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"you want a tattoo. . .on your lips?" taehyung questions, tilting his head in amusement and confusion.

"yes, it's for jimin" he says softly, taehyung finally understanding the situation and cracking up a laugh.

"well okay, but we'll go tomorrow since i have to get a gift for him as well and i don't think you would want to let jimin find out about your tattoo before his birthday isn't it?" jungkook nods, agreeing to just leave early tomorrow so that they can get the tattoo in time just before the celebration.

it was jimins's twenty second birthday and the whole mafia association decided to hold up a celebration for their leader, jungkook's idea. they would be having it at the casino, hoseok already telling jinhwan in advance to close the casino tomorrow for the whole day. jimin doesn't know and probably wouldn't expect it since on his birthday every year, they didn't actually celebrate it as there was work to handle. but jungkook insisted on it, pleading taehyung to spread the word because he wants to make it special since it's also their first month together but jungkook doesn't tell taehyung that.

when jimin comes home, jungkook is asleep in their room, blanket covering his form as he curled into himself, shivering a little at the cold. the male takes a shower to remove the dirt and mess that happened today, wiping off the dried blood on his cheek as well.

he slips on a new pair of briefs and shorts before making his way back into the room, throwing the towel he used to dry his hair into the hamper. he quietly slides onto his side of the bed, pulling the cover off from the other male and sliding an arm underneath his neck, minimising their gap till jungkook was pressed against him, mumbling in his sleep and tangling his legs with jimin unconsciously, hands on his chest. jimin sighs deeply and kisses the top of his head, pulling back only to see brown orbs blinking up at him sleepily.

"hey baby boy" he whispers, carding through locks of soft hair.

"when did you come home daddy?" he rubs his eyes, pushing himself up till they are face to face and spots the little cut on jimin's cheek.

"what happened?" it was standard. eventhough jimin told him so many times not to worry, jungkook still asks. he brings his hand up, going over the cut warily.

"got in a fight with one of the customer at the casino. he wanted to take advantage of jinhwan's worker" the older plainly answers, knowing there is no use lying to jungkook because he will still press on about it.

"want me to make it better?" he says suddenly, eyes twinkling as a small smile forms on his lips.

"i already-" a kiss was pressed onto his skin, making him feel warm.

he stares at the the younger, a sudden smile blooming onto his features before it disappears. jungkook's eyes went wide for a nanosecond, feeling his heart flutter at the smile but felt disappointed once it was gone. he didn't show it though, he knew jimin would break soon enough. they were taking it slow.

"oh, there's another one here too" jungkook grins before pecking the cut on his brow, pulling back to smile at the older.

"do you have anymore cuts?" jimin smirks a little, moving closer.

"i want you to make me feel better here" he breathes out, pointing to his lips.

jungkook giggles shyly before before closing their distance, placing a kiss on jimin's lips. the silver haired had a grip on his hair, pulling on it a little as his other hand caressed jungkook's jaw.

jungkook breathes heavily once they pull off, biting his swollen lips which got bit by jimin again, making him moan softly.

"daddy" he whispers softly before snuggling closer, wanting to sleep since he has to wake up early tomorrow.

"daddy, can i go out with taehyung hyung tomorrow? i'll be back before evening"

"that long? where are you going?" jimin had a temporary frown on his face, looking down at the younger. didn't jungkook know it's his birthday tomorrow? didn't he know it was their first month together? or would he just rather spend it with taehyung instead since the mafia leader is always busy? there is an irrational jealousy burning up in him but he fights it off, giving an 'alright' before jungkook could even answer.

"really? thank you daddy" when he doesn't get a reply, he looks up only to find jimin already asleep.

"where's jungkook?" jimin asks as he head downstairs. hoseok raises a brow, thinking that jimin should have known.

"he went off with taehyung, didn't he tell you?"

"he did, but it's only nine"

"they needed to get things. and happy birthday" the male chuckles, walking with him over to the dining room for breakfast.

"you know i don't celebrate birthdays but thank you anyways. what's the schedule today?" he asks as their plates were placed on the table shortly after.

"you have a meeting with your father after breakfast and then we have to meet with the choi's. they have something to tell us about the min's. the casino is the last stop but you should freshen up first since we'll only head to the casino at eight. jinhwan wants to talk to you about switching workers" hoseok thinks he sounds convincing enough and feels relieved when jimin buys it.

"your gift is in your room by the way"

"hoseok i told-"

"just accept it you asshole, be grateful and respect me more in the future" jimin laughs, shaking his head but tells him he'll try.

they head down the the basement after breakfast, seeing the oldest in the room.

"father" jimin and hoseok gives a curt nod before sitting down.

"happy twenty second jimin. how are you?" his father asks, a smile on his face.

"thank you, i'm fine. i'm managing well for now. i have two of the best man by my side anyways" hoseok chuckles, leaning back in his seat.

"and you've been well too hoseok?"

"i have, i hope you're resting enough though" the eldest nods, telling him not to worry.

"well i'll be seeing both of you later then, you can go now"

"later?" but hoseok has already called for him and they left, getting into hoseok's car and driving off to the choi's building.

"jesus, both of you are kinky as fuck" taehyung gags as jungkook told him what he wanted to be tattooed on him. jungkook shrugs, both of them entering the tattoo parlor.

"ah, taehyung, welcome. you're getting a tattoo?" donghyuk asks he caught sight of the male. jimin and taehyung visits this parlor often for jimin to get his tattoos so they're considered regulars.

"you know i don't do tattoos donghyuk. it's for him" he points to the male beside him, the ink artist nodding.

"well what can i help with you today?"

"he wants two tattoos, one on his inner bottom lip saying "daddy" and on his lower back saying "babydoll" in curvise fonts. you know the ones like jimin's?" donghyuk nods, giving a teasing smile once he understood why the other wanted those tattoos.

"don't give me that look, i'm not involved. they're just fucking kinky" donghyuk laughs while jungkook hits his shoulder, earning a painful wail from the older.

"well you're lucky you came early or i wouldn't have time to complete both today. come on, the faster we start, the faster we end the process"

"i'm going to buy jimin's gift, i'll be back once you're done" jungkook nods, being led to a room where he sees a lot of tools and colours at a table.

"i have to warn you, lip tattoos are really painful, you think you can handle it?" he says as he slips on his gloves.

"yeah, it's for jimin so it's alright" donghyuk rolls his eyes but smiles, asking him to get comfortable on the seat because he has to limit his movement once they start.

the artist makes a couple rough stencil of both tattoo designs, asking jungkook which one he prefered. he ends up with a bold cursive font, it was pretty, donghyuk must be a professional tattoo artist, jungkook thought.

"go ahead and rinse your mouth first" jungkook takes the cup on the side of the chair, rinsing his mouth before sitting back down.

"okay, i need you to hold out your lips for me and try not to move once i start alright?" jungkook nods, donghyuk moving to sit in front of him as the male pulls on his lips and hold them, giving donghyuk a clear view to work on. he starts dotting out each letter to make it accurate before he actually starts the process, so that they have the same amount of distance. once completed, he starts by outlining the letters, the buzzing of the tattoo gun resonating in the otherwise quiet room.

jungkook clenches his eyes but tries not to move his mouth. it's his first time getting a tattoo and he finally knows how it feels to have it. it's painful, a little over his limit but he bears it. donghyuk starts colouring the inner part, the whole process taking almost an hour. he places a towel once he's finished, asking jungkook to press on it lightly while he removes his gloves and sterilize his equipments.

he took out new ones from the drawer and sits back down, taking the towel out, the blood drying off.

"good?" jungkook nods, ecstaticness thrumming in his veins after getting the first one done. he looks at it in the mirror, liking the outcome. he hopes jimin does too.

"don't eat of drink for the first hour. put a towel between your inner lip and teeth so that it will dry and heal faster. it should heal and dry in three to five days and you can stop putting the towel then. rinse your mouth regularly for the first week as well. do you want to start with the other tattoo now?" the male nods before turning around and pulling up his sweater half way as instructed.

donghyuk wipes the area before outlining it like he did for the lip tattoo, the cursive words stretching from one to another. he repeated the steps afterwards, pausing once in a while when he started colouring since he was working on a larger patch of skin. it's two hours later when they're finally done, the tattoo artist wiping the blood off and applying a bandage on the inked skin for it to heal.

"it takes three to four weeks for it to fully heal. apply moisturizer once you finish showering. don't take tub showers in the meantime because bacteria might seep in. your skin will be dry in the first week but don't stratch or rub it off, it might ruin the tattoo. you can take out the bandage once you reach home, let it be there for a few hours first to dry off the blood completely" jungkook thanks him, paying for the tattoo before flashing a smile and walking out, seeing taehyung already waiting for him.

"i still need to buy my gift" jungkook pouts, seeing the stores around to find something for jimin.

"get him clothes or something, we still have two hours, the others are setting up the casino and jimin's at home"

"wait i know!" jungkook started pulling on taehyung's hand, dragging him to a jewellery store.

"tiffany & co? seriously?" taehyung rolls his eyes as jungkook ignores him and pulls him into the store, both of them browsing around before a cross pendant with a small diamond on it catches jungkook's attention.

"i want to get him this" he says as he admired the stunning silver on it. taehyung looks at it, nodding his head in approval.

"i didn't know you were this rich"

"it was the money i saved up from my previous work and my parents. i have enough to live i guess" he laughs, taehyung asking the worker for the necklace and jungkook pays for it, the worker bidding them goodbye as they left.

"we should go home and wash up, i'm sticky" the younger agrees, legs already tired from walking. they made it back to the mansion not long, stepping onto the household before hoseok's voice sounded through the living room.

"tae, jungkook. you're early, jimin's still getting ready" he says as taehyung pecks him, smiling softly.

"we're washing up first, you think you can hold him off for another hour before going to the casino?" hoseok mouths a 'yeah', jimin's voice suddenly being heard.

"hoseok are you- oh, you're back" he says, and his voice aloof and cold as he walks down and jungkook freezes for a moment, taking in the stunning beauty in front of him. jimin's hair is styled upwards, parted perfectly as he wore tight ripped jeans which hugs his thighs sinfully to jungkook, with a white shirt and bomber jacket paired with his black boots. since he's just going to the casino, jimin figures he doesn't have to wear a suit like he usually does.

"hoseok lets go" he says, not even acknowledging the two other in the room. jungkook goes to hold his hand but jimin brushes it off naturally, already walking out the door.

"he's jealous, he's been sour and moody since morning when you left him don't blame yourself" hoseok winks, catching up with the mafia leader soon enough.

"i shouldn't have just left him that morning, he must have been so cranky" jungkook continues berating himself, even as he hides his gift and taehyung left to his own room for a shower.

jungkook shakes his head, forcing a smile onto his face. jimin will understand, he didn't mean to. the younger takes a shower as well, quickly washing up to avoid messing up his tattoos.

he dresses himself up with a white oversized long sleeved shirt that jimin loves with black jeans and boots, waiting for taehyung in the living room once he's done.

he really hopes jimin will love everything he had planned out.

i'll post the continuation tomorrow!!

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