A Doleful Future

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Excerpts from the journal of Dr. John Watling, renowned humanitarian:

Thursday, June 14th, 2070

The blueprints for the Plastic Waste Manager are complete. Construction has started. Soon, we will be ridding the people of plastic everywhere! But the people keep asking me why I'm building this project. The answer is simple: Plastic is deadly. Its lethal. People don't want to recycle it. They just throw it away on the roads, and the garbage trucks are filled to the brim with only plastic bottles. Well, the PWM will now account for it all. This is the new waste disposer. Where ever you go, the PWM will go with you. Public PWM's will be present everywhere. If you want to throw a plastic bottle or shopper, just drop it in the PWM's garbage compartment. With the new omnipresent transportation system, which the government has kindly given me personal access to, the waste will be instantaneously transported to Nightingale Harbour, where it will be disposed of into the ocean. Hah! The people will love it.

Wednesday, May 21st, 2071

The Plastic Waste Manager is almost complete. I can taste the Nobel Peace prize on my lips. I can feel it dancing on my fingertips! So close. But there is one obstacle in my path. Yesterday, in a press conference, a reporter asked me why I chose to dispose the waste into the ocean. Won't that greatly damage the sea life? The nerve of the reporter. I had no comment. What would I have said? That I didn't care? I couldn't have. The truth would be too bitter. What, a humanitarian who does not care about nature? The funding for the PWM project would stop. The Nobel Prize would disappear from my sight. I would lose my dignity. My respect. Well, everything has its drawbacks. Sorry, sea life. I am a humanitarian. Everything I do is for the greater good of humanity. Too bad for you. Then again, if this the price for success then I am prepared to give the seven seas for it!


Acclaimed scientific professor John B. Watling, 60, was found having committed suicide near Nightingale Beach. Forensics report that the scientist drank a bottle of strychnine, a deadly alkaloid, which blocked his airways, and choked him to death. The famous "Pioneer of Modern Environmental Management", was known for having designed the 'Artificially Intellectual Plastic Waste Management', more simply known as PWM. Having received the Nobel Peace Prize for this honored invention, Watling dedicated his life to protecting Earth from the dangers of plastic waste, a lethal substance. A hand written note was found in his left coat pocket, on which was written the following:

'I start this last letter with the words of Arthur Conan Doyle, 'A few words may suffice to tell the little that remains.' I feel extremely sorry for what I have done to Mother Nature. To the sea life. It was planet or plastic. I chose plastic. And I'm sorry.'

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