The Student Council

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- 3 hours later -

I let out a tired sigh from behind the counter inside [TakeSushi], dressed in the chef attire. The whole afternoon was wasted for arranging the entire place, from setting the rules of the place, where the Fallen Angels will sleep, making Mittelt and Kalawarner to stop calling me 'Master' and giving them some money to buy new clothes, which they dragged me into it as well. Asia and Hyōdō actually tagged along for the shopping, and I had to pay for them as well... At least I got to see them in nice clothes.

"Something wrong?" The voice of the costumer in front of me brought me back to reality, making me face him.

"Just... Thinking of some girl troubles, Belphegor-san." I told then blondie man with a bowl cut that covers his eyes.

"Ushishishi! Having trouble confessing to your crush?" Belphegor-san asked in a mocking tone "I'll give you some advice, just go straight at woman and kiss her! Don't do any of those cheesy pickup lines and just play it cool!"

I just looked at him with deadpan eyes, seeing that his immature side is coming out right now "I didn't say anything about confessing to a crush... Just trying to arrange the stuff of some girls that'll be living with me in my house."

"Oh ho? Despite not being a prince like myself, it seems like you've already got yourself a Harem."

I shook my head "They're my new maids."

"And its a maid's job to 'serve' her master, if you get what I'm saying." I'm seriously thinking of knocking out Belphegor-san right now. It seems that he's a pervert in this world... Makes me wonder if the other members of the Varia are different here "Well, I'll be going now!"

Belphegor-san stood up from the stool and left the area. I looked down at the spot where he ate and let a a short whistle when I saw a ¥1000 note in there "Well, well, he actually paid with cash... I guess that there's a first for everything."

- the next day -

I'm currently at the roof top, eating my lunch with Asia, Hyōdō, Mittelt and Raynare in a circle. Nothing eventful is happened... Other than the fact that Asia, Mittelt and Raynare are now students in Kuoh and Kalawarner is a teacher now.

I was just notified by it the during dinner last night, when Mittelt received a message from Azazel that said he enrolled the 3 young girls into Kuoh while Kalawarner is the new school gym teacher... And told me that I should buy them the uniforms.

I felt like kicking Azazel with a [Lightning Flame] enhanced [Jin Tae-Jin Original, Sonic Kick] in the balls, because that caused me to buy them the Kuoh Academia girls' school uniform, the track suits and check the right sizes.

I starting to hate shopping for clothing.

"So this is where you are." I heard a male voice from the the door, making my companions and I to turn towards the source of the voice. The voice came from a young man with short blonde hair and grey eyes. He wears the Kuoh Academia boys' school uniform, albeit without the blazer and his sleeves are rolled up.


Character Name: Genshirō Saji

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 10

Profession: Pervert, Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Pawn of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 140/140 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 120/120 Regen: 0.5 per minute

"Kaichou wants to talk to you, Kōjiro." I raised an eyebrow when I heard that, curiosity with my eyes as I wonder what Sona Sitri desires from me.

"Are you in trouble, Raiga-san?" I heard Asia asked in a worried tone in her voice, making me smile a little at her. I'm glad and honoured to have a friend that truly cares for me.

"No idea, but I haven't done anything wrong as far as I know." I stated before standing up and facing my companions "Well, the only for me to find out is by going with blondie guy."

I walked past Saji and made my way towards the Student Council room. I know the direction towards the place, but I've never been inside the room before as I have no reason to enter it until now.

The rest of the way to the room was quiet for us, as I just looked up with my pockets in my hand... I got this feeling that I'll meet someone that's an absolute dick, and I get this urge to destroy it before freezing it completely.

"Kaichou... I brought him." My attention when back to Saji when he said that, as I just realised that we already made it to our destination.

There were a few seconds of waiting before a voice replied "Thank you Saji. Come in."

Saji opened the door and I took it as a signal for me to enter. I looked around the office styled room. Several desks were arranged around the room so people could work without much distractions while off to the side was a pair of sofas and a coffee table between them.

Sitting on 1 of them is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. She wore the Kuoh Academia girls' school uniform, and I can tell that she wears it with great pride and that caught my attention.

A lot of girls take pride in there appearance and it's rare to find someone have great pride on themselves while wearing a school uniform. I got this feeling that Sona Sitri take matters in the school very seriously, as she is the Student Council president and most be a strong figure that the student body can respect.


Character Name: Sona Sitri, Sōna Shitori (Alias)

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 27

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Devil, High-Class Devil, President of the Student Council and King.

Title: President of the Student Council, Heiress of the House of Sitri and King

Fame: 3rd most popular girl in Kuoh, Little sister of Leviathan

HP: 200/200 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 570/570 Regen: 0.5 per minute

From what I can tell by looking her body frame, she's not very good when is come to a melee fight and she's more of a magic user like Gremory and Himejima-san... What is with [Kings] and their lack of close combat abilities?

"It's nice to meet you, Kōjiro-san."

"You too, Kaichou. May I ask why you wanted to see me?" I asked curiously. I wonder what does the 3rd popular most popular girl in the school wants from me.

Kaichou nodded before gesturing to the chessboard "I wanted to have a chat with you. Do you play chess?"

"Not the typical sort of games I play, Kaichou, but I do know the rules." I replied while I moved to take a seat opposite her. Kaichou made her opening move while I added "I'm more a Turn Based RPG fan, lot more diversity in building characters if there's a large class system for the power ups. I find chess a bit boring as it takes ages to play."

"Chess is important to Devils, it formed the basis for the [Evil Pieces] and [Rating Games]. I'm sure Rias has made you aware of it." Kaichou countered coolly.

I merely rolled my eyes at her words. She must be into the role playing thing like Gremory... I mean, what's wrong with diversity and the ability to adapt to the sudden change of situations? I guess that I put my hopes of her intellect on warfare a little too high.

"Chess doesn't take into account the people who have taken the pieces, their powers, abilities and even if they took multiple pieces. Overall, chess matches are only good for the tactics even if it's simple and stereotypical." I saw Kaichou narrow her eyes at me, like I just insulted her or something... She must really love chess.

"I don't mean simple overall but it's limited in regards to the pieces and forcing your servants into stereotypical roles based on the pieces they have, which only limits their strength and opens up glaring weaknesses that can be exploited by the right person." I explained, getting a look of realisation from Kaichou.

"Ah, you mean the fact that [Rook], [Knight] and [Bishop] Pieces only provide different boosts which usually get focused on by there [Kings], rather then taking care to get rid of the weaknesses they each hold."

"That's right, and I'll give an example." I took 1 of Kaichou's [Knights] that I defeated and held it up "By using a [Knight] piece on a magic user or a being with incredible strength, you can cover the typical low defence weaknesses of a [Knight] and the same can be said to the other 2 pieces."

After I finished my sentence, I looked at the broad and thought of my next move... Might as well do a completely strange move, I took my [King] piece and moved it forward. I saw that Kaichou looked completely off guard and it's understandable, since it's still early in the game for me or anyone to move their [King] piece.

"Why did you move your [King] piece now?" I smiled a little, thinking of the words that a very intelligent man once said. I greatly respect him not only for his brilliant mind but his determination to make his world a better place for his most precious sister.

"[If the [King] does not lead, then how would he expect his subjects to follow him?], Can you understand the true meaning those words?" I answered back with a question of my own. I waited for Kaichou to give me her response as I watched her make move to check my [King] piece, but I simply eliminated the threat with my last [Rook] piece.

"A [King] must not only have a great mind to think of a plan, but strong enough to fight along side his people and protect them... Is that correct?"

I nodded with a smile at Kaichou's response, glad to find out that she was able to understand those words "That's right. Even if a [King] has a great mind but just orders around his people like [Pawns] in a chess game, they'll see him as nothing more but a tyrant that they'll reject and slay."

I moved my [King] piece again "But even if a [King] is an amazing fighter but doesn't have a keen mind to understand any situation, his subjects will see him as a fool that they can manipulate easily. So an ideal [King] must be someone strong to fight with his comrades but smart enough to think of a plan when a situation turns bad."

I noticed that Kaichou smiled as she look at me with a new found respect within her eyes "I must say I was impressed with your negotiation with the Grigori and getting rid off the [Exiled Exorcists] in Kuoh."

"I take it that you heard about the negotiation from Gremory." I stated as I looked at my pieces, and I'll admit that I'm losing right now. I have to respect Kaichou's bright mind, as I never been outsmarted when I arrived into this world "I did it because as I felt like getting back at them for my death and trying to kill a kind soul like Asia."

Kaichou and I continued playing our game. It was actually tense. Every time Kaichou made a move, I made my own to counter it. Also, the way she played... It spoke volumes about her. She treated each piece as what it was worth. She didn't waste a single one. If she lost a piece, it was by design, sacrificing it to serve a greater purpose or to take the place of another.

She was not wasteful and she was also able to adapt and predict my own moves, changing her own strategy to counter my moves. That's not to say I was horrible. I stood my ground, analyzing the way she played.

We continued playing in silence, until my opponent spoke up once more "You know Rias has come asking for my help with you..."

"Oh?" I asked with a raised eyebrow but I should have expected this from the start. People as busy as Kaichou won't just chat with anyone without a hidden motive.

Kaichou modded "Let's just say your games of 'wits and words' with Rias has wounded her pride and she doesn't like losing to you, especially since you are right. About the right of privacy and about her being an opportunist. She really should have just talked to you before the Fallen Angel attacked you, that is what I would've done."

"That is what I expect from the strict Kaichou and personally, I would've preferred the straight forward approach even if I wouldn't believe it till I had proof." I replied with a small smile, happy to see that Kaichou isn't someone that takes advantage of a person's mental condition so easily.

"Do you hate Rias?" I looked at Kaichou when she asked me that question. Taking a moment to think about it before giving my answer.

"I don't hate Gremory, I just don't trust her and I have a few reasons why. She and the others suddenly appeared in my house out my invitation, I see that as trespassing on my property. She didn't revealed any important info about the Church, like the time I had to fight an [Exiled Exorcist]..." I paused for a bit and moved my [Knight] to take out Kaichou's [Queen] before continuing "And I just got this feeling that she wants me, but not in a very proper way. It's like she wants to own me or something."

"I see..." I looked at Kaichou to see that she's thinking of my words "I believe that you have the right reasons to be distrustful towards Rias, but I suggest to at least try to understand her... Checkmate."

I looked back at the broad and saw that my [King] is cornered by Kaichou's [Rook] and [Bishops] "Good game, Kaichou. I better head back to class." I replied while standing up from my sit.

"Maybe we can play another time?" I looked back at Kaichou with a raised eyebrow, wondering why the sudden interest on playing with me on chess?

"Maybe." I shrugged before leaving the room.

- after school, [ORC] -

"Good to see you're on-time." Gremory greeted me with her usual smile. Everyone else of the [ORC] was already assembled in the room: Hyōdō, Kiba, Himejima-san, Asia, Mittelt, Raynare and Tōjō.

The girls are new members of the club, but they didn't turned into Devils and I made sure to keep it that way. Gremory seemed to have no interest at first, but I'm sure that she'll try to turn Asia into a Devil once the red head discovers about [Twilight Healing].

I merely nodded before sitting between Mittelt and Hyōdō, the 2 girls that I know the most. I turned towards Asia with a small smile "How have you been enjoying school, Asia?" I asked curiously, wanting to know if there were any problems at all.

The blondie girl smiling brightly "Everyone's been really kind, Raiga-san, and some of the girls have asked me to go shopping with them."

"Well can't leave you out of the fun, Asia!" Hyōdō said with a smile.

I smiled at her as well before turning back to Asia "That's great. Looks like you'll have ton of friends now. How about you Mittelt?"

"I'm enjoying my time here as well." Mittelt answered a smile of her own "Koneko-san has been a big help as well!"

I nodded, still smiling before turning towards Raynare or 'Yūma' as she's know here. When our eyes meet, she already knew what I was about to ask "I'm fine as well, just wished that the perverted monkeys would stop staring at me like a piece of meat."

"The burden of beauty... Once they set their sight now you, they just can't keep their eyes off anymore." I muttered out loud before blinking, as I just indirectly called Raynare beautiful. So I looked around to see the different reactions from the members: the girl that I complimented blushed while Gremory, Hyōdō and Mittelt were glaring at Raynare, Himejima-san did her signature giggle, Tōjō just continued to eat her snacks, Kiba just looked on with a smile and Asia pouted at me.

"So... Why are we here again?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Gremory, Hyōdō and Mittelt glared at me for a few seconds before the red head cleared her throat.

"Well your time delivering leaflets is over, Kōjiro-kun, Ichigo. We'll be going to get you both a familiar soon."

"A familiar?" Hyōdō asked confused while I thought about it. Hmm... Is this familiar thing similar to Zero no Tsukaima? Where, they're like magical pets who help their masters in performing tasks or aiding their masters in various ways.

"They can be used to deliver leaflets in your stead as well as helping you out in battle and numerous other things. They are essential for a Devil's life." Gremory explained as a red bat suddenly appeared on her palm after making a sound "This is my familiar."

Himejima-san summoned something as well "This one here is mine." It was some sort of mini Oni.

"....This is Shiro." I heard Tōjō muttered quietly, drawing my attention to the small white cat she was holding... How original, to name the cat based on its colour. But I guess they fit together like 2 peas in a pod.

"He's really cute." Asia commented while Shiro hissed at Mittelt, who had been trying to pet him.

"Mine is this." I glanced over to Kiba, who had a small white falcon resting on her shoulder.

"Amazing..." Hyōdō said as she looked over the familiars.

I narrowed my eyes as I felt a few auras near by and they're all outside the room. I turned towards the doors and that moments did a knock was heard before it opened as Kaichou and the Student Council entered the room.

Kaichou and Saji stood in front of the group and it seems like Saji is in the same boat as me, the only guy on our respective peerage.

A young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye behind a blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses.

A young beautiful girl with white hair and blue-green eyes. I noticed that her gaze would shift from Saji to Sona, with jealousy within them.

A slim girl with long brown hair that ends in two short braids and matching eyes. She also wears a blue headband.

A beautiful girl with shoulder-length, reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair features swept bangs and a single strand of hair sticking out from the top.

A tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. She has the basic appearance of a tomboy, and has a bishounen face.

And a short girl with brown hair in long twin ponytails and green eyes. She wears a pair of green clips in her hair and she also wears striped green stockings. Just like the white haired girl, her jealous gaze would shift from Saji to Sona.

They all wore the Kuoh Academia girls' uniform.

"What are you doing here Sona?"

"Well seeing as we have new members, I figured it was time for introductions." Kaichou explain while I used [Observe] on her peerage.


Character Name: Tsubaki Shinra

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 30

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Devil, Vice-resident of the Student Council.

Title: Vice-President of the Student Council

Fame: 3rd most popular girl in Kuoh,

HP: 300/300 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 530/530 Regen: 0.5 per minute


Character Name: Momo Hanakai

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 16

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Bishop of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 140/140 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 300/300 Regen: 0.5 per minute


Character Name: Reya Kusaka

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 17

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Bishop of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 160/160 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 280/280 Regen: 0.5 per minute


Character Name: Tomoe Meguri

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 15

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Knight of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 140/140 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 150/150 Regen: 0.5 per minute


Character Name: Tsubasa Yura

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 19

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Rook of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 280/280 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 120/120 Regen: 0.5 per minute


Character Name: Ruruko Nimura

Alignment: Peerage of Sona Sitri and the Student Council

LvL: 9

Profession: Student of Kuoh Academia, Member of the Student Council, Devil and Pawn of Sona Sitri

Title: Member of the Student Council

Fame: None

HP: 120/120 Regen: 1 per hour

MP: 140/140 Regen: 0.5 per minute

"Hey Kaichou." I said while I nodded at Kaichou, drawing confused looks from the other devils.

"So Rias you told your new servants about us?" Saji asked with an arrogant smirk. So, looks like we ourselves a hot shot.

"She didn't... I knew because you don't bother to conceal your own demonic aura, which appeared only after you joined the Student Council and you took me to the student Council room earlier as well." I said as Saji blinked in surprise and I saw Kichou smirked slightly at my words.

"W-Well, I took 4 [Pawn] pieces." Saji countered lamely.

"The number of [Pawn] pieces you took is irrelevant if you can't use your own potential to its fullest." I countered back "It's like saying you need 10 bullets to kill a man, when you only need 1 to finish the job."

"Ichigo, Kojiro-kun please get along with him." Gremory asked while I frowned as I saw the [Pawn] staring at Asia.

"I'll try as long as the pervert behaves." I growled at Saji, who gulped before averting his gaze.

"Can I help, Raiga-san?" I nodded with a smirk at Mittelt's question.

"So you were going to take your new servants for familiars." I glanced back to the 2 High Class Devils, sighing as I noticed the challenging look in the pair's eyes... I'm not going to like what they plan to do.

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