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|Yumi's POV|

I just wanted to live. I escaped from the research laboratory by myself and that was the only thing I thought about while vomiting out blood and running. I got out of the forest and met a little girl, a High-Class Devil, while the light of my life was disappearing.

"What do you desire?" The crimson haired girl asked while she held me, who was on the verge of death. I just mumbled one word while my vision was blurring.

"Help". My life. My friends. My future. My friends. My power. My talent. My... I just wished while having all of these thoughts. Those were my last words as a human.

"To live as a Devil. That was the wish of my master, and also my wish. I thought that, it was fine. But... I couldn't forget my hatred towards the Excaliburs and my comrades' vengeance... No, I could have forgotten about it. I..."

Ichigo-san, Koneko-chan, everyone... They helped me, who was driven by vengeance. I thought about it while searching for the [Holy Sword] wielder. There are comrades who would help me. Kōjiro-kun... You helped me the most, when you wouldn't benefit from it. I felt a hot feeling deep in my breast, my heart beating even faster than normal at that thought.

"Valper Galilei, as long as I don't take down the evil thing right in front of me, there will be a repitition of the event that happened to me."

"Hmph. It's been said for a long time that research always comes with sacrifices. Haven't you realised that yet?"

You certainly are evil!

"[OOOOOIIIII!!! Kibaaaaaa!!!] Cut down that dipshit priest and [Excalibur]!" It was Ichigo-san... "Don't forget! You're a [Knight] of Gremory group! You're my friend! Give these bastards a taste of our true power! Don't waste everyone's feelings and spirit!

"Kiba! Cut down that monster once [Excalibur] is dealt with."


"Kiba-san! We believe in you!"

"Show them your true strength, [Knight] of Gremory!"

"Don't give up!"

Asia-chan, Raynare-san, Mittelt-chan

"Yumi! Do it! You have to finish this yourself! Surpass [Excalibur]! You are the servant of I, Rias Gremory! My [Knight] will not lose to a mere [Excalibur]!"

"Yumi-chan! I believe in you!"

Buchou... Akeno-san...


[Please do your best!]


"Hahaha! Why are you crying? You were singing with joy with the ghost-chan. It's really a nuisance. It's totally the worst. You know I hate that song. Just listening to it makes the hair on my skin crawl! I don't want to hear it any more. I'm totally at my limit! I'm going to cut you into pieces and calm myself! With this ultimate [Excalibur] that has merged 3 of them!"

Freed Sellzen. My comrades' spirits reside within you. I can't allow you to do evil deeds with them any longer! These tears I have are tears of determination.

"...I will become a sword."

My comrades. My comrades who have merged with my spirit. Let us overcome it together. The feelings we couldn't say back then! The wishes we couldn't fulfill back then! Right now, right here!

"I shall become the sword of Buchou and my comrades! Please respond to my feelings now! [Sword Re-Birth]!"

My [Sacred Gear] and the spirits of my comrades mixed. It started to align and formed a shape. The demonic power and the holy power were combining.

Yes, this sensation. My [Sacred Gear] is... My comrade are telling me that this is sublimation. It was giving out divine light and an ominous aura. What appeared in my hand was a single sword... It's completed, everyone.

"[Balance Breaker: Sword of the Betrayer]. You shall receive the power of this sword that has both the power of light and demonic powers with your own body." I ran towards Freed.

My trait as a [Knight] is speed! Freed tried to grasp my movement with his eyes, but I got out of his sight by doing a few feints. Even so, Freed blocked my strike. Seriously. You are quite a skilled, [Exiled Exorcist], but the aura that was covering his [Excalibur] was being erased by my sword "That sword surpasses the originator of [Holy Swords]!?"

"If that was the true [Excalibur], then I could not have won against it. But that [Excalibur] cannot cut the feelings of me and my comrades!"

Freed clicked his tongue in response and stepped back after he pushed me.

"You will not escape!" Irina jumped at Freed and struck him with her [Excalibur], their blades colliding with the sound of scraping metal "You and your sword of heresy will fall today, Freed!"

"Shut up, you bitch! I would have had more powers, but you didn't want to get killed and hand your [Excalibur] to the Boss and Old-Man Valper!" Freed swung his sword with incredible speed. This is the ability of [Excalibur Rapidly], the sword Freed had fought with both times we fought before. This ability gave him incredible speed that far surpassed normal standards.

While Irina retreated, I lunged forward to block all of Freed's strikes. My mind had such clarity that I never would have found in my previous rage. Even with 3 [Excalibur] abilities, I was still quite capable of blocking Freed's strikes. Your killing intent is easy to read. If I know which direction the killing intent is coming from, parrying it is very easy.

"Why!? Why isn't it hitting!? You are supposed to be the unrivaled [Holy Sword]-sama, aren't you!? Weren't you supposed to have lots of legends of being the ultimate sword!?" Freed shouted. His expression was filled with both enjoyment and impatience "Then! Then I have to add this as well!"

The tip of the Holy-Sword disappeared. Transparency pheromone? This is the power of [Excalibur Transparency]. The ability to make the blade transparent. But if he doesn't change the direction of his killing intent, even if I can't see the blade...

*clin!* *clin!* *clin!* *clin!*

The transparent sword and my sword made sparks. I was parrying all of his attacks.

"Yes. Keep him there like that." Xenovia suddenly intruded. She held the Holy Sword in her left hand, and put her right hand in the air. She started to chant something "Saint Peter. Saint Basil the Great. Saint Denis. Holy-mother Mary. Please hear my voice."

What was she trying to do? I was in doubt, but the space in front of me got distorted. Xenovia put her hand in the middle of the distorted space. She put her hand in, and pulled something right out of the dimensional gap. What appeared was a single sword that gave out a holy aura.

"In the names of the saints whom reside within this blade, I will release it, [Durandal]!"


"You were not the wielder of the [Excalibur]!?"

Not just Valper, even Kokabiel couldn't hide his astonishment.

Xenovia shook her head "Wrong. I was originally the wielder of [Durandal]. I was also chosen as the holder of the [Excalibur]. That's all." Xenovia made a stance with [Durandal]. 2-sword style along with the [Excalibur].

"Absurd! According to my research, we haven't reached the stage where someone can wield [Durandal]!?"

"Of course. Even in the Vatican, they haven't made someone who can wield [Durandal] artificially." Xenovia said it clearly to the shocked Valper.

"Then why!?"

"Unlike those common artificial [Holy Sword] wielders like Irina, I'm a natural born wielder."

So unlike us, she's a natural [Holy Sword] wielder.

"[Durandal] is a sword that ravages beyond what people can imagine. It cuts anything it touches. It doesn't even listen to me most of the time. That's why I have to keep it in another dimension, otherwise it would be dangerous. Even I, the holder, has a hard time with it. Now, Freed Zelzan. Thanks to you, we can have the decisive battle between [Excalibur] and [Durandal]. Right now, I'm shaking with enjoyment. Don't die in a single strike okay? At least use the [Excalibur] to its fullest!"

The blade of [Durandal] started to give out more holy-aura than the [Excalibur] Freed held. That aura! It had more power than my [Holy-Demonic Sword]!

"Is that even allowed!? It became a situation like this! You shitty bitch! I don't need any of that for this setting!" Freed shouted and moved his killing intent to Xenovia. I couldn't see with my eyes, but he probably slashed his transparent sword towards her.

With a single side slash, the [Excalibur] shattered. Because of the pressure given by the swing of [Durandal], there was a big hole in the school field "So it's just a broken [Holy Sword], huh. It can't even compete with my [Durandal]." Xenovia made a sigh while looking bored. What an incredible power. It can't even be compared with her [Excalibur Destruction].

"Are you serious!? Are you really serious!? The legendary [Excalibur]-chan is shattered into pieces!? Horrible! This is really horrible! Kaaaa! Was it wrong to use something that was broken from the start? The shallowness of humans. The foolishness of the Church. I want to grow up while taking a glimpse of it!" His killing intent became weak, and I went right at him! "Fuck this! I'm out!"

Freed attempted to flee from the fact his killing intent seemed to go further away, but he suddenly stopped "The fuck?!"

"You're not getting away, you piece of shit!" Kōjiro-kun shouted as he was holding out a hand covered in a reddish-brown fire, somehow holding Freed in place as I charged at him. I don't know what you're doing, Kōjiro-kun, but your assistance is appreciated!


He tried to block my [Holy-Demonic Sword] with the remnants of his [Excalibur] but... *break!* A shallow shattering sound echoed. The sound of the [Excalibur] crumbling "Did you see it? Our powers have surpassed [Excalibur]." I cut down Freed as soon as I shattered the [Excalibur]. He fell down while blood came out of the wound I made from his shoulder to the side of his stomach.

"Looks like you're successful, Kiba." Kōjiro-kun is smiling, I felt my heart skip a beat... For reasons I could only suspect. He then shot a look of respect at Xenovia. "And you did good, too, Quarta."

Kōjiro-kun then glared(or is it staring emotionlessly? It's hard to tell sometimes) up at the Fallen Angel Kokabiel... I can see the undying will of those eyes, ready to fight until his last breath against a being far more powerful than himself.

"Ho...[Holy-Demonic Sword]? Impossible... The polar opposite of two things cannot merge..."

Valper Galilei made a strong expression. That's right. It hasn't finished yet. As long as I don't defeat him, the tragedy will continue. We cannot allow other people to meet the same fate as us.

"Valper Galilei. Prepare yourself."

I pointed my [Holy-Demonic Sword] at him and tried to slash at him. Now my comrades. Let's finish it with this! Let's finish everything!

"...I see! I understand now! Holy and Demonic. It will be an explanation, if the beings that represent the two become unbalanced! Then not only the [Maō] but the God has also..."


A spear of light pierced through Valper's chest, who seemed like he realised something.

Valper went down after throwing a solid amount of blood. I went up to him to confirm his state. And he had already passed away.

"Valper, you were remarkable. The reason you went up to that conclusion proves that. But, I don't mind whether you are with me or not. I could have done it by myself from the beginning."

"Hahahaha... [KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!]" Kokabiel laughed loudly and landed on the ground. An overwhelming pressure. A former leader of the Fallen Angels finally stood in front of us while sending out an intense aura and confidence.

The only person unaffected was-

"Kōjiro!" Ichigo-san called out in shock as my silver-eyes friend approached Kokabiel without fear.

There was a powerful but emotionless look in his eyes with his katanas on his hands, which are covered by an azure coloured flame that seems to act like water. The [Cadre]-level Fallen Angel and Kōjiro stood far apart from one another, but the hatred between the 2 was incredibly apparent.

"So-" Kokabiel had only uttered 1 word before Kōjiro-kun had unleashed a large wave of that watery fire at Kokabiel. With a flick of his wrist, Kokabiel blocked the wave and redirected it towards the sky. But Kōjiro-kun didn't stop there, as he was already in front of Kokabiel with his blades in thrust attacks. Kokabiel was able to catch-


I heard a sudden sound of an explosion before I saw Kōjiro-kun's foot covered in that azure flame, buried in the area where the sun never shine... I didn't even saw the attack coming and I'm pretty sure that Kokabiel's face turned even paler if that even possible.

[GAAAAAAAAAAH!!!] Kokabiel screamed towards to the sky while clutching his crotch in pain before glaring at Kōjiro-kun with absolute hatred "Y-"

Just before he could finish a single word, Kōjiro-kun went to attack Kokabiel again with a scissor like fashion. The [Cadre] jumped back to evade the slash, but a massive of azure flame was fired just when Kōjiro-kun missed his initial strike that crashed against Kokabiel and sent him flying away.

...I can't help but feel a bit inferior compared to Kōjiro-kun in terms of swordsmanship, despite having fought with swords far longer than him and training under a legendary swords woman like Okita-sensei.


"Take this!"

Akeno-san and Buchou shot out a combination of lightning and [Power of Destruction] at Kokabiel, who was still clutching his crotch. But the attack dissipated with a single beat of Kokabiel's wings.

"Will you stand in my way!? The one who inherited her power from Baraqiel!?" He said in a VERY strained voice that I almost laughed, if it wasn't for the situation in hand.

"...Do not put me in the same group as him!"

Akeno-san widened her eyes and got enraged. She continued to use lightning and Buchou used her [Power of Destruction], but they were all deflected by Kokabiel's wings.

Barakiel is the leader of the Fallen Angels. A thunder user who has the alias Holy-Lightning. In terms of basic fighting ability, he is said to be on par with the Governor of the fallen-angels, Azazel.

"Barakiel-sama's daughter?"

"...So shocking..." Both Raynare-san and Kalawarner-san expressed immense surprise and shock at the fact that Baraqiel was Akeno-san's...

"For you to become a Devil! Hahaha! You have pleasant servants, Rias Gremory! [Sekiryuutei]! The left-over of the [Holy Sword Project] who reached [Balance Breaker]! And the daughter of Barakiel! You have weird tastes, just like your brother!"

"I won't forgive you for insulting my brother... Our [Maō]! More than that, the insults you made to my servants will require your life!"

Kokabiel laughed with his nose at Buchou's anger.

"Then try to destroy me! [Maō's] sister! The owner of the Welsh Dragon! [Crimson-hair Ruin Princess]! The one whom you are up against is someone who has been an arch-enemy of the Devils since a long time ago! If you don't see this as a chance, then your reputation will be looked down on!"

Kokabiel. I don't know how much my [Holy-Demonic Sword] can go against him, but I have to do it!

"We will attack at the same time... We have a better chance of getting him off guard that way." Kōjiro-kun said as he and Xenovia stood behind me. Kōjiro-kun still held a determination to fight... He fought by my side and supported me.

I blinked. I felt funny all of a sudden... No! No time to dwell on that now!

The 3 of us moved quickly, suddenly appearing in front of Kokabiel, intending to put an end to him. Kokabiel created [Light Swords] with his hands, *clin!* and blocked Xenovia's [Durandal] without much effort "Hmph! [Durandal] huh! Unlike the [Excalibur] that was already broken once, that light is the real thing! Buuuuut-!"

The air shook, and there was a buzzing in my ears. Kokabiel emitted an air wave from his other hand and made Xenovia's body float. Then Kokabiel kicked Xenovia's stomach "Gaa!" Xenovia flew back with an anguished cry.

Kokabiel blocking Kōjiro-kun's swords "It depends on the wielder. Girl! You still can't control [Durandal]! The previous wielder was someone who had unrivalled strength!" Kokabiel knocked Kōjiro-kun back, who vanished to avoid getting cut by the [Light Swords] the Fallen Angel is using. The Fallen Angel's wings moving to dismiss [Light Spears] that were being thrown by Kalawarner-san, Mittelt-chan and Raynare-san from behind him.

Xenovia adjusted her stance in the air and landed on the ground. She then went on slashing towards him once again. I also continued slashing towards him at the same time! "Kokabiel! I will eliminate you with my [Holy-Demonic Sword]! I'm not allowed to lose anyone any more!"

"Ho! Attacks at the same time from a [Holy Sword] and a [Holy-Demonic Sword]! Interesting! Good indeed! Come! You can't defeat me unless you do that much!" Kokabiel continued using his own [Light Swords] to block our attacks. In terms of swordskills, Kokabiel was above us!


"Here we go!"

"Don't forget us!"

Koneko-chan, Leone-san and Irina with her [Excalibur Mimic] attacked him from behind.


His black wings turned into sharp blades and tried to slash at them, only to miss hitting them as they suddenly flew backwards. I was confused on what happened before I saw Kōjiro-kun sudden appear in front of Kokabiel and went to attack his neck-


Xenovia, Kōjiro-kun and I were helpless against the shockwave created by Kokabiel's body which sent us flying. I somehow fixed my stance... But we were breathing hard.

...We can't win. That's what went through my mind. The power difference between us is absolute. Even though I reached [Balance Breaker], there was still this much difference. A former leader of the Fallen Angels, he's this strong!? No! I have to put that thought aside! We have to win! We can't survive unless we win! I will win and live on!

"Kokabiel! It's not over yet!" I declared before I went forward, slashing towards him with no flaws!

"Hahaha! You still come at me? All right! Come!"

"[Holy-Demonic Sword]."


I surrounded the Fallen Angel by making swords covered with holy and demonic aura. With this I made my opponent stuck in that position. The only thing left was to attack then!

"You think you've captured me with this?"

The 10 wings of Kokabiel, who was smirking, started to become like swords and began breaking the swords around with ease. Ku! It didn't work! I went forward slashing at him from the front. But the Fallen Angel didn't flinch at all, and he stopped my [Holy-Demonic Sword] with just 2 fingers!

"Is this it?" Kokabiel sighed. My [Holy-Demonic Sword] that had been stopped couldn't be moved at all! I created another [Holy-Demonic Sword] but that was also stopped with his other 2 fingers.

It's not over yet! I opened my mouth wide, and imagined to create a [Holy-Demonic Sword] around my mouth. The 3rd sword! I held the grip with my teeth, and moved my neck to the side roughly! It seemed like he didn't think of the 3rd strike. He let go of my swords and stepped back. Did he receive damage from that attack just then? When I checked Kokabiel, there was a single scratch on his cheek. There was a bit of blood coming out of it.

Even with that attack, I could only give him that much damage. So this was the power of one of the top echelons of Fallen Angels... Everyone(minus Kōjiro-kun, whose expression I can't read) here are making expressions of despair and breathed violently. Only Kokabiel who was at an advantage was smirking.

"But. Seeing that even after losing the masters you serve, you Devils and followers of God can still fight, huh?!"

Wh-what... What did he just say? Everyone here was shocked and couldn't believe what he just said. Even Kōjiro-kun had a look of confusion on his face.

"It's normal for you guys to not know about it. Who can say that God has died? Humans are an incomplete bunch. Without God, they cannot control their hearts and obey the laws, you know? Even us, the Fallen Angels, and Devils couldn't tell this to those below us. You won't know where the information about God will be leaked from. Even among the 3-powers, only the people at the top and certain people know about it. Though it seems Valper noticed it earlier."

...God didn't exist any more? No... That couldn't be... It was impossible... Then what did we believe in while living in that institute?

"After the War, what was left were the Angels who had lost their God, the Devils that lost their [Maōs] and the majority of High-class Devils and the Fallen Angels who lost most of the Fallen Angels apart from the leaders. So it wasn't a mere exhausted state. All of the factions fell so low, that they had to rely on humans to continue their generations. Especially the Angels and Fallen Angels that could only continue their generation by mating with humans."

"...Lie... It's a lie..." Xenovia began trembling with a panicked expression.

"No... No... It's a lie... It can't be true... It's a lie. Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie..." Irina probably had it the worst "You're lying... The Lord... He loves us... You're a liar... Heretic... Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lies..."

She fell to the ground, unable to use her legs any longer. The way Kokabiel spoke... There was no denying it... The God she had spent so much of her life believing in did not exist anymore.

"The truth is-"


I heard a sudden sound of an explosion before I saw Kokabiel getting thrown back *crash!* and slamming against the school building, making a large hole "Enough with the cliché villain speech, Kokabiel."

My eyes widen as I saw Kōjiro-kun, his body engulfed in flames with a look of annoyance on his face "I'll eliminate you, with my Dying Will!"

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