The Warmongers

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Character Name: Esdeath

Alignment: Kokabiel's group

LvL: 87

Profession: Yuki-Onna/Human Hybrid, Sadist and Military Strategist

Title: General, Master of The Sadist Life and Ice Queen

Fame: General, Master of The Sadist Life and Ice Queen

HP: 2459/2459 Regen: 20 per hour

MP: 2684/2684 Regen: 50 per minute

Damn... I didn't expect to fight someone who's [LvL] is higher than mine by 9, but I should have expected that from Esdeath. I equipped my [X-Gloves] before charging at Esdeath with my swords covered in 'hard' [Rain Flames], which takes an azure colour rather than simply blue, and ignoring the Invasion OST from [Bleach].

...I need to push Esdeath away from my allies, as they(minus Leone) don't have a chance to so much as pose a challenge to her. I highly doubt that I can even injure Esdeath at all, but all I can do is distract her and make her focus her attention on me.

I attack her with a thrust strike with [Yubashiri].

[Shigure Soen Ryu, 1st Form: Shajiku no Ame!]

*clin!* *cing!* Esdeath parries my attack to her right while I saw her move her sword to thrust at me. *clin!* I deflected the attack before striking back with a raising diagonal with [Shigure Kintoki], *clin!* but was blocked easily.


*clin!* *clin!*


With a simple way of her hand, she launched 8 ice spears from thin air at me.

Fuck! This is way harder than I even imagined!

*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*


*clin!* *clin!*

*break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *break!* *break!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*



*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *clin!* *clin!*

I was able to lure Esdeath into a rooftop, away from the others so that they won't get on the cross fire of our fight and I can tell that she doesn't mind at all. After all, Esdeath only kills weaklings when they get in the way and purely lust to battle against strong people.

...I'm her prey right now, so I better not disappoint her!

With a wave of her hand, she creates several icicles from thin air and fires them at the me with a simple hand gesture. With [Shigure Kintoki], in my right hand, lightly touching the ground before swinging upward, unleashing a wall of [Rain Flames] out of nowhere in front of me to block her view and the hail of icicles.

[2nd Form: Sakamaku Ame!]

Using [Rapid Movement] to appear behind Esdeath to stab her, *clin!* only that she reacted quick enough to notice me and block my strike. The smile that she possesses grew even more, while I looked back with a blank expression.

*clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*




*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *clin!*

*break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *break!* *break!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*


*clin!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *clin!*

*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *clin!*

We continue our 'dance' of dodging, parrying and blocking. Every strike at an opening that saw was easily blocked, while I had a difficult time defending all of her attack from the 'openings' she can see in my [11th Form: Akeru Ame] as they differ from slashes, thrusts, icicles and even kicks or punches... If Esdeath was reincarnated as a Devil, she will no doubt be the perfect [Queen], as there's no other piece that fits her the most.

I saw Esdeath jump very high into the air before a giant pillar of ice was created underneath her, which is heading right towards me. Quickly placing my swords forward with [Shigure Kintoki] above [Yubashiri] before preforming a scissor like slash while the swords are lightly brushing against each other and sending a larger wave of [Rain Flames] towards ice pillar when it were 10 foot away from me.

[9th From: Grande Attacco di Rondine!]

*slam!* *BREAK!!!*

My attack smashed Esdeath's Hagelsprung, with many fragments failing down and crushing anything else. Using [Rapid Movement] to appear above Esdeath, spinning around before bringing down my blades at her with the momentum from the spin adding a bit more force to my strike.

[10th Form: Spirale Bettola di Rondine!]

*CLIN!!!* *CLIN!!!*


Esdeath blocked it, but she was sent way and crashed on the rooftop where we've been fighting on. But it's stupid of me to think that I was able to injure her... She must have landed on her feet, but it's gotta a bit painful with her high heel-


I saw a giant horn of ice fly towards me quickly. I slashed down and released a wave of 'hard' [Rain Flames] towards the giant ice horn.

[9th Form: Attacco di Rondine!]

*slam!* *BREAK!!!*

Just like what happened earlier with of [Grande Attacco di Rondine], the giant ice horn was destroyed when it was hit by my [Attacco di Rondine]. I shot myself fast towards Esdeath with a burst of 'hard' [Sky Flames] and move in to stab her with my swords.

[1st Form: Niruida Shajiku no Ame!]

*CLIN!!!* *CLIN!!!*

Esdeath block the attack, but I saw her clutch a fist.


I shot myself away just in time to evade the ice spikes that formed around her and almost pierced me. Good thing that my [Vongola Hyper Intuition] and [Awareness] helped me in noticing that hand gesture or less I would have been dead by now.

I charged at Esdeath while manipulating the [Rain Flames] on my swords to cast a spell "[Tranquility Swallows]." I declared before 28 swallow made of 'hard' [Rain Flames] came out from the [Rain Flames] on my swords and flew around me. Mentally commanding them to attack Esdeath, they all flew towards the target. I saw Esdeath create over a dozen icicles around her, and launched them at me.

*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*

*break!* *break!* *break!*

*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*

I destroyed all of the icicles that are about to pierce me, while mentally control the [Tranquility Swallows] to evade the icicles but I lose about 10 of them. I looked at the bigger bloodthirsty grin on Esdeath's face, not liking that it's directed towards me.

...I got an idea to stop her, but I need to be quick-


I turned around to see just in time to see powerful blasts of violet light heading towards me. I quickly made a ['Hard' Clone], passed my swords to it before mentally commanded it to distract Esdeath and did the [Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised] just as the attack was about to hit me with beams of light going to the gap within my hands.

I feel a great amount of power flow into my body, way more than the time I drained Hyōdō's [Dragon Shot]... These beams must be A rank each in terms of power output. While draining this attack, I looked at the direct where they came from and saw a witch that would be seen in a fairy tale. She wears an oddly familiar hooded bluish-purple robe.

Wait a sec...


Character Name: Medea

Alignment: Kokabiel's group

LvL: 81

Profession: Magician, Ultimate Class Magician, Elf/Human Hybrid

Title: Descendant of Medea and Expert of Ancient Magic

Fame: Descendant of Medea, Owner of the Golden Fleece and Expert of Ancient Magic

HP: 120/120 Regen: 0.1 per hour

MP: 8940/8940 Regen: 25% per minute

...Why should I be surprised? I know a few people that cast such powerful blasts like its second nature, and 1 of them is a [Magician from the Age of the Gods] or a descendant of a [Magician].

"Ara, it's impressive that you were able to absorb those blasts." Medea complimented lightly, but I can tell that she is a bit surprised as well "Now, can you stand aside? I need to take that troublesome woman with you."

"What are you doing here *clin!* *clin!* , Medea?" Esdeath demanded with annoyance in her voice "*clin!* Can't *clin!* you see that *clin!* I'm *clin!* busy right now? So *clin!* *clin!* don't get in my way of my fight."

"As much as I want to leave you here, Kokabiel-sama ordered us to retreat." Medea said.

I heard Esdeath *tch!* before I saw Medea vanished into violet butterflies with her and Esdeath's auras moving away here... Then I felt 4 different auras going after another Zelzan's aura and 1 of them belongs to Kiba.

{Boss! Are you okay!?} Leone's voice startled me a bit but I recovered quickly.

{I'm fine Leone... Listen, I'm going after Kiba to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. Please guard the others in the house and tell them that I'll be gone for a while.}

{...Are you sure?} I can feel the worry in Leone's voice, making smile a bit that she's very concerned for me.


{Okay... We'll be waiting for you, boss.}


...I honestly lost track of how long I had been following them from the air.

It also may have been because I was thinking about the words that I heard in my head. It always happened when my swords clash against [Excalibur Rapidly] but this never happened with [Excalibur Destruction].

It wasn't normal... I knew I wasn't insane. I just couldn't tell what it was. Those voices spoke the same message almost every time [We don't want to-] ...I think they said they didn't want to hurt. They kept asking me to save them.

Whenever I heard them, I was filled with a powerful feeling of crushing despair and pain... This feeling coming from the voices I heard. They are in pain... The moment Kiba and/or I beat the shit out of Zelzan, I was going to ask him who those voices belonged to before killing him.

They had come to a stop right in front of a large mansion-like building. It looked largely disused, but I could sense some big-time bad energy coming from inside. I knew for a fact that Zelzan, Esdeath and Medea were in there with the stolen [Excalibur] swords and a few more auras...

I landed behind them with the [Exorcists] noticing me while Kiba summoned a [Demonic Sword], glaring at the house as if it had insulted her mother.

"Come on already!" Kiba demanded in a pushy tone. "They're in there, aren't they?! So let's go!"

She attempted to run forward only for Pendragon-san to grab her by the shoulder, staring at her with a raised eyebrow "You're really going to just barge right in there?"

"Yeeeeaaaah." Kiba replied, confused by the question "What about it? It's perfectly fine."


Kiba... You have some issues right now. I know for a fact that she's not stupid, but what she intended to do is completely insane and illogical.

"*sigh* Oh yes. Because nothing bad EVER happens after entering a haunted-looking and nearly abandoned mansion in a random clearing in the woods with only a group of four against a psychopathic killer on the loose. I presume you also want us to split up completely into four groups of one to explore with no means of communication."

I stared at Quarta with a raised eyebrow "...Did you just do sarcasm?"

Quarta nodded "I admit it. It's not natural for me, but one time, while on a mission I heard someone make mention of that concerning a horror movie in passing. I thought it was fairly clever, so I was remembering it in case there was ever a situation where I could properly use it to 'lighten the atmosphere' as Irina often suggests."

Shidō began clapping her hands, smiling "Good for you, Xenovia! That was actually really good!"

"If you're done playing around, I think we have an [Excalibur]-wielding psycho priest to take care of!" Kiba reminded with a hostile tone.

I raised my hands in surrender "Aright, Kiba." My intuition is telling me not to argue with Kiba right now, and I mostly follow my intuition in dire situations.

"There's a good chance that Kokabiel is inside." Pendragon-san deducted while looking at the building "If this is truly their base, then it means that Kokabiel may be waiting within. We had best be resolved before we enter."

I looked at Kiba, who was truly hungering for her vengeance... No matter what happens, I'll make sure that she doesn't sink too much in the path of vengeance and hatred like most vengeful characters "Let's go."

And so we marched on the base of the Fallen Angel Kokabiel.

The inside was just as desolate as the outside. The foyer was just so poorly maintained. "Whoever the housekeeper is, they need a promotion." I said with obvious sarcasm while pulling out [Shigure Kintoki] and [Yubashiri] from my [Inventory].

"No time for jokes." Quarta declared "We have to find Freed and the Excaliburs before we're discovered by something worse."

"Yeah, so we should really proceed with caution." Shidō agreed.

"Screw caution!" Kiba shouted. She charged ahead without a single thought for her well-being or that of the people around her. She marched right into the middle of the foyer and screamed at the top of her lungs [FREEEEED!!! VALPEEEER!!! COME OUT AND FACE ME, YOU COWAAAAARDS!!!]

Then she took off running right through the doors in-between the 2 sets of staircases that led to the upper level of the room.


...As much as to smack her on the head and scold her for the idiotic action, I better do go after her before she gets herself killed "Come on! After her!" We all ran into the incredibly dark hallway right after Kiba. Thanks to my Devil-vision, it was really easy to see where I was going. Kiba was really far ahead of me and showed no signs of slowing down.


I turned on my heels towards the sudden noise, then I saw Quarta on all fours with an expression on her face telling me she would use curse words to curse her own misfortune if she weren't a servant of God. I also noticed a knocked over vase laying shattered on the ground beside her.

That was when it hit me. I stared at Quarta, then at Shidō and Pendragon-san to see their eyes were darting all around the hall, as if they have no idea where anything was "...You girls can't see in here, can you?" They all averted their gazes... Towards me, apparently not realising I was right there.

"...We trained our eyes to be quick to adapt if there's the slightest sliver of light, but there is none in here." I'll take that as a "No", Pendragon-san.

The [Exorcists] actually seemed embarrassed. While I was tempted to let Quarta sit in the darkness and let her suffer, I knew I would only get scolded later. That and I didn't think it would be a wise idea to continue alone in the dark.

I light up my swords with [Sky Flames], brightening up the area. Shidō stepped closer until she was right next to me, smiling gratefully. Quarta also stepped forward, but only so she was at the very edge of the area of light. Pendragon-san stood closer and nodded in thanks at me.

I sensed that Kiba has already engaged in a fight right now, so we made haste in moving out. We continued deeper and deeper into the abode of our enemies. It was almost disturbing how long it felt like we had been moving down this hallway.

"Oh look, I can see the end!" Shidō exclaimed with what I suspected to be relief. She ran ahead of us, grabbing both Quarta and Pendragon-san by their hands and dragging us forward while I followed after them.


The first sounds we heard was that of clashing swords.


"Stay out of this!" She demanded "This is between me and that damned [Holy Sword]!"

"Hoho~! Looks like I'm in luck~! It's Kōjiro-kun and the 3 [Exorcist] bitches~!" Zelzan cackled merrily "I admit it feels a little anticlimactic after I said something like 'The next time we meet will be the time of our ultimate battle', but I'll make myself feel better while I'm cutting you all into pretty, little ribbons that this is more of an appetiser leading up to the main course~!"


*clin!* *clin!*

I was able to block a slash from the sword of the familiar blue haired [Master of The Sadist Life], who seemed a bit too happy to see me again "Well, well. I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

"The feeling mutual, Esdeath." I replied while entering my [Hyper Dying Will Mode] before pushing her back a bit.

"So, Freed, it looks like you've brought more 'entertainment'." An almost bored voice noted, so I turned towards the source. Sitting casually on the throne was a man with ghostly-pale skin and black hair. Unlike the other Fallen Angels I've seen, he had oddly pointy ears. He was dressed royally, possessing a black robe wrapped around his body, adorned with detailed accessories.

He sat lazily on his throne his arm on the side of his chair while keeping his left hand under his chin waiting for some excitement, his other hand holding a glass of what I suspected to be fine wine which he casually sipped "THESE are the ones you told me about, Valper?"


Character Name: Kokabiel

Alignment: Kokabiel's group

LvL: 90

Profession: Fallen Angel and Cadre

Title: None

Fame: A former leader of the Grigori

HP: 2769/2769 Regen: 24 per hour

MP: 2987/2987 Regen: 69 per minute

So he's Kokabiel, the warmonger that wants to start the second Great War... Even with using [Obverse], I can tell that he's strong by his aura. While I can't stop him right now, I still have a trump card up my sleeve.

"Mostly." I looked towards the old man on the Fallen Angel's left. He's a short, bespectacled elderly man with gray hair, a moustache, black eyes, who wore a priest outfit.


Character Name: Valper Galilei

Alignment: Kokabiel's group

LvL: 5

Profession: Researcher of Excalibur

Title: Genocide Archbishop

Fame: Genocide Archbishop, Head Researcher of the Holy Sword Project and Heretic of the Church.

HP: 100/100 Regen: 0.1 per hour

MP: 120/120 Regen: 0.1 per minute

...So this is the man that started the [Holy Sword Project], the guy that made Kiba suffer when she was a child "The mature woman is the wielder of [Rhongomyniad] while the other 2 women are the possessors of the [Excalibur] swords that will truly be useful towards our goal, Kokabiel-sama. But the boy with them... I'm not sure of him."

"He's Raiga Kōjiro, the Devil who spared the Fallen Angels that were stationed in Kuoh town." Kobabiel said with venom in his voice as I saw him glaring at me "And the little pest that found out of my plan."


"Please to be your best friend, Kokabiel." Would have been my sarcastic reply with a mocking short bow at the [Cadre], if it wasn't for Esdeath trying to kill me with her sword "Your opponent is me, Raiga!" Esdeath shout as she continued to attack me.

*clin!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*



*clin!* *clin!*


*break!* *break!* *break!*

*clin!* *clin!*

*break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!* *break!*


*clin!* *clin!*




While I fought against Esdeath, I noticed that Quarta and Shidō were fighting against a warrior in pitch-black armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes. It is carved with countless marks and scratches, showing that it's been used in battle many times before. I also saw Pendragon-san fighting with a spear, [Rhongomyniad], against a person who is small in stature and is covered completely in thick armor that entirely wraps his/her small frame.

"Truly, this is boring." Kokabiel whined again like a child who was watching the same rerun over and over again "At the very least, perhaps that pest might make this somewhat less boring."

You asked for it...

Pushing Esdeath back a bit before using [Rapid Movement] to appear in front Kokabiel and kicked him with a 'hard' [Lightning Flame], which are dark green in colour, enhanced [Jin Tae-Jin Original, Sonic Kick] at his face.


*crash!* *crash!* *crash!*

My attack sent Kokabiel crashing against the wall behind him, and I'm pretty sure that he went through more walls-


I jumped to the side just in time to evade a bunch of icicles, before using [Rapid Movement] to appear above Esdeath and bringing down my blades at her.

[10th Form: Bettola di Rondine!]

*CLIN!!!* *CLIN!!!*

...As always, she block my technique while smiling that bloodthirsty smile of her.

"Kufu!" My attention went towards the hole in the wall as a small chuckle came from it while Kokabiel moved out with broken bleeding nose and mouth, which made a very ugly smirk "That was an impressive attack for a small-time Devil pest like you. While I admit it is either brave or stupid for you to attack me without any caution, I'm afraid I must inform you of the large gap between our respective power... Now kneel in despair before the power of the Fallen Angel race!"


Sudden, a powerful pressure that tried to crush me entirely appeared. The whole room shook under the force of the pressure which radiated from Kokabiel. I saw that Pendragon-san was straggling to stand up while Quarta and Shidō leaned on their swords to remain upright and Kiba looked close to dropping to the ground.

The pressure apparently isn't control or Kokabiel didn't cared who was affected because not only our side but Valper, Freed and the armoured warriors were also apparently put under the affect of the powerful aura. Only Esdeath and I are the only people standing just fine right now.

...Despite having no idea on how strong [Lucifer-san] is, my instincts are telling me that Gremory's older sibling is way stronger than Kokabiel.

"...Is this is it?" I asked with emotionless eyes while glancing at Kokabiel with a blank expression "I was expecting a pressure that will make me 'kneel in despair before the power of the Fallen Angel race!' but I guess that you're all bark and no bite."

[KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!] Kokabiel laugh, seemed to find my insult very amusing before he stared at me with new-found interest and took a few steps forward "Esdeath, Freed, Lancelot and Mordred, pull back for now. I've taken a sudden interest in this matter."

...Looks like I taunted Kokabiel a bit too much.

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