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They're both in the Sophomore year

Jason's POV:
"Jason!" Mr. Chiron yelled at me.

I instantly looked up from my phone. There stood a mad Chiron with his palm sticking out, signaling me to give him my phone.

"But-I-Please-" I stuttered

"Jason, you know the rules," he said looking down at me. "give me your phone"

I gave up and decided to give him it.

Before he walked away, he spoke "And please see me after class Mr. Grace"

Since I sit in the front of the class, I could feel everybody's eyes boring behind me.

What seemed like hours, the class ended. The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom. But I slowly walked to Mr. Chiron's desk.

He looked up at me and gave me my phone back.

"Ok Mr. Grace," He spoke "since I'm feeling nice today, I'm going to give you two choices. You can either stay here at school for detention for the rest of the week-"

I interrupted him "No! I can't! I'll miss the football game! The whole team is counting on me!"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Sorry Mr. Chiron, please continue."

"I know you are the quarterback for the football team, and yes, the whole team is counting on you" He said "so here's your other choice, you can work with the drama kids and help them with the musical."

"But I won't miss practice right?"

"Correct" he answered "so what will it be?"

I bit my lip and thought it over "I'll work on the musical"

Chiron smiled "That's great! They need help anyways"

I nodded. "So when do I help them out?"

Chiron checked his watch. "So you don't have practice right?"

"No I dont today, we have a break"

"Great," He began to write a note and he handed me it. "You know where the drama room is right?"

I nodded

"Great! Go there and give this note to whoever is in charge" He smiled "Have a good day Mr. Grace"

I turned around and headed out the door "You too Mr. Chiron"

I looked at the note. It read

Please let Jason Grace help with the musical. This is his punishment and just to let you know, this was his decision over being in detention. Thank you very much, have a wonderful day

And at the bottom, it read Chiron's signature.

I sighed and put the note in my pocket. I rushed to the drama room and quickly opened the door.

I fumbled the note out of my pocket and I guess that I wasn't looking where I was going so I bumped into someone.

Piper McLean

She fell backwards. "Ow" she muttered

I gasped "I am so sorry Piper!"

I helped her up from off the ground and she brushed her clothes. And I couldn't help but check her out.

She was wearing the theater shirt that all the drama kids had and leggings. There was a pencil behind her ear. Her brown hair tied in a bun.

Stop staring Jason! Your being weird!

She picked up the clipboard that I accidentally knocked out of her hand.

"Again sorry, my fault, I didn't watch where I was going" I said to her

"It's fine" She told me "Jason right?"

I nodded, not wanting to say anything at the moment.

"What are you doing here? You didn't sign up for the play"

"Can I speak to the person in charge? Please" I squeaked our kinda embarrassed.

She tilted her head to the side. "You're speaking to her right now"

I didn't say anything, I just handed her the note. She took it and read it silently. Then she chuckled, probably at the part where Chiron said this was my punishment.

I blushed when she looked up at me and her eyes changed colors.

"You picked this over detention?"

"Yeah," I shrugged "I didn't wanna miss practice this week"

She nodded.

"Ok right this way" Piper turned around and walked and I followed her and stayed close.

"So, your not gonna cause trouble right?" She teased.

"Haha" I faked laugh "No"

She giggled "Why did you get in trouble with Mr. Chiron anyway?"

"I refused to give him my phone"


"Oh shut up" Is stuck my tongue out at her.

She laughed while she pushed a door open. Inside, their was a stage and a lot of students working with putting everything together and calming things down.

I looked at Piper who was beaming at everything and everybody. "You're in charge of this whole thing?"

"Yup," She smiled "and I'll need help, so I have a job for you"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion "What is it?"

"You're my new assistant!" She walked to a corner and in the corner was a box. It read 'Supplies'

"Here" she handed me a clipboard with papers on it and a pencil.

I grabbed the stuff and Piper showed me around the whole place.


"Ok, are you good here?" Piper asked me, smiling

"Yup" I smiled back.

"Piper! Can you help me here?" Will, her cousin asked her (A/N: they're cousins in this one shot)

She smiled at me one last time and went to go do her job.

I immediately grabbed my phone and texted my sister, Thalia.

Me: Guess what! I get to help with the play!

Thalia: Oh bro, that sucks

Me: No, I get to work with Piper

Thalia: Oh, that girl you've been crushing on since seventh grade?

Me: Yeah

Thalia: Cool, you know I've heard that in the play, the lead roles get to kiss on stage. Maybe you and Piper will make out in front of everybody

Me: Thalia! And no, neither me or Piper are lead roles. She's in charge of everything and I'm just her assistant

Thalia was typing but I didn't get to see what she said because Piper snatched my phone out of my hands.

"Hey!" I protested

"Focus Jason" She walked away and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't check her out...again


Me and Piper have grown closer each day. And I'll admit that I was growing a bigger crush on her. My thought were interrupted by:

"That's it!" I heard Drew shriek "I quit!"

She pushed me out of her way and while Will ran after her. He stopped chasing her when he saw me.

"What happened?" I asked him

"She just quit!" He said "She was the lead role!"

Piper ran over to us. "Drew isn't coming back!"

I looked at my clipboard and flipped to the cast list. Drew and Will were the lead roles.

"Who's the understudy for Drew?" I asked them both

"We don't have one!" Piper exclaimed

Then an idea popped in my head "You!"

Will and Piper looked at me like I just offered them a cigarette.

"I am not kissing my cousin!" They both yelled at the same time, which gave us really weird looks from the people passing by.

"Then who's gonna play the lead roles?" I asked "You two are the only ones that know the script entirely"

Then Will's face lit and he pointed at me. "You!"

Me and Piper looked at him "What?"

"Jason, you know the whole script too!"

"But, I can't-"

"Oh, Yes you can!" Will snapped "Both of you get dressed into your costumes!"

Me and Piper stared at him not knowing what to do

"Are you guys deaf?" Will exclaimed "Go!"

We scrambled to our dressing rooms and got dressed. Then we both got out and Piper tripped over her long skirt. I caught her and our lips were inches away. Instead of blushing like I was, Piper smirked.

"You just can't keep your hands off me, huh Grace?" I blushed harder and helped her to a standing position.

"Better get going" I lead the way so Piper couldn't see my red face. But I could feel her eyes boring into me.

(A/N: Guys, I have no idea what musical this is so I just made this up)

Third Person's POV:
"I missed you" Jason said

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Piper answered back with both of their foreheads together.

At the corner of their eye, they could see the big crowd was watching them closely. Most of the school was their, even the football team. Jason especially saw Thalia in the front row smirking making silent kissy faces. Jason was tempted to roll his eyes at his sister but that would ruin the whole romantic vibe of the play.

"I love you" Jason said suddenly to Piper

Piper looked up and into his eyes. She whispered, making sure no one heard her. "Jason, that's not in the script"

He smirked "I know"

He grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. She gasped in surprise but kissed back. They could hear the crowd cheer and clap. Jason could feel Piper smiling against his lips. They pulled away and Piper whispered in his ear "I love you too"

1579 words

Requested By: _Mask_girl_

Sorry if the end of the chapter is really crappy. But, wow this is probably the longest chapter I wrote. I decided to work on this chapter because Im not feeling good so I didn't go to school. I'm going to the doctor later so wish me luck because I am TERRIFIED of needles.

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