Chapter 141: Handsome

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Duval: What do you mean "How should I know" ?! You have to take responsibility for this !!

Sanji: SHUT UP !! I'm the one who should be ashamed of that poster !!

Riders: Boss !!

Nami: I'm so surprised... The world's such a big place...

Usopp: Was Sanji born under a miracle star or something ?

Robin: I'm sure he'll have a fascinating death someday.

Franky: I feel so sorry for that Duval guy !

Chopper: Stuff like this actually happens...

Hatchan: Nyuu~, they look just like each other.

Zoro: Like peas in a pod.




Luffy: Okay Sanji, we'll go on ahead.

Sanji: ARE YOU SAYING THIS IS MY FAULT ?!! Did you even think about easy ways to make yourself look different from the wanted poster ?! Change your hairstyle, or the beard, or something !!

Duval: ... ... ... Oh, yeah, I could've done that.

Riders: Oh, right.


Duval: WE'RE NOT MORONS !! "Black Leg", we're... We're... ! We were just small-time thugs... In the backwaters of the ocean... We'd go around threatening the villagers... It was a happy life... ! But then one day...

Duval: A bunch of marines who were on a whole other level from us showed up. I got this big scar on my back while running away... And I donned this iron mask to never again show my face to the world !! It's your fault my life has become so messed up !! I'll chase you to the depths of hell ! If you have a problem with that, just kill me right now !!

Sanji: ... ...


Riders: BOSS !!

Sanji: I didn't hear anything in your lame accusations that explains why you put Nami in danger, too !!

Duval: That ship is the reason why you became a notorious pirate ! Of course my hatred would extend to that crew !! ALL OF YOU GO DIE !!

Sanji: UWOOOH !! Poison harpoons !!


Sanji: Crap !!

Nami: Sanji !! Break the net !! they're trying to pull you into the water !!

Sanji: Y- You're kidding... A metal net ?!

Duval: Suffer... AND DROWN !!


"SANJI !!"

Luffy: Shit ! I'll save-

"No you don't, idiot ! I'll go !'

Hatchan: Wait ! A human can't catch them in the water !! Leave it to me !

Duval: Hahahahaha... You fool, even a fishman won't be able to catch them !! Flying Fish have top class speed, even among ocean animals ! Plus, the riders are carrying compressed oxygen tanks, so they can stay underwater for a long time !! We call this the "Water Grave Punishment" !! The next time "Black Leg" sees the surface, he'll be a drowned corpse !!


Camie: It's okay !!


Nami: Camie ?!

Pappag: Hey, cowboy... You seem to be forgetting someone... It's true, flying fish are faster than fishmen. But top class in the entire ocean ? Don't make me laugh. The title of "Fastest in the ocean" is reserved for mermaids ! In the whole wide world, there's no one that can match a mermaid in the water !!

Camie: It's okay ! I'll save you, Sanji !

Luffy: Is she really that amazing ?!

Pappag: It's hard for anybody to catch a mermaid if they're paying attention ! Really !

"So you guys are just that absentminded then..."

Pappag: That's mean...

Luffy: Camie ! Take care of Sanji !!

Usopp: AH ?! WHAT'S THAT ?!


Riders: Hehe... Target the Strawhats' ship !! Drop it right in the middle and sink them !! They've got Devil Fruit users ! If we get them in the water, victory is ours !!

"This is bad ! That sink will sink us in one shot !!"

Chopper: Can't you-

"I wouldn't be panicking if I could ! Franky, Coup de Burst or Paddles ?!

Franky: Both are too slow ! But If got something else ! Usopp ! Get to the bow and wait for my signal ! We're using the emergency "Secret weapon" !!

Usopp: Eh ?! "Secret Weapon" ?! Wha ! The mane started spinning !!Duval: DROP IT !! SINK !!


Franky: Emergency evasion secret weapon !! CHICKEN VOYAGE !!

Riders: They dodged it ?! That's impossible ! I've never heard of a ship that can back up !!

Franky: Usopp, get inside the bow !!

Usopp: The bow... ? Wah ! I can really go inside !

Franky: Don't think we're only evading !!


Chopper/Luffy: AWESOME !!

"What is that... ?"

Franky: Stay put, we'll need you to clean the leftovers. Usopp, get as many as you can in the ring !! Then lock on and pull the lever !!

Usopp: Like this... ? Done !!

Franky: Get ready...

Luffy: ... ... *Sob* ... *Sob*

Zoro: You're way too impressed by that.

Franky: UHAHAHAHA !! Witness the Sunny's true power !!

"Amazing... The fish and the base... Nothing that was on the line of fire is left standing."

Franky: That's because of Usopp's skill ! For your first time, that was a great shot !!

Brook: You're amazing, Lion !! I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head !!

Luffy: SUNNY !!

Franky: the forward blast uses three barrels of cola, and to prevent the ship from flying backward, another two barrels are used for a "Coup de Burst". With how much it uses, let me tell you we won't use that weapon every day !

Camie: Puah !

Nami: C- Camie! Thank goodness, is Sanji okay ?!

Camie: Haa... Haa... Everyone ! This is bad ! Sanji is bleeding a lot !

Chopper: Bleeding ?! Did they beat him ?!

Camie: I thought I saved him, but he just started bleeding from his nose !

"A nosebleed... ? ... Whatever, just leave him like that... At least if he dies, he'll die happy."


Luffy: You don't have too many guys left.

Duval: Why, you !! Then I'll let you know just how fearsome Motobaro is !! I've lost count of many people have fallen prey to his mighty horns ! His horns opened up a hole in our village's dam !! If he's caged, then he'll just break out !! the only reason I managed to escape from the marines is because of this guy's horns !!

Luffy: All right, I'll stop him.

Duval: He's called the "Heart-stopping horns" !! Go, Motobaro !!

Chopper: Luffy, LOOK OUT !!

"... I don't think the horns are a factor here..."


Luffy: It's pointless for you to fight me.

Motobaro: ... ... *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

Duval: Hm ? Hey, what's wrong, Motobaro ?!

Zoro: Something's weird with that cow.

Motobaro: Bu... Buooooooooo !!

Duval: Hey, Motobaro !! Where are you going ?!

Franky: What ?! He passed out ?!

Nami: What happened ? What did Luffy do ?!

Luffy: Huh ? I didn't do anything !

Duval: OOOOOOOH !! MOTOBARO !! No, dammit, not Motobaro !!

Robin: It didn't look like he attacked... It looked like Luffy intimidated the cow with his presence...

"Intimidated... ? No, there's no way he could... But then again, he is..."

Usopp: That's a pretty overwhelming victory, right ? That huge thing fainted ! Is that even possible ?

"... Maybe..."

Duval: GODDAMN YOU, Strawhat pirates !!

Sanji: Hey, wait a second, Luffy...

Luffy: Sanji ! I'm glad you're okay !!

Sanji: This whole accusation mes with this idiot... i'll put an end to it.

Duval: Black leg... An end... ?! THEN DIE !! As long as you live and continue being a pirate, I'll never be able to live in peace !!I've had enough of these false accusations !!

Sanji: Shut up ! I don't even want to see that scribbled face on my wanted poster any more !! That guy doesn't exist !! OEIL !!

Duval: GYAAAA !!

Sanji: NEZ !! JOUE !! BOUCHE !! DENT !! MENTON !!

Duval: ABABABABABABABA !! BUGAH! P- Please sto-


Camie: Right ?! Hacchin's Takoyaki are the best in the world, right ?!

Luffy: I can't stop myself !! These takoyaki are just too good !!

Sanji: they really are tasty... This sauce is especially complex.

Usopp: Having a food stall ship is great, huh ?

"Kinda reminds you of the Baratie, heh ?"

Brook: I've never had Takoyaki before ! They're delicious !

Camie: These have Dashi. And these have Mochi !

Hatchan: Nyuu ! Everything's free for you guys today !! This is thanks for you coming to help us !! Um... How is it ? Umm... Nami... ? How does it... taste... ?

Nami: ... ... You know this doesn't mean I forgive you or anything, right... ?

Hatchan: No, no ! Of course not !! I didn't mean that !! I just wanted to know if you liked the taste !! Really !

Nami: ... It's really delicious !

Hatchan: Nyuuuuu ! Really ? Really ? All riiiiight !! You guys keep on eating !!

Luffy: Yeah !! You keep on making them, and we'll keep on eating them !!

Franky: hey, mermaid, can we get some more over here ?!

Camie: Right, coming right up !!

Sanji: Hey, octopus guy, how do you make this sauce ?

Hatchan: Nyuuu ?! This sauce recipe is a secret passed down from a legendary Takoyaki stand from ages past...


Zoro: ... Who's that ?

"They do sound awfully familiar, don't they ?"

Robin: Indeed. Like those voices from before.


Duval: IT'S HANDSOME... !! AH !! No, that's not right ! IT'S DUVAL !!

Luffy: Eeehh ?! That's... Him ?! Mmh, Takoyaki, so good.

Sanji: I changed his bone structure. He has no reason to complain anymore.

"Man, that Parage Shoot of yours is something else..."

Duval: Oh, man !! Young master Black Leg ! After you kicked me in the face, when I woke up, we were all surprised !! I can't believe you made me this handsome !! I was awe-struck by my own face ! Now the girls won't leave me alone ! My life is all coming up roses now ! Ahahahaha !

Duval: I want to return to my laid-back country life, but I can't go without repaying my debt to you. My conscience wouldn't rest ! You haven't been around here before, right ?! If there's any way I can be of use, just let me know... *Winkrunk*

"Don't try to wink if you're not used to..."

Sanji: If you're satisfied, then that's fine. If I had to ask, it would be for you to never show yourself to us again... ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING ?!!

Duval: Maybe a white horse would be nice.

Riders: Boss ! Boss !! You need to listen when people are talking !

Duval: I see, I see... Eh ? I'm handsome ?


Duval: That's a little awkward, but I accept. That kiss you just blew.


Duval: Aah... Mirror, mirror, am I the most handsome man in the world ?


"Man, I love his new character."

Usopp: I get that you're handsome, but you're still an idiot, so that's no better.

Duval: ... Jealousy ?

Usopp: NOT AT ALL !!

Luffy: Stop it, Usopp !! You can't match that personality !!

Duval: Well then, young masters ! Here's my Dendenmushi number. Call me anytime, I promise I'll help you !! *Winkrunk*

Duval: I'm sorry for causing you trouble !! Sorry for that fight, too ! LET'S GO !! ROSY LIFE RIDERS !!

Riders: YES, HANDSOME !!

Sanji: Just get out of here...

Luffy: Buhaaaa, what a feast !! I ate and I ate. I'm so happy !

Brook: It certainly was a pleasant afternoon. I had my first Takoyaki, so I'm quite satisfied. Ah, excuse me for a moment. *BUUUUUUURP*


Hatchan: Nyuuuuu... I'm so tired... Those strawhats sure ate a lot ! I wish I had another six arms...

Camie: Ufufu, good work, Hacchin ! Everyone looks stuffed !

Hatchan: Nyuu... Then I'm satisfied, too.

Usopp: That was good...

Chopper: I can't eat another bite.

"Same here... Urf..."

Sanji: Hey, Octo-guy, starfish, and Camie-chuaaaaaaan~. If you're taking a break, come up to the deck. You can have tea up here.

Hatchan: Nyuu ?! Really ?

Hatchan: Nyuuu... This is good tea...

Camie: This is the course we should take. We're heading for the "Sabaody Archipelago" right ?

Usopp: We can't go to the Fishman island without going there first ?

"Nope. And believe me, I tried."

Hatchan: We mermaids and fishmen can just dive underwater and go there directly. But you humans would die from the water pressure if you tried to dive down there.

Franky: Yeah, even a submarine couldn't make it...

Pappag: All right, may I have your attention !! It looks like you guys really don't know anything, so you need to learn a thing or two about these seas... And who will teach you ? Me, of course !!

"So first things first, there are actually two routes one can take to go to the "New World".

Pappag: Gh... Huuuhh...

"But since we are pirates, there's only one for us. Because the 'Official' route, imply making a request to the World Government and crossing the Red Line, passing through the town at the very summit, the Holy land of Marie Geoise. And well, you know... Pirates and all."

Pappag: I was the one supposed to...

Chopper: Do you walk across the Red Line ? What happens to the ship ?

"You leave it behind and get a new one on the other side."


"Well, this is by far the safest method, and most people don't go to the New world... Plus the time and money it takes for the authorization. But it doesn't concern us. Because we're gonna take the "Ocean floor route" through Fishman island."

Camie: But the ocean floor route is really dangerous. There are monsters and sea kings, and there are people who've had their ships eaten whole.

Pappag: Camie.. Not you too...

Chopper: Eh ?... I... Don't think I want to go to Fishman island...

Usopp: Me neither.

Nami: ... Hold on. You just said... "The whole ship", right ? What kind of ship can take you to the bottom of the ocean ?!

"Oh, all can. The Sunny will be perfect for that."

Franky: ... I never installed diving equipment on it, moron.

"I know that. That's why we're going to the Sabaody Archipelago. So they can install it there. Well, it's less of an equipment, and more of a 'Coating', to be honest."

Franky: Coating ?

Camie: Look in front, we're here !

Luffy: Uh ? Oooooooh !!

Nami: How... Beautiful...

Sanji: Hey, something's flying around...

Robin: Look at that. It's like a dream.

"Welcome to the Sabaody Archipelago, everyone !!"

Usopp: Are... Are those soap bubbles ?! What the heck is that ?! They just keep floating on up... One after another. Is the island making those bubbles ?!

Luffy: Is someone blowing them ?

Camie: Yup, they come up from the island.

Usopp: What ? What do you mean ?

Robin: ... Ah. Let me interject for a moment. Is the Log Pose all right ?

Nami: Ah, that's right, the needle is pointing to the Fishman island now. Won't the log be overwritten at this island ?!

Hatchan: Nyu ! Don't worry about that. The Sabaody Archipelago is just a bunch of trees, so there's no magnetic field.

Sanji: That's not an island ?

"Yep. The entire thing's just a massive Mangrove."

Sanji: Mangrove ? You mean these trees with roots that appear with the tides, right ?

"Exactly. Except here, the roots are constantly showing above the ocean surface. The Sabaody Archipelago is the world's biggest Mangrove, the 'Yarukiman Mangrove'."

Luffy: A totally ready-to-go Groove ?! It looks like it has a lot of energy ! Me, too !!

Hatchan: There are a total of 79 trees, and each one has towns and other facilities built on it. Grove 44, in the front, is the civilian entrance.

Usopp: The trees are gigantic, too ! They're stripped ! They look like candy !

"Okay, we'll dock the ship here, at Grove 41. make sure to remember that number everyone. Hear that Zoro ? Grove 41. 41, you hear ?"

Zoro: What do you take me for ?!

Hatchan: The islands are all connected with bridges, so as long as you remember that number, you won't get lost.

Usopp: Well, someone's still gonna get lost.

Chopper: Yup.



Luffy: uwaah, a soap bubble came out of the ground !! I can even get on it !

Robin: How does that work ?

Pappag: A unique kind of natural resin is secreted from the roots of the Yarukiman Mangrove.

Robin: ... ew, it's sticky.

Usopp: Don't wipe it on me !!

Pappag: When the trees' roots "Breathe", the resin is inflated with air and floats up.

"All natural. And while I'm at it, it's from this very resin that they make the coating for the ships."

Luffy: Hey, I can see an amusement park ! Let's go !! We can ride the ferry wheel !!

Chopper: An amusement park ?!

Camie: That's Sabaody Park. A ferry wheel, huh... ? I've always wanted to ride one.

Chopper: Wanted ? Why can't you ride it ?

Pappag: Don't be ridiculous ! You know you can't, Camie !

Camie: yeah... I know.

Chopper: I want to ride it, too, but am I allowed to... ?

Nami: Hachi. What did we come to this island for ? What is that whole "Coating" thing... ?

Hatchan: Nyuu ! We'll go meet the guy who does the coating and he'll cover your ship with resin. Simply put, that'll let your ship travel underwater.

Luffy: EEHH ?! Really ?!

Hatchan: For you humans to go to Fishman Island, this is the only way. But if you get the coating done by some shoddy workman, then the ship and the crew could both end up lost. I know a guy who I trust, so I'll take you to him.

"I had someone on mind myself as well, but... Heh, it's been over 10 years, so I'll rely on you. You got that, Hachi."

Hatchan: Nyuu ! But in return, I want you all to make a promise to me. In the towns the "World Nobles" are known to walk around.

"... I feared that you'd come to that point..."

Luffy: Who are they ?

Robin: People who live in the Holy Land, Marie Geoise.

Luffy: Hmph, what about them ?

Hatchan: No matter what happens in town, promise me that you won't defy the World Nobles !! Even if someone were to be killed right before your eyes, just pretend that you didn't see anything !!

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