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"Hey Katie" Connor said.

"You wanna join me, Travis and Miranda in the strawberry field strawberry picking?" He asked

"Yeah sure,"

They walked to the field carrying baskets. When they arrived there, Miranda was already picking strawberries. Katie looked around "Where's Travis?"

"Oh he'll be here later"

"Ok," Katie smirked "whoever picks the most strawberries, wins!"

"You're on Gardener" And with that, they raced off in different directions in a hurry to pick up strawberries.


Of course Katie won with 19 strawberries, Miranda with 17 strawberries and Connor with 12.

"No fair!" Connor exclaimed "I was up against two Demeter kids, you obviously set me up to fail!"

Katie smirked. "Maybe" Connor pouted.

She lay down on the grass and looked up at the clouds. Then all of a sudden the worst thing happened.

Katie's POV:
"Hey loser!" Miranda said

Connor turned around. "What?" Miranda pushed Connor's back and he landed on top of me and our lips accidentally locked. Obviously, neither of us kissed back, we were just stunned that none of us moved.

"Katie?! Connor?!" A voice exclaimed. Connor got off of me, both of us were red faced.

"Look, bro I can explain-"

Travis's surprised face turned into a scowl "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" With that he ran off back to Camp ignoring me, shouting his name.

Travis's POV:
I was running out of The Big House in a hurry. I just got out of a Cabin Counselor meeting and I was late to the meet up at the Strawberry field with Katie, Connor and Miranda. But when I got there, I was greeted by the most horrible scene ever.

My girlfriend kissing my brother.

I could tell Miranda was surprised too because her eyes and mouth were wide open.

"Katie?! Connor?!" I yelled. Connor got off of Katie, both of them were red faced.

"Look, bro I can explain-"

My surprised face turned into a scowl "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" With that I ran off back to Camp ignoring Katie, shouting my name.

I ran inside the Hermès Cabin and slammed the door behind me. A few tears were escaping from my eyes.

Katie was always here for me when I cried

I shook my head and got that thought out of it. Katie won't be here anymore. I still couldn't believe it. The two most important people in my life, betrayed me. I sat on my bed and looked at the picture of me, Connor and Katie together. I put it face down.

How could they? Why would they? How long has that been going on?

My thoughts were interrupted by three people knocking loudly on the door. I quickly wiped my tears.

"TRAVIS!" I could hear Miranda.

"Open up! Please!" Katie begged

"Dude! It wasn't what it looked like!" Connor said

"GO AWAY!" I yelled at them "I SAW WHAT I SAW!"

I could here Katie crying "Trav, Please!"

I sighed, I knew they wouldn't leave me alone me. "Fine but only Katie" I got up and pressed my ear to the door

I could hear Connor whispering to her "Ooh, what are you two gonna do in there?"

"SHUT IT!" Katie said

I opened the door and motioned her to come in. She pulled Miranda in with her. And she did not look happy with her sister.

We sat on my bed and Katie looked at Miranda and motioned her to speak. And boy, Did Katie look pissed.

Miranda cleared her throat "Look Travis, Katie was laying down in the field and I decided to scare Connor so I pushed him and he fell on Katie and their lips touched! I promise it was unintentional, and then you saw it. What you saw was WAY out of context. I swear on the River Styx." She breathed out,

The sky rumbled but Miranda was still alive.

I can't believe it, Katie and Connor didn't go behind me.

I looked at Katie, she was looking at me and our eyes locked. I smashed my lips on her's. I could tell she was shocked but she kissed me back. Katie tangled her hands in my hair. I pulled her closer. But a bright light made us pull apart.

"What the-" Katie cut me off


"Oops, forgot the flash was on! Sorry!" She said while turning off her phone.

We both rolled our eyes. And from the outside we could here Connor laughing his butt off.

824 words

Requested by: _Mask_girl_

Remember guys, I give a shoutout to who ever requests a chapter. Hope you enjoyed this one shot, I still take requests so if you have one please comment it down in the comment section. And the Percabeth fan fiction is coming out soon so I'll tell you guys when that comes out, I'm working on Chapter 1 right now.  Don't forget to vote and feel free to follow me, I follow back.

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