LvL of Strength

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"Am... I weak, Kōjiro?"

That was the first question that heard after Phenex and his girls left the building via magic circle, and it was Hyōdō who said it. I looked at her to see that she has her head down with her bangs, making a shadow that cover her eyes... Looks like my words really hit hard but not just her, Kiba seemed to be hurt by my words as well while Tōjō just stopped eating her snack and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

I gave a signal for Leone to get off my lap as I stood up and looked at the other Devils before facing Hyōdō "I'm not going to sugarcoat it... But you're the weakest person in the peerage, Hyōdō." My words are true, as her overall strength didn't change that much after becoming a Devil for a few weeks now.

I saw the brunette clutch her hands tightly into fists, no doubt trying to stop herself from showing to much emotion right now... But my intuition back then still stands "But you have the greatest potential to become stronger than anyone in the peerage."

My words surprised everybody in the room, especially the girl that I'm being honest with right now, who looked at me with wide eyes... I can even tell that she was close to crying "Remember what I said about the [Pawn] pieces? 'Potential is what makes a [Pawn] both powerful and unique' and that's you have, potential to become stronger than anyone."

I instinctively petted her in the head, getting a blush from the brunette. I can feel the jealousy from a few girls in the room, mostly from Asia, Leone and Mittelt.

"So... I'm sure you're curious on how strong I am, Gremory?" I stated while turning towards said girl, who was sending Hyōdō a rather envious look.

The red head cleared her throats before addressing my statement "Yes Kōjiro-kun. I never have seen you fight before, other than your spar with Yumi. So I think that this is the right time to see what you're capable of."


The group and I stood an open field behind the old school building, with Kiba in front of me with her sword while I held both [Shigure Kintoki] and [Yubashiri] in my hands, the former in its true form as I went into [Shigure Soen Ryu, 11th Form: Akeru Ame].

I have to fight Kiba, then Tōjō and finally Himejima-san for Gremory to see my strength... While I'm sure that most of them are more experienced with their respective [Evil Pieces], I can take them on.

"Are you 2 ready?" Gremory asked Kiba and I, which we both nodded in response "Then begin!"

Breath in... Out [6th Form: Gofuu Juuu].

I saw Kiba charged at me in high speeds, no longer holding back like our spar from last time. That's good, because it's not very satisfying to fight against an opponent who's not taking things seriously and win.

*clin!* I easily blocked her swing on my left with [Yubashiri] before quickly retaliating with a thrust by using [Shigure Kintoki]. She stepped to the side in order to dodge my strike while I followed it up with a downward diagonal slash.


Kiba blocked it, but that gave an opening at her lower half of her body in return. I slashed at her left leg with [Yubashiri] and while she jumped back to evade my attack, I already hit her in the knee but it's not a deep cut.

"Yumi! Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine Buchou!" Kiba said with a slight pained smile. I guess that she doesn't have that much pain tolerance... That's no good.

I charged at her and sent a horizontal slash at her. *clin!* She blocked it but I followed it up with another slash. She dodged my attack but I noticed that her movement is a bit sluggishly...

I can't believe that a light injury like that can hinder her, how disappointing.



*clin!* *clin!*



*clin!* *clin!*


We continue our 'dance' of dodging, parrying and blocking, with Kiba getting more and more tired the longer we go. I saw more and more openings showing up in the long run but I didn't went for the killing strike, I have no reason to kill her.

...I guess that I have to end this now.

I jumped back before charging at her and did a cross 'attack' with my swords. Kiba attempted to block my 'attack' but just like last time, she didn't realised that my swords are free falling at my sides. I quickly grabbed [Shigure Kintoki] with my left hand and [Yubashiri] with my right hand, before doing a double parallel horizontal slash at her stomach.

[4th Form: Samidare!]

I watch as Kiba dropped her sword and kneeled while clutching her torso in pain, but no doubt wondering why she's not bleeding from an attack of 2 swords "I used the back of my swords when I attacked, as I have no reason to draw blood from you." I stated before pointing [Yubashiri] near where her heart is located while looking straight at Kiba's grey eyes.


"I lost again..." Kiba hang her in defeat while I pulled my blade away from her chest. I stabbed  [Yubashiri] on the ground before holding my hand towards the blondie beauty, who looked at it for a second before grabbing it as I helped her up to her feet "...Who taught you swordsmanship and where did you get this swords?"

I pulled out [Yubashiri] out from the ground and thought on if I should answer the question or not. I can answer truthfully, but that wound mean that some Devils might try to kidnap Yamamoto-san... While he knows about the supernatural, he choose not to involve himself, that is a choice I can respect.

"An old friend." I gave a smartass response as Yamamoto-san is an old man now and I consider him a friend "He knows of the supernatural, but he decided to stay out of it and continue a normal life... He also gave me his family swords, as I'm his successor in his family sword art."

I left it to that, secretly saying that I won't continue anymore. Kiba understood and went to the side where the others are, with Asia quickly rushed towards the [Knight] and use her [Twilight Healing] to treat Kiba's injury, getting a thank you from the more developed blondie.

...As much as I care for Asia, her helping attitude will get her into deep trouble in the future as other will try and abuse her. I'll make sure that nobody will try that, especially that Asaroth bitch boy.

"That light..." I heard Gremory muttered to herself before shaking her head "You're up next, Koneko."

The younger sister of the [SS-Class Criminal] moved forwards while I stored away my swords back into my inventory, having no reason to wield my blades against an weaponless fighter like Tōjō. We went into fighting stances, I went into the [Right Flamingo Stance] while Tōjō held up her arms in a boxing like stance.

Since she's a [Rook], it would be obvious that she would be a lot slower than Kiba... But her small frame makes her a harder target to hit. I should strike when she's less expected it with fast strikes but mostly from behind her.


Just when Gremory declared the start off the spar, I instantly used [Rapid Movement] to appear behind Tōjō before striking her with [Northern Style Front Kick], sending Tōjō flying forwards but she quickly right her as she landed back on the ground. So that was the great defence of the [Rook] piece... I have to admit, it felt like I just kicked a boulder away but Leone is harder than Tōjō.

I saw that she looked at me with narrowed eyes, the mascot seemed surprised by my great speed and sneak attack but that's only the beginning, little Kōhai. I watched her run at a speed fitting for someone of her body size and weight before she jumped.

I did a side step to evade her punch *crash* and I wasn't surprised that the ground was destroyed by the force of it, I would actually be surprised if it didn't break at all. I did [Taebek] but Tōjō was able to block the attack and I quickly pulled away my leg as I don't want a repeat from what Leone did before performing [Flank Strike] to stagger her before following it up with a fast [Baekdu] to send her flying away.

*thud!* I watched the young girl land down and rolled on the ground before standing up again and glared at me. If I was foolish man, I would be laughing mockingly now at her glare and taunt her right now... But I'm smart man and I know that she means business.

I actually found her glare to be cute.

*crash!* Tōjō punched the ground below her and pick up a large broken piece of earth before throwing it at me.


This is her plan... Throwing a boulder at someone who's way faster than her? I'm disappointed, but I accept this challenge. I struck the boulder with [Arang], using the shockwave of the attack to send it back to Tōjō.

*crash!* I saw the boulder getting smashed into bits, but that gave me an opening so I used [Rapid Movement] to appear above the albino before striking her with a [Sky Kick] on her head that sent her crashing on the ground with a painful face-plant



I jumped back and watched Tōjō slowly get up for the ground "I can still fight... " She declared as she stood on her feet before taking her fighting stance again. I just looked at her with blank eyes before letting out a sigh, seeing that Tōjō is someone that doesn't give up that easily... So I might as well just put her in a position that she'll give up.

I used [Bo-Bup] to appear behind her and placed my hand on top of her head, I felt her tense up and I didn't need to look at her face to know that she has a shocked expression on it.


Tōjō beats me in terms of raw strength and endurance, no questions ask, but I'm strong enough to injure her and the I'm faster than her to easily dodge her attacks... If I wanted to kill her, than I would have done it from the start.

"...How?" I heard Tōjō mutter in disbelief. While I don't have the ability to read minds, I can tell that she's wondering on how I was able to win her without getting hit at all from our fight.

"I'm much faster than you, so I was able to evade your attacks and I have enough strength to harm you but not close enough overpower you." I explained before letting go of her head and watched her move back to the other, sitting beside Kiba. Asia once again healed Tōjō and like Kiba, the albino thanked our little saint for her good deeds.

"Ara ara Ufufufu, it seems like it's my turn now." Himejima-san giggled with an amused smile as she stepped forwards to face me. I felt a sense of disturbance as Himejima-san's face turned serious and yet, alluring at the same time... What the hell? "Please go easy on me, Kōjiro-kun~"

"That's what I've been doing during my fight against Kiba and Tōjō..." I stated before narrowing my eyes at her while lighting up my hands with [Sky Flames] "...'I shouldn't underestimate her and take things seriously' what my intuition is telling me right now. And my intuition never lead me astray before."

"Ufufufu. Then, shall we begin~?" Himejima-san asked while licking her lips a bit while sparks of lightning appeared on her right hand.

I took that as a declaration of the fight, so I fired a blast of [Sky Flames] at Himejima-san before I used [Bo-Bup] to appear behind her before attacking with a [Scissor] strike.

But it seems that she wasn't just watching my previous fights for shit and giggles without learning anything, as she teleported into the air just as my attack was about to hit her. I held out a hand to catch my own flame attack and dis-spell it before looking up at Himejima-san to see that she has her Devil Wings out... While getting a perfect view of her panties.

"What will you do now, Kōjiro-kun?" Himejima-san asked in a teasing manner. It seemed that she believes that I can't fly, well she and the other Devils watching right are going to have a surprise.

"Fly." Was my reply to her question before lighting up my legs with 'soft' [Sky Flames] and shooting myself towards my Senpai, who's eyes widen in surprise but I just ignored it before preforming a 'hard' [Sky Flames] enhanced [Arang] to send a wave of [Dying Will Flames] at her.

I saw her create a barrier to block my attack as I saw her back left open. I changed the [Sky Flames] on my legs from 'soft' to 'hard' before used them up to rocket myself faster and appear behind Himejima-san, who seemed to realised where I was now but it was too late as I fired a compressed blast of 'soft' [Sky Flames] at her without the [Harmony] characteristic so that I don't petrify her by accident.


An explosion occurred as my previous attack and new attack collided with Himejima-san in between. I waited for the smoke to clear and saw that most of her clothing are gone now... Yet she has this very aroused expression on her face, despite taking damage.



...I know that she holds the [Title] of [Ultimate Sadomasochist] but seriously, what the hell is wrong with her? To get off by getting hit from the enemy while in combat is NOT the best idea, especially in a serious battle like a [Rating Game]-



I shot myself to the side in order for me to dodge a bolt of lighting sent towards me from Himejima-san, who still has that creepy aroused expression on her face. Lambo doesn't take any damage from lightning based attacks, as he is the [Lightning Guardian] and holds the [Vongola Lightning Ring], but I'm not immune from lightning attacks like the brat.

I shot a burst of 'soft' [Sky Flames] back at her, who simply retaliated by unleashing a strong stream of water. *Pfff...* Our attacks seemed to be even as steam was made and started to cloud the area but I decided to change that by putting more power in my flames, which quickly pushed back her attack...

That was too easy... I don't like it. I looked around, but I couldn't see any through the the steam-Wait a sec, isn't steam just evaporated water? Then that means-



I quickly shot myself higher into the air, just in time as the steam covered space was electrocuted... [Vongola Hyper Intuition], I'm really lucky to have you at all times and for saving my ass.

"Awwww~ I wanted to see you squirm, Kōjiro-kun~"


...Like hell I'm going to let someone get turned on by electrifying me "..." I didn't said anything in response but I covered myself in [Mist Flames] to turn body invisible to anyone else. I floated towards Himejima-san, grabbed hold of her shoulder, revealed myself to her again before letting loose with the [Lightning Flames].




W-what the fuck!? Why is she still moaning!?

Completely creeped out, I stopped my attack and moved away from Himejima-san, who, despite getting electrocuted, has a blushing face and is taking deep breaths while rubbing her thighs together "*moan*...Please continue, I'm so close~!"


"...No, because I think that my brain is still having a hard time processing on our 'fight'." I said with deadpanned eyes before holding up my hands in a surrender way "So I'll surrender now, as I'm having a hard time to find an option for me to put you down without killing you."

"Ara ara, I hope you're joking." Himejima-san said, seemingly having regained her playful attitude again like nothing happened. I looked at her with curious eyes, wondering how can she change character so quickly.

Both of us floated back down on the ground, with the others coming near us "Both of you did great! Congratulations on winning, Akeno!" Gremory said her [Queen] with a proud smile on her face.

"Ufufufu. Arigato, Buchou but I believe the real winner is Kōjiro-kun." I raised an eyebrow when I heard Himejima-san said that with a serious expressed on her face. So, she noticed that I wasn't fighting in full power.

"What do you mean, Akeno-san?" Hyōdō asked an innocent question "Didn't Kōjiro surrender in your fight?"

"Ara. He definitely gave up, but that's mostly because he can't find a way to win without killing me in the process." Himejima-san explained to the brunette with a smile, yet I can tell she's serious right now "If he wasn't an ally and really wanted to, then I would have been dead by now."

"...Were you holding back?" I heard Tōjō, making me turn towards her to see that she's looking at me with narrowed eyes. Looks like I just stepped on someone's pride.

"Yes." I'm not going to sugarcoat anything serious, as lying doesn't always works for everyone and I got this feeling that Tōjō might become more motivated to better than before after this "Just like what Himejima-san said, I would have killed you already if I was an enemy."

I saw Tōjō clutch her fist, no doubt thinking of how weak is she. Well, I guess that I'll help her on becoming before I turned towards Gremory "So, what's the training plan?"

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