Extra Work

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- 6 days later -



[KYAAAHH!!!] Mittelt screamed as she barely dodged the [Flames of Wrath] blast I fired at her that killed the real target, a Witch that tried to sneak attack her.


[Flames of Wrath] LvLed up to 21!


[Storm Flames] LvLed up to 21!


[Sky Flames] LvLed up to 22!

I mentally closed the pop-up windows, and turned towards a group of zombies that charged at me. I merely smirked and charged at them before slashing at the nearest zombie with my [Steel Katana] covered in [Rain Flames]. Suddenly 2 large geysers of [Rain Flames] to erupt near the zombie that slashed, which is sent about 6 zombies into the air.

[Shigure Soen Ryu, 7th Form: Shinotsuku Ame!]

I pointed my [Magic Revolver] in my left hand and fired 2 [Flames of Wrath] blasts at the zombies, which destroyed them with ease. I'm lucky that I've gained a gun like this, since it doesn't need real bullets loaded into it and just relies on mana to make the bullets.

I looked at my trainee, who looked like she was going faint at anytime now... "Well, I guess trainings over for now..." I muttered to myself before walking towards Mittelt and took hold of her hand before using [ID ESCAPE]. Soon, all of the zombies and Witches vanished and the damaged that happened disappeared.


Character Name: Mittelt

Alignment: Fallen Angel, The Grigori and Raiga Kōjiro

LvL: 19

Profession: Fallen Angel

Title: None

Fame: None

HP: 200/200 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 250/250 Regen: 0.5 per minute

I nodded at my success on making the Fallen stronger. For 3 nights of training, she made good progress. I was actually surprised that she LvLed up twice on the first day, but I guess anyone can be strong simply by trying enough.

"Hmm..." I blinked when I heard someone snore softly, making me look down at Mittelt to see her sleeping right now. I let out a sigh before picking her up, bridal style, and brought her back to the spare room that I gave her.

After 3 days, I can say that I know her much bit now... She's extremely cruel, cynical and has no regret from inflicting pain onto her opponents, but she has a bit of a childish side within her as well and a brain to know stuff.

I opened the door and moved towards her bed before setting her down, I was about to leave before I felt that she's still holding on my hand. Looking back at Mittelt, I saw the relaxed expression on her face... I have to admit, she looks cute with that expression on her face. I petted her, making her smile in her sleep.

- next day, in the afternoon -

Evening was setting in as Hyōdō and I walked into the old school building. She and I made our way to the room on the second floor. I couldn't help but feel the same strange aura I've felt every time I walked through the corridors... And I can tell that it's growing in strength little by little, day after day.

Deciding to ignore the presence again, I walked to the door and called to whomever was on the other side "We're coming in!" I opened the door and allowed Hyōdō to get inside first before walking in myself.

I noticed that the windows are covered and the room is completely dark, save for the candles that were spread across the floor. Gremory-san to give an order to Himejima-san, who nodded before turning towards me and my companion.

"Yes Buchou. Kōjiro-kun and Ichigo, please stand here in the middle of the magic circle." Himejima-san asked while waving us over with her hand as Hyōdō and I moved to stand in the middle of the circle.

"Kōjiro-kun and Ichigo, both of your jobs on giving out leaflets is finished now." Gremory-san spoke with a smile "Well done. Now you can start your job as a Devil professionally."

"About time..." I muttered out loud in annoyance, and why shouldn't I be annoyed? The only thing that handing out the leaflets has do for me is to practice on the [Cloud Flames] and duplicate them before giving them away to whoever wants them.

I noticed that Gremory-san frowned for a moment before she continued with a cheery tone "Now you can start making contracts. But since it's the first time for both of you, there're going to be a contract with someone with a small wish. Both Yumi and Koneko received 2 contracts beforehand and since it's hard to do both, I will leave 1 to Kōjiro-kun and the other to Ichigo."

Kiba was still smiling as usual. "I'll leave it to you guys then."

"Please help us..." Tōjō said while bowing her head slightly.


[Quest: Comrade, has been created!]
Your fellow peerage members needs your help!

Do the contract

Reward: ¥500, 50 EXP
Failure: none

[Optional Objective:]
Assist Ichigo Hyōdō

Reward: ¥300, 40 EXP and +? relationship with Ichigo Hyōdō

I nodded in response to their requests while secretly reading the details of my first quest before mentally closing the window and returning my attention to Himejima-san, who's casting some sort of spell that made the circle glow blue and white light.

"Is that-"

"Keep quiet, Ichigo." Gremory commanded, silencing Hyōdō in an instant "Akeno is currently inserting your carved seals into the magic-circle."

I was told that a carved seal was something of a family crest. The 1 in the circle on the floor must've been that of the "Gremory" family. And since Gremory-san's having 1 engraved into my hand, I guess this officially makes me Gremory-san's property.

While being owned by a hot red-head would be somewhat appealing in an erotic sense... I can't say I like it, I just don't like the feeling of being someone's "property"... I guess that the selfish side of my that wants freedom is still raging even now.

However, I understand of having a crest. The activation of demonic power is somehow related to this. Kiba and the others have these signs on their bodies in different sizes and it operates whenever they use their demonic-powers.

"Alright you two, put your palms towards here." Hyōdō and I did as we were told, holding our hands out to Gremory-san, who started to write something on Hyōdō left hand with her fingers and soon a magic circle appeared on her hand before doing the same to my right hand.

"This magic seal is used for transportation, and it can transport you to the client's place instantly. And when the contract is finished, it lets you return to this room." She explained before turning to Himajima-san "Akeno, are you ready?"

"Yes Buchou." Himejima-san said as she stepped out of the magic circle. Gremory-san nodded before turning towards Hyōdō, who moved to stand in the middle as a blue glow coming from the magic circle.

"Ichigo, you go first. Stand in the centre." Hyōdō did as Gremory-san commanded. As she does that, the magic circle begins to glow strongly "The circle is responding to the client's wish. You have both been given the manual on what to do when you arrive. Now, get going!"

The light of the magic circle begins to glow more brightly. The light grows to cover Hyōdō completely and... Nothing. The light faded and Hyōdō was still standing in exactly the same spot.

Gremory-san puts an exasperated hand on her forehead. Himejima-san mumbles to herself in disappointment. Kiba sighs and Tōjō is still has a blank face. I gave a look of confusion to hide my amusement of the situation, expecting this from her [MP].



"Unfortunately it seems you can't use the magic circle." Gremory-san told her "A magic circle doesn't need that much demonic power to work. Even small children are able to do this. Ichigo, your demonic powers are below that of a child."

I looks like it took Hyōdō a few seconds to fully understand Gremory-san's word and when it it did, her reaction is understandable [EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!]

"Unsightly." Tōjō said while I nodded in agreement before remembering the [Optional Objective], looks like I got to help Hyōdō on this contract or at least help her appear to the client.

"Gremory-san." I called out to the red head, gaining everybody's attention "Is it possible to send 2 people on the same client?"

"It's uncommon but it is possible to call 2 Devils." Gremory-san answered before looking at me in curiosity "Why the sudden question?"

"I thought teleporting Hyōdō with me to her client, before going to my own."

"Ufufufu, how very generous of you Kōjiro-kun." Himejima-san said as she giggled lightly.

"Approve." Tōjō said as she nodded in agreement with my plan. I noticed that Kiba merely smiled in approval and gave a short nod at my direction.

"Indeed." Gremory-san said as she nodded with small smile on her face before turning serious again "Now, step into the magic circle. You already have the manual for what to do after getting transported right?"

"Hai." I said while stepping into the magic circle and placing a hand on Hyōdō's shoulder before stumping a foot on the magic circle to activate it as the light grows to cover Hyōdō and I.

And the next thing that I know, all I saw was a blinding light.


I blinked, trying to readjust my eyesight to see myself in a dark room that was filled with Otaku stuff as I noticed a long haired man looking annoyed at us "What the hell? Why are you here when I summoned Koneko-chan?"

"She's busy with another client today so they sent us." Hyōdō explained in a rather professional manner "I'm Ichigo and he's Kojiri, we're new Devils."

"Go back... None of you can't fulfil my wish, only Koneko-chan can!" The man replied in a childish manner.

"Well what did you want her to do and we'll see what we can do." I suggest with deadpan eyes, seeing that this guy is a man-child.

The man moved to bring out a girl's school uniform from the corner of the room "I wanted her to wear this. It's the uniform of Nagato Yuki."

I raised an eyebrow when I heard the name of a familiar character. The quiet girl from [Suzumiya Haruhi no Yûutsu]? Hmm... I remebered watching the anime before but I didn't continue after the seeing the [Eternal 8]... I wasted my time and life watching the fucking same shit 8 time!

"So you want Tōjō to where this? I can make it happens." I declared with a smirked, surprising my companion and the client.

"Really?" I nodded at Hyōdō before creating a ball of [Mist Flames], before willing it to take the form of Tōjō where Nagato's clothing. I heard gasps of shock as a duplicate of the little albino girl in different clothes appeared from the [Mist Flames].

"There..." I stated, looking at [Mist]-Tōjō standing before him while Hyōdō and the client just stared in shock at the clone.

"Why isn't she acting like Koneko-chan?" The client asked in confusion.

"This is my first time creating a copy of someone..." I trailed off, sending a few mental commands for the [Mist]-Tōjō to sit down at the low table and to look stoically around the room.

"...Morizawa..." The now named Morizawa-san added with a hint of drool coming from his mouth.

"...Morizawa-san, this is my first time using this technique so it's just a shell without a personality." I explained while placing my hands on my pockets "I am only starting out as I don't know her very well but I can order this clone around."

"Wha-wait! You can make clones of other characters, right?" Hyōdō asked as she turned back to me. I nodded in response before I noticed Morizawa-san's eyes started to shine like a lightbulb after seeing my answer to my companion's question.

"I wish to have a harem of small breasted girls, Kōjiro-san!" Morizawa-san declared with a perverted expression on his face "But I will start with Nagato-chan as you're only a beginner!"

I nodded in response "This will only last till Hyōdō and I go, Morikawa-san. I take it that is your contract for tonight." I replied, pulling out the device he had been given for it as I started to tap away at it.

"That will be fine...At least I can see my dear Nagato-chan for a short while!" Morizawa-san nodded eagerly.

I nodded once before turning the screen to show the man "This is the price for your wish tonight... It'll only last for an hour."

"That's great! That's the same as what I give to Koneko-chan!" Morizawa-san shouted eagerly. I nodded in response before commanding the [Mist]-Tōjō to transform into Nagato. Soon I watched the [Mist]-Nagato play cards with Morizawa-san and Hyōdō.

- an hour later -

After the wish was granted, I teleported myself and Hyōdō back to the club room. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling completely exhausted. I've used the [Mist Flames] for the entire duration of the contract and it's the first time that I used them that long. Well, at least I was able to LvL up the [Mist Flames] to 8.

I noticed the sad expression Hyōdō's face "What's wrong, Hyōdō?"

"*sigh* I can't believe that I couldn't do my first contract." Hyōdō admitted with a tone of disappointment in her voice "You had to the job for me, I was just there for nothing..."

"...I might sound like an asshole, but I don't think that doing contracts are for you." I admitted, making Hyōdō hang her head in depression "But I believe that you can become something greater in another aspect on a Devils life."

This seems to snap Hyōdō out of her funk, as she looked towards me with hopeful eyes. Somehow, she looks cute at this moment "Really?"

I nodded in response, before remembering that I have my own client waiting for me "Well, I have to go now. See ya." Was I said to her before activating the magic circle underneath me and teleporting myself away.


I opened my eyes after the teleportation circle had finished glowing, finding myself in the room of my next client of the night. I looked around before my eyes landed humongous guy... Wearing a gothic-lolita outfit... Despite the numerous buttons looking to be about to fall off... And atop of his head, is a headband with cat ears on it...

...What in creation's name is this thing?

"Welcome Devil-san-nyou!" The 'man' greeted me in a deep voice.

...I'm not sure whether I should be preparing for a fight or ready to make a contract "Hello..." I greeted quietly, a bit unsure on how react at all.

"I called you Devil-san, because there's a wish I want-nyou. Mil-tan wants to become a magical girl-nyou!" Mil-tan stated while doing a magical girl pose...

I face palmed to try and hide my eyes from the horrifying image. What the hell!? This is worse than the thing that Guy and Lee does in [Naruto]! At least their were a bit funny, but this... This isn't!

"Right..." I sighed in disbelieve, having no idea how to pull that off. Magical girl, Magical girl... How do I make a delusional body builder into a magical girl? I clicked my fingers in realisation before facing Mil-tan "I can only make you a Magical girl temporarily and only while I'm around, does that suit you better?"

Mil-tan eagerly nodded "Any amount of time as a magical girl is great for Mil-tan!"

"Alright...Is this ok for the price of an hour's worth?" I asked, showing the delusional body builder the screen on the wish device after tapping in the wish. Mil-tan nodding eagerly as I slipped the device back into my pocket.

Okay... Focus.

I focused on my magic onto casting an illusion over Mil-tan and the surrounding area which changed into a vast plain field. This will do "Now Mil-tan, just imagine what sort of magic you want to do and just direct it."

Mil-tan stared at me with a glint in his eyes before he turned to a large boulder and started firing off magical girl styled attacks at his surroundings while I watched in curiosity. How can he enjoying his wish even though it was all just an illusion?

- 2 hours later -

"Thank you for coming!" I called out to the leaving male teacher from behind a counter, dressed in the chef attire [TakeSushi].

"Thanks for the food, Kōjiro-kun!" He complimented with a small smile on his face before getting out of the restaurant.

Once he were out of reach, I let out a tired sigh. I'm completely exhausted from using the [Mist Flames] for another hour and LvLing it up to 13. My [MP] and mind is completely drained, but I still have to work in [TakeSushi]. At least I was able to complete the [Quest].

"You sure that you should be working here right now?" Yamamoto-san asked beside me with a concerned tone in his voice "You look really tired."

"It's alright, Yamamoto-san." I said while I started to clean up a bit "I chose this job and it would be cowardly of me to back out from my words."

I heard the front door open, so I faced the new costumer(s) with a small smile "Welcome to-" I cut myself off when I saw 2 females appear that surprised me. Standing in my line of vision is Gremory-san and Himejima-san in the school uniform...

"What are you girls doing here?" I asked them with a deadpanned expression on my face. Gremory-san and Himejima-san didn't seem to react at all, they just walked down and sat on chairs near the counter, right in front of me.

"We were wondering where you went, so we went out and looked for you." Himejima-san said, her never leaving smile is still there.

"We also wanted to try and eat here." Gremory-san said while looking at them various sushis in display with a glint in her eyes. I let out a soft sigh, knowing that this is going to be a long night in work.

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