Chapter 131: Monkey D. Oars

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well, Zoro, test away."

Zoro: I didn't needed any orders. Come on, big guy, I'll be your opponent !!

Oars: I GOT IT ! UOOOOO !!

Zoro: It's heavier compared to my old Yubashiri... The black sword, Shusui... !

Usopp: HEY !! Zoro, look out !!


Chopper: AMAZING !! He pushed the punch aside with his strength !!

Zoro: 3-swords style... 108 POUND CANNON !!

"It's huge !!"

Oars: Not bad, for a midget !! if I took that, it might have cut me.

Zoro: ... One of the slashes swallowed up the other two... ! But there's too much pointless destruction around the cut. I guess that proves I'm not used to this sword yet... The attack power is much higher... Looks like this guy isn't well-behaved, either. You left me something good, Ryuma, the legendary samurai... !

'You have no idea... if that really was his sword, then... if you encountered when he was still alive, you'd get crushed in an instant...'


Usopp: WHOA !! Hey, guys, don't be reckless !! Even if you beat him, the only shadow we'll get back is Luffy's !! We still don't know where your and Sanji's shadows are !! But if Luffy defeat Moria, we'll get back all of the shadows !! There's no need to get hurt by an undying giant zombie !! Let's just trust in Luffy and concentrate on slowing this zombie down !!

Zoro: We know that already !!

"What are you imagining, Usopp ? That we have no faith in Luffy ?"

Zoro: We have plenty of faith in Luffy, but he can't do everything !! It's trickery... !! An invisible man, a ghost girl, a man who controls shadows... See the trend ?

"To all of us who use brute force, the people gathered on this island all have abilities that screw with us, big time..."

Zoro: Who knows if they'll fight fairly with Luffy ?

"... They won't."

Robin: Yes, that is true.

Franky: Hmmmm...

Zoro: if Luffy doesn't make it and morning comes, then all of us who've lost their shadows, will all be unable to fight !! So, before dawn breaks, even if we only get Luffy back to normal, then it's not over !!

"How long until then anyway ?"

Franky: I'd say we don't even have 30 minutes until down... The fog is heavy on this ocean, so the sun won't reach everywhere... !!

Sanji: So it's finally morning. The fog is our saving grace... Honestly, things are looking bad...



"I do believe we shouldn't have mentioned that !!"

Zombies: GYAAA, WHAT'S GOING ON ?!! The ship got caught in a strange current again !! Look ! The sky !! I can see the pre-dawn sky !! The fog is clearing !! Could it be that we've left the "Florian Triangle" ?! This must be because of Oars screwing around !! That bastard, look what he's done !!

Zombies: Master Moria !! Something terrible is happening !! Thriller Bark is leaving the foggy waters because of Oars !! Master Moria ?

Moria: What about it ? As long as we're on the ocean, I don't care ! More importantly, I've got an unexpected guest right now, so be silent ! isn't that right, "Tyrant" Kuma ?! You were always the only Shichibukai who danced for the government. I'm sure the government loves you..

Moria: I don't know what you're plotting... People like you are always the most ominous.

Kuma: If you were to go on vacation, where would you like to go ?

Moria: Hey, cut that out... ! I know how your powers works ! Are you here for a fight ?! State your business, why did you come here ?

Kuma: I have something to report to you. Regarding Crocodile's demotion from the Shichibukai, the successor has been decided.

Moria: Kishishishi, why didn't you say so ? Whoever it is, fro whatever sea... There are plenty of pirates.

Kuma: The successor's name is Marshall D. Teach, also known as "Blackbeard". He is already becoming quite a disturbance in the world... Though the news may not have penetrated this fog.

Moria: "Blackbeard" ? Haven't heard of him.

Kuma: He left Whitebeard's crew... And he's already shown that his strength is real.

Moria: What was his bounty... ?

Kuma: 0...

Moria: I see, "Uncertain"... He must have done well for the government to recognize him. Kishishishi... Well, it's good to hear that they've filled the hole. That'll restore the world's balance or whatever, right ?

Kuma: No, I see it totally differently... But that's fine. More importantly, the government seems to have a concern at the moment. After the Enies Lobby incident... They have been carefully monitoring the Strawhat pirates' movements. Following the Log from Water Seven to Fishman Island, it was highly likely that they would be stopped here... Do you understand what is worrying the World Government ? They are afraid that another Shichibukai may be toppled by the Strawhats.

Moria: Don't fuck with me !! They're worried about me ?!! I came here to gain control over these weak-ass pirates, and you're here for me ?!

Kuma: if the need arises, I wouldn't be opposed to coming to your aid.


Kuma: there is no certainty in battle. Who expected Rob Lucci to be defeated at Enies Lobby ?

Moria: So you're saying... That the Government is that terrified of those bastards beating two Shichibukai, huh ?!

Kuma: I was not given any orders, other than giving you this report...

Moria: Well then, take a good look !! And you can tell those fools in their glass house this !! "The Strawhat crew that outwitted you, were easily made into Gecko Moria's loyal zombies !!"

"Okay, the situation went from bad to worst right there..."

Franky: Our one hope was the deep fog... !!

Sanji: Whose cheap trick is this, making the fog clear up at a time like this ? The sun is going to shine right on us !!

Usopp: ... AH !!

Moria: Kishishishi... !! This refreshing night air is a pleasant surprise... it'll be dawn soon, can you really afford to waste time... ?

Usopp: MO... MORIA !! THAT'S MORIA !! Why is he here ?!! Where's Luffy ?!!

Robin: Wait, where is he ?


Franky: His... Stomach... ?

"He... He's right ! He IS there !!"

Sanji: Then where's Luffy ?! Was he beaten... ?!

Franky: Maybe...

Chopper: Luffy would never get beaten !!

Oars: OOOH !! A cockpit ?! My stomach is a cockpit ?!! That's so cool !! It's like I'm a robot !! The tension is rising !!

Moria: Kishishishi !! I'll give you guys a chance to fight me. If you beat me, all the shadows can be released. Come at me with everything you've got !! But if you don't beat Oars, you won't be able to get to me !!

Usopp: That's dirty, you bastard !!

Chopper: We can't purify oars without beating Moria, but Moria is inside Oars !!

Sanji: But now, both of our targets are here.

Zoro: We've gotta do it !

"If a little isn't enough, then we just have to find a mountain of salt ! Usopp, we'll keep Oars at bay and weaken him as much as possible !"

Usopp: Okay !! Got it !! I'm pretty sure there is a kitchen in that first mansion !! there should be plenty of salt there, I'll go get it !!

Moria: Salt... ! Don't let them get to the kitchen !! Crush that long-nose and the entrance to the mansion !!

Oars: Yes, master.

Sanji: NO !! USOPP !!

"Crap... With Moria involved, oars has some brains, too !! Usopp ! Say something !!"

Brook: He is all right !! My deepest apologies for being late !! I thought a large amount of salt would be necessary, so I was gathering it !!

Franky: Brook !! You can still move ?!

Usopp: You saved me ! Thanks !

Brook: I certainly was badly wounded !! I dragged myself to the kitchen in search for some salt !! And on the way there, I found some delicious milk that restored me to this state !!

Usopp: Calcium doesn't have that kind of crazy effect !!


Usopp: YOU LIAR !!

"Look who's talking... Well, we still got salt, which is good. The way to the kitchen is sealed off, so this salt is our only hope now. Clock's ticking away, let's go !"

Zoro: Before morning comes, if we get that salt into that monster's mouth and beat the crap out of Moria, we win.

Usopp: But the place we have to get it into... Is all the way up there... !!

Moria: Kishishishi !! Be thankful that I've decided to join the battle !! And be aware... I'm not just a passenger !! I'll show you your worst nightmare !!

Brook: Please let me fight by your side !! I will give you my all !! I do not believe that retrieving my shadow is a debt that I can easily repay, but I will do my best !!


Brook: Ngh.

Zoro: Don't force yourself ! Keep hold of that salt !!

Franky: Why don't we give this a shot, with my anti-monster shell !!

Usopp: Initiatitive leads to victory !! Looks like that last one was too small ! Franky take care of it !! Sure kill, SPECIAL OIL STAR !!

Franky: All right, here it comes !!

Moria: How pathetic. Don't flinch, Oars !! feeling pain from the heat is just a lingering reaction from when you were human !! That doesn't work on zombies !! Calm down and put out the fire !

"We won't let you ! Zoro, Chopper !"

Chopper: OK !! Go, Zoro !!

Zoro: Three-swords style...

"Your turn Sanji !!"



Franky: DOWAAA !! The tower's flying towards us !!

"He just used it against us !! Everyone behind me !!"

Usopp: ... My new weapon... "Kuwagata" !! (Stag Beetle)

Franky: You ready, Usopp ?!

Usopp: I'm good, but we just threw this thing together ! Who knows what will happen after we fire ?!

Franky: It's fine, you moron ! I'm especially Super this week !! ALL RIGHT, LET'S DO THIS !! AIM ME RIGHT AT HIS STOMACH !!


Franky: MMMM !! Super momentum !! Prepare yourself !! This is used on Sea monsters and Sea kings ! My "Mortar" will tear a hole in you !! Eat this !! MORIA !!

"That movement... Right, even if it's a giant, it's still Luffy's shadow..."


Usopp: UWAAA !! FRANKY !!

Moria: Don't stop, oars !! he's still breathing ! Finish him !!

Oars: Yes.

Chopper: Hey !! Are you still going ?! Stop ! He can't move !!

"Hm ? What is that cloud..."


"Lightning... That attack !! Well, apart from the fact it brought him down, we know it !"

Sanji: It's the Climatact ! Nami, are you unharmed ?! There she is !! It's Nami !! NAMIIII !!

Nami: Don't yell ! he's going to notice me !!


Zoro: Why won't you shut up ?

Oars: ... Gum-Gum...

Nami: I TOLD YOU !! Don't tell me he's going to stretch ?!

Chopper: There's no way that can reach her, right ?

"I don't know, but come help us moving Franky ! While we still have time !!"

"... Ohhhhhhhh noooooooooo..."

Chopper: That can't be !! Nami !!

Usopp: S- She's okay ! Thank goodness, Robin saved her !

Oars: I stretched... It kinda felt familiar.

Robin: That was surprising... Are you all right, Nami ?

Nami: Haa... Haa... yeah, somehow... !

Zoro: Okay, something very bad just happened... !!

"That's gotta be the understatement of the year..."

Sanji: Why did his arm stretch ?! There's only one rubber man in the world !!

Moria: Kishishishi...

"... My money Moria did something shady here..."

Oars: GUM-GUM... WHIP !!


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