Chapter 38: Sweets talking

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Usopp: Whaaaaaat ?! We can really just have all the treasure ?!

Shirahoshi: D... Do you think Luffy-sama and the others will be all right, Nami-chin-sama ?

Nami: Oh, don't worry yourself about them !

Franky: Now that's what I call a good sign ! We're gonna be the richest pirate crew there ever was ! AWWW YEAH !!

Brook: You think so ? In my experience, the Rock'n Roll of life is never quite so easy...

Chopper: We should go and help them look !

Usopp: I wouldn't if I were you. I checked that guy out, and his bounty's actually over 200 million.

Luffy: Hey, check it out !! I found the treasure !! That was pretty easy !

"Knocked clean out and that far away with one punch, huh."

Sanji: Have you seen how much treasure there is around here ?! Is that shaggy old King really gonna just give it all to us ?!

Luffy: Oh, yeah !! Now we can buy so much meat !!

Zoro: Was he storing all this inside his weird marsh body... ?

"Hey, he was trying to yoink all of Shirahoshi inside of it as well, so that amount doesn't seem that surprising. Okay, gather it all up, I'll do the transport !"

Luffy: Right ! Back to the Palace !!

Zoro: How, exactly ?

Sanji: We need a flying fish or two !

Luffy: Which way to the town, Zoro ?

Zoro: That way.

"Right, let's go the opposite way then."

Zoro: HEY !!


???: Are you even listening to me, Minister ?! GRRRRRRHHH !!

Minister: I am, but please, I beg you to make allowances just this once ! We have just suffered a major incident, and the factory was terribly damaged...

???: We don't give a damn about your little domestic conflicts !! I was hoping for a coupla bites myself, so i'm pretty damn hungry right now !! You give us the sweets on time once a month... And our Mama lends you her name as protection !!

Pekoms: That's how It works, and don't tell me you've forgotten !! GRRRRRHHH !! Now, I don't like to say stuff like this to folks who we're on good terms with... But i'm sure you know how scary our mama can be, yeah ? If you make her mad... YOU'RE DONE FOR !!

Citizens: 'When he glares, he looks kind of... Cute...'

Pekoms: So you better pay up what you owe, GRRRRHHH !!

Luffy: Hm ? There's people over there !! Oh hey, this is the sweet factory ! Pappag was talking about it.

Zoro: Right. Well, here's hoping it has some flying fish to spare.

Luffy: This must be where all those delicious sweets from before came from ! Sweet factory, here I come !!

Citizens: Ohh !! It's Straw Hat Luffy !! Luffy-san !! is the banquet over already ?

Minister: Luffy-kun... Why are you here.. ?

Luffy: man, I'm totally stuffed !! The meat was good, but all those tasty fishman Island sweets were even better !!

Citizens: Uh, yeah, about that, Straw hat-san... 'Could you keep your voice down ?!'

Luffy: Oh, look ! Old droopy's here too !

Pekoms: Tasty sweets, he says... ? Who are these people... ?! ... Hmm , Well, well... I do believe this must be Strawhat Luffy... What's a famous pirate like him doing around these parts... ? You there, kid ! What's all this about tasty sweets ?!

Minister: Listen, Mr.Pekoms, I can explain-

Luffy: Who're you ? You don't look like a fishman ! Are you here to buy some sweets ? I just had a ton of them myself, you know ! they're great !!

"... I don't think bragging about that is a great idea..."

Pekoms: What is the meaning of this ?! This boy claims to have been eating your sweets !!

Minister: There is a very good explanation for this... !!

Luffy: huh ?! It's a talking Lion ! Well, I guess that's not much different from Chopper...

???: Pekoms ! I hardly think glaring at these people is going to help us obtain the sweets we have come for !! Let us settle this in a peaceable manner, n'est-ce-pas ? The tea party is not for another four days. As long as we take our leave by tomorrow morning, we can still make it in time.

Luffy: Whoa, it's another weird guy... Who're you ?

???: A very Bonjour to you, my soft-boiled pirate friends... Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Baron Tamago !

"... Long-leg tribe, huh ? Pretty rare seeing one of these guys."

Zoro: He's like a pair of compasses...

Tamago: It is a name I would advise you to remember, s'il-vous-plaît. So tell me, is it true that you have been enjoying the fruits of this wonderful sweet factory's labour ?

Luffy: Yeah, I have ! If there's any more around, I'd be up for seconds !

Tamago: But alas, there is no more. And that, mes amis, is where our problem lies. Do you see that large mark, high upon the factory walls ? That is the flag of our boss, the great pirate Charlotte Linlin. It indicates that this island is a part of the territory of the Yonko known as "Big Mom". In other words... Fishman island is currently under the protection of Big Mom's name.

Luffy: She must be pretty nice, huh ? I'd like to meet her ! "Big Mom", huh ?

Tamago: Do not misunderstand me, s'il-vous-plaît. This is a matter of business, not mere goodwill. Fishman Island provides Big Mom with ten tons of sweets each month. In return, she grants the island her protection.

"T- Ten tons ?!"

Tamago: Mais oui. Our mama loves sweet things more than anything else in the world.

*Somewhere in the New World. Whole Cake island*

???: You sure seem happy, Mama !

Mama: 'Course I am. The tea party's only four days away ! In four days' time... I'll be able to savour those delicious treats from Fishman island again... I'm so excited my stomach acid is overflowing like mad !

???: So excited ! Just can't wait for Fishman island sweets !

Mama: Are you looking forward to them too... ?

???: Of course we are ! they're simply divine !!

Mama: Then you can wait for them inside my stomach...

???: Whaaa ?! Please don't do that, mama !! Stooooop !! AAAAAARGHHHH !!

???: Mamaaaaa !! I just got back, boyoyoyoing !!

Mama: Good, good... How did it go, Bobbin ?

Bobbin: Perfect ! It all went up in flames !!

Mama: Excellent news... I always did adore that country's baked confections... I can only imagine the wonderful scents of the entire country being baked through... A shame though it may be. But it can't be helped. They failed to bake the confections they promised me.

Bobbin: Got any snacks ?

Mama: People who won't give me their sweets don't deserve to live. And I can't stand people who promise me sweets and then fail to deliver. they're as terrible as bitter confections.

Bobbin: Oh, come to think of it... I heard that there might not be any sweets coming from Fishman island this month either... Word came in from Pekoms just now. Shall we burn Fishman island too ?


Tamago: Fishman island's sweets are our mama's most beloved of all. As such, we are willing to wait until tomorrow morning.

Minister: But, Baron Tamago, as I have just explained... The machines in the factory that produce our confections are all badly damaged ! It will take time to get them back in working condition... if you can just give us two weeks... !

Tamago: Out of the question.

Sanji: Hey, Egg-man !! Why can't you just give the guy a break ?!

Zoro: This boss of yours must be a pretty small-minded bastard ! And he calls himself a Yonko... ?!

Tamago: I will have you know that our "Boss" is a woman, s'il-vous-plaît ! She is mist certainly not a "Bastard" !

Sanji: A fickle lady... I see... Then what happens if the sweets don't get to her on time ? Ow ! Ow !!

"You keep these thoughts out of your head right this instant, Sanji. I'm not letting you consider joining her."

Tamago: then our arrangement will be over ! The warriors of the Big Mom pirates... Will come to this island and destroy it once and for all !!

Luffy: You're gonna destroy Fishman island ?! What are you, stupid ?! You can't destroy a country over a few sweets !! Not right after we just saved it once !!

"... ... You guys might brace yourselves, I think you're in for quite the earful."

Tamago: What could you possibly-

Pekoms: Th- That'll be her now. I sent her a report of the situation.

Citizens: A... A call from B- Big Mom herself... ?!

Tamago: Go on then, Pekoms...

Pekoms: You answer it ! I don't like getting yelled at !!


Luffy: Hello ? Are you Big Mom ?!

Pekoms/Tamago: HEY !! Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it !!

Mama: ... That doesn't sound like Tamago's voice. Or Pekoms', either... To whom am I speaking ?



Mama: Monkey... D... ? I see... You must be Garp's grandson, I remember now... The boy who caused such a ruckus during the war two years ago...

Luffy: There aren't any sweets here !! 'CAUSE I ATE THEM ALL !!

Mama: then it's true ?! There are no sweets for me ?! There ought to be ten tons !!


Citizens: Straw Hat-san... !! You don't have to... !!

Pekoms: What are you thinking... ?!

Mama: What a simple boy. It's not good to lie, you know... I can tell that you're trying to protect your Fishman friends.

Luffy: It's true !! I ate all the sweets on the island !!


Pekoms: That's definitely the sound of someone who had sweets !

Luffy: I didn't know they were meant for you !! I was just hungry !! We've got tons of treasure with us right here ! You can have it all !! That should make up for the sweets !!

Treasure: Treasure ?!


Tamago: H- Hold on a moment !! Are you saying those bags are full of treasure ?!

"Well, yes. And I know a certain navigator who won't be happy about that..."

Zoro: Don't make me think about this, please...

Tamago: Mama !! This is Tamago. If you could just calm down for a moment... if you recall, a few days ago, that brat Captain Kidd went and sank two pirate ships from our fleet; The damages we suffered cannot be taken lightly. And in truth, we need to find a large supply of cash as soon as possible. If you could find it in your heart to forgive them this once... then you would still get your sweets in a couple of weeks' time. And we could make up for all the damage we have suffered !! Naturally, on the way back, I will procure the sweetest and most delectable sweets that I can find to tide you over !

Mama: SHUT YOUR DAMN FACE, TAMAGO, YOU SWINE !! How dare you even suggest such a thing ?! What kind of worthless pirate would compromise on the treasures he desires ?!

Tamago: M- My apologies !! Pardonnez-moi !!

Mama: Although... Maaamamamama... I do find myself quite intrigued by this boy who defies me. So here's what I'll do. Since you want to protect them so much, I'll do as you wish... And change my target from Fishman island to your little crew !! Monkey D. Luffy... !! I won't forget your name... So come and meet me in the New World !!

Luffy: Damn right I will !! I've got a bone to pick with you too !! I can't leave this island in the hands of someone like you, it's not safe !! So I'm gonna find you in the New World, beat you up... AND MAKE FISHMAN ISLAND INTO MY OWN TERRITORY !!

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