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Annabeth's POV:
I was in the Athena cabin studying the plans for Olympus when I heard the door open. I assumed it was Malcolm so I said "Hey, Malcolm can you get me a-"

But I was interrupted by two arms wrapping around my waist. "Well, I would Wise Girl but I'm not Malcolm"

I turned around and kissed my boyfriend. I pulled apart and looked in his eyes "No, but seriously Percy, get me a chair"

He rolled his eyes at me "Great way to ruin the moment, Annie"

But then the door swung open. There stood Jason. "Annabeth have you seen Per-"  Me and Percy pulled apart and Jason stopped talking and smirked "Did I interrupt a moment?"

I could see Percy blush so I spoke up "No, you didn't, so what do you need?"

"Percy, Chiron wants you to train some of the Aphrodite girls"

Jealousy boiled in my blood "Can't you do it?" I asked politely

"I have a date with Piper" Jason smiled, obviously glad that he didn't have to train those girls. I mean, I don't blame him. Those girls are a nightmare to train

"It's alright, I'll do it" Percy said

"Ok" Jason closed my cabin door.

"I'll see you later, Wise Girl" Percy kissed my forehead and walked out of my cabin.

When the door shut, I crossed my arms and huffed. I looked out the window, the Athena cabin had a perfect view of the training arena.

I looked and saw my boyfriend getting hit on by a couple of Aphrodite girls.

I scowled and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Oh come on Perce," I heard one of the girls purred "drop that Athena bitch"

Ok I was getting real mad real fast.

I heard Percy ignore that comment "So hold your sword like this" he demonstrated

"Ow!" One of the girls squealed "I cut myself!"

Percy narrowed his eyes "How? You're just holding the sword!" I couldn't help but snicker.

"Can I just have a shield or something?" I heard a girl whine

Percy sighed and clenched his jaw "Fine"

He handed the girl a shield. She complained that it was too heavy and surprisingly, Percy kept his cool.

I watched the same scene over again, Percy getting hit on by the girls and him ignoring them. And my jealousy rising higher and higher.

Finally, the thirty minute training that felt like an hour, stopped. All the girls looked tired but Percy looked like he didn't break a sweat.

"Ok," Percy stated to the girls "training's over"

All the girls cheered and went back to the Aphrodite cabin. Percy let out a breath and cleaned the training arena. I went back to study the plans for Olympus when I heard my cabin door open. I didn't pay any attention to it because I already knew it was Percy. He shut the door and I could hear his footsteps approaching me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind again and whispered in my ear. "I saw you spying from that window"

I blushed "W-what?"

Percy laughed "Oh, don't pretend Wise Girl, your jealousy could be seen just by looking at your face."

I gave up, "Really?"

"Yup," Percy smirked "and I'm a little offended that you don't trust me"

I punched him playfully on the shoulder "Oh shut it!"

He laughed and pulled me in to a kiss

612 words

Requested by: _Mask_girl_
So, here's another Percabeth one shot. And guess who's out of ideas? Me! So please send some more requests. Just write them in the comment section and vote, follow, and comment of what you think of this.

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