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Annabeth's POV:
Ow, my first thought.

Everything hurts. I don't remember much. Just me taking a walk through the woods and pain. Major pain.

I remember Percy screaming my name and stabbing something. Everything was blurry except for those Sea Green eyes that stared down at me worryingly.

Now I opened my eyes. I could see myself in a cot in the infirmary. Will's looking at me with the same worried expression as Percy. Then darkness, extreme darkness. My eyes started to give out and they closed.

Percy's POV:
He was trying to find Annabeth. So he went to her cabin and asked Malcolm.

"Oh, I think she's taking a walk in the woods" He smiled at me

"Ok, thanks"

I walked inside the woods trying to find Annabeth. But trying to find a person in here is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Then I heard a scream. More importantly Annabeth's scream. I ran in the direction of the noise. I grabbed Riptide out of my pocket.

I saw her on the ground, losing consciousness. And a Empousai walking slowly to her. I sneaked up on it and stabbed it. It exploded into dust.

"ANNABETH!" I screamed, but her eyes were already closing. I put Riptide back into my pocket in pen form and scooped up Annabeth in my arms. I ran into Camp passing and bumping into campers. I raced inside the infirmary. Will jumped.



He was on the same page as me.  I put Annabeth in his arms and he carried her to place her in a cot.

"Percy, you should go"

"But-" he cut me off

"You can't be here unless your sick or hurt"

"Ugh, Fine"

I got out of the infirmary. And went to the Athena cabin. But before I knocked, Malcolm opened the door. I guess he was in a hurry because he basically ran into me and we fell onto the ground

"Ow" We Both groaned

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" he apologized. I got up and helped him.

"You were in a hurry?"

"Yeah, I heard what happened to Annabeth"

"Yeah, Will kicked me out of the infirmary"

"Really?" He asked, I nodded sadly.

"Yeah, He said I can't be in there unless I'm hurt or sick"

Then an idea popped into my head.

"Hey, Malcolm, I'll see you later"


I ran to my cabin and shut the door behind me. Then, I raised my fist and punched myself in the eye.

"Ow!" I cried. I put my hand on my bruise and wobbled to the infirmary.

The door opened and there stood a confused Will.

"Percy?! What the Hades!"

"Hello to you too Will" He dragged me to a cot next to a very confused Annabeth.

Her leg bandaged and a scar on her face, but as beautiful as ever.

I smiled at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Seaweed Brain, did you just give yourself a black eye to see me?"


"That's probably one of the most stupid and romantic thing I've ever heard"

"Love you too Wise Girl"

Will fixed up my black eye and gave me an eye patch.

"Really? An eyepatch, I think it's a bit much for a black eye" I said

"Says the idiot who punched himself to get the black eye" he snapped back "now put it on"

I sighed and put it on. "How do I look?" I asked both of them

"Like the most stupid pirate I've ever seen" Annabeth laughed.

"She's not wrong" Will agreed

I looked at a mirror, "Well, there's something wrong with both of your eyes because I think I look quite handsome" I said.

663 words

I put in some Persassy at the end, you are all welcome. I know I just did a Percabeth one shot just a few chapters ago, but there's nothing called too much Percabeth. Vote and drop a comment if you agree

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