Training the Team

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"So that's why your folks are trying to make you marry him..." I was walking beside Gremory, carrying an insanely large number of bags on my back. We were heading up to a training camp up in the mountains for the next 10 days so we could train for the [Rating Game] against Phenex and his girls.

She explained to me that with the number of Pure-blooded Devils becoming low due to the big war between the 3 factions hundreds of years ago, Gremory's father made a deal with Phenex's father that the red head and the man slut would get married in an attempt to repopulate the Pure-bloods.

Gremory nodded as we made our way up the mountain "That's why it's very important to me that we win this [Rating Game]."

"Well, I have no intention to lose so you can definitely count on me, Gremory." I said straightening my back. The bags on my back were heavy, but that won't stop me from finishing this challenge.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be up here, boss?"

I looked up at the passenger who sat atop the bags. Leone was on top of the bags in her real for, giving additional weight for me to carry. If I was my old self, I would told her to get off and stop messing around.

"Of course. After all, it's supposed to be MY training. Besides, I like a fair handicap challenge." I said with a smile before turning towards Hyōdō, the person falling behind and panting heavy breaths, with a taunting smirk "Come Hyōdō, keep up! I thought that you wanted to become stronger?"

[URUSAI!!!] Hyōdō screamed while tears fall down her face in a comedic way "I'm not a monster like you or the others!"

"Well, with that attitude then you won't fulfil your dream." I muttered out loud, enough that Hyōdō can hear me from our distance "You'll forever be a virgin."

[WHAT'D YOU SAAAAAY!?] I could almost see steam pouring from Hyōdō's ears "Screw you, you damned bastard! Alright! I'll definitely surpass everyone! I'll show you! I'm gonna be the first to the top and I'll beat [ALL OF YOOOOOU!!!]"

Then she was off, ignoring the previous exhaustion and slowness she had been previously complaining about as she soared up the stairs past Gremory and I, leaving me smirking, Leone laughing and the red head staring in amusement.

"Ah, playing off on her abnormally high level of desire to motivate Ichigo. It appears I underestimated you, Kōjiro-kun." Gremory noted with an amused smile "You are really cruel."

I merely smirked back "Is it truly so cruel to motivate a friend to surpass her previous limits by inspiring her with the thought of her dream failing, due to her lack of power?" I asked while looking up at Hyōdō but in all seriousness, my main goal here was to help Hyōdō, especially her, and the others train to enhance their power as Devils.

"Buchou, I gathered some herbs. Let's use it for the meal tonight." Kiba said normally with a smile and a huge piece of luggage on her back as she walked to us without breaking a sweat.

"...See you later." Tōjō walked right past both of us, not bothering to start conversation as she continued to walk away with a humongous pack of luggage, making me wonder what kind of shit is she carrying in that bag.

Well, I'm not going to let them get the better of me. I quickly ran up the stairs, passing Tōjō completely and I started catching up with Hyōdō before passing her as well, making her shout complaints at me but I just ignored them. Once I reached the top, I let out a whistle when I saw the place where we'll be staying right now.

An expansive manor sitting pretty on the mountainside. Multiple stories, the sheer size nearly doubled my apartment building. On 1 side is a small lake, complete with pebble beach. Beyond that was what appeared to be a steaming hot spring, and considering the amount of wealth that went into the construction of the place... I'll bet all of my money that there's an onsen here as well.

After entering the house with everyone, I put away all of the bags I was carrying. The girls had all gone upstairs to change into clothes more appropriate for training.

"I will also go and get changed." Kiba said as she walked past me carrying a blue jersey. She then winked jokingly "Don't peek."

I raised an eyebrow at her, confused on why the sudden teasing jokes with me. I hardly talk with her unless it's important, so I don't understand why she's telling me to not peek at her when I'm not interested at her.

I looked at a closet near by, having sensed 4 familiar auras inside it... What the hell are they doing here? "Asia, Kalawarner, Mittelt and Raynare... Get out of the closet, now." I ordered, getting silence at first before the door of the closet open up with 3 sheepish looking Fallen Angels and an embarrassed Asia inside.

"So... What you girls doing here?"

"Well..." Mittelt started while rubbing her head sheepishly "Gremory sent us here yesterday to make sure the mansion was still in good condition."

"And boy what good condition it was in~!" Kalawarner sang "I mean with the outdoor baths and-"

She was silenced with a squeak as Mittelt elbowed her on the stomach.

There were so many things I could say in that situation. I wasn't quite sure how to even react. I could say something perverted, but that would just get me smacked right across the face for no reason "Could you just go so I can get changed?" I asked tiredly after a few minutes of silence.

Raynare shrugged, smiling slightly. She started standing up "Well, I supp-" Her expression changed to shock as her foot got caught on something, causing her to trip forward and slam right into me... How did I not saw that with [Awareness] and [Vongola Hyper Intuition] active is beyond me.


We both ended up tumbling backwards. I hit the back of my head against the floor hard. When the world stopped spinning after I opened my eyes, I realised I was staring right into Raynare's eyes... And I felt something soft and warm pressing against my lip...

She and I are kissing... I surprise that my first kiss in this world would be like this... Ours lips had accidentally been pressed together when we fell and we're both too shocked to stop or move at all.

"...Hentai." The voice of the familiar loli left me surprised, so I look at her from the corner of my eyes. Raynare was the first to react to Tōjō's voice, blushing lightly as she sat up on top of me, leaving the mistaken impression she was straddling me in order to do more ecchi things.

Tōjō staring down at me dressed in the girls' gym uniform, a tee and bloomers, meeting my own gaze.

"It was an accident, Tōjō." I said while looking at her, who seemed to ponder my words.

Raynare sighed, scratching her head "It really was an accident... But I will admit you ARE a good kisser, Kōjiro-kun~!" She said with a teasing smile and a small blush on her cheeks.

"*sigh* Can you get off me, so I can change now Ray." I said before blinking, realising that I just called her with a nickname. I looked back at the raven haired Fallen to see her blush even more as she obliged to my order.


"Thanks for understanding, Tōjō." I replied while standing up before looking at the others "Well, can all of you please get out of the room now. I'm not going to change in front of all you and give a show."

Kalawarner, Mittelt and Raynare all pouted together before leaving the room with a blushing Asia following after them. When I saw sure that they're not nearby, I changed my clothing with a tracksuit. It wasn't too long after that the others started to reconvene in the living room.

"So, is everyone ready?" I asked, getting nods in response from everyone "Than I suppose that we should plan our training schedule."


Training the [Knight], Yumi Kiba.



*clin!* *clin!*

*CLIN!!!* *break!*


I look at Kiba roll on the ground from getting thrown away by blocking my swing earlier... My raw strength is greater than her and I can match her speed with my movement techniques.

"You still want to continue?"

"*heavy breathing* H-hai..." Kiba breathed out before she stood up again and created her swords in hand.

Apparently, Kiba has the [Sacred Gear: Sword Birth] that allows her create [Demonic Swords] but not as powerful as the Legendary Swords like [Gram]. They're more like expendable blades unlike my katanas, [Shigure Kintoki] and [Yubashiri], that are far more durable but she has a variety of swords that she can replace with her [Sacred Gear].

She charged at me, her swords crossed in front of her. I stood in my [Shigure Soen Ryu, 11th Form: Akeru Ame] battle stance, for parrying/blocking or dodging her attacks and create many openings for me to strike.


*clin!* *clin!*


*clin!* *clin!*



*clin!* *clin!*

*clin!* *crack* *clin!*

She jumped back as I saw her blades are close to breaking like the last pair, and Kiba knows this fact as well. The swords in her hand vanished before getting replaced by more scimitar like swords.

I held my katanas on my right side, parallel to each other, before swinging them together. 2 parallel waves of water were launched from my attack and they headed towards my sparring partner.

[9th Form: Attacco Gemello di Rondine!]

I twisted around with [Shigure Kintoki], in my right hand, lightly touching the ground before swinging upward, unleashing a wall of water out of nowhere towards the airborne Kiba.

[2nd Form: Sakamaku Ame!]

Just after doing the defensive form, I slashed down and released a water wave towards the water wall.

[From Sakamaku Ame to 9th Form: Attacco di Rondine!]

When my [Attacco di Rondine] hit the water wall, it erupted like a cannon ball exploding in the sea... It seems like [Attacco di Rondine] works properly like I intended for it to be.

I saw Kiba in a large puddle of water, out cold. I walked over her and placed 2 fingers on her neck to check if she has a pulse...


"*sigh* She's still alive, that's good." I muttered to myself before placing my hand over her mouth to see if she's still breathing...


...That's not good.

I placed my hands in between her breasts before I started pumping her chest 30 times and then I tilted her head back and lift her chin. Just before I would do the mouth to mouth part, Kiba started coughing out water but that's a sigh that she's alright now.

"*cough!* *cough!* W-wh-What happened..." The blondie girl muttered out after she coughed a bit more.

"You drowned somehow." I said, surprising the [Knight] as she looked at me with wide eyes. I guess that I should have used [Rain Flames] to lag her movement, rather than unintentional forcing her to drown "I don't believe that continuing in your condition is wise, Kiba. You should rest for now."

Without warning, I picked her up like a prince would do while taking away his princess and getting a cute sound from her "[KYAAA!!!] P-put me down, Kōjiro-kun!" She demanded while banging her fists on my chest, which didn't hurt at all.

"No." Was all I said as I started walking away while giving her the look that I used on Asia, Hyōdō, Gremory and Ray before. She stopped her futile attempt to set herself free and hang her head in defeat.

"...D-did you..." Kiba asked shyly, her bangs making a shadow that covered her eyes but I saw a light blush on her face. I was confused at first before realising what she meant, she must be wondering if I did the mouth to mouth part of CPR.

"I didn't perform the mouth to mouth, so I didn't stole your first kiss."

"Really?" I nodded at Kiba's question, giving her a yes in response and she let out a sigh "I see..."

And so my training with the [Knight] has ended.


Dealing with the [Rook], Koneko Tōjō.

"Before we began our spar, I propose a deal." I said to the my young Kōhai before we start our sparring. Seeing that hitting her won't help her get any better, than I believe that a little motivation would help.

"...What kind of deal?" Tōjō asked with a raised eyebrow, probably wondering why I suddenly saying this now of all times.

"If you land a hit on me, then I'll buy you all the candy that you want until you turn into a 2nd year." Her eyes widen in shock and I see a bit of drool roll down her mouth from the thought of eating all of the delicious sweets she can feast upon "But if I didn't got hit for half-an-hour, than you'll have to follow my instructions until you turn into a 2nd year."

She seemed to thinking over my proposal, the pros and cons of it and everything else before giving a nod in response. She suddenly charged at me with her fist ready to strike me down. I easily sidestep Tōjō's punch, instead being able to watch as her fist broke the tree in half due to the loli's unbelievable strength.

I skipped back when she did a sweep "...Stand still!"


"Than the whole purpose of the deal would be pointless." I shot back with deadpanned eyes before leaping back to evade her hammer arms. I actually surprised that Tōjō would suggest that to me of all people and expect me to follow it.

Well, let's see if she's still standing afterwards.

- 29 minutes and 55 seconds later -

I looked at the down and exhausted form of the [Rook] on the ground, having tired out the girl from dodging all of her attacks without getting hit. There were some instances where she almost hit me... If it was for my movement techniques to help me escape.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0." I counted down before looking at Tōjō, who's looking at me with wide eyes "Looks like I win, Tōjō."

"...Alright." She said while trying to stand up. I took hold of her right hand before helping her stand up "So... What you want me to do?"

"First, go back to the mansion and rest." I said, getting a look of confusion and relief from Tōjō "Continuing to train in your current state is foolish, so get some rest than we'll continue our training later."

I placed a hand on her head and began gently petting her. What surprised me is when a soft purring sound came from Tōjō's mouth. My eyes went wide from how adorable she is right now, it's like I'm actually petting an actual cat but only that she's in human form and 10x cuter!

Of course, the fun ended when Tōjō finally realised what she had been doing. Her face turned a deeper shade of red and she smacked my hand away "...T-Training's over." Then she turned and ran away, leaving me staring in amusement.

And so ended my spar with the adorable [Rook].


Magic Practice with the [Queen], Akeno Himejima-san.

I stood beside Himejima-san, who is wearing a black track suit, in front of Asia, Gremory, Hyōdō, Kalawarner, Mittelt and Raynare. I dragged the other 5 to make sure that none of them slack off as I'm teaching Asia in her illusions, give the Fallen Angels a new Light weapon they can use besides the typical Spears or Sabers and finally Gremory to help her gain more control over her power.

"Why am I doing this?"

"Because a [King] that slacks off and is weaker than the followers has no right to call themselves a [King]." I explained while watching her increase the size of her a sphere made out of the [Power of Destruction].

"Are you saying that I'm weaker than you?" The red head asked with narrowed eyes, thinking that I would be intimidated by her glare... Like that would happen from someone like me.

"Yes." I answered bluntly, having no reason to lie at all "In terms of close combat, I'll destroy you without breaking a sweat. While you may have more experience in magic than me, I can just keep up an illusion to make you waste your reserves until you tire yourself out and I'll just finish the job."

I explained while watching the others: Hyōdō is struggling to make a proper demonic sphere as hers is the size of a pebble, Asia have made a very nice large field of flowers with small animals running/flying around like rabbits or birds and the Fallen Angels are sparring with each other to fulfil my orders.

"So, make your sphere smaller and compress your power into it instead of increasing the size." I ordered to Gremory, seemed confused at my words. Looks like I have to properly explain it to her "Let's say I'm trying to break a stone statue with a glass bat... No matter the size of the bat, I can't break the statue because the glass bat is weaker and this is the same for power. Power isn't always defined by the size, but also by the quality of it."

"I see..." Gremory muttered before doing what I told her to do. I watched the sphere become smaller into the size of a baseball and feel the power raising from it. Also I noticed the strained expression on Gremory's face... It seems that she's used to just letting loose her attack rather than controlling her power, which is very bad for her.

"Now stop pouring your demonic energy into it and try to keep its form." I told her as I felt the raising power stopped, as the ball seemed to flicker for a few seconds before becoming more stable "So... What do you feel from it?"

"It... Its amazing." Gremory said in awe "Its far more powerful than anything that I've used before in my life..."

"This is the effect of control and manipulation of your own power... It can do wonders." I commented while looking at the sphere before staring at Gremory's eyes "Now, let's continue..."


Helping with the fellow [Pawn], Ichigo Hyōdō.

"So, what are we going to do? Kōjiro?" Hyōdō asked as she, Asia and I stood in an open field.

"We're here to help up unleash your [Sacred Gear]." I said, getting looks of confusion from the 2 girls. I just that they didn't understood the hidden meaning of my words, but that's something that expected from people who are innocent on life like them.

"Um... I already unlocked my [Sacred Gear]."

"What I mean is that, to utilise the full power of your [Sacred Gear]." I explained, getting looks of recognition from them "From what Gremory told me about [Sacred Gears] is that they're powered by the desires of their wielder and that's what I plan to help you with, Hyōdō. Now, reveal your [Sacred Gear]!"

"Hai! [Twice Critical!]" There was a red flash before a red gauntlet materialised on her left arm.

"First, I want you to close your eyes and think of what you want the most." I order as Hyōdō did what I have told her and after a few seconds of letting her think, I continued on "Now, I want you to think of your desires and why you want them to be achieved. Next, I want you to believe that you can attain them!"

After letting her a few seconds of thinking, I went on with my order "Finally, pass them on to your [Sacred Gear] as it will be the key to fulfilling them! If the [Sacred Gear] won't properly response, then force it to bend to your will! Don't hold back! Let your will be the fuel to achieve your goals!"

[RRRRRAAAAAAAA!!!] Hyōdō roared to the sky while lifting her [Sacred Gear] into the air and then, a bright flash of light engulfed my vision that forced me to cover my eyes.

[Dragon Booster!]

My eyes widen when I heard the announcement, but I still covered my eyes from the bright light until it settled down. After the blinding light is gone, I looked at Hyōdō's [Sacred Gear] and saw some changes from it. From the simple looking gauntlet into a more dragonic as it has claws that covers the fingers with yellow accents and green inscriptions but its still similar to the old form.


[Boosted Gear : Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet] - Rank: A++ - Durability: Unbreakable

Description: A [Sacred Gear] that is listed as one of the 13th Longinus and it has the spirit of the [Welsh Dragon], Ddraig, residing within it.

Special Effect:

The [Boosted Gear] has the ability to [Boost], which can double the user's physical and magical power every 10 seconds until the user reaches his/her's limit.

...Damn! Looks like Hyōdō has a really good [Sacred Gear] within her! It's probably the reason why I got that feeling when I thought of her having potential to become stronger than anyone, as she CAN become stronger than anyone.

"Looks like I was right about your [Sacred Gear]." I commented, bringing her attention towards me. I smirked before going in a fighting stance "Now, let's see what it can do. Asia, you can practice your illusions by trying to distracts me and Hyōdō here during our fight."

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