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"Flight 39, your plane is now boarding" A voice on the intercom said "Repeat, Flight 39, your plane is now boarding"

Calypso grabbed her luggage and stood up, and since Leo was sleeping on her shoulder, his head banged on the arm rest and he sat up "Huh? What happened?"

Calypso looked down at him "Our flight is boarding, Valdez"

"Oh" He stood up and grabbed his luggage.

They stood in line and the flight attendant spoke "First class may board first"

Leo grabbed Calypso's hand. "Leo, I'm pretty sure we're are not first class. I've heard about it. And even if we are, how can you afford all of this?"

Leo smirked at her. "Well you know Piper, her dad is kinda a big deal and all"

Calypso nodded slowly

"She paid for these tickets"

"What?" Calypso's eyes widened

Leo squeezed her hand "She said she wanted it to be special since it's your first time being on a plane."

They got their tickets checked and the flight attendant smiled at them "Come on in"

They pulled their suitcases until they arrived on the plane.

Calypso gasped and looked around first class "Oh my Gods!"

A flight attendant walked up to them and smiled.

"Come with me, I will tell you where you will be staying"

She guided them into a small area with walls surrounding them.

"Are you two new to first class?" She asked politely

"Yes ma'am" Calypso smiled

"Ok" the attendant cleared her throat "These chairs fold into a bed, where you will be able to fold down anytime you like when this button on the chairs will be pressed. The button on the side table here is to press when needed assistance." Leo noticed two plastic folders on the side table. The attendant picked it up "Here are the menus if you would like anything. Any questions?"

Leo and Calypso looked at each other and shook their head. "Um, no questions" Leo spoke

"Ok, enjoy" She winked and turned to go

"Thank you so much" Calypso called out

The flight attendant looked back at her "No problem, hon"

Leo plopped down in one of the chairs and sighed. "This is the life"

Calypso giggled and sat down next to him.

Another flight attendant came and gave them free complimentary hot towels and brownies.

"And Piper did all of this?" She asked Leo while munching on her brownie

Leo put the whole brownie in his mouth and nodded.

Calypso smirked "Leo, you are now my second favorite person"

Leo clutched his chest "I'm hurt!"

They both shared a laugh.


Leo pressed the button which caused the chairs to turn into a bed. Him and Calypso pulled the blankets over themselves. They laid down facing each other.

"So how was your first ride on a plane?" Leo asked her

"Great" Calypso answered "Are you sure Piper is okay with all of this?"

"She insisted it Sunshine" Leo pulled her closer with his arms wrapped around her waist.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them, and on the plane.

"I guess everybody's already asleep" Calypso whispered in Leo's ear

"Yup" He nodded

She snuggled her head against his chest. "Goodnight Leo"

"Goodnight Caly"

And with that, they drifted off to sleep

594 words

Requested by _Mask_girl_

EARLY UPDATE! Here is a kinda short Caleo one, but it's still sweet. And thank you guys so much for reading. Again, I still take requests anytime. So please go ahead and comment one below. Also vote and follow! :)

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