Failed Siege

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Azazel-san fell silent for a few moments before took something out of his left breast pocket "Oi, [Sekiryuutei]." Azazel-san called out to the brunette, who frowned slightly at the name that the [Governor of the Grigori] used to addressed her.

"My name is Ichigo Hyōdō."

"Then, Ichigo Hyōdō. Take this." Azazel-san said before he threw something to Hyōdō, who easily caught it before looking at the wide ring she had in her hand. They looked to fit around her hand as well and multiple layers of strange characters were carved into them "That's a bracelet with the power to control a [Sacred Gears] to some degree. If you find the aforementioned half-vampire, put that on her. It'll help her control her power somewhat."

"...Azazel, just how far did you research on [Sacred Gears]?" Michael asked with a sigh.

"Its fine, isn't it?" Azazel-san said, showing a fearless smile towards his former comrade and brethren "God, the one who made the [Sacred Gears], isn't here, right? Isn't it better if there's someone who can explain about [Sacred Gears] at least a little? I heard there are all kinds of things that even you don't know, right?"

"I think the problem is that you're the one who's researching it..." Michael-san replied with what could possibly be a deadpan eyes, but I can't really tell for sure as he has that perpetually sad expression on his eyes.

"Ojou-sama, please wait a little while." Lucifuge-san said while applying the special formula on her master's younger sister, Rias Gremory.

"Please hurry, Grayfia."

I just stood near the still frozen Sona along with my unfrozen lovers, who are worried about Asia and Leone as much I am. I can understand why, as they're all like sisters to each other despite not being related by blood. Plus, Kala likes some yuri action while we all have some 'play time' and the others didn't exactly stopped the blue haired amazon from pleasing them.

"Rai-kun." I heard Yumi call out to me, bringing my attention towards her to see that she has a curious expression in her face "Can you free Akeno-san and the others here from the grips of Gasper's [Forbidden Balour View]?"

"Wait, why are you asking me for that answer?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, wondering why she suddenly asked me this when I'm not clearly sure if I can even unfroze someone caught in Vladi's [Sacred Gear]. While I know that the [Sky Flames] may have the potential to do it as it has some abilities that's never really revealed in the anime, and I've discovered a few of them but I'm not sure if it can free someone frozen in time.

"You always a find a solution to nearly everything we came across."

[She has a point.]

My lovers here said together, while I sensed that Leviathan-san move closer to me and so I turned towards her to see that she's looking at me with puppy eyes... And before she could say I word, I placed a finger on her lips as I already know what she's going to ask me.

"I'll try, but no promises if it works or not." I said with a knowing look on my face before turning towards Sona's still form. I placed a hand on her should before glancing at Leviathan-san from the corner of my eyes "Just don't disturb or kill me for what I'm about to do..."

I ignited my hands with [Sky Flames], before willing it to cover Sona as if I intend to burn her. I felt the shock and fear from the female [Maō], but she didn't made any move to stop me which made me curious on why. While I don't know how they relationship works, I can easily tell that the siblings care for each other greatly, even if the older sister can really annoy the younger one. For Leviathan-san to trust me enough that she believes I wouldn't harm her sister is unexpected as she hardly knows me in person-


I turned my attention back to flame coated Sona as I felt a disturbance in the [Sky Flames], something that I've never felt from it before- Wait, why are the [Sky Flames] changing into the [Glacier Flames]?

"Wait, what's happening to So-tan!?" Leviathan-san demanded as she gripped my arm tightly, which a very hard grip as I can feel a strong pressure that it ,ought actually break it if she goes any further "Why did the flames changed into that icy white fire around her!?"








"I'm not sure..." I admitted, ignoring her grip on my arm, while continuing to look at Sona, more specifically at the location where her neck and right should meet. The reason why I'm looking there is because I can see a mark that looks like an ice shard starting to form at that spot.

...Looks like my little theory is becoming more and more likely to be true, and it's not just having to bite them through sex. The only question is, who else will be chosen?

"...But I believe that I found a way to free Sona from the time stop." I said as I felt movement from my fiancé, which made me let her go while the [Glacier Flames] around Sona vanish but the mark on her neck continues to glow in a snow white light just like to my Fallen Angels here.

I saw her blink twice, as if she just came back to her senses after a pleasant daydream "Wait, wha-"

[SO-TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!] Leviathan-san scream in joy, leaping towards her younger sister and pulling her into a tight hug on her large breasts as they both crashed on the floor "I'm so happy that you're free from Gasper-chan's wild powers!"

Whatever was Sona trying to say to Leviathan-san was muffled, which only caused the latter to moan as if Sona is motorboating her own sister...

"S-So-tan, not here..." Leviathan-san gasped out with embarrassed but happy blush on her face...

...I'll just ignore that for now.

"That was a rather interesting show, Raiga." I heard the voice of Lucifer right behind my back, but I didn't react to her as I've already noticed that she moved near me before hand "Say, what did you do to the [Heiress to the House of Sitri] that allowed her to be free from the time stop?"

"We have more pressing things to worry about then how exactly did I free Kaichō from Vladi's [Forbidden Balour View]." I said coldly, turning towards the smirking [Hakuryuukou] with emotionless eyes "If you're bored right now, then I suggest you go out there and eliminate those pesky Magicians to state it just a little and you can help Hyōdō and Gremory by acting as bait."

"So commanding..." For a brief moment, I thought that Lucifer would become annoyed at my rudeness and express it to me at least thought a frown, rather than that weird interest she has for me... But her face flushed, a lustful expression appearing on her face instead "I think I really am in love."

...What is with me and meeting weirdos? The first one is Hyōdō and her dream of becoming a Harem Queen (which makes her sound more of a slut to others), Gremory with her possessiveness (that's a major turn off to me), Himejima-san for her major sadomasochist tendencies that turns me off in a few instances (like when we had that spar), Quarta after she joined the group and wants to have my kids (loveless children is something that I don't approve on), the warmonger know as Kokabiel, Zelzan the mad Priest that's like a cockroach (I wish he just drops dead already), Leviathan-san the sis-con that acts like a magical girl and now this woman. I'm pretty sure that I'll meet even more stranger people in the future, but I hope that that doesn't happen too soon.

"Oh? I didn't expect that the almighty [Hakuryuukou] is a masochist just like a certain someone here." I said, looking at the silver haired woman with a raised eyebrow "That probably explains why your a battle maniac, you actually become turned on by getting hit from the enemy."

"I'm not a masochist, not even close to it." Lucifer replied, with no hint of annoyance in her words, before she moved her face closer to my own to the point that all that I can see are her eyes "Hearing your commanding voice makes me want to dominate you, more then just in battle, and prove to you just who's on top."

"I'm not the type to kneel or submit before anyone, even if they're far more powerful then me right now." I replied casually, not even feeling embarrassed that her large breasts are pressed my chest. I've seen, grabbed and sucked on much bigger and perkier pairs then her's "Just ask Gremory, she tried her best so many times when I wasn't as strong as I am now and yet she keeps on failing all the same."

"I'm not like the red haired heiress..." She said, moving to my right ear as I can feel her breath "Because I won't fail when I'll tame you~" She whispered lustfully before pulling from me and turned towards Azazel, even more pleased than before "Azazel. If you don't mind, I'll do as what Raiga asked me to do. I would look weak if I were to say no when doing such a simple task." She sighed, shrugging as if she had no other choice, but I can sense that she's willing to do what I've asked her just to show off.

"Go ahead." Azazel said with an amused grin, gesturing towards a window that's big enough for a person to jump off to get out of the building "I was honestly about to suggest the same to you, but he beaten me to the punch."

Lucifer stepped forward and crossed her arms before [Divine Dividing] sprouted from her back in a flash of blue light. The silver-haired teen flew out the window into the Magician-infested skies and plunged into the centre of enemy group while drawing a path of demonic energy in the night sky.

Immediately sensing the greater threat in the immediate area, the Magicians all gradually started turning their attention to the wielder of [Divine Dividing], immediately launching a barrage of magicks at her and focusing the brunt of their assault on the silver-haired girl.

A brilliant, singing light lit up the sky, with a power outside comparable with to half of Kokabiel's power. The member of the Grigori and Khaos Brigade has completely disappeared from the light that swallowed the entire sky... But I'm pretty sure that she's alive, since it would embarrassing she just dies from attacks that are far below her own demonic energy.

When the smoke cleared, revealing that familiar silver haired woman that's completely unharmed, just as I though. There are multiple silvery-blue magic circles all around their caster, easily guarding her against the lesser magical attacks created by the Magicians who were foolishly trying to attack her.

"Pfft! I was honestly expecting more from these so-called Magicians." She mocked in that mocking way only she could mock with "I was looking forward to showing off to Raiga, but this farce of a battle has already become stale... So all of you, disappear."

She held out a single hand, a large ball of light gathering in her palm. She pulled her arm back and then swung, unleashing a gigantic arc of lightning that immediately splintered into hundreds if not thousands of individual bolts which struck down Magician after Magician. They never even had time to scream as they perished the moment they were struck by the lightning.

"Well, I'll try and free Himejima-san and Shinra-san from the hold of Vladi's [Sacred Gear]." I said out loud before turning towards the leaders, the other guys to be specific "And before you guys asks me how I freed Kaichō, I'll explain later after we eliminated the threats here.

"Fair enough." Lucifer-san replied, which the other 2 nodded in agreement, before he turned towards Azazel-san with a serious expression on his face "Azazel, continuing the talk from before..."

I choose to ignore there talk and just turned towards Himejima-san's direction. Now, will Himejima-san and Shinra-san be chosen like Sona? If that happens, then Himejima-san will most likely be gain the [Lightning Flames] as she has a strong affinity with lightning, while Shinra-san would be difficult to predict as I'm not really familiar with her. Hell, we hardly even talk with each other when we're in the same room-

[Yes, Ophis is the leader of the "Khaos Brigade".] I blinked when I heard a feminine voice said the name of the being that I want to surpass, before turning towards a spot where I felt that demonic energy is gathering and saw a magic circle there... So the boss of this attempted raid is going to appear now? That was fast.

"I see. So you've come! The mastermind this time..." Lucifer-san said with a sour expression before clicking his tongue and then turned towards his wife "Grayfia, transfer Rias and Ichigo-chan quickly!"

"Yes!" Grayfia urged the pair to go to a corner of the meeting room and a small magic circle was created on the floor, it was the exact size to fit only about two people in it "Ojou-sama, I wish you the fortunes of battle."

"W-Wait, Grayfia!? Onii-sama-" Gremory cried out worriedly before she and Hyōdō were both enveloped in light, the sign that they were transported away.

The unknown magic circle on the ground began to grow and increase a power. It radiated a powerful light just as great if not greater than the circle that just transported Gremory and Hyōdō. Taking a look around, I see a mix of reactions to this circle's appearance, mainly confusion. Azazel-san laughed, Gabriel made a gesture with her hands, as if trying to ward off an evil spirit and Lucifer-san pulled a sour expression "...The magic circle of Leviathan." The red head said it with a cautious expression.

A tall bespectacled woman with a voluptuous figure, which is highlighted by the extremely low-cut dress that she wore which has a high slit that exposed a large portion of her breasts. She had tan skin with long brown hair tied into a bun with a headset and blue-grey eyes.


Character Name: Katerea Leviathan

Alignment: Old Maō Faction and Khaos Brigade

LvL: 91

Profession: Fellow Leader of Old Maō Faction

Title: Descendant of the Original Leviathan

Fame: Descendant of the Original Leviathan

HP: 2459/2459 Regen: 20 per hour

MP: 9684/9684 Regen: 150 per minute

So we nearly have the same LvL, only difference is the obvious higher MP... Looks like we have another Devil that's not great in CQC, how dull. I was honestly hoping for someone like Sairaorg, someone who's different from the regular [Kings].

"How do you do, current [Maō] Sirzechs-dono, [Maō] Serafall?" The woman greeted Lucifer-san and Leviathan-san with a fearless tone... Actually, it sounded more mocking than anything towards them, with traces of disgust directed towards the latter.



Before any of the leaders could 'ask' why our 'guest' here is doing all of this shit, I was already in front of her and attacked the woman with a [Jin Tae-Jin Original, Sonic Kick] at her face, sending her flying out of the building and into open field outside like a rag doll.

"Well, that's one way to greet our 'guest'." Azazel-san commented while I jumped out of the hole that I made thanks to our 'guest' and went into the battle field to chase after said 'guest', ignoring Lucifer-san's commands for me to stop. I'm honest don't care if he scolds me for rushing things without thinking things through and for insubordination, but I want their raid to end now and the fasting way is to kill or capture the leader.

I appeared behind Leviathan again, with [Hyper Dying Will Mode] already active and the [X-Gloves] equipped. While she's still to recover from my sudden attack, I used the [Earth Flames] to force her up into the air before striking her with a [Lightning Flame] enhanced [Renewal Front Kick]. My attack sent her further into the air, so I appeared above her and struck with a [Earth Flame] enhanced [Sky Kick] to bring her back to the ground, with her fall is going even faster thanks to the increased gravity on her and the crash was more painful.

Slowing down my fall thanks manipulating my own gravity, I landed near the downed and looked at her to make sure if she's out of it now or she just pretending to play dead-


I jumped to the side just in time to evade a near point blank shot a blast of pure demonic energy from her stretch out arm. I retaliated by attacking back with a blast of [Sky Flames], but she was able to block it with a shield made of demonic energy. Taking a different approach, I appeared beside Leviathan with my foot that's covered in [Earth Flames] before stomping on her back. My attack, possessing the weight of 2 ton truck thanks to the increased gravity, connected and caused the sound of bones breaking while Leviathan let a painful howl before vomiting blood.

"That's all she could do? How boring..." I heard a familiar voice commented, and I didn't need to look at the source to know that it's Lucifer float above me from behind "But I never would expected that you were the type to attack a downed enemy."

"I only drag out a fight when there's nothing serious to worry about, and this entire situation is not something I could take lightly." I retorted without looking back at her, since my main focus is the woman underneath my foot "Call me boring if you want, I don't really care what you think of me, but I'm serious-."

"Would become enraged if I kill your lovers?" She cut me off with a question, a question that caused me to slowing turn towards her with narrowed eyes.

"...What did you say?"

"You heard me." She said with a fearless smirk "Would become enraged and fight me if I kill your lovers? I'm really curious on how powerful you really are and there's no better way for me to k ow then thought battling you."

"...I'll be honest, hearing you say that pisses me off enough that I want to see you eat dirty with my foot pushing your face down on the ground." I said, igniting my feet earth flames while releasing Leviathan from my 'hold'.

"Despite that cold and seemingly heartless expression you have, you still feel rage from a simple question." Lucifer commented out loud, like my threat didn't reached her... This woman knows how to get on someone's nerves, whether she intentionally does this or not "Hmm... That killer intent is good, not too obvious that it shows what your true intentions are and that gives you a sense of mystery around you... It feels so good~"


...I-Is she getting turned on by getting a feel of my killer intent? I know-


I quickly turned around when I sensed that Leviathan moved behind me and I saw that she has a bottle with a black snake inside. Feeling that she'll get a power-up from that thing, I stomped on the hand that was holding the bottle with a [Flames of Rage] covered foot. I don't know what she was planning with that snake in the bottle, but I'm not going to let her get the upper hand on me with it.

I frowned when I felt that her fist is actually clutched, protecting the snake from my burning foot... Looks like the snake really is important to her, so I better destroy it before-


I sensed a light speed attack heading towards me from above, but I evaded it just in with by firing [Hard Sky Flames] that sent me flying backwards. Looking from above, I saw that Lucifer has her hand held out towards me.

"Very nice reflexes..." The silver haired woman said like she did something normal towards her 'ally', nothing out of the ordinary "But I should have expected this from someone that easily defeat Kokabiel after powering-up."

"I never expected you the type to backstab someone that's supposed to be your ally..." I commented out-loud before shaking my head "But then again, you and I aren't truly allies to begin with."

"You could have hit me with that blast of light, Descendant of Lucifer." Leviathan said, frowning at the woman that nearly killed her before turning towards me with her expression turning into a hateful glare "As for you, Reincarnated Trash..."

...I completely zoned out her villain monologue after her insult towards, since it's so cliché that I didn't want to hear it. I took more interest in the surrounding area, until I noticed that time seemed to be flowing properly now. Looks like they were able to free Vladi from her kidnappers and saved Asia, Leone and Phenex-san. Oh, and Leviathan had a slight power-up, but nothing that I can't handle.

"Well, looks like I don't need to kill you anymore." I commented out loud while turning towards the boss of this raid, causing her to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean by 'kill you'? Do you honestly believe that a Reincarnated Trash like you can even come close to matching me, a True Devil and a Descendant of the Original Leviathan? You're seriously-"

I instantly appeared in front of the arrogant woman, cutting off from her speech, before blasting her with [Hard Mist Flame] right at the face. It knocked her out by placing a illusion in her mind that plays a scenario that she wants to happen: Basically putting her to sleep and letting her have the best dream possible in order for her to not wake-up anytime soon.

Once I'm sure that she's out of it, I manipulated the gravity around her before sending her unconscious body towards the leaders of the 3 Biblical Factions. I have no reason to kill her now that my lovers and friends are safe, but I sorta stopped her from giving them info through villain speeches by attacking her.

"Looks like it's finally my turn." Lucifer said out loud, the excitement in her voice couldn't even be missed by even the most densest of characters. When I turned towards her, I saw a lustful smile that not only desires to battle, but to dominate the person that the smile is being directed towards to as well "Show me everything that you got, Raiga!"

...Well, looks like I have to take this more seriously now.

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