouldn't be judged for them." I felt a spark of happiness shoot through me at the way Y/N's eyes lit up. "Tell you what. You and me can fangirl over this stuff together."

Y/N snorted at my words, her eyes filled with my mischief. "We're fangirling now? Even though you're not exactly a girl?"

Not exactly? This little tease... two can play your game Bubbles. "Why are you assuming my gender?"

"Oh shit. Jungkook I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean... I didn't mean to assume..." Y/N's eyes were wide in embarrassment and her cheeks were flushed.

I couldn't hold it anymore and the laugh burst from my chest, causing the other customers in the coffee shop to turn and look at us strangely. "I'm... I'm only teasing you. I... I identify as a man. I promise you." The words came out in spurts because I was laughing so hard.

Giving me a surprised look, Y/N reached over and tried to smack me with the napkin in her hand, the thin white paper fluttering harmlessly by my head. "You're terrible. That was so mean."

I grinned at her, knowing she really wasn't that upset. "Hey. I thought it was pretty funny." Although she tried to appear angry, Y/N couldn't help the small smile that crossed her lips. "But anyways tough girl. Show me your favorite part of this book."

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