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Ok, fully aware that this is most biggest cliche out there but I think it's cute so whatever. Enjoy!


526 words

Hazel liked coffee.

However, she didn't go to The Coffee Club for it. Near her house, there was an Espresso Cafe and to be fair, their coffee was better, but their baristas arguably weren't cuter.

For three weeks, she's made it her duty on Saturdays and Sundays to drive all the way from her house to The Coffee Club to see the barista working at the register. She never made a move, but today was the day she decided it was time.

Hazel opened the door to The Coffee Club and walked to the register. She was looking at the menu, pretending not to notice the cute barista, Frank, staring at her.

"Hi Hazel" He piped

She smiled at him "Hi Frank"

"How were you this morning?" He kept the conversation the same everyday

"I'm good, you?" Sadly, she was getting tired of it

"Good, would you like your usual?"

Hazel nodded at him. Her usual consisted of a Cafe Latte with coconut milk.

"Ever want to try something different?" He asked her while having a curious look on his face.


"Uhm- yeah" She stumbled out her words "What would you recommend?"

Was he trying to talk to her longer?

"I love our Caramel Macchiatos" Frank smiled at her

Keep the conversation going Hazel

"Then, I'll take a grande" She grinned back

"Great, that'll be four dollars" He commented as he typed in her order on the screen. Hazel gave him her cash and Frank picked up a cup and started writing her name on it. Oddly, it took a longer time for him to write it down than usual, but she didn't think anything weird of it.

Frank looked back at her and smiled again "Order should be ready in a few minutes"

She nodded and sat at an empty table waiting for her coffee. Just like he promised, after a few minutes, Frank delivered her coffee to her. Hazel looked up from her phone and thanked him. He nodded and before he turned away he proclaimed "It was good seeing you again, Hazel" she felt herself get butterflies at the sudden remark.

After a few seconds she realized that she didn't make a move today. The butterflies died down and she huffed at herself.

Chickened out again.

But before she was going to chastise herself for her cowardly behavior, she realized that where her name was supposed to be, something else was written.

A phone number.

Frank's phone number.

Written under the digits was 'Dinner next week?'

She looked at the direction of the register and made eye contact with him. He had been staring at her while making someone's Frappuccino.

Frank raised his eyebrows as if he was asking a silent question. She smiled and worded the words 'Yes'

His face lit up and he let out a breath. He worded the question to her 'Text me later?'

She put the coffee cup to her lips to hide her smile and nodded.

Maybe this morning didn't turn out so bad

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