Chapter 73: 245 Million

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Doctor: Oho... What a marvelous compound... Quiet an usual formula. But perfectly sound... Marvelous, indeed.

Doctor: Where did you learn such medicinal skills ?

Vivi: You know, Tony's a doctor from Drum.

Doctor: Well, I'll be ! The very Drum kingdom once famed for its medical knowledge ?! Oho... I see much advances have been made... I've been a doctor for 40 years, but I never knew such a compound was even possible.

Chopper: Ngh- Shut up and stop staring, you idiot ! Go away ! You dumbass !

Doctor: Can I interpret that as "Feel free to have some tea and watch" ?

Vivi: Yes, I believe you can.

Luffy: MAAAAN, DID I SLEEP WELL !! AHH ! MY HAT ! WHERE'S MY HAT ?! And I'm hungry ! Where's my hat and breakfast ?!

Sanji: God, you're noisy as hell from the moment you wake up. And it's not time for breakfast. It's evening right now.

"Your hat's right there. One of the soldiers found it outside the palace. can't remember ?"

Luffy: Oh, right. That's good !

Nami: Well, that's one thing done, now on to the biggest question here.

"Which one ?"


"I... I dunno... ? About fifteen minutes ago, why ?"

Sanji: Why didn't you say anything ?!

"I thought you guys noticed already ! I mean, yes, I did oversleep, but still, that's no reason to freak out like that."

Usopp: You slept for 3 days straight.

"3 days ? ... ... Mh."

Nami: THAT'S your reaction ?!

Luffy: You know you missed 15 meals ?!

"Luffy, for the last time. Just because you count 5 meals a day doesn't mean everyone does the same. Although I do feel a bit hungry at the moment."

Zoro: Just awake, and already up and kicking. Nothing new.

Chopper: AHHH ! You went out training again, didn't you ?!

Zoro: What, it's my own body.

Chopper: No means no ! I'm the doctor here ! Don't take your bandages off !

Zoro: But it's hard to move around in them.

Chopper: You're not supposed to move !

???: Ah, you're all awake, I see. Can you wait 30 more minutes for dinner ? After all, food tastes better when you're eating with others than eating alone.

"... Um... ? I think we've met somewhere already..."


Zoro: Y... You really ARE into that kinda fetish, aren't you... !

Vivi: You're all mistaken. This is Terracotta. She's Igaram's wife and the head of servants at the palace here.

Terracotta: Thank you for helping Vivi and my husband.

"Wait, I'm confused. Is he alive or not ?"

Sanji: Yes, he is.

"Oh. Good."

Zoro: There should be a limit to how similar couples can look alike...

Terracotta: I hear your captain can eat a lot, so why don't you help yourself to some fruit while you wait for dinner ?

Luffy: Okay.


"Luffy, that's my hand you're munching... Better prepare enough to fed an entire battalion, and then some more, just to be sure."

Terracotta: Fine by me ! This head-maid with 30 years of experience under her belt won't lose to some young man's appetite so eat as much as you want !

Guards: Not even a shred of dignity... ! A banquet here in the great dining hall should be much quieter...

Maids: Move it, move it ! You're in the way !

Terracotta: You sure do live up to your words. But I won't lose just yet !

"You guys better eat fast wile there's still food on the table."

Zoro: *CLINK* OW !!

Usopp: Hey, Luffy ! You took that from my plate !! Just you wait, Luffy. Have a taste of my Tabasco star.

Luffy: BWAAAAAAH !!!

Usopp: Oooh, you're really a mess !

Eyelashes: Gnuuuuh !

Usopp: Whoa, since when were you here ?!

Sanji: Hey, what's this dish called ?

Butler: It's a konafa, it's made by putting the noodles in an oven and...

Nami: Delicious !

Luffy: MNNF FBAH FMPAH TAH ? RAHH MNFF FBAH HRANCH BEEMF. RMNF ? (So you're the king, mister ? I guess that makes you Vivi's dad then. Right ?)

Cobra: W- Why don't we save the talk for later...

Luffy: MNNF ! (Sure !)

"Sometimes even I wonder how he managed to never get fat despite everything he's eating..."

Zoro: Can we get some more booze ?!

Sanji: Some water over here !

Chopper: MMMMMMH !!!

Guards: What a noisy meal... I can barely watch. It's beyond vulgar. i'm surprised the princess can still smile in spite of the sight...

"It's but a matter of habits, really."

Luffy: Whoaaa !

Cobra: This is the royal bath, the pride of this palace. Normally, it's only usable during the rainy season.

"Incredible. That is amazingly gorgeous."


Luffy: NO, ME !!

Sanji: having fun there, you two ?

Cobra: The feast was most enjoyable. I had intended to spend the evening in a quiet and orderly way, but it seems anything becomes a party when your crew is involved.

"You have no idea, honestly."

Luffy: Hey, Zoro ! Look ! You can do training here !

Zoro: For what... ?

Sanji: So ? Where's the women's baths ? Well ? Well ?

Igaram: As if I would tell you, you bastard ! The princess is there right now !!

Cobra: It's right on the other side of this wall !

Igaram: Your rotten highness !!

Usopp: Ohh ! I like your style, old man !

Nami: This feels great ! I wonder if there's a ship out there with a bath as big as big as this place ?

Vivi: i'm sure there is. The sea is a vast place, after all. There are giants, dinosaurs, and even cherry blossoms in a snowy country in these seas... There's bound to be many, many more things we can't even think about ! Ah- Umm...

Nami: let's switch ! Hm ?

Vivi: O- Oh, thanks. W- WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING ?!!

Nami: Oh, these idiots... Love punch !! That'll be 100,000 berry per person !

Vivi: NAMI !!!

"So was it worth it ?"

Sanji: Definitely~...

Cobra: Thank you.

All: You old pervert.

Cobra: NOT FOR THAT !! For this country.

"is this really alright for a king to do something like that ?"

Igaram: This is a grave act, your highness... ! A king should not lower his head to others... !

Cobra: Igaram. Rank is worn above one's clothing. But this here is the bath. There is no such thing as a naked king. As a father, and a resident of this land, I'd like to express my gratitude. Thank you.

Chopper: Tonight ?!

"Yes. Any longer would be dangerous."

Zoro: I think that's a good idea. there's no reason to stay here for a long time, after all.

Sanji: That's right. And I'm getting worried about what the marines are up to.

Usopp: Luffy ! It's up to you to give the final decision.

Luffy: Alright ! We'll go after eating Alabasta's cooking one more time !


Luffy: Gahh !!

Chaka: What should we do, Igaram ?! We have to let them know right away !

Igaram: Yes, absolutely ! This is a most serious matter... I only hope they can sail away from this island safely... But to think the response would be so quick...

*Roronoa Zoro: 60 million Berry.*

*Y/n "Sans" L/n: 85 million Berry.*

*Monkey D. Luffy: 100 million Berry.*

Igaram: With these bounties, even the admiral-classes of Marine HQ will be on the move... ! There's no turning back, Luffy ! You and your crew... Are the ones who brought down a member of the Shichibukai !! It's an emergency !! Princess ! Where did... Where did they go ?!

Viv: What's wrong ? You look panicked, Igaram. They left for the sea. They're pirates, after all.

Usopp: You really like to show off your powers, don't you...

"We were short by one duck. Remember that if I wanted, I could leave you all behind to bite my dust."

Zoro: This is nice nonetheless. It's time to say farewell to the country of sand.

Usopp: You put me through quite the battle. Hey, Luffy, how long are ya gonna keep on eating ?

Luffy: Alabasta food is the best ! Sanji, try cooking some next time.

Sanji: Yeah, i'm quite interested in trying my hand at 'em. I got the recipes from Terracotta. Along with some spices.

Chopper: Nami... ? Are you sick ?

Nami: ... ...

Luffy: I'll give you some meat if you want, Nami. Only one, though.

Sanji: You're thinking about Vivi, aren't you... I understand how you feel but... It's not something we can do anything about. We had a lot of good times together, but... That's just how it is. Come on, cheer up now.

Nami: I... Guess I should give it up. For Vivi's sake at least... On the 1 Billion Berry.


"It was money you were sad about ?!"

Luffy: Aghhh ! Usopp fell off !

Zoro: Stop being so damn misleading, Nami !

Nami: What're you all worked up over ? Are you upset about Vivi ? That can't be helped, you know.

Chopper: Aghh, Usopp fell off again !!

Nami: Oh, just leave him be...

"It's your fault !!"

Vivi: It's pointless, Igaram.

Igaram: Why ? We should at least make them aware of their new situation !

Vivi: I sent them off on the super-ducks squadron. So even Carue can't catch up with them at this point. In any case, it'd be the same whether or not they know.

Igaram: What do you mean ?!

Vivi: They'd only be happy if they found out about that. So nothing would change. They'll be fine so get out now. I need to sleep. We've got to wake up early tomorrow, after all.

Igaram: W- Well... yes, you're right. You have to deliver a speech to the country tomorrow.


"We finally arrived. It took longer than I expected."

Usopp: Not all of us can fly at supersonic speeds you know.

Zoro: You can drop our stuff now. Thanks for the ride.

*Quacking noises*

Chopper: I guess it's time for us to say good-bye... Run back safely now !

Luffy: Take care of the king and the hair curlers dude ! See ya all!

Bonclay: Let's... Let's meet again some day for sure ! WAIT A SECOND !!

"And what's your problem ?"

Bonclay: Don't gimme that cold, "What's your problem ?" !! What's with your attitude ! Is that any way to greet a friend ?!

Luffy: What do you mean, "friend" ? We were enemies all along. You tricked us.

"Speaking of, which one of you beat his face in ?"

Sanji: T'was me.

Bonclay: I did not trick you !! I hadn't the faintest idea either !! But... Oh phooey, who gives a hoot about any of that now.

Zoro: Hey, move it.

Bonclay: Oh, sorry. Baroque Works is gone and we're no longer enemies.

Luffy: If we're no longer enemies, then why'd ya take our ship ?

Bonclay: Sigh... Oh, you silly little goose.

Luffy: What was that ?!

Bonclay: Listen up ! Do you have any idea... Any idea AT ALL, what would've happened to your ship if I hadn't taken it ?

"I heard the Marine's blocking every single port in this country..."

Bonclay: EXACTLY !! They'd have taken it, abso-positively-lutely ! Do you have any idea what kind of state this island is in right now ?! Marine ships have totally, utterly, blockaded the entire island ! Not even one little swan could fly its way out right now.

Luffy: So you... Protected the Going Merry from the marines... ?

Usopp: Why ?

Chopper: Yeah, why ?!

Bonclay: Because, my dears, we're friends.

Luffy: I knew you were a good guy all along ! STOOOOP JOOOKING AROOUUND !! STOOOOP JOOOKING AROOUUND !!

Nami: Do we still have more stuff down there ?

Sanji: Nope, this is the last one.

"So, wait. If nothing can escape the island right now, you must be stuck too, aren't you ?"

Bonclay: ACK !!

Zoro: You were basically looking for ways to increase your allies, right ?

Luffy: BON-BON !!

Bonclay: That's right !! It's time like these... ! It's eras like these we live in... When we, the people, must band under the name of friendship and fight together !

Luffy/Usopp/Chopper: HELL YEAAAAHHH !!

Nami: Oh jeez.

Pirates: Welp, we're countin' on y'all then.

Zoro: Since when the hell were you all here ?!

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