The fall of Phenex

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I stood outside the front of the old school building with Leone next to me as I checked my equipment for a final time:

[X-Gloves], check.

[Magic Revolvers], check.

I'm ready to roll out.

Looks like I can use the gym skirmish as a good distraction to find the man-slut's [Queen] and then I just have to wait for a good time to surprise her... The best option is by using a ['Hard' Clone] to fight off Phenex's forces while trying to find Yubelluna and when an opening is present, I'll eliminate her with a charged up [Storm Cannon].

"Alright then, Kōjiro-kun and Leone-san. You won't be able to avoid the battle once you get into the gym. Move accordingly like we discussed. That location will be an important place." Gremory said from the entrance with Hyōdō standing beside her.

"Obviously, since it is boss's plan to begin with." Leone retorted while flexing her arms and legs a bit.

"Then we will be going as well." Kiba said as she got ready by sheathing her sword to her hip with Tōjō standing beside her.

"Yumi, Koneko, move accordingly like we discussed."



"Ichigo will be on standby with me. But we will be going after we get a signal from Kōjiro-kun and the others." Gremory said, getting a nod from the brunette, before she turned towards Himejima-san "Akeno, I trust you to move when you think it's the right time"

"Yes, Buchou." Himejima-san nodded.

"Now then, my adorable servants. Are you ready? We can't turn back now. Our enemy is Riser, who is said to be a genius from the immortal House of the Phenex with a promised career. Now then! Let's go and blow them away!"

[Hai!] The others, other than me and Leone, replied. I couldn't help but frown at being called an 'adorable servant', feeling a bit insulted before heading off to my destination with Leon hot on my tail.

Just after we entered the backdoor of the gym, I turned myself invisible and created a ['Hard' Clone] to be my replacement before leaving through the same way.

I didn't need to actually fight against a [Rook] and 3 [Pawns] since Leone can demolish them without a problem, but I still have to keep up the [Illusion] that I'm still in the place. I didn't need to tell Leone verbally, as our pact allows us to speak telepathically, and I already told her about it when we were on the move.

I closed my eyes and spread out my senses to locate where Yubelluna is right now...

{...Found her, she's hiding at the tree tops behind the gym. She's not very stealthy, unlike Himejima-san, and she's an easy target for someone who can find an opponent through their aura.}

{Than go get her boss!}


I flew using [Mist Flames] through the [X-Gloves] and floated a meter away from Yubelluna before softly landing on a tree branch. I looked at the exposed back of my target before pondering on when to unleash the [Storm Cannon]...

Hmm... Maybe when the [Rook] and 3 [Pawns] are eliminated.

Just to be safe, I added on the [Silence] and [Concealment] characteristics into my [Invisible] spell so that Yubelluna can't hear me or anything that I hear, even if I'm talking to somebody and to hide the [Storm Cannon] that I'm charging up with 1 of my [Magic Revolvers].

(Riser Phenex-sama's 1 [Rook] retired.)

It seemed that Leone is enjoying herself with the fight a bit too much.

(Riser Phenex-sama's 2 [Pawns] retired.)

Just a bit more...

(Riser Phenex-sama's 1 [Pawns] retired.)


"[Storm Cannon]!" I declared while firing the attack Yubelluna, who still couldn't tell what was happening until it was too late.


[AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!] I heard Yubelluna screamed in agony as she's blown away by my unexpected attack and I saw her crash on the ground painful. Her clothes are burning away with the [Disintegration] characteristic of the [Storm Flames].

She has a large scorched mark on her back... I guess that her [Rook] characteristic help her survive my attack, then I'll just strike again with twice amount of power.

"W-what..." I heard Yubelluna grunted out in shocked, turning to look at me but I didn't gave her the time to register on what happened as I pointed my [Magic Revolvers] at her with an emotionless expression.

"[Storm Cannons]!" I declared before firing the attack Yubelluna, who couldn't do anything but watch as my [Storm Cannons] headed towards her to finish her off.


(Riser Phenex-sama's [Queen], retired.)

After that little detour is finished, I holstered my [Magic Revolvers] away and dropped back on the ground before moving towards the gym.

(Kōjiro-kun. Can you hear me? It's me.)

"What is it, Gremory..."

(Ichigo's preparation is completed! Akeno will coming by to destroy the gym and set the forest on fire! Should we head out now?)

"Head out when Himejima-san speaks of her success." I muttered to her before meeting up with Leone "Leone and I will be heading towards the sport court and meet up with Kiba and Tōjō."

(Alright, I'll remind Ichigo to [Promote] to [Queen] when we arrive at Riser's [Base].)

After cutting off the connection, I looked back at Leone with a smirk "It's time to hunt even more." All I got was a blood thirsty grin from Leone before we ran towards the sport court.

(Riser Phenex-sama's 3 [Pawns] retired.)

With that, the [Pawns] will begin to be less of a threat as the game continues just as long as they don't reach our base. Looks like Kiba and Tōjō are doing well, but I can't let them have all the fun!

Leone and I made our way towards the sports court as per the plan to meet up with the others. They aren't there yet, so I took the chance to rest a little for the next part of the fight.

After a little bit longer, the 2 senior Devils have finally showed up.

"Sup." Leone said while waving at them.

"Nice work against the [Queen] Kōjiro-kun, Leone-san." Kiba complimented with a smile as she and Tōjō moved closer.

I just shrugged my shoulders "I damaged her greatly with a sneak attack and finished her off when she couldn't do anything." I admitted, as defeating someone with a sneak attack isn't so amazing.

"Still, you removed a great threat and that's all that matters."

"...Arigato, Senpai."

"Well, let's get a move on." I stated as I stood up, getting nods from everyone near me.

Kiba went on to tell me how she and Tōjō defeated Phenex's Pawns, pointing out his admittedly unnecessary and cruel strategy of sacrificing his pieces. Then she went on to explain the area ahead.

"The enemies who are in charge of here are a [Knight], a [Rook], and a [Bishop]. 3 pieces in total."

"...That's a severe defense."

"Well, that's how much they are keeping up their guard for this place. Against our intrusion here, that is. Since we eliminated the gym, they will put more strength here."

"It looks like we'll have to give an extra push to penetrate that area." I noted "Not that we need too much, with all 4 of us together."

"Ara, Kōjiro-kun, how bold of you~!" I blinked when I heard that from Kiba, so I looked at her to see that she's blushing with a hand on the side of her face... That's when I get the unintentional hidden meaning of my words and I face-palmed "I really am flattered by how strong you're coming on to me, but I'm sorry to say that I'm not ready yet for 'that'~!"

"...Hentai." Tōjō stated while Leone just laughed at my misfortune.

"I'm the Knight of Riser Phenex-sama, Karlamine!" A brave voice spoke from the basketball court and when I turned towards the source, I saw a woman in medieval knight armour "I've become bored of these tedious and wasteful tactics! Rias Gremory's [Knight]! I challenge you to meet me in battle like a true warrior! If you have any guts or the slightest bit of pride as a [Knight], then come out and face me!"

"Since she introduced herself, I can't hide myself both as a [Knight] and as a swordsman." Kiba walk out, all of us following after her.

I can understand her reasons as a swordsman myself, since not introducing yourself to someone that challenged you is considered cowardly and disrespectful to the challenger and you can't call yourself a true swordsman... But the more logical side of my is saying that she's doing something stupid.

"I'm the [Knight] of Rias Gremory, Yumi Kiba."

"...[Rook], Koneko Tōjō."

"Raiga Kōjiro, [Pawn]."

"I'm Leone! Proud familiar and partner of Raiga Kōjiro!"

All of us named ourselves to Phenex's [Knight], Karlamine. She made a happy face at our introductions.

"I'm happy that there are warriors like you 4 in Rias Gremory's group. Coming out here directly from the front. That's something people with normal sanity won't do. But I love idiots like you guys." The [Knight] of Phenex stated proudly "Now then, let's begin."

She lifted her sword, something that Kiba mimicked and brought out her own sword "The match between [Knights]. I have been waiting for this. Personally I would like to fight in an intense sword fight."

"Well said! Rias Gremory's [Knight]!"

They both charge at each other with great speed but I can still see their movement as clear as the blue sky. Sparks flying all over the place every time their blades clashed against one another and Kiba seemed to grunt from the force that Karlamine put into her blows, but didn't seem overly burdened.

"You 3 seem bored."

When I look at the direction where the voice came from, there is a woman wearing a mask that just covered half of her face... I think that her name is Isabela. But then, I heard another voice.

"Geez, this only seems like a mud fight since both of them only thinks about fighting and swords, fighting and swords. So many sword freaks." I saw Ravel Phenex, the younger sister of the man slut and 1 of his [Bishops]... What does she want here? "Karlamaine was making a bitter face when the [Pawns] were being sacrificed. Does she hate the battle strategy of her master, the [King]? Hmm... So that boy is 1 of the [Pawns] that Rias Gremory adores?"

I'm pretty sure that she's talking to herself right now and I felt insulted when she called me a boy... I'm a 17 teenager, you bratty oppai loli "I have to admit, he's not bad looking at all."

"So, are you going to fight?" I asked, holding up my right hand covered in [Sky Flames].

The Phenex girl looked at me, only snapping out of her thoughts for a moment. "Hm? Oh yes... I'm not going to be your opponent. Isabela, why don't you be his opponent?" She asked the masked girl.

"I was planning to in the first place. Now then, let's fight since we are both bored."

"...I'll fight her." Tōjō suddenly said as she marched forward to face Isabela. Soon, they started attacking each other with the occasional dodging, parrying or blocking attacks. I noticed that Tōjō is much faster than before, not on the same speed as Kiba but definitely faster than the first time I fought against her.

{Well, we're going to hunt down the remaining members.}

{Roger that, boss!}

With that, Leone and I ran towards the multiple aura signatures before finding out the 2 remaining [Pawns] and the other [Bishop] of Phenex.

Looks like we found our prey... Time to eliminate them!

I didn't gave them the time to prepare themselves before using [Bo-Bup] to appear behind the blue hair [Pawn] and used [Goh-Ryuh] to knock her out before following it up with a hard [Spinning Top Kick] at the [Bishop], knocking her out as well.


I didn't even need to look at the pinked haired [Pawn] to know that her face is now kicking the ground very deeply.

(Riser Phoenix-sama's 2 [Pawns] and 1 [Bishop], retires.)

I felt the auras of Gremory, Hyōdō and Phenex together in a single spot with the former girls are fighting against the latter... I better eliminate the other pieces quick-

(Riser Phoenix-sama's 2 [Knights] and 1 [Rook], retires.)

Well, that answers that. But I didn't heard about the [Bishop], Ravel Phenex, being with the retired group... I'll deal with if she choices to fight.

{Let's go and regroup with the others.}

{Whatever you say, boss.}


It didn't take long for us to arrive at the place to see a massive crimson beam getting shot from the the rooftop...

Which also heading towards me and Leone right now... Hyōdō should train on that [Dragon Shot] technique of hers, to better her aim so that she wouldn't accidentally hit an ally.

I did the [Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised] just before the attack hits us, with the energy beam going to the gap within my hands and I feel a great amount of power flow into my body as I continuously drain the [Dragon Shot] until their's nothing left.

...This is incredible! It feels like I'm in my [Hyper Dying Will Mode] without activating that technique at all! And it makes me wonder on how strong would I be if I activate my [Hyper Dying Will Mode].

Let's test it.

I casually entered my [Hyper Dying Will Mode]... To feel even more power than I ever felt before. I know that this form of strength is nothing compared to the [Ultimate Dying Will Mode], as it unleashes a person's external and internal strengths to make the user push past the limits even more than while in [Hyper Dying Will Mode].

I noticed that Gremory, Hyōdō and Phenex are looking at my direction, they must have felt the massive increase of my power and they're in awe and in fear from Phenex's case.

Show time!

Using 'hard' [Sky Flames] to rocket myself towards Phenex and attacked him with the [Nigawa Kick] before following it up with a [Jin Tae-Jin Original, Sonic Kick] at his face... I'm pretty sure that I smashed his head into pieces but whatever, he'll live.


My attack sent Phenex flying away before he crashed against the school building, breaking through and creating a large hole with his body. I'm not going to let him have time to recover.

"[Heavy Rain Swords]!" I exclaimed as 20 [Light Sabers] fell down from the sky and crashed down on the spot where Phenex is right now. Good, he's in a spot where I want him to be. Holding out a finger into the air, I charged up a [Grand Dynamite] in a similar fashion to how Freiza created the [Death Ball] to destroy planet Vegeta.

"Hyōdō! Gremory! Get out of the building!" I shouted when I felt my beach ball sized attack has charged enough, and I shot it towards Phenex as I noticed the girls has flew far away from the area "[Grand Dynamite]!"


A massive blue explosion occurred when my attack hits, completely engulfing the entire new school building in a flash of blue light. Once the light has died out, the building was gone. No rumbles, no dirt, nothing. I don't know if I can do this sort of attack output without the power boost from absorbing Hyōdō's [Dragon Shot] but I'm sure that I'll reach that [LvL] in no time.

But there wasn't an announcement. That meant Phenex hadn't retired.

Sure enough, a moment later, a small ember began to form in the air, slowly glowing and burning, recreating the person it had originally belonged to. Phenex is on all fours with an expression of terror etched into his face.

I landed on the ground, catching his attention and I saw absolute fear within his eyes. I just looked back him with an emotionless expression while charging up another [Grand Dynamite] with my left hand this time "Time to finish this..."

[ONII-SAMA!!!] Suddenly, a familiar younger girl flew right in front of Phenex. Ravel had her arms outstretched in front of Phenex as I approached the siblings "Please stop! We'll forfeit the match, so please stop!"

I pause and check her over. She's shaking in fear, no doubt terrified by my [Grand Dynamite] and it's destructive force... But all I see in her eyes is courage, to face me, to save her brother from me and I can't help but marvel at her loyalty to her brother, it's very pure and beautiful. You're a lucky mother fucker, Riser 'man slut' Phenex. To have a such loyal and beautiful sister like her... I envy you.

"Fine..." I sighed while dis-spelling [Grand Dynamite] and crossing my arms "I can't say no to such pleading call and I can't hit you either because you're too cute."

Ravel blinked several times, a tinge of pink covering her cheeks. "E-eh!?"

"But if your brother tries to attack again, I won't stop next time." I explained to the girl with a serious expression on my face while releasing my demonic aura, showing how serious I am right now "Even if a cute girl like you intervenes, I won't stop until there's nothing left of him."

Ravel quickly snapped out of whatever trance she was in and collected her brother "F-fine!" A light surrounded them both as they were both retired.


[Quest: Wedding Crash]
Time to rescue a princess from her bad ending!

Free Rias Gremory from her arranged marriage with Riser Phenex

Reward: 800 EXP and gain the affection of Rias Gremory
Failure: Become part of Riser Phenex's Peerage

[Optional Objective:]
Win the [Rating Game]

Reward: 1000 EXP, gain the interest of many She-Devils and +? reputation with the Devil Faction

[Quest] completed! Reward: 800 EXP, 1000 EXP, gain the affection of Rias Gremory, gain the interest of many She-Devils and +? reputation with the Devil Faction.


Congratulations! You have LvLed up to LvL 51!

When I closed all on the pop-up windows, the final announcement came by.

(Riser Phenex-sama has retired from the game. Rias Gremory-sama is the victor.)


After Lucifuge-san's final announcement, I found myself inside another teleportation circle. Before I could do anything about it, I was teleported away to some kind of chamber, a waiting room. Gremory, Himejima-san, Hyōdō, Kiba, Leone and Tōjō are already there and I deactivated my [Hyper Dying Will Mode], the power boost that I've obtained has vanished as well.

I saw the state of the others... Hyōdō has some scorched marks on her clothes and body, Kiba has cuts around her and some of them are still bleeding, Tōjō is a bit okay and that can be said to Gremory and Himejima-san.

I guess I should heal them, since they've followed my plan. Creating a basketball size orb of [Sun Flames] in each of my hands, I called out the name of this technique "[Sun's Embrace]." I said as rays of yellow energy left the twin yellow balls of flames and bathed the 2 most injured Devils.

Hyōdō and Kiba started to heal from the warm energy with their hair and nails growing in the process. I noticed that Gremory has an awed expression, watching me using an anime based ability... She's a serious otaku.

By the end of the healing, Kiba's hair easily reached her ankles and Hyōdō's shoulder length hair is now at knees length and both of their nails now making their hands look more claw like. Dismissing the flames, the duo looking over themselves before Kiba asked "Why did our hair and nails grow?"

"It's..." I started, only for Gremory to but jump forwards to she explain it herself, looks like someone just stole my thunder.

"[Sun Flames] don't actually heal. They just make the healing rate of a person they are used on more active so they recover at a quicker rate, meaning it uses up what's in the body as well. It also affects the whole body so hair and nails, which grow the quickest for people, will grow along with the exposure of flames."

Gremory turned towards with a smile... I'm guessing that she wants me to be impressed by her knowledge about my abilities "Correct, I couldn't put it any better myself... Unless you girls want a boring scientific explanation of the [Sun Flames]."

[Nope!] Was their response.

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