Blood loss

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I clutched onto my chest, hitched breathes returning to small paced ones. Where am I?

"Hello Daniel." A familiar voice called out, echoing in the vast emptiness.

"Phantom?" My eyes filed with worry, "what happened?"

"Blood loss. I needed you asleep." The voice replied, in a dull tone as if it didn't matter.

"Bl-blood loss!?" I clutched at my chest again with a stutter.

"Yes, that is what I said." He said appearing before my eyes.

"But why- Why did you need me asleep?" I questioned, afraid of what his answer might be.

"Well, I had dulled your nerves and senses so that it wouldn't be as painful... but you were still screaming... so, I had you lose enough blood to pass out so that you didn't have to feel it anymore." He shrugged, patting me on the head.

I cringed at the touch, my hair ruffled in his fingers, "Wait... what exactly did you do to cause so much pain?"

"I marked you as my own." Phantom smiled as I blushed at his touch, "You don't remember me, do you?"

I stared at his solemn expression, "...remember?" Had I known him? Have we met before? I wanted to ask him these questions- but I couldn't find the voice to do so.

"It's alright. You'll figure it out." He gave him me a soft soft smile, "But for now, it's time for you to wake up."

"Wake up?" I questioned, "wait- but I-"

It was too late, I could feel myself returning. As well as the pain- I hissed at the feeling on my chest as I tried to sit up.

"Hey, slow down, here."Dr. Lisa handed me a cup of water, which I gladly took, washing down my dry throat.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked, still slightly dazed.

"I- I don't really know..." She responded, "your chest, it just started to... cut itself... I haven't seen anything like this before..."

I looked down at my chest, seeing a familiar sign-logo- embedded on it with thick red lines. This is-



Sorry this is so rushed, and short!aghhhhh! Confused yet? What do you thinks gonna happen next??? Comment below XD

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