New Housemate

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- the next day -

"This isn't a joke!"

"Shut up! Someone is trying to get rid of his hangover! Nnnnnnnnn..." I groaned. whike clutching my head to ease the throbbing pain.

"There there, Rai, everything will be alright." Mitt gently petted my head, which was laid in her lap "It will all be over soon."

"Mnnnnn... I appreciate that you're trying to sooth me, but could you stop making it sound like I'm about to die." I muttered to her while trying to rub the throbbing headache away.


"Ah yes, the first hangover." Kala said in a reminiscent tone, smiling to herself "I remember my first one. I got into the silliest argument with a slut at a bar about my maturity and she taunted me with a glass of wine. I remember blacking out some point after... The rest isn't important."

I saw Himejima-san seemed to be enjoying my suffering right now, the pink on her cheeks and the sway of her hips are a dead give away.


"...Even even though it was decided that the meeting of the leaders of the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels would be held in this town, to think that suddenly the [Governor of the Fallen Angels] would intrude in my territory and interfere with our business." Gremoru said in a less loud but still angry voice as I saw her clenched her fists "I had heard that Azazel was extremely interested in the Sacred Gears. It's definitely because Ichigo possesses the [Boosted Gear] that he came in contact with us..."

"Seems like Azazel is eyeing my [Sacred Gear] after all. He's the [Governor of the Fallen Angels], right?" Hyōdō asked, worry in her voice... I can understand. A guy that's interested with her [Boosted Gear] and has the ability to destroy her with breaking a sweat, she has the right to be wary with Azazel.

"I heard from someone that Azazel has deep knowledge about the [Sacred Gears]. I also heard that he's gathering capable [Sacred Gear] holders. But it's going to be all right..." Yumi said to Hyōdō as the swordsman stared at [Sekiryuutei] as if she was going to lose her "I will protect you."

I was admittedly surprised and curious at the sudden declaration, finding it to be interesting... Yumi's tone, it sounded more like it was form hero and it's directed towards a heroine that needs of saving then for a comrade and friend "...Thanks..." Hyōdō said a bit unsure what else she could've said to the blondie swordsman.

"There's no problem. My [Sacred Gear] that attained [Balance Breaker], Ichigo's [Boosted Gear] and Rai-kun's versatile powers, if we combine these 3, then I feel we can surpass even a dangerous crises." Yumi started before she turned towards me and smile with a pink shade on her face "...Fufu, I wasn't the type to say such things before. After hanging out with you, my readiness for comrades also changed as well... But I don't know why I don't dislike that... It's hot around my chest region."

"Well, you can't trust me right now..." I muttered out loud while I closing my eyes and rubbing my head "I feel like vomiting at any moment... Nnnnnnnnnnn..."

"Do you want me to get the bucket, Raiga-san?" Asia asked, carrying the 'Emergency Bucket' in her hands, ready to prevent me from making a mess.

"No no, I'm fine for now." I assured her, trying to calm myself while laying on Mitt's soft thigh pillow.

"And what exactly are you-" I heard Gremory said before she paused... I think that it's directed towards Kiba "No. I'll save that question for later. For now, I would like to know how he got here with us knowing. Even if we used the connections with Kalawarner, Mittelt and Raynare to contact him, he'll just move on to something else."

"Azazel has always been like that, Rias." said a new voice that didn't belong to any of us. I turned to see a familiar young man with crimson hair.

Well, well. I didn't expect that Lucifer-san wouod 'grace' us with his presence. I saw Himejima-san, Yumi and Tōjō kneeling in their places while Hyōdō appeared to be having trouble coping with the situation. The newcomer, Quarta, also had a confused expression.

My familiar, my Fallen Angels and I are the only people that aren't bowing before the [Super Devil]. Kala, Mitt and Ray only bow down before their superiors in the Grigori and I, when 'serving' me. Leone kneels before nobody else but me inside and outside my bedroom and I'm doing the same as my lover because I'll only drop on my knees in front of someone worthy of my respect, and the only person so far that I give my respect to is Yamamoto-san.

"O-O-O-Onii-sama!" Gremory said in a surprised voice as she stood up.

"Azazel won't do anything like Kokabiel did a few days ago. He may do a prank like last time, though. The Governor will come earlier than the planned date." Lucifer-san spoke, behind him was his silver haired maid and wife, Lucifugi-san. Of course she would be accompanying the [Maou-sama] since she is his [Queen] after all.

I saw him looking at me in curiosity and confused, no doubt wondering why I'm not doing the same as the others. Not feeling the mood to answer verbally, I just closed my eyes and rubbing my head "Ah. A hangover."

Good for you, Lucifer-san. You get an imaginary cookie from me.

"Kōjiri-kun!" I heard Gremory hissed at me but I just ignored it.

"Please relax, Rias, I came for private business today." Lucifer-san urged her to remain calm. He then took notice of the clubroom that we stood in "Hey, my little sister. This room seems like a murder scenery. I wonder how it is possible for this place to be full of magic circles even though young girls gather here."

I opened my eyes to look at him in confusion... Did he just completely forget about what he just said? It was surprising how nonchalant he-


I blinked, just realising that someone else is in the room, someone I didn't expect to see again "What's Phenex-san doing here?" I said while looking at the blondie girl from the house of Phenex, who's standing near Lucifugi-san.

My words seemed to have brought the attention of everyone as they all turned their gazes at Phenex-san as well, whose wearing the same dress that she had during the [Rating Game].

"Ah." Lucifer-san seemed to have remembered something, if the look of recognition appeared on his face... Yet I can see it as an act. He then turned towards me with a smile, but all I felt was something fishy going on "Ravel here is going to your future [Bishop], Kōjiro-kun. But for now, she's your assistant/manager with your contracts and duties."

...I honestly don't care right now. I would reject his offer if it wasn't feeling this annoying headache, so I just covered my eyes and let out a sigh "Fine..." I really don't want to deal with this bullshit right now.

"I'll be in your care, Kōjiro-sama." I heard Phenex-san said to me but I kinda ignored in favour of trying to deal with my hangover.

{Looks like we have a new housemate.}

{Unless she has no where else to stay in Kuoh, she will be a new member of our house.}

"Welcome Ravel-san, please make yourself at home here." Gremory said after regaining some of her composer.

"Thank you Rias-san."

"Onii-sama, w-why are you here?" Gremory asked.

"What are you saying? Classroom visits are coming soon, right? I am also thinking to participate. By all means I want to see my little sister working hard in studies from up close."

Ah, now that he mention it, the school's visit was really close... Well I didn't really think much of it. I don't have any living relatives in this world, as I live with the girls and nobody else.

"Grayfia, right? You're the one who told Onii-sama?" Gremory asked, no doubt turning to Lucifugi-san.

"Yes, the reports from the school come to me who has been entrusted with the schedule of the Gremory household." The woman responded instantly "Of course I am Lucifer-sama's [Queen] as well, thus I reported it to my master."

Gremory sighed at hearing that. I was suppressing a frown at how she didn't want her family seeing how she was doing... Looks like she doesn't want them to know some of her mess ups here.

"Even if my [Maō] duties are hard, even if I have to take a day off from my work, I wanted to participate in my little sister's class visit. Don't worry. Otou-ue will come over as well"

So their Otou-san's coming as well... I'm actual kinda glad that I don't have any relatives that he can manipulation if they're going to 'talk' with each other. My distrust towards Gremory extents her family to some degree.

"T-That's not true! Isn't Onii-sama the [Maō]? To leave your job and come here! A [Maō] can't treat a single Devil in a special way!"

That's a fair thought. Even if he is Gremory's Onii-sama, it would still feel to she's like she is receiving an honour from a Maou. But I'm also feeling that she's just making an excuse as well.

"No no, this is my work as well, Rias. Actually I thought about conducting the conference between the 3 factions in this school. I came to inspect the meeting place."

"Makes sense..." I muttered loudly, drawing attention to me.


...This girl doesn't think that much when it comes to current event, it make me feel a bit disappointed at her.

"This school has 2 younger siblings to the [Maōs], Hyōdō is wielder of [Boosted Gear] and is the [Sekiryuutei], Yumi can create and use [Holy Demonic Swords] and Quarta weilds [Durandal]. Even Kokabiel and the [Hakuryuukou] have both showed up here, the former attacking as well." I explained the facts before I let out a sigh "Honestly... This place is starting to look like a supernatural danger spot ever since I became aware of the supernatural."

"Are you the [Maō]? Nice to meet you, I am the one called Xenovia" Quarta introduced herself formally. Sounded fair since she was the most recent addition to our group and Lucifer-san may not know as much about her as the rest of us who have been in Gremory's Peerage for a longer time.

"Good day to you, Xenovia. I am Sirzechs Lucifer. I got the report from Rias. The [Holy Sword] wielder of [Durandal] got reincarnated as a Devil, and not to mention becoming my sister's family... Truth be told, I was doubting my ears when I heard it the first time."

"I also didn't think that I would become a Devil. To be reincarnated into the side I kept on killing, even if I say so myself, I sometimes regret it and that it was quite a bold move... Yeah, that's it. Why did I become a Devil? However, at that time, truthfully, anything was fine... But, was it really fine to be a Devil?" Quarta replied as I felt that her gaze flicker towards me for a moment.

Lucifer-san laughed "Hahaha, it's great that my little sister's family has a lot of interesting people! Xenovia, since you were just reincarnated you won't understand your own way but I want you to support the Gremory household as Rias' family. I'll be counting on you."

"If I am asked by the Legendary [Maō] written in the Bible to do it, then I'll have no choice but to do it. I don't know how much I'll be able to do but allow me to do whatever I can in my capability."


I opened my eyes and let out a sigh the glowing magic circle respond to the one on my right hand "Looks like I've got a job to do..." I muttered to myself before getting up from Mitt's lap.

"Are you sure?" Ray asked with worry in her voice.

I gave a nod in response as I stood up and walked over the magic circle before activating it, making me disappear from the clubroom.


I blinked after the magic did its job before looking towards my summoner and saw another familiar face "I didn't expect thay you've taken my suggestion serious, Penemue-san." I said towards the smiling [Cadre], who's currently wearing a white sun dress that hugs her figure and emphasise it magnificently... If I didn't knew her race, I would have mistaken her as an Angel.

"Ufufufu. Glad to see that you remember little old me, Kōjiro-kun." My client giggled softly.

"So... What can I do for you?"

"I want to talk with you about certain things." She said before gesturing me to follow her. Feeling no malicious intention from her, I followed after her.

- a few minutes later -

"We really grateful for you stopping Kokabiel, Kōjiro-kun." Penemue-san started after bringing me to a pastry shop near by... I'm actually glad that it wasn't another talk in the bar, but I think that I'll be sick if I started drinking alcohol with my current hangover

"I just did it to protect the people I cherish... That's the only reason why I eliminated Kokabiel." I said before taking a sip of my coffee dark mocha.

"Still, it's mostly thanks to you that another Great War was prevented from happening." She said with small smile "I'm actually surprised that you're not boasting about overpowering and winning over Kokabiel. He might be the weakest of the [Cadre], but a strong opponent none the less."

"I might take pride on myself and a few things that I do, but I'll never boast about them. Only arrogant people like Kokabiel and Phenex do it." I replied while I watched Penemue-san took a piece of her slice of red velvet cake and ate it "Its 1 of the few things that my mentor in the [Shigure Soen Ryu] thought me."

My client nodded with a smile "Your mentor is an intelligent person, Kōjiro-kun."

"So, what happened to Esdeath, Medea and Zelzan?" I asked, remembering the [Master of the Sadist Life], the [Expert of Ancient Magic] and the [Heretic Priest].

Esdeath is still frozen in the ice of [Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition], so she's probably stayed seal but it's not like they have the way to release her as only strong [Dying Will Flames] can melt it and free the sealed person.

Medea, I'm not sure myself. She can be either be killed or imprisoned for treason and siding with Kokabiel, someone that wanted nothing more but for a Great War to happen... I'm still wrapping my head around on why someone skilled in the magic arts and smart as her joined a bunch of warmongers.

Zelzan, I hope that he's dead. He doesn't care about anything but killing things. Someone like him should be better off dead, as he's too addicted to killing and I see no chance for him to ever change his personality... I'm not like Naruto, who that believes in the smallest good of people and he's use his [Talk no Jutsu] make them see it.

I'm a realist, not an extreme optimists like most cliché anime protagonists.

"Esdeath is still sealed, so that's her punishment for now and Medea is imprisoned inside a magic proof cell." Penemue-san started with an amused smile and I can understand why... A half Yuki-Onna, someone can use ice, holds the title of [Ice Queen], sealed in ice, the complete irony of that situation. I saw the my clients smile fell and a serious frown appeared on her face "As for Freed Zelzan... He escaped."

"...How?" I asked in surprise. I know that Zelzan is a persistent mother fucking insect, but come on! He shouldn't been able to escape the Grigori, with all of the Fallen Angel and people with [Sacred Gears] inside that could have stopped him. The only explanation is...

"Someone helped with his escape." Penemue-san said and finished my line of thoughts "The only evidences we have are the traces of magic where he was imprison and the dead guards near his cell."

"If I find him, I'll be sure to put an end to his life and erase him until there's nothing left." I muttered darkly "Scum and maniacs like him are better off dead, rather than letting them roam free and doing what they want in this world."

"I have no doubt, Kōjiro-kun."

- an hour later -

After getting back from my contract, I found out from Leone that Lucifer-san and his wife are staying at Hyōdō's house until the meeting with the 3 Fractions is done. I also found out that Phenex-san is going to stay with us in our house and my girls already showed her around the house.

"So, how's your brother?" I asked Phenex-san as while having dinner right now.

"Onii-sama is alright... Although he is still recovering from the... Ordeal." She replied with a slight grimace... I didn't expect his near death experience from me caused some mental problems. I saw her look of curiosity in her eyes, so her next line are going to be 'By the way Kōjiro-sama, where did you develop your fire magic?'.

"By the way Kōjiro-sama, where did you develop your fire magic?"

Nailed it.

"From here, Phenex-san." I answered while pulling out a volume of [Katekyō Hitman Reborn!] from my [Inventory]. I feel no shame in admitting that my magic is based on someone else's idea, as the [Dying Will Flames] are very versatile and it fits my [Evil Piece] very well.

"But that's..." Phenex-san muttered, surprised while taking the book from my hand.

"Hai, it's a manga... Devil magic is purely imagination based, so why not base it off something that already been created and you know well even if it just from someone else's ideas."

"..." Phenex-san sat quietly, thinking over my words before giving a nod in response "That makes sense... If it already works, then why shouldn't someone else try and use it?"

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