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- A few days later -

"-Now then, we're leaving." Gremory said to everyone that had gathered in the club room.

Today was the day of the conference between the 3 Biblical Factions, and the meeting was to be held in the staff meeting room in the new school building. It was late at night and a school holiday, so there wasn't a chance of any humans finding out what was going on. Surrounding the school is a strong barrier so they couldn't enter nor anyone inside can exit until the meeting is over, unless they can bypass it somehow.

"I left you some stuff to enjoy while we're busy. So be good, okay?" Hyōdō spoke with a small smile.

"T-Thank you, I-Ichigo-senapai. I will."

"Phenex-san, Asia, Leone, Vladi, I left some manga and sweets in there as well, just in case any of you get bored or hungry while waiting." I added in, standing beside the brunette.

"Thank you Raiga-san."

"Thank you Raiga-sama."

"Thank Boss!"

I nodded response with a small smile before joining the others to go to the meeting room. It was rather quiet, but I can feel the slight tension from the others.

"You know, if by chance something happens in today's conference, if the conference breaks down, this place might become a battlefield..." Yumi commented out loud from my left as we just got out from the old school building.

I saw that the others tensed up even more, no doubt worried about that possible outcome. I just shrugged, as I don't believe that such a thing would happen, unless an outsider would suddenly come and mess things up.

"I highly doubt that would happen since the leaders seems to want peace between their race, otherwise this meeting wouldn't made from the start." I retorted, somewhat calming the ladies down but it's pretty obvious that they're still cautious about the small possibility of the meeting ending up horribly "The only threat that this meeting might face are outside protesters to the peace."

"Outside protesters... Why would anyone want to stop this?" Gremory asked as she looked back at me from the front, while I just looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Not everyone wants peace between the Biblical Factions, as old grudges are possibly in their hearts from the loses during the Great War or to prove their races superiority." I explained to the red head "Kokabiel is a prime example of the latter, while surviving members of the Old Maō Faction are possible a combination of both."

Everyone turned to look at me with concerned expressions... Well, looks like I just made the tension even worse. So much for my little retort.

"Anyways, lets just go to the meeting room. As long as a powerful enemy doesn't come by and ruins the meeting, everything should be fine." The others nodded in agreement and we went back to that quiet atmosphere once again.

It didn't take us too long to arrive to our destination, since it's just located in the new school building, Gremory knocked on the door to the room that would be used for the meeting "Excuse me."

Entering amongst the group, my eyes focused on the gorgeous and pompous looking table that was in the middle of the room. Sitting on the Devil side of the table was Lucifer-san and Leviathan-san with Lucifuge acting as a waitress for them. On the Angel side was Michael-san and Gabriel-san with Shidō and Pendragon-san standing behind them, dressed in the [Exorcist] uniform, the former with a sword, which I can sense as a [Excalibur Fragment], at her waist.

On the Fallen Angel side was Azazel-san with his wings unfurled and Penemue-san. Leaning against the wall on their side was a familiar, silver-haired girl, who smirked at my direction when our eyes meet. I can feel a hint of excitement within Lucifer, like she's expecting a good fight during the end of this meeting. She was soon joined by my Fallen Angel lovers, since while they declared their love and loyalty to me, they're still part of Grigori and must stand behind their leaders.

For a brief moment, I saw Quarta somewhat uneasy when she laid eyes on Shidō, an expression that the [Exorcist] mirrored. After God's death was revealed and Quarta got driven out of the Church, their relationship is... Somewhat rocky. It's understandable. After all, Quarta is now a Devil, one of the creatures the Church have sworn to fight against. It probably would have been more hostile if Shidō had not also known the truth as she does now.

"My younger sister, and her family." Lucifer-san introduced, Rias bowing as he added "In the attack of Kokabiel a few days ago, they were active during the raid."

Michael quickly gave his thanks, Rias acting coolly as she bowed once more.

"Sorry, Kokabiel of my side caused you touble." Azazel-san spoke relaxed while I saw Gremory's mouth twitched slightly.

"Sit on the seats over there." Lucifuge-san directed the group where we're supposed to sit, seeing Sona was already settled down. Gremory took the seat next to her while I took the other side as I believe it would be formal to sit near your future fiancé.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I'll say the preconditions for the meeting. The people present here acknowledge the most important event and forbidden subject, i.e. The Non-existence of God." I raised an eyebrow at the complete lack of reaction from his statement. None of the people present so much as flinched... Looks like everyone other then the leaders has accepted big guy's demise "Then, acknowledging that, let's continue the conversation. Now then, Rias. Could you speak about the incident a few days before?"

Gremory nodded, bowing respectfully "Yes, Lucifer-sama."

And so the red head, with the aid of Himejima-san and Sona, gave the full eye witness report of everything that had occurred. Everything major that had occurred since the arrival of the [Holy Swords] in Kuoh and the parts they had witnessed. All of the leader's listened attentively, their reactions mixed. The hands of [Maō Lucifer]'s younger sister had been trembling the whole time, but never once did her voice waver despite the powerful and painful atmosphere around us.

I noticed that Azazel-san's and Penemue-san's smile had grown slightly at having heard how I had fought Kokabiel by myself with a power boost. Michael and Gabriel looking at me with thankful expressions, while [Maō Lucifer] and Leviathan-san looked very proud, mostly from the latter, at my incredible achievement. I can understand why they're reacting like this, it's because the guy that kills Kokabiel is nothing more but a Low Class Reincarnatd Devil that wasn't even a Devils for more then a year.

After who knows how long, Gremory finished "-That is all. The report which I, Rias Gremory and the household Devils stationed here, experienced."

"Good work, sit down." was all Lucifer-sanhad said in response.

"Thanks, Rias-chan~!" Leviathan-san cheered.

"Now then, Azazel." Lucifer-san spoke directly to the Fallen Angel Govenor "After hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the fallen angels." Then all of our gazes were on Azazel, not all of them entirely pleasant since. It's understandable, as Kokabiel was his subordinate and a very powerful one as well.

"Regarding the incident a few days back, Kokabiel, a leader of our Central Organisation, Grigori, kept quiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and acted independently. I offer my thanks to the young Devil, Raiga Kōjiro, for his disposal." Azazel-san started talking after letting out an intrepid smile "If he had been alive today, he would have no doubt have been punished severely, most likely eternal imprisonment in Cocytus. Only difference from his current punishment is that he would have lived longer to suffer. The explanation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right? That is all."

Michael-san sighed "As the explanation, it is the worst category but... I know about the story of you personally not wanting to cause another major conflict with us. Is that true?"

"Aah, I don't have any interest in wars." Azazel-san replied coolly "Kokabiel obviously wasn't happy about that and acted against orders, and that's putting it politely. I believe that is all in the reports I sent to you as well."

"Azazel, I want to ask one thing." Lucifer-san stated as the air became filled with tension once more "Why have you been gathering owners of Sacred Gears for the past decades? At first I thought you were gathering humans, and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anticipated you to wage war against heaven or us but..."

Michael-san nodded "Yes, no matter how much time passed, you didn't wage a war against us. When I heard you were expressing an interest in the [Longinus], especially the powers of the Heavenly Dragons, I was enveloped by a strong wariness."

The Governor smiled bitterly "It's for the sake of Sacred Gear research." He responded. "If that's the case, should I send a part of the research materials to you as well? Even if I did research, I wouldn't wage a war against either of you. I don't have any interest in such a thing, especially after so much time has passed. I am perfectly satisfied with the world right now and I have strongly ordered my subordinates specifically not to intervene in human politics or the affairs of the other factions. I have no intention of intervening in religion either, nor to influence the business of the Devils." He sighed. "Damn, is my trust in the 3 factions the least?"

"That's true."

"That's right."

"That's correct."

"No offense."

"That's exactly it!"

Lucifer-san, Michael-san, Gabriel-san's, Leviathan-san's and even Penemue-san's opinion coincided... They sure don't hold their punches.

Azazel-san clicked his tongue in annoyance "I thought you were better than God or the last generation's [Lucifer] but, you guys are troublesome guys yourselves. Sneakily researching doesn't get along well with you, huh." Then an acknowledging expression appeared on his face. "Ah, I got it then: let's make peace. Originally wasn't that the intention of the Angels and Devils as well?"

There was mild surprise from everyone present at the sudden suggestion. I don't think Michael-san or the others expect Penemue-san thought Azazel would be the first to bring it up. The leaders knew that the feeling was mutual with the others, but none of them clearly didn't think it would be brought up so soon, and by Azazel-san of all people.

"Yes, I also planned to propose peace to the Devil side and Grigori." Michael-san said, breaking the silence that enveloped the room "Even if we continue the relationship of the 3 factions like before, the state of this world would only worsen, ruined by conflict between all of us. I, the leader of the Angels, say it because the original cause of the war, our war generals, God and the [Maō-sama], have been annihilated."

Azazel-san burst out laughing on Michael-san's words. "Ha! That stubborn Michael has started to speak. Even though he was about "God, God, God" before! Hahaha!"

"....We have lost a lot of things." Gabriel-san started off with a small and sad smile on her face, the kind where you're thinking about depressing memories "However, there's no helping seeking for things that aren't present. It is our duty to guide humans. We, members of the [Seraph], have the same opinion that the most important thing is to watch over the children of God from now on as well, and to guide them."

"Hey hey, with your speech just now, you'll 'fall' you know?" Azazel-san said, looking at Gabriel-san with a perverted leer, who seemed to have missed it completely. For someone incredible gorgeous as her (and that's the biggest compliment from me since I'm surrounded by beautiful women most of the time), she's incredible innocent...

Why do I feel this strange desire to turn her into a pervert in order to see her prevented and blissful expression from a climax? "I thought that but you, Michael, took over the system, right. It's become a good world. It's completely different from the time when we 'fell'."

"We are the same." Lucifer-san was in agreement with the other leaders "Even if the original [Maō] isn't here, in order to continue our species, Devils too have moved forward as well. Even we wouldn't want war... If we have another war, the Devils will be destroyed."

"Yes." Penemue-san nodded in agreement "If we do another war, the 3 factions will definitely be mutually destroyed. And then, it will affect the human world as well, and the world will end. We can't do wars now."

All leaders could not agree more on this matter.

"Now tell me: Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say but that isn't the case. All of us are living healthily like this." Azazel then spread out his arms with a grin on his face "The world moves on, even without God."

"... And, is this it?" Leviathan-san asked, while the other leaders let out huge sighs at the important conversation being finished. They seemed to pause as Lucifuge-san went about serving tea for each of them.

"Now then, I think it's time we hear the opinion of people other then us, those who seem like they can influence the world." Azazel-san started before turning towards the wild card behind him "From the invincible Dragon-sama. Firstly, Vali. What do you want to do to the world?"

"If I can fight strong guys, then it's fine." Lucifer replied with a smile. Rather straight and (despite not knowing her long enough) I honestly expected this from her battle hungry personality.

"Then, [Sekiryūtei], what about you?"

"To be honest... I don't understand it well." The brunette said, scratching her cheek as she chuckled awkwardly with a tense smile "Somehow, due to all the this, I feel like a complete idiot. In addition to that, I am desperate about looking after my kōhai, so even if I am told what I think about the world..." Her feelings sounded truthful and it's understandable as she couldn't quite grasp how much she could change the world since she was only human a few months ago "How should I say it... I don't have any deep feelings gushing forth."

"You are 1 of those who has the power to change multiple worlds, [Sekiryūtei]. If you don't make your choice, then it would be difficult for those standing on top of each of the powers, such as myself, to move." Azazel-san replied... He's was very adamant with achieving peace, but I can feel that the main reason why he wants piece is because it's more for his own sake. It's not surprising, as some people can do many things as long as it benefits them greatly, even if they have to get rid of obstacles or become evil for it.

{Boss!} Leone's voice startled me a bit but I recovered quickly while I narrowed my eyes. She's not the type to just call me when I'm doing something important, what could be- {Magicians suddenly appeared and started attacking us!}

{What!?} I mentally exclaimed while I narrowed my eyes, thinking on why they choose to attack where my kōhai and 2 lovers before I quickly understood why they decided to attack the old school building {Leone, you need to get out the others, especially Vladi, out of there!}

"Is there something wrong, Raiga?" I heard Sona's voice call out to me, so I turned towards her with a serious expression on my face.

"Leone just contacted and said that she, Phenex-san, Vladi, Asia and Tōjō are being attacked by-" I started to explain before I felt a quick shift in the air... There's no doubt about it, this change is when Vladi uses her [Forbidden Balor View]. I might not have fallen for the power, but I definitely know the sensation of how she freezes time with her [Sacred Gear].

Looking around, I saw that Sona, Shinra-san, Himejima-san are frozen while Quarta, Shidō, Yumi, Pendragon-san, Lucifer, my lovers, Lucifuge-san, Hyōdō, the leaders and even Gremory are free from [Forbidden Balor View]'s effect. The former 4 and the wielders of the [Nitenryū] have there weapons out and my Fallen Angels are glowing with their respective flames around them for a few seconds before it vanished while the only part that's left glowing is the mark on the space between the shoulders and the neck.

"So, they made their move..." Azazel-san spoke grimly.

"Who?" Leviathan-san asked. Most of the room, those who were unfrozen, turned to the fallen angel.

The old man looked towards the window and sighed "...Khaos Brigade."

There were shocked gasps, while others simply narrowed their eyes. I turned my eyes towards Lucifer, since she's supposed to be apart of that group in the form of her own team. The only member that I know off is Kuroka, Tōjō's older sister.

"Seems that they captured Vladi for the purpose of stopping most of the forces here." I said after analysing the situation, while everyone that's not frozen turned towards me "They about know her existence, the power that she holds and where she would be right now..."

Gremory was fuming. She was LITERALLY fuming, with the crimson red aura radiated from her body like smoke as the sign of her being absolutely livid by this revelation "Gasper has been made into a terrorist weapon at the old school building... Just where did they get information on my servant?"

"But the real question is, how gave that info away?" I asked, looking around the place with narrowed eyes.

"So we've been betrayed..." Lucifer-san said sadly... Are you seriously sad about the fact that there's someone who betrayed, when you're from a race that's know for committing all kinds of sins?

"Betrayed!?" Hyōdō repeated with wide eyes.

"Yes, there wouldn't be a way for the group to be able to teleport straight in without someone notifying and sneaking them through. And just like how Kōjiro-kun deducted, they know about Gasper Vladi's powers and her current position in the old school building." Penemue-san said, backing up my claim about a traitor "It has to be someone on the inside."

"But finding out who the traitor is amongst us isn't not the most important thing right now." I said, once again gaining everyone's attention "We have to free Vladi from the enemies' hold, because there's the chance of them powering her up to the point that even the leaders would fall to [Forbidden Balor View]'s time stopping power as well. Plus, we can free everyone that's frozen if we get Vladi back."

"I agree with that plan 100%, Raiga-chan!" Leviathan-san exclaimed with a smile on her face.

Lucifer-sama considered this for a moment and nodded. "So we're all in agreement on what needs to be done then?"

"Onii-sama, I'll go." Gremory immediately stepped forward, raising her hand. Her expression was determined "Gasper is my servant. It's my responsibility to take her back."

"I understand my younger sister's personality." Gremory's older laughed for a few seconds before frowning "However, how will you get to the old school building? There is an army of Magicians outside this building alone and normal transfer magic is being blocked by their magic."

"The old school building, my base's clubroom has a remaining unused [Rook] piece being safe kept within it."

I raised eyebrow towards her, wondering what she meant before it clicked in my head "[Castling]... I honestly didn't expect that the creator of the [Evil Pieces] would actually installed this feature to the [Rook] piece."

"I see, [Castling], huh." Lucifer-san said, seemly impressed by Gremory's idea... But I feel like it stems from his favouritism towards his younger sibling "Since they would usually expect us to go take her back, this could catch the opponent off-guard. They'll anticipate some kind of trick."

"[Castling]?" Hyōdō asked, wondering what that term means.

"[Castling] is when you trade the [King] position with a [Rook] piece in one move." Yumi explained, which Hyōdō nodded in response.

"Alright. However, it's reckless to go alone." Lucifer-san said before turning to his wife "Grayfia, is it possible to transfer more than one person through [Castling] with my magic sytem?"

The maid of the Gremory household stepped forward "Yes, it seems we can only deploy a simple technique ceremony here, but it's possible to transfer Ojou-sama and one other."

"I'll go as well." I said with a frown, cracking my knuckles as a sign of how serious I am right now "I can't calm myself knowing that my friends and 2 of my lovers are being held captive by magicians, all because I didn't thought of this sort of thing to happen."

"...I have to disagree on that one, Kōjiro." I heard Hyōdō said, which I responded by looking at the brunette with a raised eyebrow. This is the first time that she disagreed with my choice, but I can see that she has her reasons "If they knew that Leone and Asia are there, then they would expect you to go there and probably set up a trap for you."

"You can't seriously think that they would set a trap that's specifically meant to capture me?" I replied, crossing my arms as I turned to face my fellow [Pawn] "If that was the case, then they should have done the same for most of us, especially the leaders here."

"That's true, but we can't say for sure until we go there... So I'll go in your place." Hyōdō said, which made me blink in surprise since I didn't expect her wanting to take my place "Besides, it was my idea to leave them in the old school building so I'm just as responsible as you are. So let me take the responsibility."

"...You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" I asked, but it's more of a statement then a question, before I let out a soft sigh "Fine, you can go in my place... Hopefully, they would understand why I didn't came for them myself."

"Azazel." Lucifer-san called out to the de facto leader of the Fallen Angels "According to a rumor, you've been researching how to freely handle [Sacred Gears] for a fixed time, right?"

"Yeah, that's true, but what about it?" Azazel-san replied, looking at the powerful Devil with a wondering expression on his face.

"Is it possible to control the [Sekiryūtei]?"

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