Abyss Auction II

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- a few minutes later -

"Welcome to the Abyss Auction!" A familiar voice greeted me the moment I entered the shop, and I didn't need to look at the source to know that the person who greeted has a smile on her face "How can I help you?"

"Hello Lily." I greeted the Irisviel look a like with a neutral expression "Is there anything special in sale?"

"Yup!" Was she instant replay before a pop-up window appeared right before my face.

(Abyss Auction):








Hmm... Now that I though about it, I didn't look at the other options. I didn't enter here for an entire to in order for the others to suddenly gain an interest on where I'm usually go. Let's go with Buy first.







Half Price

Oh? I didn't expect that Buy would have its own list for its items, not categories, but I guess that it just make things easier for [Player] to browse through their items. Since I don't have much money with me right now, I'll just check out Half Price for now.

Half Price:

Bounded Bow Spell Book

Water Dragon Slayer Lacrima

Way of the Hermit

Nightingale Armour

Nameless Class Card

Storm Fang

Arms of Sparta



...I was honestly expecting a lot for more the option, since I thought that there's probably a lot more stuff that isn't that useful but not necessarily useless. I already know most of the stuff here, the only ones that I'm not sure off are the Storm Fang and the Way of the Hermit. Storm Fang sounds more like a weapon, so I'll ignore that for the other thing, Way of the Hermit. There are a lot ability that are named with Hermit or Sage as its sometimes called, so this makes me curious on what it is.

[Way of the Hermit] - Active - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0%

Description: An ancient form of martial arts that utilises an energy identical to the sun's rays called Hamon, which the human body can produce through controlled breathing. The effect of producing ripples of energy propagating from the blood stream to the rest of the body and other objects in contact with it. Hamon manifests itself as electricity-like sparks, and it can be seen by ordinary humans.

Due to its identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, the Hamon's primary uses are to heal various wounds or ailments, and combat creatures such as Vampires, Devils or Zombies. Living organisms can be affected by Hamon attacks but are not automatically hurt by it.

- Techniques -

Hamon Breathing: Hamon users generates Hamon by through precise and controlled breathing, different from regular breathing. If a Hamon user can't breath or has lost a lot of blood, he/she can't generate any Hamon Energy.

Poison Removal: Hamon users can reject harmful substances inside of them by ejecting it from their bloodstream with the use of Hamon energy.

Healing: Due to Hamon having an identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, 1 of its primary uses is to heals wounds or sure illnesses. It can even treat a serious illness like gangrenous. But it has its limits, however, as it can't restore lost limbs, the user needs to keep physical contact with the patient to heal them and it won't work on beings that are weak to sunlight.

Slowing Aging Process: Constant exercising of Hamon can slow one's aging process, as Hamon breathing imbues the user with lifeforce. However the aging isn't completely stopped. As such, a 70-year-old Ripple Master will look 50, while a 50-year-old Ripple Master will look 30.

Cost: 1,000 money

...I am so buying this thing. Not only is Hamon my most favourite ability (besides Stands) from the JJBA series, its very versatile, effective against beings that are naturally weak to sunlight. Hamon hasn't reach its full potential, unlike the Spin that has the Super Spin (not including the Infinite Rotation). The only thing that's close to its full power being used is when Kars used it after he become the Ultimate Being, who showed the ability to generate Hamon with the heat comparable to the sun itself. I can deal with the need of having prefect breathing, which I can improve by doing physical exercises like prolonged swimming or continue training by fighting against the monsters in the [Instant Dungeon].


You have gain the Skill Book, [Way of the Hermit]!

I'll check out the Water Dragon Slayer Lacrima as well since water works very well with Hamon. I just hope that my money would be enough to buy it the Lacrima.

[Water Dragon Slayer Lacrima] - Rank: N/A - Durability: 100/100 -

Description: A rare and extremely expensive Lacrima that gives individuals artificial Dragon Slayer Magic when implanted, with people using it are known as Second Generation Dragon Slayers.

Dragon Slayer Magic: A type of Lost Magic which allows its users to transform their physical bodies into a Dragon. As a result, the user can transform their body with features of their respective element, utilising both offensive and defensive styles.

- Techniques -

Element Consumption: Like Dragons, Dragon Slayers can consume large amount of their respective element in order to replenish their own magical reserves and possibly maje them stronger. However, Dragon Slayers cannot consume the element that they produce themselves, and elements must be consumed through the mouth. As the Water Dragon Slayer, the element is water with the possibility of being able to consume ice or intake vapour as they're just different forms of water.

Elemental Attack Immunity: A Dragon Slayer is immune to the effects of their own element. As the Water Dragon Slayer, water attacks are nothing more but rain pouring down on you and possibly ice attacks as well since it's just a solidified form of water.

Dragon's Roar: Like Dragons, Dragon Slayers can incorporating their respective element into a massive breath attack. As the Water Dragon Slayer, the breath attack is in the form of a stream of high pressure water that crushes everything in its path.

Dragon Force: The final, ultimate state that a Dragon Slayer can attain. When one enters Dragon Force, their skin becomes scaly like an actual Dragon's. In order to enter this state, a Dragon Slayer must either consume a special type of their respective element or after some training which allows them to enter Dragon Force freely.

Cost: 5,000 money

Looks like this item is out of my reach for now. Well, I hope that it stays in Half Price for a while until I can get the right amount of money for it. Now for Exchange.


The Exchange option allows you to gain a new Skills by selling 1 of the current Skills that you have.


[Senpū Tetsuzan-ken] - Passive - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0%

Description: The martial art of Bomb from One Punch Man. This martial art style involves a powerful hand or feet rotation technique to create a razor sharp whirlwind pressure that chops the opponent into tiny pieces by flexing the fighter's hands differently, making a parallel to real life martial arts like Leopard Kung Fu and Southern Dragon Kung Fu.

Price: [Ryūsui Gansai-Ken] skill

[Mana Burst (Flames)] - Rank: E - Active - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Variable

Description: A version of Mana Burst that infuses weapons with Magical Energy that imparts a flame effect. Power output and control improve as skill rank up.

Price: [Mana Burst] skill

[Mana Burst (Lightning)] - Rank: E - Active - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Variable

Description: A version of Mana Burst that infuses weapons with Magical Energy that imparts a lightning effect. Power output and control improve as skill rank up.

Price: [Mana Burst] skill

[Mana Burst (Water)] - Rank: E - Active - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Variable

Description: A version of Mana Burst. Unlike the other variants, it can't enhance weapons but instead unleashes a high pressure stream of water. Power output and control improve as skill rank up.

Price: [Mana Burst] skill

[Mana Defense] - Rank: E - Active - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Variable

Description: A Skill of the same type as 'Mana Burst', where magical power is translated directly into defensive power. When it reaches a certain Rank, it can become a sacred wall that protects a whole country. Power output and control improve as skill rank up.

Price: [Mana Burst] skill

...I didn't expect that most of them would be variants of the original [Mana Burst]. I'm a bit conflicted here, since I've been rather used to [Mana Burst], yet [Mana Burst (Water)] is rather tempting as it sounds like it could work well with Hamon. Well, I may never know if I don't check it out.

Hmm... I wonder if it's possible for me to relearn an old Skill? If possible, then I can have 2 versions of [Mana Burst] in my disposal. It would be a good thing as my enemies would think that I'm simply a Magician that only knows basic water magic. I'll take it, as I got nothing to lose here anyways.


You have gain [Mana Burst (Water)] at the cost of [Mana Burst]!

I felt a strange sensation at the same time when the pop-up window informed me of the change. It feels like something was lost before getting replaced by something similar, yet different at the same time. So is this is what it feels like to have 1 of your Skills replaced? It's a strange but not unpleasant. Now that's all said and done, next is Upgrades.


The Upgrades option allows you to change the current [Skills] that you have into a much more powerful version of it. Upgrading a [Skills] will have different requirements for it to change, ranging from maxing the [Skill]'s LvL or paying a massive price for it.


[Kōga Ryūsatsu-Ken] - Passive - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0%

Description: A martial arts that combines both Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist and Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist.

Cost: [Senpū Tetsuzan-Ken], [Ryūsui Gansai-Ken] and 10,000 money

[Kaigai Shinsatsu-Ken] - Passive - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0%

Description: Awakened Garou's personal fighting style from One Punch Man. It's a combination of various fighting styles, allowing for the fighter to suddenly which a style or combine 2 of them while the flaws of 1 of the styles are negated by another.

Cost: 12 or more different styles of Martial Arts

[Independent Manifestation] - Rank: C - Passive -

Description: A special Skill that permits unsupported manifestation into reality, without necessity of energy cost or of summoning by a Master; effectively, the Skill serves as an enhanced version of [Independent Action]. The skillholder is given resistance against instant death and time manipulation attacks.

Cost: [Rank: A Independent Action] and 15,000 money

So I can only up 3 Skills? I honestly thought that the other Skills like the [Gamer's Mind] would have enhanced versions or an even better version of [Reinforcement] since simply enhancing the power of an object isn't enough to help in the future. But looks like I can't upgrade any of the Skills that I currently possess since I don't have any cost requirements right now. Now for the second to the last pick, Slaves.


The Slaves option allows you to buy a being that would follow your command with each having different abilities, specialties and levels depending on who you pick. There are some Slaves that are rebellious, however, and it's because of their personality, nature or simply too powerful for you to control.











So Slaves has multiple categories? I honestly expected this since there are various types of beings through creation that a single list would take too long to read through, plus it's much easier to look through a certain type. Well, I'll through Beastman since I might find a loyal companion in a form of a dog.











...This is insteresting, I didn't expect that someone would have the same name as Atanyata. I wonder if this 'Atalanta' is just like most of the members in the Khaos Brigade, a descendant of the original Atanyata, which is probably unlikely as she swore chastity to the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Artemis.

Talking a look at the slave's picture, I grew a bit more curious towards her as she looks so much like a child version of Alterlanta from Type-Moon, but her hair looks more untamed like it hasn't been wash or brushed in years and she has a blank expression on her face. That's the kind of expression that a person would have when they're broken inside as they've have lost someone important to her.

Name: Atalanta

LvL: 14

HP: 150

MP: 107

Type: Beastman

Subtype: Werecat

Note: A Werecat that was captured in a young age. Because she wasn't educated well enough before her capture, she acts more like a wild animal then a young girl. She can do manual labour willingly, like fighting for her master, but she needs to be trained properly for that to happen.

Cost: 200 money

...As much as my curiosity wants to buy her, I can't get her right now. Not only is it suspicious that I'm suddenly own a Werecat after getting out of this shop (which is just a normal shop to the eyes of others), but the Devils in Kuoh, especially Tōjō, would be more suspicious of me.

But the real questionis, is it worth getting a slave? I know that I'll become stronger in due time, and if I'm strong enough that I wouldn't need the power boost from the [Class Cards] most of the time in casual fights, then getting a slave is no different from buying a hamster in a pet store. Nothing more but a pet to keep yourself from getting bored by taking care of it.

Aftering thinking about the pros and cons of getting a slave in my current power and situation, I decided not to buy Atalanta. I'm not going to bother with the Auction option since I'm pretty sure that the items there are very pricy in it that it'll take a run of long in the [Instant Dungeon] that has the hardest enemies to even let me buy the cheapest item in there.

Well, I'll just leave after integrating my new Skill Book since I got nothing else to do here. Taking out the Skill Boom out off my Inventory, a pop-up window sudden appeared before me.


You have acquired a Skill Book! Would you like to learn [Way of the Hermit]?

Yes | No

I picked Yes without hesitation, which caused the book in my hand just turns to dust and a rush of info came in crashing into my brain but the headache was as bad as when I picked Yes for the [Ryūsui Gansai-Ken]. Unless last time, I mentally prepared myself for it and so it doesn't hurt that much.


You have acquired a new Skill from a Skill Book!

[Way of the Hermit] - Active - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0%

Description: An ancient form of martial arts that utilises an energy identical to the sun's rays called Hamon, which the human body can produce through controlled breathing. The effect of producing ripples of energy propagating from the blood stream to the rest of the body and other objects in contact with it. Hamon manifests itself as electricity-like sparks, and it can be seen by ordinary humans.

Due to its identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, the Hamon's primary uses are to heal various wounds or ailments, and combat creatures such as Vampires, Devils or Zombies. Living organisms can be affected by Hamon attacks but are not automatically hurt by it. Hamon users can reject harmful substances inside of them by ejecting it from their bloodstream with the use of Hamon energy.

- Techniques -

Hamon Breathing: Hamon users generates Hamon by through precise and controlled breathing, different from regular breathing. If a Hamon user can't breath or has lost a lot of blood, he/she can't generate any Hamon Energy.

Poison Removal: Hamon users can reject harmful substances inside of them by ejecting it from their bloodstream with the use of Hamon energy.

Healing: Due to Hamon having an identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, 1 of its primary uses is to heals wounds or sure illnesses. It can even treat a serious illness like gangrenous. But it has its limits, however, as it can't restore lost limbs, the user needs to keep physical contact with the patient to heal them and it won't work on beings that are weak to sunlight.

Slowing Aging Process: Constant exercising of the Ripple can slow one's aging process, as Ripple breathing imbues the user with lifeforce. However the aging isn't completely stopped. As such, a 70-year-old Ripple Master will look 50, while a 50-year-old Ripple Master will look 30.

I nodded while closing the window before taking a deep breath in certain way, feeling a sensation of energy slowly build up within myself. Taking a look at my hand, I can see golden coloured sparks make a few appearances, mostly from the palm of my hands. After forming a makeshift cup out of my hands, I willed a small amount of water to appear in the cup through [Mana Burst (Water)]. Even before the water was able to fill the hands completely, there are unnatural ripples waving through the surface.

Looks like even water produced by magic still conducts Hamon like regular water. That's good to know, since I can combine attacks that'll have a lot more kick. I'll just have to find out if I can relearn the original [Mana Burst] later when I return back home.

After getting rid of the Hamon charged water and selling some useless stuff in my Inventory, I left the Abyss Auction and began to head towards Kuoh Academy... Now then, time to meet up and 'talk' with a certain someone.

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