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What. The. Fuck?

My eyes are widen in shock and confusion, unable to process this thing that I'm seeing right now into my brain. I'm currently staring at a menu screen, exactly like 1 would find in a video game. Seems normal, right? Well it would be, if it wasn't for the fact that it's floating in midair.

So either this was a very realistic Virtual Reality game, or my life had just been turned into a video game. The screen in question displayed a title screen with nothing but the words [Gamer] in big, bold letters in the centre, with the word [Start] boxed underneath.

With no other options and no way to dismiss the menu, I pressed the start button. The screen immediately changed to a Paragraph-long welcome menu that read as such;

Welcome, new gamer! You have been randomly selected to become 1 of the [Gamers], and have been randomly deposited into a world via random number generator!

In order to make this transition as smooth as possible, we have slightly altered this universe so that to everyone else, you have always existed!

Well, I guess that solves 1 major issue. Now, I don't have to worry about some super entity to know that I didn't exist here in the first place.

Well, that's that. Have fun, and don't die too early!

Wait what? I thought of saying something about the last comment, but I remembered video game info don't answer to questions and decided to just shut my mouth "*sigh*... Might as well look at my stats." I muttered to myself before the status window actually appeared in front of me.

Character Name: Raiga Kōjiro

Alignment: Peerage of Rias Gremory

LvL: 1 EXP: 0%

Profession: The Gamer, Student of Kuoh Academia, Devil and Pawn of Rias Gremory

Title: None

Fame: None

HP: 100/100 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 100/100 Regen: 0.5 per minute

STR: 10

END: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

MAG: 10

Luck: 5

Point: 0

Money: 0

LvL: Level, a basic measure of experience and estimate of strength. When you get enough EXP you will level up and gain status points.

HP: A representation of your life force and health. When HP reaches zero you die.

MP: A representation of your magic energy. Used to perform skills.

STR: Governs brute force. The higher your strength the higher your physical output will be, whether be it attacks, movement or defence.

END: Governs physical endurance. The greater your endurance the greater your stamina and defense will be. Increases HP capacity.

AGI: Governs reflexes, agility, coordination, speed and accuracy. The higher it is, the higher your speed, critical rate, dodge rate and accuracy will be.

INT: Governs the ability to process and store information, increases your mana control and efficiency.

WIS: Governs sensibility, perceptiveness, willpower and the ability to make information useful. Increases mana regen.

MAG: Governs magical energy. Increases mana pool, magic damage and magic defence.

LUCK: Luck controls how many events will be in your favour, and governs the quality and frequency of favorable opportunities. Increases drop rates, chance for critical hits and favourability of events. Does not increase naturally unless you experience a streak of good luck.

Alright, so from what I've seen so far, I can safely assume that some higher power has decided to throw me into the world of [High School DxD], if that my [Alignment] and [Profession] are any indication. And also I have the abilities of Han Jee Han from [The Gamer], I guess.


You made a wise deduction from little info and as result, your WIS increased by 2.

Well, that's good to know I can gain more stats other than leveling up. Let test out if I can create skill like in the manga. I began to look around the room, searching for some clothes to put on, but then decided to take in everything there was to see. After all, if I'm going to live here for the foreseeable future, I might as well familiarise myself.

The walls were a plain, whitish-grey colour, the colour you pick when you don't really give a fuck. There was a closet opposite the wall his bed was sidled up to, with shuttered, wooden doors slid halfway shut, revealing a few jackets and shirts, as well as an opened blue plastic bin with a metal bat sticking out of it.

Posted up on the wall next to the door is a cork board with multiple pieces of paper and post-it notes tacked onto it, but I couldn't read them from where I'm sitting. Underneath the cork board was a wooden desk with multiple sheets of paper with an old inkwell and a fountain pen on top, as well as a black laptop pushed up against the wall to make space for more paper.

In front of the desk was a black leather chair with wheels on the bottom. Besides the brown oak door was a metal trashcan, half full with fast-food wrappings and discarded crumpled-up paper balls.

On the wall to the right was a flat-screen t.v sitting atop a polished wooden dresser. In front of the television was a sleek, black gaming console dubbed the GS4, with a wireless controller sitting atop it. I looked behind me, on the wall where the bed was, to see a set of bay windows, with the greyish curtains drawn. Some ways down on the same wall was a full-body mirror.

Beside the bed was a metal dresser with a digital alarm clock on top. The clock read 7:23 am, Sunday. Beside the alarm clock was a sleek, silver smart phone with a picture of an orange on the back, with a brown leather wallet underneath it and a ring of several keys on top of it. Behind the alarm clock was a small ceramic lamp, complete with a lampshade.

I have to say... I like the place, plain and simple. After looking around, I stood up off of the bed and pull opened the top drawer, taking out a random pair of underwear and slipping them on, before rifling through the bottom drawer and pulling out a pair of socks. With both of those on, I stood up and walked over to the closet, pulling out a pair of black slacks, a sky blue t-shirt, and a black jacket.

I walk to the around my bedroom and look around and see if anything happen. It took me a few minutes until something finally happens.


You have gained a new skill through a special action!

[Observe] - Active - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0% MP cost: 1

Description: A skill to observe objects and beings that allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. The greater the amount of knowledge and insight the user has, the more information displayed.

Guess that was a success. Now, I know I could create skills without the need of skill books, which I believe I would get 1 sooner or later. Well, time to test out my new Skill "Observe." I said out loud while I look at the pillow on my bed.

[Pillow] - Rank: F - Durability: 178/200 - Def: 0

Description: It a pillow. What did you think it was?

I looked at the description with deadpan eyes, I don't know if I should feel insulted or what. Time to see if there any other skill I have "Skills list!"

"..." Silence was all I got... Maybe I'm saying it wrong.

"Skills!" To my relief. A window appears in front of me, showing me what other skills I currently have.

Skills List:

[Gamer's Mind] - Passive -

Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effects.

[Gamer's Body] - (Default) - Passive -

Description: Grant's a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP and heals all temporary statues effects.

Variants: [Mostly normal body], [Locked]

[Fiction Adaption] - Passive -

Description: This ability allows you to adapt functional knowledge and skills to your life and to use them as if they were 'truths'.

[Observe] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 10% - MP cost: 1

Description: A skill to observe objects and beings that allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. The greater the amount of knowledge and insight the user has, the more information displayed.

Ok, so I do have the [Gamer]'s ability like the manga, but better with the [Fiction Adaption]. Closing the window, I walked up to my desk, where I find my Katekyō Hitman Reborn! disc, and a pop-up alert appeared once I pick it up.


You have acquired a skill disc! Would you like to learn [Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Affinity]?

[Yes] / [No]

Choosing [Yes], the disc in my hand just turns to dust and like a rush, along with a crazy headache. I grit my teeth, as I noticed all the knowledge that seems to like it was plucked out of the Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Wiki and was absorbed into my brain. Well, that's one way to learn new things.

I shook my head from a leftover headache that started to disappear already. Looking at the window in front of me, showing me another new skill to the list. As I carefully read the skill's description.

[Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Affinity] - Passive -

Description: An affinity that allows the user to freely use the techniques from the Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Effects may differ from Katekyō Hitman Reborn! based on the rules on your current world.

Hmmm, it looks like I can use all the various [Dying Will Flames], but most of them will take too much time and effort to turn into skills. Okay... I'm just going to try to get all of Tsunayoshi's skills set first, since they're easy to turn into skills.

- 3 hours later -


You have gained 6 new skills through special action!

[Dying Will Mode] - Activate - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 3 per second

Description: When someone enters Dying Will Mode, it uses the pressure a person faces during a crisis to externally remove their body limiters, and increase their strength and need to fulfil their Dying Will.

You passively gain the following bonuses when in this mode, Increase in STR, AGI and END by 0.4%

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in END by 1


[Hyper Dying Will Mode] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 20

Description: A stronger version of the [Dying Will Mode]. When someone enters Hyper Dying Will Mode, instead of having their external limiters removed, they have their internal limiters removed, therefore releasing the users hidden awareness.

You passively gain the following bonuses when in this mode, Increase in STR, INT, AGI, WIS and END by 0.6%

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in END AND MAG by 1

[Vongola Hyper Intuition] - Passive - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 0%

Description: A blood trait passed down through the generations of Vongola Bosses. It determines the eligibility of a person in order to be able to succeed the Vongola.

A heightened capability for an observation that has the ability to predict the movement of living creatures through their muscles movement, can see through most illusions and allows for calm analysis in danger. Effects improve as skill level, battle experience, intelligence and wisdom increase.

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in INT and WIS by 1

[Dying Will Flames of the Sky] - Passive -

Description: 7 different-colored Flames that are named after the seven phenomena in the sky: the Sky itself, Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Cloud, and Mist. These 7 attributes of the Sky Dying Will Flames are named after the titles of the Vongola Boss and his Guardians.

While they are all referred to as 'Flames', some attributes actually have properties more similar to other natural elements, such as water and electricity.

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in MAG by 1


[Sky Flames] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 5

Description: The rarest and the most comparable to actual flames among all the [Dying Will Flames of the Sky], burning and releasing heat. Described as having many mysteries, its characteristic [Harmony] represents a state without contradiction nor flaws in which the balance of the whole is maintained.

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in MAG by 1

[Harmony] - Passive -

Description: The characteristic of the Sky Flame. It allows the Flame's wielder to synchronise with his or her surroundings, and to also merge other Flames with itself, known results of this being the [Oath Flame] and the [Flame of Wrath]. The Harmony characteristic represents a state without contradiction nor flaws in which the balance of the whole is maintained.

You passively gain the following bonuses from acquiring the skill.

Increase in MAG by 1

Ok, good news I got most of the skills that I want. Bad news, I don't have the experience like Tsunayoshi to put them to good use till I LvL them up high enough to match any of the [Sky Flame] users... Eh you win some you lose some, heck I still got the skills and some bonus stat. So that's a win-win for me. Now I'm just going to see if I can create that ID Create like in the manga.

I gather mana around my hand and try to follow how the manga did it, where I could see my left hand started to have a blue outline covering it.


You have entered an Instant Dungeon: Zombie.


You have gained a new skill through special action!

[ID CREATE] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 50% - MP cost: 100

Description: A skill to create an instant dungeon, you can bring other in only if you wish to do so yourself.

Current dungeon available: Zombies

Ok, good to know it work, but now I'm worried there zombies in my house now... I should really think this through more in the future.


You made a wise choice that will help you in the future and result increase WIS by 2.

Ok, that kinda piss me off a little, but at least I got another increase in my [WIS]. Now, I need to find a weapon around my room just in case there are zombies in my house. Well more like my house turn into a dungeon now. Yeah, I can't find anything to use as a weapon beside maybe a few pencils just for me to throw at them...

I face palmed after realising something and I feel stupid, I forgot that I have some of Tsunayoshi's skills. So, might as well use [Hyper Dying Will Mode] to hopefully increase both versions. Closing my eyes, I let go of my internal limiter.

I feel a rush of power flow through me and I feel like I can 'see' everything around me. I can tell where the zombies are right now... So, this is what power feels like? I have to say, it feels awesome!

Facing a mirror, I took a good look on myself. I have dark silver eyes, with raven black hair. I noticed that I don't have the [Dying Will Flames of the Sky] on my forehead, like when Tsunayoshi enters any of the [Dying Will Modes].

Well, time for zombie hunting! I open my door and the first thing I see in my hallway is... A zombie.

Talk about meeting destiny face to face.

I ran to the zombie with my fists covered in [Sky Flames]. I smack the zombie with my right fist and destroyed its head without any difficulty. I looked down at the corpse before me, Yuck. I guess [Gamer's Mind] really helps me stay calm, because I would be vomiting by now without it.

I fired a small does [Sky Flames] at the corpse, burning it until there's nothing left but ash. After that was accomplished, I looked around to see if I got anything from that kill. I didn't see any loot before I remembered another game fact: auto loot.

"Inventory!" I called out and the next thing I see is a blue square box.

Inventory: [Auto Loot] on

Black Slacks (Equipped)

Leather Gloves (Equipped)

Low-top Converse (Equipped)

Blue T-shirt (Equipped)

Plain Socks (Equipped)

Plain Underwear (Equipped)

Money: ¥ 900

Skill Book [Lost Arts of Taekwondo]

So I was right about [Auto Loot], and I'm actually surprised that I gained ¥900 AND a skill book from that single kill... [Lost Arts of Taekwondo]? Looks like I hit a gold mine in here. Since it has Arts in the name, I can safely assume that there are branches of the martial arts.

Taking out the skill book from my inventory, which only took me a few seconds by just putting my right through the inventory and grab the skill book itself, where a pop-up window appear in front me, once the skill book was out of my inventory.


You have acquired a skill book! Would you like to learn [Lost Arts of Taekwondo]?

[Yes] / [No]

Choosing [Yes], the book in my hand just turns to dust and like a rush, along with a crazy headache. I grit my teeth, as all the knowledge rushing into my head and it took all my willpower to not black out from it. Afterwards, my eyes widen after every last info was installed.

Wow... I really hit a gold mine! The [Lost Arts of Taekwondo] isn't just a single style, but more in a group and they include a few of a personally created techniques or recreated version of their own. Wow, they include a few acupuncture techniques as well. It may have 5 techniques, but it's kinda a little overpower... Maybe there only 5 or the person never got the chance to get the other techniques.

After 'looking around' again, I ran towards the living room to see 5 zombies there. Using the 'soft' side of the [Sky Flames] to give me a boost and instantly rush towards the nearest zombie before punching it in the face, destroying it into pieces. I heard the other 4 zombies growl at me before seeing them rush towards me.

Thanks to [Vongola Hyper Intuition], I can 'see' how they'll attack me and It's like watching something in slow motion, so boring yet so important. Taking a step back, just as 1 of the 4 zombies tried to grab me. Seeing as the zombie failed to reach me, I took a step forward and did an uppercut to the attacking zombies that send it flying towards the ceiling and smashing its head.

Another pair of hands tried to reach out towards me, but I took hold of them and lit up the zombie with [Sky Flames]. I didn't place the [Harmony] characteristic to turn it to stone and let it burn to ash. I took a step back and let the Flames do their job before facing the remaining zombies, who charge at me with the speed that shouldn't possible for them from what I found out with the last few zombies.

I did a [Sickle Kick] at the nearest zombie, tripping it before quickly following it up with a [Sky Flame] enhanced [Fang] on the back of its neck and set it on fire. I jumped into the air and did a [Reverse Spin] at the last zombie's head, killing it.

I stood in my spot with sweat going down my forehead and let a sigh of relief I actually still alive from facing 2 zombies that could easily kill me from their surprise increased speed. Damn... I thought that grinding would be easy, but I guessed wrong.

Being physical and mentally exhausted from the fight. I decided to called it a day and start using the same method as the manga to leave the [Instant Dungeon] filled with zombies.


You have gained a new skill through special action!

[ID ESCAPE] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 50% - MP cost: 100

Description: A skill to escape an instant dungeon, but when a boss-type enemy appear you cannot escape till the boss is destroyed.

Looking around to see if I was still in my room, where I used the skill to create the [Instant Dungeon]. To my surprise, I'm actually still at the same spot where I fought the 5 zombies.

Interesting. So I don't actually teleport back to the starting point, where I created the Instant Dungeon. Good to know, this will give me many options in the future with just using [ID CREATE] and [ID ESCAPE].


For making a wise decision, your wisdom increased by 2.

Wait, I still haven't LvL up yet? Damn. Guess I better kill more zombies later then.

Deactivating [Hyper Dying Will Mode], I looked at the clock in the living room to see that it's 8:00 am. I looked around just to make sure there no zombie that may or may not appear, even outside of the [Instant Dungeon]. Seeing as there's none and I had to thank my lucky stars that the corpses aren't here as well to clean up.

Well, I better make something to eat before entering another [Instant Dungeon] to grind. I better make sure that I'm stronger before facing my 'boss' tomorrow, without telling her about my powers.

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