Chapter 83: Heaven's gate

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Nami: *Cough* Haa... Haa... !!

Zoro: Damn... What happened ? Is everyone alright... ?

"I... Think... *Cough*"

Luffy: Hey ! Hey guys, look!! Outside the ship !!

Luffy: What is this place ?! It's sooo white !!

Chopper: Clouds ?!

Nami: On top of the clouds... !! How are we sailing on clouds.. ?!

Luffy: Of course we can sail on top of it ! They're just clouds.

Sanji/Zoro/Nami: No, that's impossible !!


Luffy: WHAT ?!! Think of something ! Do CPR !!

Sanji: Okay, I'll do CPR on Nami !

Zoro: Idiot...

"Then this must be it... It's the 'Sea of the Sky' ! Nami, how's the Log Pose ?"

Nami: It's still pointing up!

Robin: Maybe this is only the middle part of the Emperornimbus...

Chopper: We need to go higher... ? How ?

Sanji: Hey, what did you just call me ?

Zoro: I forgot.


Luffy: Oh ! Go, go !!

Sanji: Hey, hey, hey ! Don't fool around. We still don't know anything about this sea !

Usopp: A sea is a sea ! Hahahaha !!

Usopp: 'Wah... ! There's so little resistance... ! Also... It's too blurry. I can barely see anything. I just keep diving deeper and deeper...'

"He's sure taking his time..."

Robin: Just a thought, but... Is there really... A sea floor ?

"... Ah."

Zoro: Did that idiot fall off the cloud ?!!

"USOPP !!"

Sanji: I told that idiot not to fool around !!

Robin: Send it after him !

"I can, but even so, I don't see anything down there !"

Robin: I'll handle it !! Ojos fleur !!

"... Nothing yet... ?"

Robin: There he is !! 9 o'clock, 4 meters away !

"Got it !"



Robin: You got him ! Pull him up !

"Coming right up ! ... ... SOMETHING ELSE FOLLOWED !!"



Zoro: Nothing to be scared about !

Sanji: Oh, this is some weird-looking animals... I wonder if this is considered a fish...

"Just me or that octopus really looked like a balloon ? So there are animals in the clouds..."

Nami: Looks like it's better to think of this place as an ocean rather than a cloud.

Zoro: What's this flat snake ?

Luffy: It's a flatfish because it's flat.

Zoro: So this is a flatfish... ?


Sanji: So noisy ! What is it this time, Usopp !!

Usopp: My pants... This was in my pants... Sky island is scary, sky island is scary...

Chopper: Usopp !!

"Definitely a rough day for him, even by my standards."

Robin: So... This would be a "Sky fish" ?

Robin: It's the strange creature described in Norland's diary. I think because there is no sea floor in this sky ocean, they must've evolved into various forms in order to survive.

"So they become flat and some became like balloons ?"

Robin: Yes, all to make themselves lighter because the buoyant force here is much weaker than sea water.

Nami: Their scales look like feathers... But the carnivorous mouth is weird.

Sanji: I sauteed it.

Luffy: This is yummy !!

Nami: WE WEREN'T DONE WITH IT YET !!! Ah ! It tastes really nice ! I've never experienced this flavor !

Luffy: That's it ! Cook that big guy, too !

Chopper: Where's Sky Island ? ... Oh ! A ship... Hey, everyone ! There is a ship and... A person ? Eh ? What... !!

"Something wrong, Chopper ?"

Chopper: Eh... ?! WAHYAH !!

"A ship ?"

Chopper: No... Um, there was a ship... But the ship isn't here anymore !!

Zoro: What do you mean ?

Chopper: There's a bull running on a rectangular cloud ! It's charging from over there... This is bad !!

Zoro: I don't get it. Calm down !

Sanji: What's he trying to say ?


"Hey, what the fuck do you want ?!"

???: Eliminate.

Sanji: So he wants to fight...

Zoro: He's got guts.

Luffy: Huh ? What ?

"GARG !"

Nami: Eh ? Wait, what's wrong with you guys !!

Usopp: Sky island is scary, sky island is scary...


???: THAT'S ENOUGH !!!

Nami: What ?! Who is it this time ?!!

???: Oooh, I am... The knight of the sky !!

Knight: ... Did he leave... ?

Nami: What's going on... !! Who was that guy ?! Also, your guys are so useless !! Three on one and you still lost !!

"I'm taking offense to that !!"

Sanji: Thank you for saving us...

Knight: Don't mention it. It couldn't be helped. This is a service.

Sanji: Tsk. That was... Embarrassing.

Zoro: For some reason... My body can't move very well.

Robin: That must be because the oxygen is scarce here.

Knight: Ahh... To be saying those words... Are you citizens of the Blue Sea ?

Nami: What's that ? And by the way, who are you ?

Knight: I am the "Knight of the sky". All living things under the clouds are citizens of the Blue sea. In other words, you're coming up from where the sea is blue, correct ?

"Yeah, that's it."

Knight: It can't be helped then... This place is above the Blue seas, called the White sea. And 10,000 above your sea is the Opal sea. The bodies of average citizens from the Blue sea cannot handle it.

Luffy: Okay ! I'm slowly getting used to it already.

Zoro: Yup. It's becoming fairly easy to breath now.

"If you don't mind me, I'll just lay there until the boat stops spinning."

Knight: No, no, no, no, that's impossible...

Chopper: But, that guy from before, how come he can run on top of the sea ?

Knight: Now, wait a minute... You probably have a lot of questions, but first things first, I need to talk business with you. I am a freelance mercenary. This is a very dangerous part of the sea. Those who do not know how to fight in the sky will be attacked by those guerrillas like before, or become food for the sky-fish. One whistle will cost you 5 million Extol, for me to come and save you !

"... The heck are you rambling about ?"

Knight: Oh ! Quit acting like a fool... The price is very cheap already !! I won't accept even 1 Extol less than that !! I have living expenses, too !

Usopp: Sky island is scary, sky island is scary...

"I don't doubt it, but we have literally no idea what you're on about. Extol ? Whistle ? What's all that ?"

Knight: ... You people... Didn't come here through the top of High West ? Then you must have been to one or two islands, right ?!

"When I say we have no idea what you're talking about, I mean it."

Nami: Wait !! There are other ways to get to this sky sea ?! And by "One or two islands".. You mean there's more than one Sky island ?

Knight: What ?! So you guys actually came via that monstrous stream ?! I never thought there would still be people this brave...

Nami: So it wasn't the normal route... I knew it... AND IF YOU TELL ME YOU KNEW ABOUT IT ALL ALONG, I'M THROWING YOU BACK TO JAYA !!

"... ... No, I've got nothing."

Nami: Thank go-

"Or maybe-"

Nami: *YEET*


Luffy: But where's the problem ? We're here anyways, right ?


Knight: Did you lose one or two crew ?

Luffy: Nope, we're all here.

Knight: Other routes are not like this... If 100 people want to go to Sky island through the other routes, it would be a gamble with no way to predict how many would survive. However, the Knock-up Stream means that either everyone dies, or everyone gets there together.

Zoro: I do think we just lost someone.

Nami: He'll come back anyway.

Knight: Either 0 or 100, not many dare to take this gamble. Especially people these years. I deeply respect your navigator who has both courage and real strength.

Usopp: Yeah, but it's all because of me !! When these guys were crying and giving up, I said "I will show you my navigational skills" !!


"Keep dreaming."

Sanji: He's back.

Knight: One whistle. Blow this whistle once, and I will come down from heaven to save you ! Using the currency of the sky, each whistle would cost 5 million extol, but your first whistle will be free as my gift to you. Use the whistle to call me at any time !!

Nami: Wait !! we don't even know your name...

Knight: I would be Gan Fall, the Knight of the sky !! This is my partner, Pierre !

Pierre: Piouuu !!

Gan fall: And before I forget, Pierre... even though he's a bird, he has the power of the "Uma Uma fruit" (Horse horse fruit)


Gan fall: Which means he can become a winged horse !! In other words...

Nami: No way !! So beautiful !! It's Pegasus ?!

Gan fall: That's right ! Pegasus !!

All: 'A little bit off...'

Gan fall: I wish you luck, brave ones !!

Sanji: It turned into a strange animal...

Robin: In the end, he didn't really tell us anything useful...

"Yeah, really... Nothing at all. So now we're back to square one. We don't even know how to go higher."

Luffy: okay, let's call mister and ask him.


Usopp: If that weird mask guy comes again, what will we do without the whistle !!

Zoro: Anyways, let's just get the ship moving.

Chopper: Hey, look over there ! That cloud is weird, right ?

"It looks like a waterfall... We should go and check it out."

Sanji: there is a huge cloud in the way... What do we do ? It's floating on top of the Sky sea, so it's probably not part of it.

"Then what kind of cloud is it ? Like an iceberg or something ?"

Nami: If it's a normal cloud, we can just sail straight through it.

Luffy: We'll know if we touch it, right ?! Ooooooh !!

Luffy: Wah ! It bounced off ! Hey, look ! It's fluffy, too ! Like cotton !! I'm bouncing ! No sinking ! What's this, what's this ?! It's so much fun !

Chopper: AMAZING !!!

Nami: What phenomenon is this ?

Robin: Strange.

Usopp: Uooh !! i'm coming, too !!

Luffy: Hah... It feels so nice... It's so warm, I want to sleep like this... It feels better than a thousand futons.

Nami: But if the cloud's like that, the ship can't get past this place...

"Hey, Luffy ! While you're up there, try to find a route for the ship to pass !"

Luffy: Ooh ! Okay !

Usopp: hey ! Luffy, there's something there !

Luffy: What is it, what is it ?!

"I swear..."

"A gate ?"

Usopp: yeah ! Under that waterfall-looking cloud, there's a huge gate ! If we go through there, we'll see it. Turn left next.

Luffy: No, right.

Usopp: It was definitely left !

Luffy: let's just call that armored mister.

Nami: STOP !!

"Ah... I think I see what you were talking about..."

Luffy: Look ! That waterfall-looking cloud is really a waterfall... It's flowing with clouds like the type we just saw !

Usopp: "Heaven's gate"... Gotta be a bad omen. It's like we're going to die...

Zoro: yeah, but maybe we're actually dead already ?

Sanji: really ? If that's so, then that would explain the strange world...


"Nope, I'm positive we're not."

Zoro: How would you know ?

"Trust me. I know."

Luffy: Heaven ? Looks fun !! We're finally gonna get there !!

Usopp: Look, somebody's coming out !!

???: Are you here for sightseeing ? Or for fighting ? Actually, it doesn't matter why you're here. If you want to go up, each person must pay a 1 billion Extol entrance fee. That's the law.

*Heaven's Gate. Watcher, Amazon.*

Luffy: An angel !! So that's how angels look... !! She looks like an Umeboshi !

"You think omen was her ? ..."

Usopp: 1 billion extol, how much is that when converted to berry ?

Nami: ... If... We, um.. Don't have the money ?

Amazon: You can still go up.

Usopp: REALLY ?!! then why would anyone pay ?!

Amazon: Also, if you don't want to go up... It's okay too. I'm not a guard, nor am I a soldier. I just want to know your intentions.

Luffy: then we're going. We want to go to Sky island ! Even though we don't have money, we're going, Granny !

Amazon: really ? Eight people, right ?

"That's it... But how exactly do we get up there ?"

Usopp: What ?! Something appeared ?!!

Amazon: That's the White sea's special "lobster express"...

"It started to move !! Is it climbing the waterfall ?!"

Luffy: It goes all the way to the top ! YAHOOOO !!!

Usopp: UOOOOOOOH !!!

*"Heaven's gate" watcher, Amazon reporting. Oh mighty god and his prelates, to those wanting to visit God's country, Skypiea... To these eight illegally entering travelers... Bestow upon them heaven's judgement.*

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