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Stepping into the equipment room, I looked around while running a hand through my hair in confusion. I don't understand the point of her being here in the first place... Might as well call out to her "Quarta, you can come out now."

Quarta then appeared within my sight "Oh my, it is Raiga-kun. What happened? And the outside seems a bit noisy."

I shook my head "To sum it up: I applying suntan oil on Ray's back and now Gremory, Himejima-san, Leone and Ray are doing their damned well best to level the place and kill each other. So Quarta... What are you here?"

"It's my first swimsuit so it took me some time to put it on. Does it suit me?"

I wasn't sure whether or not to point out the fact there was a girl's changing room.

I then noted her bathing suit, a dark green bikini that was held together at the front by wire and empathised her figure. It wasn't necessarily erotic like Gremory's, Kala's or Akeno-san's, but it still looked good on her.

"I think it suits you. I guess that's to be expected with being raised by the church that you wouldn't be use to this. Offensive stuff like this is prohibited by them after all."

Quarta nodded "Well that's right. Though before saying that, I, myself didn't have interest in stuff like this. Though the girls learning around me, the female soldiers let out their dissatisfaction at not being able to touch things like that. But, not only did my future change, even if it's just a bit, I want to experience the entertainment befitting girls, that's how I feel. That's what I have started feeling recently."

I nodded, understanding her situation a bit "It's natural that you feel that way. Having such desires are only natural for Devils or humans."

I was confused when Quarta grabbed my arm and moved closer to me.

"Raiga-kun, there is something I wish to discuss with you." I cocked my head to the side in confusion. I may have been imagining it, but I could swear Quarta's cheeks had the smallest tinge of pink on them. "I need you to help me with something. It is something I can only ask you for-No. It is something I only desire to ask you for if you are willing to help me."

I nodded "I'm willing to help... So what is it?"

That was when Quarta dropped me to the ground and crawled on top of me "I want to have your children right now, Raiga-kun."


"I'm sorry... What?"

"Didn't you hear it? Alright. Raiga-kun, let's make children together."

"What the hell!?" I shouted in shock. I mean, how the hell can you NOT be surprised that someone, especially a girl, just declared that he/she wants to bear your children out of the blue.

Quarta covered my mouth with her hands "Shh. Don't let out such a loud voice. We'll be noticed."

"You, suddenly saying that...."

"Yeah, let's talk in turns." She suggested "I was born and brought in the headquarters of the church, Rome, so that the element to be able to wield holy swords would be born, from childhood, for God, for religion, I endeavoured in my training and studies. From childhood, while saying that, dreams and objectives, everything was entwined with God and faith. For example, defeating Devils was for the sake of the Lord, and the one propagating that, the Vatican, while believing that, I've never doubted it. That's why, after becoming a Devil now, you can say that my dreams and objectives have disappeared."

"I understand that but... Why does that lead to making kids?" I asked credulously.

"While serving God, I had thrown away the part of me, a women's happiness. My body, my heart, I sealed everything for the sake of faith. However, like this, I am currently a devil. What should I do, initially I didn't understand. After asking my present master, Rias-buchou: (Devils are beings that possess greed, fulfil greed, award greed, and desire greed. Try living as you wish.) That's why, I felt free to release, what was sealed inside me, and become skilful in that. And then, my new objective, dream is to bear children."

"So you want to do something that a girl can do, is what you're saying? Till now, under your religion, your sense of virtue was strong so you couldn't do it?" Looks like I've found another thing that the Church that did, sealing away the human desires of their [Exorcists].

"Yes. I want to bear children. For that purpose you need a man as well, but it's great, right? Children and at the same time we can get to know each other better."

"Right... I understood the story but why me?" I asked while crossing my arms. Of all the guys that she can ask, she picked me. While I don't like the idea of her whoring herself to other guys, I'm just utterly confused right now.

Quarta frowned, seeming confused "Are you dissatisfied? Even if I am like this, I have a bit of confidence in my body as a woman. My breasts won't be as big as Kala-sensei's, Raynare's or Leone's but they're bigger than Asia and Mittelt's. I think they're worth seeing, are they not?" She said this while stroking her breasts.

"Look, I'm not against girls liking or loving me. But I'm a guy looking for love like any other person. I can't just have sex with a random girl. " I said while looking straight at her eyes "I'm not going to have sex with someone I hardly even know."

"Kala-sensei said that it would be fine if I just confessed my feelings towards. While I'm not sure about I feel for you, but all I can say that your presence draws me towards you."

...I'm not surprised that Kala was the person that told Quarta, I would actually be surprised if it was Mitt or Asia.

"More than making children, I want them to become strong kids. A special power in the father's genes, or otherwise I want greater strength. And there are other reasons why I chose you." She backed away, slightly staring down while I saw a blush appear on her face.

"Back during our fight against Kokabiel... When I found out about God's death, I lost my will to fight... I thought I was going to die at that moment... I thought we were doomed as God's protection did not exist... But you proved me wrong. You unleashed a great power that completely dominated Kokabiel and saving us all. Thank you." Quarta bowed her head slightly.

"I wasn't a problem, I did it to protect my comrades, friends and love ones."

Quarta nodded, smiling to herself "I realised that there was more than just physical strength. You possess a powerful will like no other. That's the kind of strength I want my children to have. You also have 1 of the calmest and smartest minds of the Gremory group. Those are the reasons I chose you... So let's try it once right now."


With no hesitation whatsoever, Quarta took off the top part of her swimsuit, revealing her bountiful breasts. I wasn't effected that much, as this isn't my first pair of breasts that I saw.

"I know about the birth of Devils as well. It seems it's quite difficult to make kids. Especially both are Pure-Blooded, it's difficult but luckily both you and I are Reincarnated Devils. The base is human, and your sexual desire is strong as well. I expect if we do it every day, then within 10 years, I should be able to conceive. No, if it's your strong sexual desire, then within a day, a number of times should be possible? If you include that, then I think it's possible within 5 years. No. I have heard of your sexual conquests, especially involving Raynare, Kala-sensei, Asia, Mittelt and Leone-"


Quarta put on a thinking expression "If you show as much desire and stamina as then, then perhaps it would be possible for us to conceive within the day. Aah, there's no problem from the side of the children as well. Basically I will raise them. However, if the children desire love from their father, then only at those times do I want you to play with them. After all, for the children, both father and mother are required."

"If I'm going to have kids I want to help raise them myself as well... As they need both a loving mother and father." I know what it's like to have a broken family, as my father left my mother, my baby brother and myself when I was old 2 years old in my original world.

"Hm... An excellent father as well... Yet another reason..." Quarta mused to herself. She then frowned, her blush becoming more pronounced "But what's this complex emotion I'm feeling? ...This hot sensation in my breast."

She shrugged. She then turned back to me. "Unfortunately I don't have any experience with men. I plan on memorising it from now on but for now I'll learn with Raiga-kun, who seems to be abundant with knowledge about sex. Hold me. If you do the procedure for making kids properly I don't mind you doing it as you like."

Quarta suddenly hugged me, wrapping her arms around me and her breasts pressing against me. I tried to break free as I felt various auras heading towards our current location but she has surprisingly strong grip on me.



"Ara ara, what on earth is this... 'Master'." I turned my head slowly, seeing the door to the room open to reveal a blank-faced Mitt, light brown-coloured killing intent radiating off of her.

"Raiga...what's the meaning of this?" While showing a forced smile, Gremory is standing there, exhausted but with no good intent... Her body was covered by a thin red demonic power layer.

"Ara ara, that's unfair, Xenovia-chan. You've only been around for several days, so what makes you think you have earned the right to pass all of us on the waiting list?" Himejima-san was smiling, but she had just as much killing intent as Gremory and Mitt-

Wait! What 'waiting list'!?

Asia seemed to be fidgeting angrily "...R-Raiga-san... Didn't come to me or Mittelt-san..." She looked like she was close to cry.

"...I feel so angry right now." Hyōdō said with narrowed eyes. She was also radiating slight killing intent, but hers was in the shape of a dragon.

"K-Kōjiro-sama, what are you doing under her?" Phenex-san asked, embarrassed and annoyed as she looked at us.

"Looks like Xenovia is trying to 'get in the action'."

"...No negligence nor any opportunities to attack." Tōjō muttered with half opened eyes.

"Xenovia, what are you doing to Raiga-sama?" Ray demanded with narrowed eyes.

Quarta opened her mouth to reply but I covered it with a hand. I got the feeling that she would make things worse if she says anything right now.

"We didn't do 'that' Ray, she asked for my advice about her current goals." I replied smoothly, which is kinda true "The only reason we're in this situation is she 'attacked' me."

"I see..." Kala muttered out loud, getting the hidden meanings of my words "Looks like Raiga-kun is innocent here."

Quarta pulled my hand away "What's wrong? Raiga-kun, now, let's make kids." She asked, oblivious to the tension in the room.

I face-palmed when I felt the power radiate from the girls increase, Quarta get pulled from off of me quickly before I felt my arms were grabbed by Gremory and Himejima-san "Oi! Let me go of me." I demanded, not liking the auras they're realising right now.

"I know. It's my mistake. It's my fault for letting my eyes off of you, who has an excess of sexual desire, for even a bit. But you know, Raiga-kun, I wonder what's the meaning of making kids?" Gremory smiled sweetly in a scary way.

"Let's see. I want to hear about a man's heart about that a bit. What circumstances would there be for it to turn into a conversation about kids I wonder?" Himejima-san added with a unnerving smile.

"...Taking the suspect." Tōjō spoke as she lifted my legs. I tried to break free, but their hold was surprisingly stronger than I expected.

"Raiga-kun, if there's a chance then I want to make children with you so remember that well. Prepare yourself as well." Quarta called.

"Stop this! Put me down!"

Gremory, Himejima-san and Tōjō reached the edge of the pool moving to throw me into the water, only that I've landed on top of it with my hands. Thank you, [Hamon].

Now, time for my escape.

- a few minutes later -

I sighed in relief while walking towards the campus' entrance, having managed to get away from the girld before they tried to duck me into the pool again. I'll admitted, it had been a fun day... Up till Gremory had started the cat fight with Leone, Ray and Himejima-san that nearly destroyed the pool-


I blinked when I felt familiar aura nearby before narrowing my eyes as I saw the glimpse of silver in the distance, standing by the school gate.

...What's the [Hakuryuukou] doing here?

As I walked closer, the more visible Lucifer is... Until I was a few feet away from her.

Lucifer has waist-length, dark silver hair. Her eyes are a light blue color and she possessed large assets. Despite being a girl, she looked a bit tomboyish, dressing kind of like some kind of female punk.

"What brings you here, [Hakuryuukou]?" I asked when she turned towards me with a smile on her face, the same kind that Himejima-san gives that unnerves me.

"Oho? I didn't even properly introduced myself and yet you already know who I am, despite the fact we didn't properly meet face to face before." Lucifer compliment lightly.

"I recognised your aura, as it's not a problem for me to the pieces together."

"Indeed... Well, I suppose I should give my name now." Not that it's needed, as I've read it from your stats but I suppose that I should keep it a secret for now "I am Vali. The [Hakuryuukou] - [Vanishing Dragon]."

"I see... But you didn't answer my question." I said while narrowing my eyes at her. I felt various auras heading towarfs our spot, 1 of them being Hyōdō.

"I figured I should properly introduce myself after last time." Lucifer replied with a shrug before she gave me an inappropriate smile as she looked at me with analysis eyes "Hm... You look calm, yet your eyes tell me that right ready for anything at any given moment... Your aura is certainly nothing to scoff off, especially that [LvL] of power that you've unleashed to kill Kokabiel. Interesting... You're not concerned about me, even if I do this-"

I didn't react as 2 swords placed themselves by Lucifer's neck when her hand neared my face. It was Yumi and Quarta. Despite their trembling hands, they held their choice swords at the throat of the current [Hakuryuukou]'s throat.

"I don't know what you plan to do but don't you think your joke went too far?"

"I won't let you lay a hand on Raiga-kun, [Hakuryuukou]."

I shook my head, they should really think before they act "You guys should stop before you get yourselves hurt. Neither of you stand on her [LvL]." Yumi and Quarta looked shocked at hearing me say that but maintained there position... Yet the shaking of their hands became more noticeable.

Lucifer looked amused "He's right... It's fine to boast but not knowing the difference between you and your opponent's strength is strong evidence. Raiga has a chance, seeing as he defeated Kokabiel."

"Ichigo Hyōdō, what rank do you think your strength is in this world?" Lucifer asked her rival, who stood behind me.


After a small time of silence, she continued even when Hyōdō didn't gave a response "Counting from the top in your lack of [Balance Breaker] from your [Sacred Gear], it would be a 4 digit number- between 1000 to 1500. No, for the talentless owner, it should be even lower?" Lucifer pondered, but I couldn't tell if she was just trying to rile Hyōdō up or if Hyōdō was truly considered that weak.

"As for Raiga's ranking, he would probably be in the 3 digits without a [Balance Breaker], possibly the 2 digits with a [Balance Breaker], those Flames and that 'mode' as it takes a true genius to take inspiration from such an amazing source." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering why she's giving me so much credit. I might be powerful, but I never thought of comparing my strength against other powerful beings "Even I probably wouldn't stand a very good chance without my [Balance Breaker]."

So she admits that I can beat her outside her [Divine Dividing: Scale Mail], as the taking away my strength is her only way of overpowering my versatility in battle. Somehow, that calmed me down a bit.

"Even the [Shinko no Maō], Sirzechs Lucifer, won't fit in the top 10." Lucifer added before raising a finger "However, the first place is decided. It's a fixed existence."

"Not you obviously..." I heard Hyōdō retort and didn't need to look back to know that she's smirking.

Lucifer shooting her an annoyed look before nodding "Yes it's not me... Ichigo Hyōdō, you are a valuable existence. It's better if she's raised well, Rias Gremory."

"[Hakuryuukou], what's the meaning of this?" Gremory demanded the more powerful person "If you're having ties with the Fallen Angels, then contact more than required is-"

"[The Heavenly Dragons], the dragons called that way. [Welsh Dragon] and [Vanishing Dragon]. In the past, those related didn't live a satisfactory life. How will you end up?" Upon Lucifer's words, Gremory's response died out. I wonder what she meant by that line "I didn't come here to fight today. I just wanted to see the school I visited last time. I came to Japan while escorting Azazel, but I was bored. I won't fight the [Welsh Dragon], not to mention that I have a lot of work to do."

She shrugged it off and turned to leave. I narrowed my eyes when I saw her stopped near me... I can predict whatever she plans on doing next with [Ultimate Vongola Intuition] "I hope to fight against you someday, Raiga." She said with a battle hunger smirk on her face.

"Who's the strongest existence?" I asked the silver haired woman, who blinked in surprise from my question. I'm very curious on who the strongest being in this world, as the idea of battling this thing excites me to no end... I guess that I'm really looking forward for a challenge.

"Kufu, you know just the right questions to ask, Raiga." She mused, still smiling "Very well then. The strongest existence is the being known as the [Dragon God], someone who embodies 'Infinity', the [Ouroboros Dragon], Ophis. Sooner or later, you will truly come to remember this name."

And with that, Lucifer finally left, leaving me with a new found ambition that I completely lacked until now. I didn't felt this way towards [Maō Lucifer] or anyone else, the drive to surpass someone stronger than me...

To surpass Ophis, the [Ouroboros Dragon].

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