The Heretic Exorcist

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"But... Wait a second." I heard Hyōdō said a little timid. Considering everything she had just observed, it would be obvious that she's shaken from the entire ordeal.

"What's wrong?" Gremory-san asked.

"What am I?" Hyōdō asked, pointing to herself "What [Piece]? I would just like to know how I fit in. Tell me, am I a [Knight] or something badass like that?"

I remained quiet, as I already knew what [Piece] I have within me, but had a curious expression on my face to make it seem like I'm listening as well "You're a [Pawn]." With that blunt answer, Gremory-san began joining the group as we all started to walk away.

"But I don't want to be a [Pawn]."

Gremory-san gave a soft smile as she turned back to Ichigo "Well, sorry, but that's what you and Kōjiro-kun are."

"Aww, but that blows. They're so lame..." Hyōdō whined.

"It can't be all that bad." I replied while shrugging. Apparently, the others seemed a bit surprised by my response. Then again, any other person would initially be depressed or angry about being a [Pawn].

"They may be foot soldiers but they have the most potential too. A [Pawn] can turn a game completely around by promoting to a much better [Piece], like a [Queen]." I explained, crossing my arms as I stared at Hyōdō's chocolate coloured eyes "So as [Pawns], you and I have the most potential out of others. Potential is what makes a [Pawn] both powerful and unique."

Gremory-san seemed both relieved and happy at my explanation "I couldn't have put it any better myself, Kōjiro-kun."

"I'll trust your words on it, Kōjiro!" Hyōdō exclaimed with a smile. Looks like my words encouraged her great, not that I didn't said any lies at all. There's no point lying on something that's true.

And with that question finally put to rest, the all of us finally departed the home of the Stray Devil Vizor.

- a few minutes later -

"I'm back!" I said as I entered my house with groceries in my hands, taking off my shoes near the door and leaving them there.

"Welcome back!" I heard Mittelt said as she appeared from the kitchen with an apron on over a plain white dress.

Since I training her in combat, she decided to cook dinner for us every night. It still surprises me that she knows how to cook, but I just let her after hearing that the other Fallen Angels in her little group doesn't know how to even boil eggs with messing them up. Her meals are decent, but I give her pointers on how to make them better.

"What's on the menu tonight?" I asked as I enter the kitchen before placing the groceries on the counter before facing her

"Hot pot! It'll be finished in a few minutes!"

I nodded with a smile on my face as I looked at the blondie's smiling face. Despite being enemies not too long ago, Mittelt and I became like a small family of 2 siblings, the Fallen as my Imouto and I'm her Nii-san.

I just remembered Hyōdō's tale of her meeting with a Nun, my instincts are telling that she's related with the Exiled Nun that possesses the [Sacred Gear: Twilight Healing]...

"Mittelt." I started while sitting down on 1 of the chairs near the dining table.

"Hm? What is it?"

"The Nun that holds [Twilight Healing] has appeared."

"..." I grew curious on Mittelt's lack of response to my question. So looking over the counter, I saw that she stood still like a statue for a few seconds before she faced my direction "...What do you intent to do?"

I paused for a second, thinking through her carefully. What do I want to do with the Nun? It's not like I want or needed [Twilight Healing], since I already have the [Sun Flames] and [Activation] in my disposal at anytime... I'll think over it on a later date.

"Nothing, for now." I said while crossing my arms. My intuition tells that a situation arises that I have to fight against Mittelt's old friends, then it would be either kill or spare them. But I'll payback Dohnaseek for killing me with full interest.

"Hot Pot's done!" I smiled when I heard those words. Time to dig in!

- a few minutes later -

After eating finishing the Hot Pot, Mittelt and I decided to rest before going on with our training. As of now, we're currently facing a horde of zombies in the [Instant Dungeon: Zombies] and eliminating them without much of a problem.

"This Zombies sure are easy to kill now!" Mittelt shouted as I bombed a small group of zombies with an overloaded Light Sphere.

"That only shows that you've gotten stronger." I stated before mentally activating [Sterling Blue] to create a [Light Sphere] before coating it with [Cloud Flames] and throwing it into the sky.

In the next few seconds, the [Light Sphere] exploded and began shooting beams down on the ground, which started multiplying like tree branches and hitting dozens of Zombies in the process.


I heard the familiar shout of the Witches and I can tell where they are with my [Vongola Hyper Intuition], so I faced that direction to see 3 Bride Witches charging at me. I simple equipped my [Steel Katana], dropping it before kicking the hilt of the sword with full force that sent it flying towards 1 of them, which pierced its head.

[Shigure Soen Ryu, 3rd Form: Yarazu no Ame!]

I instantly used [Bo-Bup] to appear above the 2 other Witches and used a [Flames of Wrath] enhanced [Axe Blade] to send a wave of flames towards them, incinerating the undead bitches in a matter of seconds.

After landing on the ground, I pulled out my sword from the Witch's head. I looked at Mittelt to see that she's not having any problem on the zombies and it made me remember the first time she faced them.

She was screaming in fear for the entire 10 minutes, throwing Light Spears that fail to hit their mark most of the time and she eventually fainted when a Tank came into the fray.

*thud!* [RRRRRAAAAAAAA!!!]

Speak of the Devil... And in it walks. Looking towards the source of the loud cry, I saw familiar ugly mass of a meat-bag that is the infamous Tank of [Left 4 Dead]. They're really hard to kill in the game and in this world, but I'm sure that stronger beings can make quick work of them.

Storing away my [Steel Katana], I ignited my legs with [Flames of Wrath] before using [Rapid Movement] to above the Tank and follow up with an enhanced [Axe]. Even after the wave of [Dying Will Flames] washed over it and my strike hits, I can tell that it's still standing so I jumped back to gain some distance between us.

I quickly jumped into the side when I noticed that the Tank throw a zombie at me in a fast speed. Looking at the monster, I saw that it's slightly injured but it can still go on with this battle...

I guess that I have to take things seriously now. I mentally activated [Hyper Dying Will Mode], as I feel the rush of power course though my body. I used my mana to control the wind and let it rotate around my [Flames of Wrath] covered right leg to create a miniature flame tornado before kicking in an arc towards the Tank's direction.

I saw a dragon made of [Flames of Wrath] formed from my kick and rush towards the Tank. They clashed and the dragon started pushing the monster around like it was nothing, damaging numerous other zombies along the way before [BOOOOOMMMMM!!!] they exploded together.

...That was awesome! I have to try [Jin Mo-Ri Original: Blue Dragon's Kick] with the other [Dying Will Flames] to see what the effect are next time!


Congratulations! You have LvLed up to LvL 35!


[Flames of Wrath] LvLed up to 25!


[Storm Flames] LvLed up to 25!


[Sky Flames] LvLed up to 26!

"All of the zombies are gone!" I heard Mittelt shouted, making me blick in mild surprise. I didn't expect to finish all of the zombies that fast. After sensing the entire area for any sign of unknown auras, I believed what the little Fallen has said.

"Well, time to go back now." I said while walking towards Mittelt before placing a hand on her should when she was an arms reach before using [ID ESCAPE]. Soon, all of the damaged that happened disappeared and the backyard is back to normal.

"I'm still surprised that you can create Dungeons with Zombies."

"I'm still not experienced enough to make Dungeons with harder beings other than Zombies and Ghouls." I commented as we started walking back to the house "If I get better, I might actually create a Dungeon with Dragons on it. Now that would be awesome."

"I-I don't think that would be a g-good idea." Mittelt said in a nervous and a bit scared tone in her voice.

- the next evening -

I was off on a job with Hyōdō as usual, only that I'm currently walking while the brunette is riding her bike. Hyōdō didn't want to rely on me for bring her to client, which is something that I can respect. It's good to see that others who don't always need the help of his/her friend to do something exist.

But Gremory-san suggested that it would be better for us to do jobs together. I would had argued with her on the matter, if it wasn't for my intuition that's telling me that something is going to happen with the contract and here we are now.

"How are you keeping up with me?" I heard Hyōdō asked, so I turned towards her to see that she has a curious expression on her face.

"It may not look like it, but I'm a pretty fast runner." I explained, not going to say that I'm using [Rapid Movement] at the bare minimum to move fast but not too fast that I'm teleporting anywhere near Hyōdō. Hyōdō and I eventually arrived in front of the client's house and there was something that completely bugged me.

The client's door is open.

Greedy people usually don't leave there doors open, that only happens when they forgotten about it or did it now purpose... And the latter only happened when something fishy is about it happen. My intuition is also warning me right now.

"Hyōdō." I started while turning towards the brunette.

"What is it?" Hyōdō asked while she dismounted from her bike before walking up to the door beside me.

"We should be careful when we enter the house..." I warned the brunette while turning towards the door with narrowed eyes "I have a bad feeling about this..."

"You sure? Maybe the client left it open for us?" Hyōdō asked in a rather cautious manner, surprising me that she actually believed me a bit. I thought that she would wave off my words and do the job, but I guess that she's smarter that I expected.

"I highly doubt that anyone is stupid enough to leave their front door open." I stated before entering the house first. I didn't take off my shoes as I made my way into the client's house. It may have been rude, but something was definitely wrong. I didn't need to look back to know that Hyōdō is following me closely.

"Hello?" Hyōdō called out "Is anyone there?"

I peeked through the door at the end of the hall which was opened just a crack. I still couldn't see anyone or anything because the brightness of what may have been candles was blinding me... But that smell... I recognised that horrible smell.

The smell of death, rotting corpses... And blood. A lot of blood.

I quickly opened the door and walked in. What I saw was a living room with a television, a sofa, a table, and such. It looked like any ordinary living room... And that was when I finally saw the body.


It was hung upside down and nailed to the wall with giant screw into the palms of his hands, his feet, and his torso. The corpse had been cut viciously. Something that looked like a giblet was coming out from the wounds... From the way they were positioned, they resembled an upside-down cross.

This wasn't murder. It was a torture-filled execution.

What was left of the guy's face had an expression of pure pain and horror etched into it. I couldn't help but wonder how long he suffered before death finally gave him a release from his agonising torture.

I didn't need to looked back to know that my companion started releasing her lunch from the sight... I would be the same, if it wasn't for the [Gamer's Mind] to keep me calm and calculative.

I could see blood pooled on the ground below the poor bastard, more of it leaking from his corpse. But what truly gained my attention are words on the wall... Written with the victim's own blood. 'Punishment for those who did bad deeds!'... Why does that line sound so familiar?

Mentally entering my [Hyper Dying Will Mode] before using [Vongola Hyper Intuition] to its fullest, I sensed only 2 other beings near by and worse of all... They're human. To think that humans would do something this satanic, I can't feeling anything but disgust towards the killers.

"Hyōdō, if your done then get ready..." I stated before turning towards where I sensed someone coming "Because we're not alone in here."

I saw a man with white hair appear. He was clearly a foreigner but still looked like he could still possibly be in his teens. He was dressed as a priest and may have qualified as a bishounen if not for the incredibly evil-seeming smile on his face when he saw Hyōdō and I.


Character Name: Freed Zelzan

Alignment: Fallen Angel, The Grigori, Kokabiel's group and Raynare's group

LvL: 36

Profession: Exiled Exorcist

Title: Crazy Exorcist and Heretic Priest

Fame: Traitor of the Church and Heretic Priest

HP: 300/300 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 150/150 Regen: 0.7 per minute

"Hmm hmm. Well, well, if it isn't a Devil-kun and a Devil-chan!" Freed sounded disturbingly happy even though there was a corpse hanging on the wall beside us.

"...Were you the one who did this?" I asked after a few seconds of silence, referring to the guy pinned at the wall in an upside-down cross.

The exorcist nodded cheerfully "Yes, yes. I killed him. Because~ he was a regular criminal who has been summoning Devils, so I had to kill him." He didn't even try to excuse himself. He showed no remorse for taking a man's life. For a former worshipper of the Biblical God, he is absolutely satanic.

"You-! You monster!"

"Eh?! Is the shitty Devil-chan here lecturing me?!" The [Exiled Exorcist] asked in a mocking tone "What the fuck is that? Hahahaha! I laugh like this! You could probably get an award for best comedian! Okay then, listen carefully you shitty Devil. Devils also use humans' greed to survive. Relying on Devils proves you are no longer a human. It's the end. That's why I killed him~. I make a living killing Devils and those that are contracted to Devils. That's my job."

...I've meet people how are absolute hypocrites, yet this guys takes the cake and makes them look jokes... I can't help but feel my blood boil in anger.

"Who the Hell are you calling a shitty Devil, you shitty priest!?" Hyōdō shouted the words that would have came out from my mouth, if it wasn't for the fact I'm currently sensing where the person in the house is right now.

"Oh ho! The shitty Devil before me has a pair of her own now, doesn't she?!" Zelzan said with his previous sadistic grin "The last few I killed begged for their lives the moment they met me. No fun whatsoever! You at least have a mouth on you! Hmm~ Maybe I cut up your limbs so that I can fuck you before killing you off after I grew bored!"


I quickly used [Rapid Movement] to appear in front of Zelzan, before following it up with a [Northern Style Front Kick] at mother fucker's face, sending him flying and crashing through the wall.

I shot a sharp look at Hyōdō behind me "Hyōdō! Leave this shit head to me! Get back to the [ORC] and tell Gremory-san what happened!"

Hyōdō, still frozen, looked from me to hole that I made using Zelzan. Absolute killing intent erupted from my body from not getting a quick response [GO!!! NOW!!!] I roared at the girl, snapping her back to reality. Frightened by my sudden hostility, Hyōdō swallowed once and nodded before she ran right past me, exiting the house.

*bang!* I heard a gun shot and I felt where the bullet is going towards, so tilted my head to the side in order for me dodge it. Turning back towards the hole, I saw Zelzan stumbled out of the rubble of the destroyed wall with with a pistol and blade-less sword in his hands, his expression becoming more pissed off.

I had apparently kicked him hard enough that blood is dripping from the front of his forehead and mouth. His uniform was much more torn than it was before and his face is completely fucked up by my kick.

I feel proud of myself for turn a hypocrite like him into an ugly bastard.

"Nice try, Silver-Eyes Shitty Devil~! While I'm really pissed off that Devil-chan got away, I-Oh never mind! I don't know why I'm wasting my time speaking to a Devil I'm about to kill." He shrugged to himself. A strange sound vibrated in the air and the sword that was only a handle before somehow turned into a Light Saber.

"You kind of irritate me, so can I cut you? Can I shoot you? Is it OK? Okay then. Now I'm going to stab your heart with this Light Sword, and I'm going to blow your head with this cool looking gun! Man, I'm seriously going to fall in love!"

I blinked. What the fu-

I didn't get to finish that thought before the mother fucker started to quickly sprint towards me at a speed that surprised me, he's as fast the Witches. He slashed at but I leaned right and dodged his blade by an inch *bang!* before jumping backwards just in time to avoid a bullet shot at my leg.

Mentally acting my [Sacred Gear] to form my own [Light Saber], I used [Bo-Bup] to appear behind him and swings my sword to cut his head off clean. But my attack missed as he quickly ducked away and I saw him point his gun at me. *bang!* I intercepted the bullet with my sword before jumping to avoid the sweep of his Light Sword at my legs.

I noticed that Zelzan ran towards me again and attempted to cut me down. *buzz!* My sword clashes again his own, a bits of sparks flying out from their interaction "Damn... You're really pissing me off, you shitting Devil!"

I pushed the mother fucker away, *bang!* but I quickly used [Rapid Movement] to the appear above him and dodge his gun shot at the same time. I tried to attack him, but I ended up blocking his sword strike with my [Light Saber]. I instantly used [Baekdu] on his face, again, to send Zelzan flying back to the another wall and breaking it as well.

Just when I was about to incinerate the [Heretic Priest] with a [Flames of Wrath] blast, I sensed 2 other people enter the room, and 1 of them is familiar, so I turned towards the source to see Hyōdō and a blondie-haired Sister standing behind her.

The Sister wore a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip, and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck.


Character Name: Asia Argento

Alignment: Raynare's Group and The Grigori

LvL: 11

Profession: Exiled Nun and Healer

Title: Asia the Witch and Former Holy Maiden

Fame: Traitor of the Church

HP: 100/100 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 400/400 Regen: 3.6 per minute

I turned towards Hyōdō and shot her a glare, showing my disapproval to her move "I thought I told you to get out... And who's the Nun?" I didn't need to ask to know, but I still have to play ignorant of the blondie's identity.

Hyōdō hung her head in shame "I-I'm sorry. I found Asia outside and she said she had to get in and... I'm sorry... I just wanted to help-"


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